Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 227 The Ending (Transition Chapter)

Looking at the insects that were approaching, Zheng Shu picked up the mace that could be called a club.

Although the magic inside has been completely destroyed and the shape has become unsightly, it is made of high-quality magic metal. There is still not much change in sturdiness and weight. On such a battlefield, it is still Best choice.

Taking a deep breath, Zheng Shu reluctantly stood up. The speech spirit just now gathered all his strength in order to ensure a sure kill. Now he can't even heal the huge wound on his body.

Although due to the characteristics of the Dragon Clan, his heart is constantly producing new magic power, and his body is constantly absorbing magic power in the atmosphere to restore his physical strength, but this speed is too slow for Zheng Shu now.

"Alas... this is how the lower limit of human beings is broken through little by little." Zheng Shu sighed helplessly, and pulled out a light blue light from the depths of his consciousness, on which the results of Zheng Shu's instructions just now were displayed. .

[Physical enhancement has been completed. 】

During the previous battle, the panel had unknowingly strengthened Zheng Shu's body.

Except for some specific circumstances, Zheng Shu's strengthened body can retain consciousness in most cases. He could maintain consciousness when he was just an ordinary person, and his body can also perform limited operations within a certain range. Activity.

But now, Zheng Shu's body strength has reached enough to support him to fight when the inside of his body is undergoing drastic changes.

"You've already started cheating anyway, so it doesn't matter if you do more or less." Zheng Shu glanced at the bug in front of him, with a ferocious smile on his face, "Panel, if you strengthen the body again, it still consumes one percent. Collect progress!”

[Instruction received. 】

[Consume 1% of the influence factor to strengthen the body]

Progress: 350.13%→349.13%

Green light bloomed from Zheng Shu's chest again, and the horrific wounds on his body quickly closed, and he once again returned to his most powerful posture.

"Come! Let us continue fighting!"

Facing the swarm of insects rushing towards them like a tsunami, Zheng Shu raised his mace with a wild laugh and took the initiative to charge towards the enemy.

Facing Zheng Shu's momentum, the beetles silently surrounded him.

"Attention! There should be a battlefield ahead! A wizard has detected a large amount of magic reaction here. Everyone is ready for battle!"

At dusk, a group of people was advancing rapidly in the forest.

The various vines and branches in the jungle did not seem to cause any hindrance to them. Even if they were not riding any mounts, the speed of these people running in the jungle was still jaw-dropping.

They dress in different shapes, use strange weapons, and are generally incredibly strong. A few people who look relatively thin can also keep up with the movement speed of the team by virtue of their magical spells.

With such distinctive attire, one can tell at a glance that the identity of this group of people is exactly those "heroes" that are praised by others.

And leading the way among these heroes was Atalanta, who had left before.

At this time, she had already picked up another longbow and put on brand new leather armor. She was running quickly in the jungle with two barrels of bows and arrows that looked extremely thick.

Even among many heroes, Atalanta's speed is still second to none. Many times, in order to lead the team to the target location, she needs to stop and wait for the people behind to catch up before continuing.

Stopping on the treetop again and waiting for the people behind to catch up with her, Atalanta's heart was full of impatience, but she also knew that there was no point in running over by herself.

Atalanta was indeed very fast. A normal person would need to walk a distance of three days, but it only took her a few hours to reach the city.

The heroes behind her were invited by her after she ran to the city. Atalanta was lucky because banquets were being held in several nearby cities, so most of the heroes were gathered together.

Originally, this group of people would choose to fight with each other at the banquet to vent their excess energy. Now, as soon as they heard the news brought by Atalanta, everyone immediately picked up their weapons and rushed to the battlefield excitedly. It can be said that the group of people behind her is the strongest combat force that can be concentrated in the nearby area.

But Atalanta never thought that this group of heroes who sounded so famous in nearby cities looked so mixed. Just in a hurry, nearly half of them were lost in the jungle because they couldn't keep up with the team. among.

This level of strength made Atalanta have to worry about whether the insect swarm they saw would be useful if this group of people really encountered it.

But it's useless to think so much now. The only thing Atalanta thinks about now is that she hopes to go to the place where they discovered the insect nest as soon as possible.

It's been a day and hopefully the guy is still alive.

With this idea in mind, they finally arrived at the battlefield where Zheng Shu was.

However, the scene in front of them silenced everyone present.

In the blood-red light cast by the setting sun, thousands of corpses lay across this desolate land. Broken limbs, green slime, and burning wreckage, in the battlefield filled with smoke and stench, reflected the events of the battle just now. Tragic.

In the center of the battlefield, a figure was sitting alone among the wreckage. He was covered in scars and blood, and the wounds on his face almost split his head in two.

In his two hands, one hand held a rather rough-looking metal rod. The rod was covered with highly corrosive mucus, and its original appearance was now completely unrecognizable. The other hand was holding the horn of a beetle, with half of the insect's head still left on the horn. From the looks of it, this warrior should have wielded it as a war hammer at the last moment.

Around this figure, the earth has been completely broken. Broken limbs and carapace are piled up into a hill. The land covered with mucus is exuding wisps of white smoke.

When the wind blew across the battlefield, a fishy smell mixed with bitterness spread to the nostrils of everyone present. Because too many lives died in a short period of time, under the atmosphere full of magic, some people with stronger perception ability People can even hear lingering wails.

It can be seen that an extremely tragic war must have broken out here.

Atalanta looked at the figure in the distance with some disbelief. Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and ran quickly towards the figure regardless of the surrounding land covered with highly corrosive mucus.

