Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 197 Failed Search and Clues to the Dragon King

Kassel Manor is beautiful at sunset. The warm golden-red sun projects onto the gray walls, giving them a glazed texture. The shadows of the trees in the garden are reflected on the wooden-framed windowpanes, swaying in the wind. .

The manor is very quiet, and the gate is unguarded. Only the thick iron gate and towering railings guard the former glory of this secret party.

Zheng Shu and the vice principal walked to the main entrance and looked at this gorgeous manor.

"I remember this place should be a museum and monument now?" The vice-principal scratched the back of his head and recalled the information he had read.

"That's right, let's go!" Zheng Shu nodded, opened the door first and walked in.

With the rusty creaking sound of the heavy iron door, the two people walked into the seemingly deserted manor.

"Is this kind of place actually empty? The secret party should at least send someone to guard it, right?" Zheng Shu looked at the scene in the manor with curiosity. Even if the secret party only regarded this place as a cemetery, at least A tombkeeper should also be arranged.

"Of course there are people, but they are not here." The vice-principal arranged his clothes. After all, it was also the holy place of the secret party. Under the force of the elders, he finally took off his smelly jeans. Instead of wearing a suit, put on a suit that looks quite put together.

"Servants and gardeners come to Cassel Manor every day for cleaning and cleaning. However, they have been notified before we came, so no one will disturb us today. As for the guards, you have actually seen them before. ”

Hearing the vice principal's words, Zheng Shu turned his head in confusion. After thinking about it for a while, he finally thought of the biggest possibility: "You mean that toll station on the road?"

Zheng Shu was referring to a place that looked like a toll station they encountered at the end of the road. Their car was also parked there, but that location was at least ten kilometers away from where they were now.

"That's called the guard room, and he didn't charge us a fee." The vice-principal led Zheng Shu towards the back of the manor with ease. "In order to protect the relics of the battle at that time, the secret party bought all the surrounding land. Otherwise, why do you think there is no road extension, because this land is legally private land."

"It's really rich." Zheng Shu twitched the corner of his mouth and followed the vice principal to a sea of ​​flowers.

This is a huge garden with lots of different flowers. By cleverly planting a variety of flowers with different flowering periods and origins, we can ensure that the entire garden is full of flowers all year round and is immersed in the charming fragrance of flowers every second.

And surrounded by this sea of ​​flowers, a tombstone lay quietly among the wreaths.

——Hilbert Jean Angers, the hero of the Camarilla, is buried here. He faced the Dragon King without fear and shed the last drop of blood for the Camarilla.

Looking at the inscription written in German on the tombstone, the vice-principal hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Zheng Shu next to him, his voice trembling: "Are we really going to dig the grave?"

When the end came, the vice-principal once again felt entangled. After all, the bones buried in Cassel Manor were the bones of the heroes who died in the Summer Mourning incident. They were not only heroes of the secret party, they could also be called heroes of mankind.

Under the propaganda of the secret party for many years, the incident of Xia Zhi Ming has become a landmark event in the old and new eras, and its status is probably similar to that of the Anti-Japanese War.

Even the vice-principal would feel entangled and frightened because of the moral condemnation in his heart if he wanted to dig such a grave.

The reason why Zheng Shu chose the vice-principal to act with him this time was because, except for the vice-principal, no other member of the elders would agree with his crazy idea.

Even the most unconventional hybrid would find this a serious insult.

"Of course, we've come this far, how can you still expect me to stop?" Zheng Shu shrugged and walked to the tombstone, "Also, it's a good thing you followed me here, I don't understand morality. Wen, I originally planned to dig all the graves..."

There are many tombstones like this around. Those who died during the Summer Mourning event and whose bodies could be found were buried under this garden and enjoyed eternal sleep.

Listening to the rebellious words from Zheng Shu's mouth, the vice principal twitched the corner of his mouth, and finally gritted his teeth and decided to do it.

"I'm really crazy. Those old men from the elders will definitely annoy me to death. Let's go!" the vice-principal turned around and left.

"where to?"

"Of course, go to the utility room and look for tools like shovels. The burial method here is very traditional. The coffin is buried at least one meter underground. You don't want to dig it out with your bare hands, do you?"

