
Accompanied by the crisp sound of carapace friction, the beetle swarm launched an attack again under the call of the beetle leader.

Looking at the shadowy enemy in the dust, Zheng Shu took a breath. He held the mace with both hands again and raised it high. Before the enemy could get completely close to the attack range, he had already aimed at a beetle and swung it with all his strength.


When the mace was swung down, Zheng Shu did a rather strange behavior.

He did not use the extra strength to stabilize his body like before, but instead let his body rush out along with the mace, just like the God of Thunder in a movie being carried away by his hammer.

Of course, the mace didn't really take him flying, because right in front was the black beetle that was about to pounce.


Without the need to maintain the balance of his own body and pouring all his power into the mace, Zheng Shu's attack was much more powerful than the previous attack. The carapace of the black beetle that was hit was completely shattered, and the soft internal organs wrapped inside were all smashed into pieces.

Feeling the counter-shock force from the mace, Zheng Shu directly followed this force and made his already nearly unbalanced body move again. Coupled with his own strength, the slurry on the scattered residual limbs had not yet hit the ground. He had already turned around, and he controlled the mace to hit a beetle on the other side.


The same scene appeared again. Zheng Shu repeated his old tricks and used the same method again, following the force of the counter-shock and exerting his own strength to let the mace drive his body to move.

From the outside, Zheng Shu doesn't look like he is fighting, but more like dancing. His body makes all kinds of incredible movements, and the angle of movement makes it look like he will fall to the ground immediately, but every time he When he was about to fall, he would use the mass of the mace to reverse his center of gravity and let his body fall to the other side to regain balance.

This is the solution Zheng Shu thought of. Since it would be difficult to fight on a battlefield of this level by devoting a large part of his strength to maintain the balance of the body, he might as well not maintain the balance of the body. Anyway, the mace is The quality is high enough, and combined with its own strength, it can easily move his 100 kilogram body.

Facts have proved that Zheng Shu's decision is correct. After applying the power to maintain balance to the mace, he can almost attack ordinary beetles one at a time. And as time increases, the power accumulated on the mace increases. Its power is getting bigger and bigger, and its attack speed is getting faster and faster, which is completely unlike what a heavy weapon can achieve.

Except for a few mistakes at the beginning due to lack of proficiency, which caused the mace's movement speed to drop a bit, after Zheng Shu gradually mastered the skills, his attacks began to form a positive cycle.

At the back, Zheng Shu's entire body was even obscured by the shadow of the mace. From the outside, he looked like he had turned into a black meat grinder.

Of course, in addition to Zheng Shu's experience in using the power of the King of Earth and Mountain in the previous world, he was able to make such fancy moves, but also thanks to the enhanced template of Atalanta that he had strengthened before.

The physical coordination ability brought to him by Atalanta's enhanced template is the basis for him to be able to do all this. Only Atalanta's coordination ability, which is regarded as the best in the entire ancient Greek mythology, can support Zheng Shu to complete such "flower work".

In addition, the success of this method is also due to the hardness of the carapace of these insects.

Zheng Shu didn't know what the structure of the carapace of these insects was, but there was no doubt that its hardness was far beyond the so-called steel. He speculated that part of it was likely to have the influence of magic.

With such a strong, full-covering shell, coupled with the innate vitality of the bug race, no matter what kind of person it is, it will give it a headache. Even with Zheng Shu's level of strength, when facing an ordinary black beetle, even with the help of a heavy weapon like a mace, his arms would feel numb when facing a head-on collision.

However, it is precisely because their carapace is strong enough that they can provide enough counterattack force when Zheng Shu attacks. After Zheng Shu changed his combat strategy to not resist the force of the shock at all, not only did his arms not go numb, but the huge force of the shock became the initial driving force, allowing the mace to act like a bullet. The ball usually bounces back and forth among the insects under the control of Zheng Shu.

After finding the right method, Zheng Shu felt extremely comfortable when facing the attack led by the insect swarm yesterday. It was precisely because the attack of the insect swarm covered the sky and the ground that he could constantly rely on the counter-shock force. Adjust your posture.

In this way, even if the beetle leader hides in the insect swarm and attacks him, Zheng Shu can use the power of the beetle leader to reversely accelerate his own speed.

However, this method also has two shortcomings. One is that as the power drawn from the mace becomes greater and greater, the physical strength required and the power to swing and change direction gradually increase. Later, it is not so much Zheng Shu who controls the wolf. It is better to say that the mace is driving Zheng Shu.

Fortunately, his own body is strong enough, and the keel mode is enough for his body to support such an equivalent force, and there are a steady stream of bugs around him that come forward to "help" him consume the power accumulated on the mace. So this allowed Zheng Shu to achieve a certain balance after the power on the mace reached a certain threshold.

As for another disadvantage, it is probably the irregular and rapid rotation of the body. After persisting for a period of time, most people will lose control of their bodies due to severe dizziness.

Even a professionally trained warrior would not be able to maintain his body balance under this level of dizziness.

Fortunately, Zheng Shu is not a human being.

Although the enhanced template of the third-generation species only has 30% of its combat effectiveness due to world rules, after Zheng Shu strengthened the template of the third-generation species, his body has essentially turned into a giant dragon. Moreover, it is a biological weapon specifically created for war in the dragon world.

Not only is his skeleton capable of transforming into a keel form, his muscles, blood vessels, heart, nerves and brain are all completely different from human structures.

The violent rotation that is fatal to humans is even a bit boring for Zheng Shu.

According to the current killing efficiency, even if the number of insects far exceeds expectations, Zheng Shu estimates that if everything goes well, he will be able to kill the entire insect swarm before long.

Of course, that's assuming everything goes well.


