Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 250 Conjecture and Absence

After another period of discussion, Zheng Shu finally determined that Heracross's strength had indeed increased by a small amount. Although it could not keep up with the increase in strength brought by his three additional enhanced templates, it was not bad.

Zheng Shu was not sure why Heracross had improved his strength, but the new enhanced template that could be obtained from him had definitely changed.

Generally speaking, if the sample of the enhanced template simply changes his own strength, Zheng Shu cannot obtain a new enhanced template from the opponent.

Regardless of whether that person has improved his strength through hard training, or suffered some accidents that caused his body to become paralyzed and lost his ability to fight, as long as Zheng Shu has obtained the opponent's strengthening template before, he will not be able to obtain a new strengthening template.

The only way to get a new enhanced template from the same person is if that person breaks through his own limits for some reason, such as Chu Zihang who used the violent blood technique.

Although Zheng Shu didn't know the reason that caused Hercules's change, he was basically sure that it was directly related to the Twelve Trials. In this way, his evaluation of Hercules' strength will be improved a few levels.

You must know that this is only the first trial. It is just a little troublesome for Hercules but not particularly difficult.

Even if all subsequent trials only improve according to this range, Heracles' strength will undergo earth-shaking changes after completing twelve trials.


Zheng Shu crossed his hands to block a kick from Hercules in the front. The magic powers on both sides collided and offset each other, while the pure power was transmitted from Zheng Shu's body to the earth under his feet.

However, unlike the situation at the beginning of the battle, the ground only shook slightly after Zheng Shu transmitted his power to the earth. Except for the slight snapping sound of the roots of the trees closest to Zheng Shu, the trees more than ten meters away were basically just the top leaves shaking.

In contrast, the scope of the aftermath this time is extremely broad, and can even reach hundreds of meters away.

This is the first time Zheng Shu has used such a force-relieving technique in the Xingyue world. It imitates the same type of power control technique he used when using Xia Mi's enhanced template in the dragon world.

Compared with the dragon world where he could easily deal with various attacks with the help of the power of the king of earth and mountains, Zheng Shu seemed much miserable after he came to the Xingyue world.

In many cases, he can only choose to bear the same attack forcefully, because although he still remembers the method of using unloading techniques in the dragon world, after losing the assistance of power, his physical fitness and brain function have deteriorated. The computing power cannot support him to perform such delicate operations.

What's more, although they both look like humans, the dragon world and the moon world are subtly different in the underlying composition of biological cells and the transmission rules of power.

This also leads to the same force-releasing and force-releasing skills. Zheng Shu has a 100% effect in the dragon world, and it would be good to have a 10% effect in the Xingyue world.

So after coming to the Xingyue world for such a long time, Zheng Shu didn't show much power-using skills at all in his battles.

Not to mention letting the opponent's muscles attack themselves through contact, this high-end technique, even the most basic force-releasing and force-generating techniques are not used well.

Such a performance is simply unbelievable to a person like Zheng Shu who has controlled the power of the King of Earth and Mountain in the dragon world for several years.

After all, according to the prehistoric theory, Zheng Shu's time in the dragon world is equivalent to being immersed in the path of "power" for several years.

When it comes to skills, even reaching the top level is just "entering the Tao with X". However, Zheng Shu directly entered the top level through cheating in the dragon world. Upgrade from bottom to top is difficult, but compatibility from top to bottom is very simple.

Under the influence of the "power", after such a long time, even a pig, let alone an ordinary person, has become a martial arts master.

...It turns out that Zheng Shu's performance in the Xingyue World is really inferior to that of a pig.

Among them, the biggest reason is naturally the slight difference in the laws of the world.

After all, even the "Tao" is different, and the various techniques extended from the "Tao" will naturally become ineffective. The only advantage is that even if it is wrong in this world, "Tao" is still "Tao" after all. Zheng Shu's starting point is much higher than many people at the beginning.

After finding out the slight differences between the two worlds, Zheng Shu can use his experience in the previous world to figure out some techniques suitable for use in this world.

Of course, because the rules of the two worlds are not the same, Zheng Shu borrowing the experience of the previous world can only make his skills in this world reach the level of "extraordinary to the holy" or "skills beyond the Tao".

...Although this evaluation is already very high for most people.

"Amazing!" Hercules slowly retracted his legs, his eyes showing surprise, "You actually have this level of skills."

As the top expert among human beings, he can naturally appreciate how profound Zheng Shu's force-relieving skills were. It is no exaggeration to say that if we only look at unarmed combat, there are no people with such skills among the same level. Basically invincible from the start.

"It's not bad..." Zheng Shu flicked his wrist, feeling his hands were a little numb.

After strengthening the power of Heracross and the defense of the lion, Zheng Shu's physical fitness finally reached a level where he could use this technique.

However, because the laws of this world are still unclear, there are many flaws in this technique, so that during the process of using the unloading force, most of the force is still completely carried by the arms.

With Hercules's physical fitness, he only felt his hands were slightly numb after receiving a full-strength kick from the opponent, which was considered a result of strong enough defense.

But even if there were too many flaws, Zheng Shu was still very happy. After all, there were flaws that could be corrected. This could be regarded as a breakthrough from 0 to 1. With this experience, I can copy the various techniques that I have used in the dragon world with the help of the dragon king's power.

"Sure enough, agreeing to Heracross's competition was a very correct choice." Zheng Shu silently gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

Hercules did not continue to attack after the kick just now. The two have been sparring for nearly an hour, from being slightly reserved at the beginning to going all out now. If the fight continues, it will not be a sparring but a life and death battle. , so both of them stopped in perfect agreement.