Faced with the vice principal's question, Zheng Shu answered his question with his own actions.

Reaching out and knocking on the tombstone, Zheng Shu determined all the structures of the underground tomb with the help of the vibrations, and also confirmed that there was no corpse in the tomb at all.

"It's such a useless way to hide." Zheng Shu complained casually.

Reaching out to grab the tombstone, Zheng Shu easily pulled up the tombstone, which weighed several hundred kilograms, under the stunned gaze of the vice-principal. It looked as easy as pulling up a branch from the sand.

Throwing the huge tombstone aside, Zheng Shu gently raised his foot and stamped on the edge of the entire tomb. The thick soil in the center of the tomb seemed to have been dug by an invisible excavator. One was more than two meters long and one meter long. A rectangular block of soil that was wide and more than one meter thick rose up out of thin air.

Zheng Shu grabbed the edge of the clod and lifted it away. The originally loose clod looked like it was glued together in his hands.

What appeared in front of the two people was a hard metal plate, which emitted a warm light under the light of the setting sun.

"Okay, let's go down and take a look." Zheng Shu stood up and patted the dirt on his hands.

The vice-principal next to him looked as if his jaw had been dislocated, his mouth wide open, and he stared dumbfounded at the clods of soil that were blown away by Zheng Shu in the distance.

As an alchemist, the vice-principal was so shocked by Zheng Shu's mining method that was neither scientific nor occult that his head almost shut down. He finally came to his senses after Zheng Shu called him several times. Looking at the metal plate under the ground in a daze.

Fortunately, his professionalism as an alchemist came into play. After reacting, he immediately jumped into the pit and examined it carefully.

The so-called metal plate is actually a square cellar door. The surrounding door frames are firmly embedded in the reinforced concrete wall next to it. It is unknown who built it.

"I kind of believe what you said now." The corner of the vice-principal's eye twitched a few times, and he sighed, "The alchemical protection on this is very familiar, and it is very likely that I set it myself, but I have no relevant memory. "

"So you didn't believe me before?" Zheng Shu's eyes turned golden and he looked at the metal cellar door carefully. "The substrate on which the alchemy array is burned should be buried in the mezzanine of the cellar door. If it is forced to open, If you do, it’s very likely that the contents inside will be damaged.”

"No." The vice-principal squinted his eyes and kept sliding his hand on the metal door. "What you see is a layer of traps. If someone wants to destroy the things inside with this method, they will find this The alchemy circle actually explodes outward."

Glancing at the vice-principal who had already taken out all kinds of odd bits and pieces of strange materials from his pocket, Zheng Shu squinted his eyes again and took a closer look, and finally found the trap the vice-principal said.

I have to admit that although I have been able to create the end point of alchemy: the Nibelungen, I still cannot compare with the vice-principal's attainments in alchemy in many aspects.

As the vice-principal fiddled with it, a trace of spiritual fluctuation invisible to the naked eye flashed on the cellar door, and then this fluctuation was shattered under the vice-principal's control. He reached out to brush off the dust on the cellar door, and after fumbling on the metal plate for a while, the vice principal found the door handle:

"Let's go, let's see what's hidden under here." The vice-principal took a deep breath and pulled the cellar door with great force, but there was no movement.


The situation looked a bit awkward. The vice-principal pulled the iron door again with some disbelief. This time, the door finally swayed, but soon stopped due to lack of strength. In the end, only a slight gap was exposed in the iron door.

Zheng Shu grinned, stepped forward, took the door handle from the vice principal's hand, and pulled open the cellar door.

The moment the cellar door was opened, a gust of wind blew past the two of them and poured into the cellar. Then a dull sour smell seeped out from the cellar, making people unable to help but cover their noses.

The vice-principal took out the windproof match he carried with him, struck a match and threw it in. The match fell deep into the cellar and continued to burn slowly until the entire match was completely burned out.

"It seems that the oxygen content inside should not be a problem." The vice principal turned to look at Zheng Shu, "But one look inside shows that no one has been in for a long time. Are you sure that Angers put his own 'black box' in it?" Is it in here?”

"Don't worry, with Ange's speaking ability, he can put the things in and run out before the smell inside dissipates." Zheng Shu turned on the flashlight and took the initiative to walk into the cellar.

