Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 199 The New Nibelungen

After deciding on the rough plan, the next afternoon, the secret party members who were fully prepared officially entered the tropical rain forest.

Everyone is dressed in professional adventure attire and is riding on several yachts in the Amazon River.

There were not many robbers who were short-sighted who wanted to hijack these luxury-looking cruise ships during the journey, but they were easily pinned to the ground and rubbed by the wolf-like members of the executive department.

Sitting on the head of the ship, Zheng Shu was still looking through the information on his phone. With the efforts of the entire secret party, more relevant clues about the Nibelungs in America were constantly unearthed from all over the world. Now what was displayed on his mobile phone was a photo of the stone monument.

"According to normal history, Xixia should be in northwest China, but it is obvious that these dragon kings relied on their extraordinary power and did not follow the normal development rules." Chu Tianjiao didn't know when he took a bottle of wine and sat down By his side.

North and South America have been a rarely visited continent since the beginning. This land is as isolated as Australia and has developed its own ecosystem.

This phenomenon not only occurs in the fields of ecology and anthropology, but also has a similar situation in the history of dragons. There are very few dragon remains in North and South America. Compared with the five-step, one-grave, ten-step-one dragon in China, The density of ruins makes this place completely a wasteland that the Dragon Clan has never visited.

"Chu Zihang did not participate in this mission. Are you sure you want to leave your son in school and go out on his own to take risks?" Zheng Shu glanced at him.

"Chu Zihang is an adult now. I believe he can handle everything and doesn't need me, a father, to be by his side all the time." Chu Tianjiao's eyes showed a hint of loneliness.

Perhaps for him he just lost consciousness for a period of time, but when he woke up he found that his son had grown up and that he had missed the most important time with him.

"And I am also the only known sample in the world, other than Angers, who has experienced the elimination of the sense of existence. Those in the equipment department believe that there should be the mark of the Nibelungs on my body, and maybe they can pass through me. Into the Nibelung.”

"Yeah..." Zheng Shu took a serious look at Chu Tianjiao, "But are you really sure that Odin and Li Wuyue are the same dragon?"

"I was discovered by you." Chu Tianjiao was not surprised. He raised the wine bottle in his hand and took a sip. "But you don't have to worry. I have already reported this matter to the elders from the beginning, so from the beginning From the beginning, this team was prepared to deal with two Dragon Kings at once. Otherwise, why do you think they would mobilize so many troops? Although the Dragon Kings are worthy of vigilance, it’s not like the Secret Party has never killed them before."

"Yes, the King of Bronze and Fire and the White King have provided us with a wealth of reference materials, based on which we are fully prepared. The power of the Dragon King may be difficult for the ancient hybrids to contend with, but for those with For humans with modern technology, they are not invincible as long as they are prepared." Frost's voice came from behind.

Zheng Shu and Chu Tianjiao turned to look at this place. The face of the current acting principal of Cassel College showed unconcealable fatigue. During this period, in order to integrate resources from various places, the acting principal has indeed put in a lot of effort. Mental effort.

Zheng Shu opened his mouth after listening to Frost's statement. He was actually a little curious, in what state did the White King appear in the world line changed by Odin?

In fact, after the timeline changed, Zheng Shu had already found Yue Uesugi and Eriki who returned to Kassel Academy with them.

After the conversation, Zheng Shu discovered that in the memories of these two men, the two of them had become protons discharged by the Japanese branch to prove evidence of their sincere surrender.

Faced with this strong sense of déjà vu, Zheng Shu could not complain, but he found that in this timeline, the super hybrid identities of Uesugi Yue and Eri Yi did not seem to be exposed, and the reason why they came to act as protons was only because their identities were sufficient high.

The secret party also seems to have grasped the possibility that Japanese mixed-race species will not transform into Deadpool after their bloodline exceeds the critical line. However, for safety reasons and to prevent them from getting out of control, Frost arranged them in a corner of the school. In a small house.

It's just that this arrangement is more suitable for these two people...

At this time, Frost's analysis continued: "It can be seen from the movement trajectory of the Dragon King that he was completely frightened by Cassel and was seriously injured in the explosion and could only hide. Come here. So it’s certain that Mr. Cassel’s last blow definitely hurt him, but it’s a pity that he couldn’t keep it.”