"This... is really a monster..." One of the leading heroes looked at this tragic scene with emotion. His muscles are second to none among this group of people, and he is over two meters tall. , the whole figure is as full of oppression as an iron tower. Even the weapon he uses is a huge battle ax with a very personal touch. The huge ax is even larger than the body of an ordinary person.

At this time, he looked at the figure in the distance, his tone full of regret: "That guy is quite capable, it's a pity to lose such a strong warrior."

"Stop talking, you barbarian. That guy is alive and well, and his vitality is even stronger than yours." Next to the strong man, a wizard who looked thinner and wrapped in a robe rolled his eyes. My boss's strength and character are pretty good, but his only shortcoming is that his perception is really poor, and he seems to be a little confused.

"Stronger than me?" The strong man touched his chin, curious, "That doesn't make sense. That guy doesn't look that strong. How can he have stronger vitality than me?"

Although they were separated by a long distance, with the eyesight of a strong man, he could still clearly see the specific appearance of the figure in the distance. In his opinion, not only did the other person look ordinary (meaning he had no beard), but his figure was also ordinary. Not that strong.

Of course, judging from the fact that the opponent can hold the insect's head as a war hammer, his physical fitness should not be very bad, but after all, it lacks a kind of impact.

The wizard knelt down and picked up a broken carapace, looked at it carefully, and handed it to the strong man next to him: "This guy may be stronger than you think. Look at the hardness of this thing and the defense of these beetles." It's much stronger than we expected. And judging from the size of the surrounding wreckage, the woman named Atalanta must have brought an individual who was not yet fully mature."

The strong man casually took the fragment in the opponent's hand, stretched out his hand and squeezed it hard, his face suddenly became serious.

The fragment looked unusually thin, about the thickness of a fingernail, and should have been broken off from the surface of some large piece. But even if it was such a thin piece, he didn't crush or break it when he pinched it just now.

You must know that even though the strong man did not use all his strength just now, an ordinary piece of iron would be bent directly in his hand, but the fragment of the carapace in his hand did not seem to have changed at all.

The strong man became serious unconsciously, and pinched it with three fingers instead of two. As he continued to exert force, the piece finally broke in the middle.

Looking at the broken pieces in the palm of his hand, the strong man's face did not show any proud expression, but became more solemn, because he saw carapace thicker than this everywhere on the battlefield, and many carapace thicknesses even exceeded. This ax he carries on his back.

"How can it be?!"

Even such a thin carapace required him to use all his strength to break it. Such a strong man could not even imagine how terrifying the defense power of these carapace was when it was intact. He even suspected that his ax might only be able to break it if he used all his strength to break it. Open a crack.

In front of the carapace of these insects, the strength he was proud of seemed so weak.

"And these carapace are not only simple in hardness, but also surprisingly good in magic defense. It is no exaggeration to say that the magic staff in my hand is not even as good as this fragment in terms of magic connectivity." The wizard picked it up again. A broken limb that looks a bit elongated appears.

As he continued to inject his own magic power into it, a faint fluorescence appeared on the joints. The strong man next to him could feel that with the blessing of magic power, the hardness of the joints had increased to another level.

The strong man turned to look at the tragic battlefield in front of him. At this time, he had a clearer understanding of the strength of the enemies on this battlefield: "How is it possible?! Did that guy kill all the bugs here alone? ? Just the wreckage we can see, there are probably thousands of them... Is this really something that humans can do?"

"Of course ordinary humans can't do such a thing." The wizard looked at Atalanta who had approached Zheng Shu in the distance, "However, if it is not a pure human being, it is very possible."

"You mean..." The strong man's eyes lit up, "Is this guy a person of divine blood like me?"

"You should have some face!" The wizard now had a new understanding of the thickness of his companion's face. "Don't you know how thin the divine bloodline is in your body? According to your calculation, I also have divine bloodline. A hero!"

After mocking his teammates, the wizard no longer paid attention to the shocked expressions of the people around him. Instead, he squatted down and kept picking up the carapace fragments on the ground into a cloth bag of his.

"Hurry up and pick them up with me. These carapace are good things. They are very good materials whether they are used to make armor or robes."

"Really?!" Upon hearing this, the strong man immediately knelt down to pick up the tiny fragments.

It was obvious that they had no loot left in this battle, and because they came here voluntarily, not many people were willing to pay them. They did not dare to touch the relatively intact corpses in the battlefield. After all, it was a battlefield. The ruthless man's trophy in the middle, but if you just picked up some tiny scraps, it would be fine.

For strong men, although outsiders call them "heroes", in fact, they do not recommend doing hyena work if necessary. After all, even heroes need to eat.

"How are you?" After Atalanta got close to Zheng Shu, she felt the vigorous vitality in his body and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Zheng Shu, who was sitting in a daze in the middle of the battlefield, turned his head when he heard the sound, his eyes looking a little empty. After seeing that it was Atalanta, he blinked and his eyes regained some vitality: "Ta's okay, I feel good."

"My name is not Ta Miao...forget it, are you sure you're okay? Your injuries are quite serious." Atalanta was too lazy to correct her name with Zheng Shu, and instead pointed to the smile on his face. Huge scars.

"Ah, this, it can be healed easily." Zheng Shu seemed to feel the pain of the wound on his body at this moment.

He touched the scars on his face. With the movement of his thoughts, all the wounds on his body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. Within a few seconds, his body returned to its smooth appearance.

Thank you to the passing readers of Chuanhuo Old Hunter for your tips. Thank you for your support.

I'm a little tired today, so I'll update more tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

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