Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 198 Traps and Targets

The conference hall deep in the Hall of Valor of Kassel College.

The elders of the secret party gathered together again. The continuous gathering of the elders in just a few days was considered an unprecedented operation.

Even when faced with the life and death of the Secret Party during World War II, the Council of Elders did not hold meetings so frequently.

Everyone in the conference hall held their breath and quietly watched the various materials played on the projection screen in front of them. These materials were extracted by EVA from the memory card that it found.

At the beginning, the information above was only text and pictures. Angers used various methods to introduce his life.

At the end, the information turned into videos.

There are two videos. One was taken by Angers before leaving Kassel College for Japan. It looks more like his last words before leaving. Another video cheered everyone up.

Judging from the angle, it was filmed by a surveillance camera in the office. The protagonists in it were naturally Ange and the vice principal. Seeing this video, Zheng Shu, who was originally lacking in interest, immediately became energetic. This was the clue he had been waiting for.

The office scene shown in the video is different from usual. The vice-principal who had been staying in the clock tower is now sitting on the principal's office chair. However, he is still doing nothing serious as before, just lying on the luxurious and comfortable chair. Drink the beer in your hand.

At this time, a sound of footsteps came from outside the office. When the vice principal heard the sound, he immediately hid the beer under the table. The whole person immediately sat upright in the chair, looking like he was pretending to work.

But when the door was opened, Ange walked in with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Such a contrast made Zheng Shu almost think that he had actually experienced more than one world line change.

Fortunately, Angers still looked very well dressed, but he looked a little messy, maybe because of drinking.

The vice-principal was not frightened by Angers' appearance: "You seem to be in a good mood."

After all, Angers is a very self-disciplined person. Although he likes to drink, he has never been greedy. It is obvious that something happy has happened that makes him unable to help himself.

Ange still had a blush on his face. He had obviously drunk a lot, but he still walked very steadily. He put the bottle away and turned to look at the vice principal: "After so many years, I finally found him. !”

"What is it? Your old lover?" The vice-principal leaned back on the chair again without knowing why, and picked up the bottle of beer from underneath, "You asked me to cover for you for so many days, and the result was to find Your old lover? From what you said a few days ago, I thought you were going to fight the Dragon King with a nuclear bomb."

Aang Ran didn't care about the vice principal's teasing, but took out a scorched note from the bag behind him and slapped it on the table: "Look at this!"

Not only Zheng Shu, who was watching the video, but also the vice-principal who had been Angers friend for many years rarely saw Angers lose his temper like this. He lowered his head and looked at the notes in Angers hands. It was a torn note with only A very small part of the black record book is still covered with traces of being burned by the flames.

It looks like it was thrown into the fire and did not burn completely.

There are several strange characters written on it, a kind of characters that are similar to earthworms. They are crooked and have no specific meaning. The other one is more like Chinese characters, but I can't see why.

"What kind of words are these? With my knowledge, I have never seen them before?" The vice-principal scratched his head.

"This one is not a normal human language, but a code used by the German Special Intelligence Department." Angers pointed at the earthworm-like text that seemed very familiar, "And the other... is Xixia."

At this point, even through the video, everyone here can feel the emotion of Angers gritting his teeth in the video.

"The Germans discovered a boundary monument, proving that there is a piece of land owned by the Xixia Kingdom." Angers looked directly at the note.

"Xi Xia? Have you found the Dragon King?!" The vice principal's expression also became serious.

According to their investigation, the Dragon King Li Wuyue, who caused the Summer Mourning Incident in Kassel Manor, where the secret party was based, and then disappeared in the explosion caused by Yanling: Rhine, was from Xixia.

He is also the earliest known dragon king to awaken.

Historically speaking, Li Wuyue should be one of the sons of Xixia Emperor Li Yuanhao. This Dragon King disguised himself as a prince and lived an extremely comfortable life, much better than his other brothers and sisters.

Angers has been searching for him for so many years, from deserts to rainforests, from Antarctica to the North Pole, and finally recently, he got new clues in the original Cassel Manor.

"The Germans were eyeing the power of the Rhine at the end of World War II, so they sent people to build an underground research institute under the Kassel Manor. However, during the research process, they also discovered some intelligence from that year." Angers said. Breathing a sigh of relief, "They found an anomalous individual who left Cassel Manor immediately after the explosion. After tracking various clues, they finally found that the other person disappeared into a rain forest in South America. And there, They found this monument."