Having said this, Frost paused, with a proud smile on his face: "The power of Rhine is indeed terrifying, but in the evaluation, it is only 'comparable' to a nuclear explosion. This is the superiority of human technological development. Now It is true that there are no talents in the stage secret party who can adapt to the Rhine, but we can truly carry multiple nuclear bombs."

After hearing what he said, Zheng Shu looked towards the cabin behind.

Zheng Shu had already discovered when he first set out today that a large number of people were assigned to guard an area behind the cabin. It seemed that that was where Frost said the nuclear bombs were stored.

And it seems that not only this cruise ship, but other cruise ships should also have corresponding storage locations for nuclear bombs.

In fact, even Zheng Shu had to admit that even now he might be injured when facing a nuclear bomb.

After all, no matter how terrifying his power is, as a living creature, there is an upper limit to the power that Zheng Shu can produce in an instant. Even if the power can be used to amplify this power by thousands of times, for today's humans, the power of fission is The atomic bomb may still have an upper yield limit due to its own structural problems, but the yield of a fusion hydrogen bomb can theoretically be enhanced without an upper limit as long as there is enough material.

Not just Zheng Shu, even the Black King himself, who is the creator of creatures, has the same shortcomings. In other words, the outcome of the war between humans and dragons has been determined from the beginning.

So in a sense, the Gattuso family, which seems to have abandoned the glory of the mixed race, is the furthest among all the families in the Secret Party.

Zheng Shu suddenly turned his head and looked into the dense forest next to him. Sensing his movements, Chu Tianjiao and Frost next to him looked at him curiously.

"Get ready for battle. It seems that the other side has noticed our arrival."

At the same time, the technicians in the cabin also sent information that a large number of moving objects were rapidly approaching from the shore.

Upon hearing the news, the elite hybrids on the ship immediately put on their equipment and walked out of the cabin, lining up on the deck to be on guard.

Zheng Shu had to admit that although Angers was very charming, under the leadership of Frost, the fighting style of the mixed breeds at Kassel Academy was more in line with his aesthetics.

Each hybrid carries a rocket launcher and various heavy firearms on its back. Zheng Shu even saw a few extremely strong hybrids, each holding a Gatling gun with six barrels.

It was the proud work of the Equipment Department. It was a work inspired by this group of goblins after watching the movie Terminator. The gun body used a special alchemy process to ensure that it was light enough, even for those from the Equipment Department. A group of goblins who have never exercised can easily pick up this six-barreled Gatling.

The main reason why strong men are still selected to use this weapon is because they carry a super giant ammunition box as high as a person on their backs.

After all, with the rate of fire of these six-barrel Gatlings, an ordinary ammunition box can only last a few seconds. Only by using this super giant ammunition box specially made by the Equipment Department can these macho men be guaranteed to experience it on the battlefield. cos governor's addiction.

As everyone on the boat finished preparing, countless dead guards appeared from the jungles on both sides of the river and surrounded the boat where Zheng Shu and others were.

Looking at the crowds of Deadpools below that were as dense as a tide, the people present were not afraid but were extremely excited. In their view, this was the difficulty that should be faced in conquering the Dragon King. The previous journey that was too smooth was a bit like child's play. It makes the elites who are fully prepared feel that they are powerless and have nothing to do.

After the Deadpool group appeared, the two sides entered into a brief confrontation. Except for the sound of the river flowing and the yacht engine, the space fell into a strange calm for a while.

As rocks falling from unknown sources fell into the water, the splash sparked a conflict between the two sides.

"Come! Taste my big baby!" A burly man very close to Zheng Shu laughed enthusiastically while pressing the button on the Gatling. The motor rotated and the six-barreled machine gun sprayed out terrifying Human flame. Looking at the lively scene, Zheng Shu swore with his head that the goblins in the equipment department must have secretly strengthened the gun flames of the six-barreled machine gun.

However, this does not mean that the Gatling was turned into a useless decoration. On the contrary, in the metal storm composed of bullets, all the Deadpools who tried to approach the ship were beaten to pieces. Their strong and mighty scales cannot sustain even a second in this terrifying torrent.

In addition to these conspicuous burly men, other people's performance was not inferior. They directly picked up the rocket launcher carried on their shoulders and fired a shell containing mercury solution into the group of Deadpools, releasing a powerful weapon for the Dragon Clan. Talk about deadly smoke.

A large number of rockets formed an insurmountable fog of death on the shore. The dead waiters howled in the fog, and the mercury vapor entered their lungs along the respiratory tract, making them miserable.