Seeing that his subordinates were unable to cause any harm to the "food" in front of them, and even continued to lose money. After two rounds of tentative attacks and found that they had no effect, the Beetle Commander finally began to "think".

With the help of the insects' talent of connecting their thinking abilities with magic power to improve their wisdom, the beetle commander quickly saw through the shortcomings of Zheng Shu's fighting method. After "thinking" for a while, it vibrated the carapace and wings on its back to issue a new command.

The opponent's steel meat grinder is indeed amazingly powerful, but the reason why it can operate is because of the constant presence of beetles around it to provide him with counterattack power.

If that's the case, then just don't provide him with power.

Under the command of the beetle leader, the insect swarm no longer continued to attack, but began to retreat slowly, out of Zheng Shu's attack range.


Without the power provider to continue spinning, Zheng Shu's body finally lost balance and slammed the mace to the ground.

The beetle commander who had already been prepared took this opportunity to move forward and stabbed Zheng Shu's chest with his own horn.


Zheng Shu managed to hit the blow with the mace at the last moment, but the whole person and the mace flew out spinning like a top.

"Ahem! Damn! Is this guy really a bug? Isn't he a bit too smart?!" Zheng Shu stopped retreating after hitting a tree.

He coughed twice and spat out a mouthful of blood-streaked saliva, indicating that his internal organs had been severely damaged. After all, it was a sneak attack that the Beetle Commander had already planned, and Zheng Shu really had no way to completely block it.

There was a huge gap on his chest and abdomen that looked extremely horrifying. This was the damage he suffered from the blow just now. If it weren't for the keel in his body forming a plate-like bone armor inside his body, blocking the remaining power. , Zheng Shu is probably already penetrated by the collision angle.

After coughing a few times, the dragon's high-speed self-healing ability began to take effect, and the huge wounds on Zheng Shu's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was a pity that the insect swarm did not give him a chance to adjust his posture. Although all the beetles still did not move forward, they opened their wings and rubbed them together quickly under the command of the beetle leader.

Before Zheng Shu could completely heal his injuries, all the beetles had already completed the resonance. Then, a high-frequency ripple that was inaudible to the ears but visible to the naked eye converged towards Zheng Shu from the surrounding beetles.

Click! Click! Click!

The ripples swept across the world like electric current. Faced with such an attack, Zheng Shu had no room to dodge. The moment he came into contact with the ripples, many cracks suddenly appeared on the scales on his body, accompanied by a tiny clicking sound.

"Hmm...cough cough cough!"

Zheng Shu's body, which had originally tried to stand up, immediately fell to his knees on the ground, opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood. Although the damage to his body surface was not very great, the internal organs that had been injured and had not yet had time to fully heal were. Almost shattered under the resonance of the ripples.


Seeing that his tactics were working and that the "food" in front of him was already at a disadvantage, the beetle leader immediately made different sounds and directed several beetles to line up, and headed straight towards Zheng Shu under the cover of the buzzing of other beetles.


Zheng Shu endured the pain in his internal organs, picked up the mace next to him, swung it upwards, and knocked away a beetle that was rushing in front of him.

Unfortunately, the injuries to the internal organs still affected Zheng Shu's strength. The beetle that was taken out did not die immediately like the previous bugs. Although the carapace on its body was broken, it still crawled after struggling for a while. Get up and keep charging.


Taking advantage of Zheng Shu's opportunity to attack the beetle in front, several beetles from other directions took the opportunity to attack. Being dragged down by his injuries, Zheng Shu only had time to knock it away before he felt a heavy blow to his waist, abdomen and back.

To make matters worse, seeing Zheng Shu reveal his flaw, the Beetle Commander immediately seized the opportunity and hit Zheng Shu hard with the big claw on his mouth.


Unable to escape in mid-air, Zheng Shu suddenly opened his mouth and shouted a series of incomprehensible words from his mouth. The language was magnificent and shocking, and the power contained in it was so strong that even the Beetle Commander couldn't help but pause.

Although the beetle commander only paused for a moment and adjusted his attack again the next moment, Zheng Shu had already finished chanting the spirit of words.

The realm of words and spirits opened, and Zheng Shu's entire body was wrapped in the sudden appearance of flames.

Countless crimson light spots appeared out of thin air and quickly gathered from Zheng Shu's mouth. In just an instant, the power contained in the light ball in Zheng Shu's mouth had already reached an appalling level.


Red flame rays erupted from Zheng Shu's mouth, and the translucent beam of light cut through the air like a giant divine sword. In just a moment, the big turtle on the side of the beetle commander's mouth was cut off.

If the beetle commander hadn't hid relatively quickly, he might have been split into two by now.

Zheng Shu did not waste the remaining power. As he turned his head, a crimson beam of light pierced the sky. The black sky that was originally covered by beetles seemed to have been cut through by a divine sword, revealing its original color.

Terrifying power swept across the sky, leaving a trail of ash and debris wherever the light beam passed, wiping out almost all the bugs along the way.


Breathing out a ball of high-temperature hot air filled with white smoke, Zheng Shu immediately used high-speed healing to completely recover the injuries on his body while the insects lost the chance to resonate due to being disturbed by the power of the spirit spirit.

"One more time..." Zheng Shu felt the energy stored in his body and calculated silently.

The Moon World's suppression of the power of the Word Spirit is too strong. If this blow were in the Dragon World, it would be enough to destroy a reinforced concrete skyscraper, but here it only caused some minor damage to the insect swarm.

In addition, the power required to release the spirit is also extremely terrifying. Zheng Shu's previous use of high-speed healing to treat injuries throughout his body did not consume as much energy as this attack.

According to his own estimation, he probably only had enough energy left to attack like this again.

(PS: There is another chapter today)

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