"After so many years, I finally found him!" Ange suddenly grabbed the vice principal's shoulders with a fanatical light in his eyes. Even the golden eyes were activated unconsciously because of the excitement, "I'm ready. We will set off tomorrow, and I have asked the equipment department to prepare the maximum yield nuclear bombs an individual can carry and various alchemical weapons."

"Stop! Stop! What are you going to do? You don't really want to die with that dragon king, do you?" The vice-principal was so frightened by the look in Angers' eyes that he lost his sense of control.

He could feel from the other party's tone and expression that Angers now had a strong tendency to self-destruct. Although he has been teasing his friend, the vice principal does not want him to actually carry a nuclear bomb and die with the Dragon King.

The two of them were entangled across the desk for a long time, and the vice-principal finally got rid of Ange's idea of ​​dying with the other person now.

Of course, the reason why the vice-principal was able to persuade Ange to give up his idea was because Li Wuyue had already survived a near-nuclear explosion before. Angers is indeed willing to sacrifice his life to kill the enemy, but if he cannot kill the opponent even at the cost of his own life, then he will regain his sanity instead.

"Judging from the notebook, the Germans conducted a lot of secret searches, but did not find any clues other than the stone tablet." Angers, who finally regained his senses, sorted out his clothes and began to think about the limited information obtained from the notebook. clue.

"Nibelungen." The vice-principal quickly came to a conclusion, "The pinnacle of alchemy, and it is also the secret safe house of every dragon clan. Since the other party is seriously injured, he will definitely look for the safest place to recuperate. He An old thing resurrected from ancient times has no relatives in this era, and the only place that can meet this condition is naturally the Nibelungen."

Angers thought for a while after listening to the vice principal's words: "Although we now know where the guy is hiding, how should we get in?"

"It's very simple. Of course you go to South America to find the specific location of the Nibelungs." Seeing that Angers finally regained his senses, the vice-principal shrugged, sat back on the chair and relaxed again, "Everyone who comes into contact with the Dragon King Everyone will be marked, and when they approach the Nibelung that the Dragon King belongs to, they will be reminded by the mark on themselves. Of course, the Dragon King will also be awakened by the mark. But for you, this should be It’s a good thing you can only ask for.”

"Sounds very good, then you arrange the manpower to prepare the calculation of the Nibelungen entrance. I will go to South America to search first..."

At this point in the video, Angers' face suddenly jumped back to him, and in the video he gave instructions about various aspects of the school's situation if he died. It seems that Angers used this thing as an electronic suicide note.

After Angers finally finished talking, the video came to an end. The vice-principal controlled the projector and turned the video back to the scene where Angers took the notebook on the table: "EVA, zoom in on the pattern of the notes on the table, and you can analyze it. The information written above?”

"After searching, the password used in the notes is not a conventional type. Do you need to use the amount of data to calculate and decipher the password? It is expected to take 5 minutes." EVA's cold voice echoed in the room.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then." The vice principal nodded.

Frost next to him also expressed his opinion at this time: "Everyone, get ready to mobilize your manpower, we are about to start a new war!"

The people in the elder group nodded silently and took out their mobile phones to contact each other. Zheng Shu looked at Frost with a little surprise.

Feeling Zheng Shu's gaze, Frost nodded towards him: "I am not going to rescue this person who seems to be taking away my position as principal. The reason why I am willing to mobilize manpower is to eliminate this Dragon King—— After all, this dragon king has been the enemy of the Secret Party since a long time ago."

Zheng Shu didn't say anything more, he just stood up from his seat and walked to the door of the conference hall: "The following things are not something that a reckless man like me can participate in. After you calculate the results, just tell me the conclusions. "

After saying that, he opened the door and left the conference room. When he left, other people in the conference room were still using their mobile phones to contact their subordinates.

After Zheng Shu left the conference hall, Xia Mi also walked out of the nearby library and followed him silently.

"What do you think about what was said in the video just now?" Xia Mi suddenly asked in a confused manner while walking on the road.

Although he did not participate in the meeting just now, as the king of the earth and mountains who is extremely sensitive to power and vibration, Xia Mi could hear the movements in the conference room even from a whole building away.