The battle came and went quickly. After a few minutes of indiscriminate bombardment by everyone at Cassel College, the seemingly endless army of Deadpools was wiped out. These hybrids had even begun to clean up. On the battlefield, Deadpool slit the throat of Deadpool, who had managed to climb up over the blockade, and then kicked the body off the deck.

Seeing their clean and well-trained movements, Zheng Shu nodded with satisfaction. This was a qualified war in his mind.

If they follow Angers' teaching methods, although these people can win in the end, they will definitely not avoid casualties. And now, the unlucky guy who was the most seriously injured among the entire team was because he was hit in the foot by an ammunition box while carrying it.

After neatly killing this group of deadpools, the enemy seemed to realize that Zheng Shu's group was not simple. They did not send any other subordinates to harass them in a short period of time. However, this also made the mixed-race elites who were originally gearing up feel uncomfortable. A moment of disappointment.

After a smooth sailing, late at night on the second day, they finally approached the location mentioned by the guide.

Leaving some manpower to guard the ship, Zheng Shu and other selected elites took their backpacks from the cabin and got ready to go.

It was late at night, when wild beasts were out and about. Cougars were in and out of the jungle, looking for their next dinner, but they did not dare to get close to the people walking in the jungle. Because their intuition tells them that there is something more terrifying than the lion there.

Under the leadership of the guide, the advancing troops marched very smoothly. The obstacles in the jungle were not difficult for this group of mixed-race elites. However, the problem lay with the guide. The skinny native suddenly found that he could no longer There was no way to find the road back then.

Originally very sensitive to roads since childhood, he suddenly found himself spinning in one place. This was a situation that shouldn't happen, but no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to get out of this area as if he had encountered a ghost hitting a wall.

"Okay, you can stop now." Zheng Shu felt the changes in the surrounding space and nodded with satisfaction, "You are a good guide, but the rest of the things are not something you can participate in."

The space here has been deliberately distorted, showing a form similar to a Möbius strip. All creatures that mistakenly enter here will continue to circle in a space.

Zheng Shu now finally understood why his HeLa vision could not see the entrance to the Nibelungen. Hiding in such a "sealed" space ring, Zheng Shu could not see it from the outside world.

However, as they broke into the influence of the space ring, the originally hidden Nibelung roots were completely revealed in front of Zheng Shu.

Glancing at Chu Tianjiao next to him, as he expected, the mark on the other person's body did not resonate with the Nibelung, which meant that the Nibelung was indeed not created by Odin.

"Did you find something?"

Zheng Shu's behavior was not much concealed. Others had naturally discovered the fact that he and others had been circling in a huge area. At this time, they found that Zheng Shu was so confident that they couldn't help but turn their attention to him. .

"We found it. Everyone hold hands and try to connect their bodies with other people's bodies. I will take you in."

Zheng Shu didn't mind bringing a few unrelated people into the Nibelungs. After all, with the blessing of nuclear bombs, the combat effectiveness of this group of people was not weak, and he was curious about what Odin could do in the face of such a situation. .

After hearing Zheng Shu's words, the others held hands very consciously after a little discussion. In the process, several people carrying suitcases were touched by the arms of several people around them to ensure that they would not have any accidents.

Judging from the markings on those suitcases, Zheng Shu knew that these were the portable nuclear bombs prepared by Frost. They were an outrageous product that appeared during the Cold War and could truly carry out assassinations from hundreds of meters away.

Moreover, these suitcases have been improved by the Equipment Department. When necessary, several suitcases can be combined to form a nuclear bomb with a larger yield to ensure an exponential increase in the power of the central explosion.

After ensuring that everyone was in contact with each other, Zheng Shu reached out and touched the Nibelung gate.

At the moment of contact, his talent as Hela came into play. As the master of all Nibelungs, it only took him a moment to reversely control the authority of the Nibelungs gate.

Everyone present suddenly felt a touch that broke through the membrane, as if a roar from a very far distance woke them up from the chaos of space transmission, and then they witnessed a scene that they would never forget.

The current location of everyone in Cassel College is on the ruins of a castle. Even if only the ruins are left, the majesty of the castle at that time can still be seen from the ruins, and on the grassland in the distance, something like the human world is being staged. A hellish scene.