"It's really incredible, little brother Zheng Shu. I didn't expect you to be so strong. This is the first time in your life that someone has been able to fight me to this point." Hercules smiled boldly and patted Zheng Shu. Akebono's shoulders.

The terrifying power even caused Zheng Shu's feet to sink into the soil. If this power had hit Zheng Shu before using the enhanced template, he would have been able to eat.

It seems that after knowing Zheng Shu's physical fitness, Hercules also let go of his own strength and no longer became restrained.

Expresslessly taking a step to the side to pull his feet out of the soil, Zheng Shu looked at Hercules and shook his head: "Forget it, although my physical fitness is a little better than yours now, but He is completely inferior in terms of fighting skills, and you haven’t even used a weapon yet.”

As he said that, Zheng Shu frowned involuntarily.

In the dragon world before, he could clearly see the flow of power on the opponent's body with his power, and then he could see the flaws in the opponent's moves during the battle, so he didn't need much fighting skills.

After coming to the Xingyue world, Zheng Shu could no longer see the flaws in the opponent's moves as clearly as before because of the different laws of the world and the lack of powerful assistance.

But relying on the experience of the previous world, he was also able to play with the applause of those heroes and beasts who fought wildly and had no skills at all.

However, this advantage is only limited to those mindless beasts and low-level heroes. Facing an existence of Hercules' level, Zheng Shu's shortcomings in fighting skills are fully exposed.

From the previous discussions, it was clear that he had the upper hand in terms of physical fitness, and had stronger force-generating and force-removing techniques to increase his destructive power and defense, but in the actual battle, he was always suppressed by Hercules. beat.

Zheng Shu felt that all his movements were seen by the opponent. Hercules had already planned every move he made. On the contrary, every punch of Hercules would be hit in a place that he did not expect at all. For His grasp of combat distance was even worse than his own.

This is still Zheng Shu's best hand-to-hand combat. If both sides use weapons, Zheng Shu suspects that with his only skill of mad dog stick (swinging randomly), he will be defeated by Hercules' big sword in less than two moves. Cut down to the ground.

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have been so promiscuous in the dragon world. It would have been better if I had just taken a few more fighting lessons at Kassel Academy..." Zheng Shu gritted his teeth secretly, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

After knowing his ability to travel through time, Zheng Shu already understood that "knowledge" is the greatest wealth he can obtain in every world.

That's why he was so eager to study alchemy and various science and technology in the previous world. But obviously, reality slapped Zheng Shu in the face and told him that his knowledge of knowledge was too narrow.

"Your situation is indeed a bit strange." Hercules scratched his head. During the discussion, he also discovered Zheng Shu's current problem, "It stands to reason that your force-generating skills are impeccable, and even to a certain extent, To say you are much better than me means that you have at least undergone rigorous training. However, your fighting skills are too poor. Both your posture and footsteps are not mature enough. It is hard to imagine how you got into this situation. "

What Hercules said was quite serious. If Zheng Shu was a more narrow-minded person, he might even hold a grudge because of his words.

However, fighting is a conversation that transcends language. Everyone's character and will will be exposed in a battle that cannot be considered quickly. For warriors, fisting is a more suitable method than talking. That's why Hercules spoke so directly after this discussion, because he sincerely considered the problem for Zheng Shu.

After thinking for a long time, Hercules sighed helplessly: "Oh! If possible, I can help you train in fighting skills, but for some reasons, I don't have much time now... But if If you are willing to wait, I can help you train in a few years."

Zheng Shu also sighed helplessly along with Hercules. Of course he knew what the other party was talking about.

After discovering that Hercules' strength had increased abnormally, Zheng Shu had understood that the world of Xingyue was different from the real ancient Greek mythology after all.

In orthodox ancient Greek mythology, the Twelve Trials were a method of killing with a borrowed knife proposed by Hera in order to get rid of Hercules. But in the world of Xingyue, judging from the relevant information obtained in previous lives, the so-called twelve trials should be tests set up by the Olympus gods in the Age of Gods to cultivate strong enough human heroes.

Although each hero selected by the twelve main gods may be tested differently, their purpose is the same - to cope with the upcoming various disasters including the Gigantes War, and Cultivate the strength that can help humanity overcome difficult times.

Therefore, Heracles must not be hindered by others during the twelve trials.

"There is a way to do this. Although I don't know the specific situation, I can tell from your appearance that this matter should not be easy." Zheng Shu also patted Hercules on the shoulder, and secretly increased his retaliation. Power, "If there is a need, you can contact me at any time. My power should be able to help you."

Hercules grinned, pulled out his foot that was stuck in the ground close to his ankle, and patted Zheng Shu on the shoulder with his backhand: "Thank you for your kindness, but this matter I need to handle this on my own.”

"Okay then, before you have time, I'll look for someone willing to teach me." Zheng Shu calmly pulled out his legs that had sunk into the ground close to his knees.

But having said that, Zheng Shu couldn't think of anyone else in the entire ancient Greek mythology who could help him train his fighting skills.

After all, even in modern times, it costs a huge price to learn the kung fu that can truly be used against one's body. The more personal martial arts flourish in the world, the more precious things like combat skills that can improve combat effectiveness are.

Without access, no matter how much money you spend, you won't be able to learn anything truly useful.

"Well... if you put it that way, I seem to have a better candidate." Hercules suddenly touched his chin.

(PS: More updates today)

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