"Obviously it was a trap."

Zheng Shu recalled the cellar door he saw in Cassel Manor, as well as the ashes that had been turned over in the underground laboratory, plus the traces of flames on the black notebook in the video just now, as well as the From the stirred ashes, it is almost certain that Angers found the notebook there.

The alchemy circle stored between the cracks of the cellar door was confirmed by the vice-principal and was indeed made by him. In other words, the cellar door was indeed built by Angers.

At first glance, there seems to be no problem. After all, judging from the situation in the laboratory, those people evacuated very hastily and did not check carefully, so it is very possible that some information has been retained.

However, Zheng Shu found traces of the Dragon King there.

Zheng Shu told Xia Mi what he had discovered about the abnormal root system of the plants on the tomb.

After thinking for a while, Xia Mi confirmed Zheng Shu's speculation: "Yes, that is indeed the work of the Lord of Wind. If it is the Lord of Water, the plants will become more deformed under the influence of his power, and the roots will become thicker. The degree will also exceed the normal range. Only the Lord of Wind's ability to change the time of other creatures at will can cause the situation you mentioned."

"Can the King of Sky and Wind really control the time of other creatures?" Zheng Shu's expression was a bit serious. If the other party's power is really related to time, it will be very difficult to deal with.

"It's not as exaggerated as you think. This is actually still the power of the spirit." Xia Mi glanced at Zheng Shu and dispelled his inner worries, "Just like the situation you mentioned, it is very possible. It is the Lord of Wind who uses his own power to continuously exert the word spirit of "Snap" on the plants in the tomb. With his power, it is easy to open the "Snap" to more than ten times. It may only take a few hours for the plants to spend several days. years.”

"But... do you really plan to go?" Xia Mi showed some hesitation.

Zheng Shu glanced at her to know what she wanted to say, and smiled: "Didn't I say it? I know, this is a trap. Not just a trap for Angers, but also a trap for me. No! It can't be considered a trap. A trap, this can only be regarded as a provocation."

"If he simply wanted to attract Ange, all the previous arrangements would have been perfect, but in the end he actually had to add superfluous steps and leave his own mark on the tomb." Zheng Shu clenched his fist. He was very excited, "because he knew someone could detect this trace and wanted to attract me there."

"Since you know it's a trap, how dare you step into it?"

"If it had been before, I would have had to be careful, but unfortunately, I finally succeeded in researching a new technology a few days ago, so it's hard to say who set the trap for whom." Zheng Shu thought about his own situation. I can’t help but smile at the results I’ve achieved over time.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Zheng Shu slumped on the sofa, feeling like his whole body was about to grow moldy.

It is now approaching the end of summer, and many places have even begun to feel like autumn, but it is still humid and hot here in Brazil. This is also thanks to the transpiration of the tropical rainforest next to it. If the air conditioner is not turned on every day to absorb moisture, Zheng Shu suspects that he brought it here Mushrooms are growing on your luggage.

Although Zheng Shu himself is immune to cold and heat, he still feels uncomfortable when faced with such hot weather.

And this was still in the city. Sitting on the sofa and blowing the air conditioner, Zheng Shu had already begun to worry about how to spend the rest of his life in the rainforest.

Outside the luxury hotel where he stayed, there was a distinct slum. Rio de Janeiro is a city of God. This sentence does not refer to the local people’s beliefs or anything else, but to the fact that life here can only be resigned to fate, waiting for God to take you away at any time.

This is true even for most mixed-races. The South American branch has always been one of the executive departments with the highest death rate. There are countless mixed-races who have crossed the bloodline safety line hidden among the layers of slums. They follow Following his killing instinct, he stretched out his terrifying claws towards the fledgling commissioners.

This complicated situation has not eased until recently. A group of mixed-race elites of different nationalities were dragged to the Brazilian branch by the elders.

Each of them has unique skills, whether it is combat ability or reconnaissance ability, they are the best among the hybrids. It only took less than a month to adapt, and they more than doubled the mission completion rate of the South American branch.

In order to face the upcoming hostile Dragon King, the Secret Party has almost mobilized all its hidden power for thousands of years. Unlike the previous hasty wars against the Dragon King, this time the Secret Party is fully prepared to attack the Dragon King. war of conquest.

