Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 226 Light cannon is a special feature of Xingyue

After Zheng Shu recovered from his injuries, the beetle leader also reintegrated the insect swarm and sent out disturbing sound waves again.

Fortunately, this time Zheng Shu had healed his injuries in advance. Although he was still very uncomfortable under the interference of sound waves, he was no longer in the same miserable state as before.

"Kaka...ka!" Suddenly suffering such serious damage, the beetle leader became obviously extremely angry, and even the sound of the carapace rubbing became sharper.

However, although it was extremely angry, it was still not carried away by such irrelevant emotions, and the beetle leader still followed the previous tactics. Let the insect swarm release insect sounds to continuously suppress Zheng Shu, and send a small number of insects to attack to prevent Zheng Shu from using the force-strengthening fighting method just now, and it itself has to hide aside and be ready at all times. If there is any chance, it will attack Zheng Shu. There will be another sudden attack.

"Bah! Don't think I'm afraid of you!" Zheng Shu spit out bloodshot saliva, picked up the mace, and rushed towards the swarm of insects.

He had recognized the opponent's tactics, but there was really nothing he could do. He could only drag the battlefield to a place with dense insect swarms as much as possible, trying to destroy the resonance between the insect swarms as much as possible and reduce the impact of the insect buzzing on him.


Facing Zheng Shu's attacking swarm, the reaction of the insect swarms was also very sharp. Immediately, many black beetles opened their mouthparts and sprayed out some miserable green liquid with a fishy smell.

Zheng Shu just glanced at it without any intention of avoiding it, and rushed directly into the swarm of insects carrying the smelly liquid.

As soon as the liquid touched Zheng Shu's body, plumes of white smoke immediately emitted. However, for the dragon scales on Zheng Shu's body, these highly corrosive liquids only made the surface of the scales a little stained. In general, the corrosive effect of these liquids is not as great as the impact of their own odor on Zheng Shu's olfactory system.

However, with this round of liquid obstruction, the insect swarm had time to spread out its too dense formation, making Zheng Shu unable to use the techniques he had just learned before, and could only return to the original one. fighting style.

I saw a cyan figure running through the insect swarm without any scruples, easily dodging the attacks from the surrounding beetles, and counterattacking from time to time, the beetles that were hit turned into broken limbs that exploded on the ground.

However, as time went by, the bugs that were hunting everywhere began to return after receiving the news that their nests were attacked, so the originally green land was soon covered by the black tide, and the entire world was completely wrapped by the black swarm of bugs. No other colors are visible.

In this black sphere surrounded by swarms of insects, Zheng Shu rushed left and right with a mace. The dim light flickering on the mace constantly cut through the black curtain, revealing the original color of the outside world.

However, the gap created by Zheng Shu would be filled in the blink of an eye by the surrounding black beetles. The swarm of insects that covered the sky seemed endless. Originally, Zheng Shu had consumed a lot of energy due to multiple uses of high-speed healing and a voice spirit. Zheng Shu gradually The ground also began to feel tired.



Raising his hand to knock a black beetle that was trying to attack him into pieces, Zheng Shu pulled out a black arthropod inserted into his shoulder, gasping for air regardless of the blood flowing on his shoulder.

His breathing had begun to quicken a few minutes ago, his body felt obviously weak, and even his high-speed healing speed had begun to slow down.

As the number of insects increased, the suppressive force of their chirping became stronger and stronger. Coupled with the decrease in his own healing speed, Zheng Shu's injuries also began to accumulate, making his condition further deteriorated.

Seeing that he was now trapped in a vicious cycle, and that the surrounding insect swarms still seemed boundless and undiminished after being killed so many times, Zheng Shu grinned helplessly:

"It seems that we can't handle this matter without spending some money. Since you don't follow martial ethics, don't blame me for cheating."

Looking at the few bugs that had gathered around him again, Zheng Shu clenched his mace with both hands and chanted the majestic dragon text again.