Human beings who have turned into deadpools can be seen everywhere, wearing tattered clothes, with black and red blood flowing from the corners of their mouths, wandering aimlessly on the grassland.

Sometimes there will be some weird snake-shaped Deadpools passing by. When passing by ordinary Deadpools, their tails will swing randomly and flesh will fly everywhere. Occasionally, there will be a few dragon-shaped Deadpools with wings on their backs passing by in the sky.

All normal creatures in this Nibelung have completely disappeared, leaving only these deadpools whose dragon bloodline exceeds the limit.

Judging from the skeletal remains scattered around the grassland, it is not difficult to imagine how horrific things happened at the moment of the disaster.

Just when everyone was surprised, they suddenly heard the sound of a horn blowing from the mist in the distance.

Then a group of gleaming golden cavalry emerged from the mist. They charged along the downward road, each wearing heavy armor. Judging from the lines on the armor that light up from time to time, these cavalrymen are actually wearing precious alchemical weapons.

Chu Tianjiao looked at these cavalrymen, then his expression suddenly changed, he shrank his head back, and his voice became harsh: "Everyone, pay attention! They are coming here!"

Under the gaze of everyone at Cassell Academy, the cavalry who had gathered in a pointed formation spread out to both sides, forming a straight line and approaching the location of the ruins. No creature passing by could stand in this straight line. Hold on even for a second.

The strange soldiers who lined up in a long snake formation were like a super giant flesh and blood harvester, sucking in the Deadpools who had no time to dodge on the way. Their flesh and blood spattered, leaving only broken bones and fleshy paste from the mutated corpses. Claws splashed out from under the horse's hooves.

At the end of these cavalry charges, everyone in Cassel College stayed in the ruins with gloomy expressions. They had discovered that they were the targets of these cavalry. Facing the ruins around them that looked like huge rocks blocking the road, the cavalry had no intention of stopping.

Looking at the golden pupils revealed from under the armor's mask, many people felt that their heartbeats almost stopped.

"Prepare to attack!" Frost gave the order, and the surrounding Cassel Academy elites immediately made corresponding countermeasures based on the pre-simulated plan.

They found several ruins of city walls that seemed relatively complete, quickly cleaned up the remaining dead bodies on them, then climbed to the top of the city wall and moved quickly.

After occupying all tactical positions, everyone set up their weapons and quietly waited for the order to attack.

Faced with the actions of this group of foreign invaders, the only choice these cavalry had was to crush them!

"Something's wrong, we can't wait any longer, we have to go back quickly!"

At this moment, Zheng Shu, who had been in a daze since entering the Nibelungen, suddenly became serious.

Looking at the approaching cavalry in front of him, Zheng Shu was too lazy to play with them. He raised his fist and punched the thick remains of the city wall in front of him.


Like a large amount of gunpowder exploding behind the city wall, the city wall made of gray stones larger than people shattered into countless small stones under his power. The ruins swayed, moving towards the knight under this inhuman force. They collapsed.

Faced with this terrifying attack, this group of probably the most elite troops in the Nibelungs did not give in at all. Each of them opened their big mouths, revealing the insides that had changed due to the transformation into Deadpool. The sharp teeth kept roaring and rushed towards the front of the collapsed city wall.

There is no way a rotten stone like this could stop their charge. With the protection of alchemy weapons, they...

The realization of the knight leader ended at this point. The seemingly innocuous ruins burst out with terrifying power after collapsing, crushing the group of knights into a pulp together with the horses and armor underneath them.


Others stared at this scene in stunned silence. In front of Zheng Shu, the ruins hundreds of meters in diameter were blown away by his punch. It looked like the entire land was blown away by an invisible giant.

When climbing the ruins just now, everyone at Kassel College had tested the hardness of these stones. Although they had become a little fragile due to endless time, the huge size was not something that humans could destroy with strength.

Even those burly men who were good at physical strength and could use body-enhancing speech spirits, after mentally simulating the gap between their full strength and Zheng Shu, they pulled on their clothes in shame and tried to hide their muscles. stand up.

Zheng Shu frowned as he looked at the fog in the distance, and shouted to the crowd behind him without looking back: "Attention, a new enemy is coming!"

I saw several figures in red robes walking out of the white mist. After seeing these figures, the dead waiters who were wandering around immediately joined these people with trembling steps. .

After these people walked in, voices from the crowd at Cassel College would be heard taking a breath from time to time: "What kind of monsters are these?!"

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