To this end, they need a qualified front-line logistics base, and Rio de Janeiro, which is closest to the target location, is targeted by the secret parties.

During this period of time, it was just a matter of course for the mixed-race elites from all over the world to complete the tasks of the South American branch. They spent more time cleaning up various underground forces in the local area.

At the beginning, faced with the obviously unreasonable dragon crossing the river, the Secret Party, the local underground forces in Brazil united and tried to resist stubbornly by relying on their knowledge of the city.

Unfortunately, what they considered to be cruel behavior in the past seemed particularly childish when faced with this group of psychopaths who were already excited.

In the past, the lowest level was the execution department elites who had to face completely inhuman enemies like out-of-control hybrids or Deadpool. When facing these underground forces composed of just gangsters, they even had a sense of leisurely entertainment after the holiday. .

In less than a week, large swaths of the local underground forces began to collapse, along with a large number of official officials who worked in collusion with the underground forces.

When the secret party concentrates all its power that has been hidden for thousands of years in one area, its terror will become apparent.

At this point in time, Rio de Janeiro, which was originally chaotic, has turned into one of the most stable areas in the world. Now Zheng Shu can fully say that the secret party has truly taken control of this city, whether from the official side or from the dark side. City.

"Have you found any clues to the Nibelungen?" Zheng Shu looked at Frost who walked in.

This time, in addition to the ordinary executive department commissioners sent by the Kassel College headquarters, only Zheng Shu and Frost came here.

No one, including Chu Zihang and Caesar, allowed them to participate in this operation despite the strong requests of Zheng Shu and Frost.

Zheng Shu did not allow Caesar and the others to come so that they could take a good look at Chen Motong and prevent any accidents. After all, according to the information he had obtained in his previous life, Chen Motong was likely to be a very important foreshadowing.

Although others didn't quite believe in Zheng Shu's so-called intuition, when faced with his sandbag-sized fists, they all said that it was natural for them to pay close attention to the strong man's intuition.

It just so happened that Frost didn't want any problems to happen to the next heir of the Gattuso family, so he used this reason to ask them to protect Chen Motong at Kassel College.

"Yes, a few days ago people from the Executive Department found a local in the local rainforest. Based on his description, we can determine that he happened to see the Nibelungen who was communicating with reality." Frost Handed Zheng Shu a mobile phone.

Zheng Shu took it and took a look. A video was playing on his mobile phone. On it was a local man who looked a little thin. He was facing the camera and kept describing what he saw.

"...Yes, when I rushed over, I found a pyramid suddenly appeared in the rain forest. On top of the pyramid, there was a giant snake with wings coiled on the tower." He described it vividly while drawing it on the paper. Sketch of the pyramid, "At that time, the giant snake seemed to have discovered me, so I fell from the tree out of fear, but when I returned to that area again, I could no longer find it..."

"...When I ran away from there, I also saw a large stone tablet. The words written on the stone tablet were very strange, and they looked like pictures..."

"Through the information extracted by EVA from the notes found by Lyonge in the video, we can confirm that the size of the stele is similar to what he described. However, the Germans did not discover such things as pyramids and giant snakes at the time. It is speculated that it was probably because they were waiting for When the Germans discovered it, the Nibelungen was close to being completely closed." Frost explained to Zheng Shu on the side.

"Okay, now that we have a 'guide', when will we set off?" Zheng Shu jumped up from the sofa very neatly. He didn't want to stay in this place for a moment.

In fact, after Zheng Shu came here, he had discovered through Hela's full talent that there was a huge Nibelung root here.

But the trouble is, I don’t know what the King of Sky and Wind did to this Nibelung. Zheng Shu can only feel the aura of the Nibelung’s existence but cannot find the location of the other party’s body. It feels like This Nibelung seems out of touch with the world.

Now that he had specific coordinates, Zheng Shu decided to make a quick decision. No matter what method the King of Sky and Wind used to make the connection between this Nibelung and the world so weak, the location of the entrance and exit must be connected to the world. of.

As long as the approximate location is found, Zheng Shu can handle the rest of the door opening work alone.

I should be able to add one or two more chapters in two days, and by then I will be able to almost pay off the debt I owed last month.

Based on the growth rate of monthly bills last month, I am beginning to worry about whether I will be able to pay off my debt next month after the double monthly bills this month...

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