With the blessing of three generations of race-level blood, Zheng Shu compressed the dragon text that originally took several minutes to less than three bytes.


Hearing the familiar dragon text, the beetle leader who had already suffered a loss hid in the insect swarm and rubbed his carapace a few times. After hearing its order, he slightly dispersed the airtight insect swarm in the sky. A little, even revealing the blocked sunlight in the sky.

Zheng Shu didn't pay attention to the movements of the swarm of insects, and still used his word spirit. Before several insects were about to touch him, he finally completed all preparations. A large amount of crimson light gathered on the mace, like a The sun is about to explode.


Terrifying crimson flames soared into the sky from the mace, and the thick beam of light instantly rushed to a height of 100 meters. Whether it was the insects around Zheng Shu or the insects high in the sky that were touched by the light beam, they were all moving with terrifying power. It turned into ashes silently.

Holding the mace in both hands, Zheng Shu looked like he was holding this hundred-meter-long flame beam. Facing the dense swarm of insects in front of him, he just made a downward slashing motion as always.

The hundred-meter-long flame beam moved with his movements, and the torrent of flames penetrated everything. All insects that dared to stand in front of the flames were burned to ashes in an instant.

After the flame beam exhausted its power and disappeared, a huge crack appeared between the sky and the earth that was originally shrouded by the black tide. Even if the surrounding beetles desperately went to fill it, they could not heal it in a short time.

In the center of this crack, Zheng Shu staggered slightly. The force of that blow just now was indeed strong enough, but the price was that almost all his physical strength was consumed.

"Aha... As we all know... the light cannon is a special feature of Xingyue, you have to try it." Zheng Shu leaned on the mace and panted violently.

Facing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the beetle leader who had escaped the attack in the swarm flapped its shell, and its translucent wings spread rapidly. With the high-frequency vibration of its wings, it turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.


With a harsh buzzing sound, the Beetle Commander pounced on Zheng Shu like a flying cockroach.

Facing this fatal attack, Zheng Shu, who was already exhausted, showed a proud smile.

"Panel, self-strengthening, 1% collection progress, fast!"

[Instruction received. 】

[Consume 1% of the influence factor to strengthen the body]

[The influence factor has been consumed, body strengthening begins]

Progress: 351.13%→350.13%

Green light bloomed from Zheng Shu's chest and enveloped him in an instant.

As soon as the green light appeared, Zheng Shu felt that his nearly exhausted body immediately regained its vitality. Not only the physical strength and the energy stored in the body, but also the small scars on the body that had not been repaired by high-speed healing were completely restored.

However, this kind of recovery is not like infusing energy from the outside world, but it feels like returning the state of one's body to a certain point in time.

According to Zheng Shu's experience, after restoring his condition to the best, the next step should be to strengthen his body.

However, Zheng Shu didn't wait until the green light completely enveloped him into an egg shape. He picked up the mace next to him and rushed towards the beetle leader.

Skillfully controlling the word spirit, the mace once again accumulated powerful power visible to the naked eye. Because Zheng Shu was in better shape this time than before, the power he released far exceeded the previous two times.

The surrounding air was constantly trembling due to the terrifying power fluctuations, and a crimson brilliance slowly bloomed on the mace. The indestructible and destructive light wrapped around the mace and spread, showing a beautiful and moving gorgeous posture.

The huge body of the beetle leader paused for a moment, because it felt a trace of death fear from the mace in Zheng Shu's hand.

However, the spirit of the insect swarm's common connection made it analyze it instantly. Judging from the performance just now, this blow could not be avoided at its current distance, so the madness deep in its instinct drove it to move towards Zheng even faster. Shu pounced - it didn't matter even if he died, as long as he could cause maximum damage to the food in front of him, he could let the mother worm eat the food that was enough for the entire group to evolve.

Connected by the insect swarm's spiritual network, although the intelligence of the beetle leader is much higher than that of ordinary humans, it is still essentially a member of the insect swarm, and everything it does is for the continuous evolution of the insect swarm. .

The surrounding insects also felt the will of the beetle leader in the spiritual network, and the intensity of the resonant insect chirping in the surroundings rose to a higher level again. Countless beetles did not hesitate to destroy their own wings, but also wanted to provide their leader with an opportunity to attack. .

The surging sound waves turned into real power. Accompanied by the high-pitched insect chirping that penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks, the beetle leader's huge body was like a meteor streaking across the sky, carrying endless power and smashing towards Zheng Shu.

Facing such a violent attack from the enemy, Zheng Shu had no idea of ​​evasion. He just narrowed his eyes, locked the opponent's head with his gaze, and then accurately smashed the mace with extreme energy.


Different from the previous huge roar in the air, this time the attack between the two did not cause any waves. The crimson light flashed away and accurately hit the horn on the beetle leader's head.

Blessed by the extremely condensed crimson energy, the mace broke through the beetle leader's protection in an instant and quickly sank into the dark carapace.

The half-meter-thick carapace did not bring any protection at all. After coming into contact with the mace emitting red light, it was like butter meeting a hot knife, melting silently, exposing the fragile organs to the Under the red light of destruction.


The restrained crimson energy could no longer be condensed into a compressed form, blooming with dazzling light, releasing the most terrifying power inside the body of the beetle leader.

As if two meteors collided, a spherical shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across the earth.

The bursting air wave rushed towards his face. Zheng Shu, who had just released his ultimate move and had no time to recover, could not make any resistance and could only let the force of the counterattack blow him away.

The blue scales on his body vibrated rapidly, trying to help him relieve the terrifying power transmitted to his body. Zheng Shu was like a green cannonball that was shot away. The strong dragon scales smashed the beetles along the way, and blasted straight into the earth hundreds of meters away, blasting a radioactive crater several meters deep.


When the dust cleared, Zheng Shu stood up with difficulty using his mace. There were countless wounds on his body, some of which were punctured with broken limbs, which were caused by beetles that were smashed along the way. The traces he left behind.

The biggest wound on his body was a huge scar on his chest and abdomen. The horrific injury almost split his entire body in half diagonally from the middle. Even the bone armor composed of extremely hard keel bones was also damaged. It was completely torn into pieces, and even the heart was cut open with a large wound. If the wound were deeper, Zheng Shu's whole body would be split in two.

This was the last trace left by the beetle leader with his remaining big turtle when he struck a fatal blow.

However, compared to the damage suffered by the beetle commander in the distance, Zheng Shu's injuries were nothing at all.

The body, which was six to seven meters long and two to three meters high, looked particularly miserable at this time. The beetle leader's head seemed to have been chewed by some monster in the center, revealing a terrifying and hideous gap.

At the fracture, the twitching muscles and organs were exposed to the air, and blue-green blood mixed with thick body fluids, dripping like a waterfall along with the green smoke evaporating due to the high temperature.

Looking up along the gap, the beetle leader's thick body was split in two along the center line, and a huge opening was blown out of the living thing. It could only be barely connected by relying on a little carapace on the abdomen. Various yellow-white organs fell off the wall, mixed with mucus and scattered all over the floor.

With such a horrific injury, even with the vitality of an insect, it would be impossible for him to survive.

"Buzz... buzz buzz!"

Without the coordination of the beetle leader, the resonant buzz of insects gradually dissipated. However, the insects surrounding Zheng Shu not only did not retreat, but continued to rush towards him.

"It's really troublesome. Don't these bugs have any concept of stopping losses?" Zheng Shu grinned.

The speech spirit just now was a blow in which he gathered most of his power and released it. Its power was so strong that even the mace in his hand as a carrier had traces of melting.

The terrifying-looking spikes on the top of the mace's head have all melted, and the originally smooth stick has become pitted. The magic inside may have been destroyed. Now instead of saying that what Zheng Shu is holding is a baseball bat, it is better to say that it is a metal mallet.

(PS: The addition is completed and some debts have been paid off.)

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