The air in the cellar was cold and viscous. Under the light of the flashlight, the fine dust flew like small insects in the beam of light.

Zheng Shu frowned and endured the rotten smell inside and walked to the stairs at the door. The stairs were very narrow and could only accommodate one person. The ground below was hidden in the darkness, as if this wooden staircase had no end.

However, for Zheng Shu, this level of darkness could not block his sight at all. He walked easily on the stairs, and the vice principal could only move forward cautiously step by step behind him.

Unexpectedly, after only walking a few steps on the seemingly endless stairs, they reached the bottom. Zheng Shu took a flashlight and shined the surrounding walls, looking a little curious: "I never knew that the secret party followed German guy."

"Germany used to be a reserve for secret party talents. After all, in this land full of war and chaos, it is easy to produce outstanding talents, and the complex political situation also makes it easier for hybrids to hide." Vice Principal Looking at the huge black eagle and anti-swastika illuminated by the lights, "After all, the so-called Kassel itself is a model of Germany's dragon-slaying family."

"As far as I know, the Elders Council of the Secret Party was monopolized by the Germans at the time. The three elders who served as elders were all famous German dragon slayers. But later, due to the dragon invasion of Xia Zhi Ming, all the glory was lost. Disappeared completely.

In addition, in order to seek a chance to win, the crazy Third Reich carried out cruel experiments after finding traces of hybrids. It is said that the cruelty of the experiments shocked every hybrid that they had ever seen, so much so that they were originally The Secret Party, which was unwilling to get involved in politics, began to stand at the forefront, and as World War II progressed, the political center of the Secret Party continued to move south, and finally came to the United States. "

The vice-principal talked eloquently about the relevant history, without the sloppy cowboy look of the past. As a member of this generation, Flamel's academic achievements still cannot be questioned by anyone.

The space underground was still not very big, so the two of them fumbled a little and found an iron door underground.

This time, there was no alchemy array protection on the iron gate, so Zheng Shu casually broke the iron bolt as thick as his arm.

"Are you...really still a human?"

The vice-principal fell silent as he looked at the metal door latch broken off by Zheng Shu. The thing was as thick as his arm. Even if part of the surface was corroded by rust, it could not be destroyed casually, even with a large cutting machine. It also took a long time to cut, and the vice-principal even doubted whether he could move it.

"Don't be stupid, what else can I be if I'm not a human being?" Zheng Shu didn't pay attention to the vice principal's question and casually opened the three-finger-thick protective iron door.

Hearing something strange when the iron door slid, the vice-principal quietly stepped forward and moved and fell into silence again... This thing is actually solid.

After opening the door, Zheng Shu and the vice principal were surprised to find that the space behind the door was unexpectedly spacious.

They originally thought that the space behind this door would be like a vault at most, but they didn't expect that it looked like an empty hall.

The air was filled with the smell of dust and water mist, but compared with the smell of decay in the previous space, it seemed extremely mild, and could even be called clean.

There are also some long tables and chairs placed in the hall, which looks like it should be a canteen.

There were several doors on both sides of the hall. Zheng Shu walked along the edge of the hall, held the dusty door handle, and pushed open the door.

The light of the flashlight shone in, revealing several bunk beds inside. It looked like it should be a dormitory-like place.

Zheng Shu and the vice principal looked at each other and suddenly realized that things here seemed more complicated than they imagined.

"What do you think might be going on? Who would build a secret space under this manor." Zheng Shu continued to walk towards the next door.

"The sign we just saw has actually told us the answer." The vice-principal turned the flashlight to the ceiling, where there was an identical sign, "Casel Manor was built a long time ago, and later the Secret Party built it There was indeed no underground space built at that time. So the answer is already very obvious. The only one who could build such a large underground space in a short period of time and utilize it was the Third Reich that ruled Germany at that time."

Zheng Shu opened another room, and a puff of dust came to his face. As the flashlight shined inside, Zheng Shu and the vice principal could see the reflection of many ancient glass bottles and experimental instruments.

It's obvious that this is a laboratory.

As soon as Zheng Shu stepped in, his attention was attracted by a layer of black dust covering the ground inside the house. These things looked like coal chips.

There is also a piece of charcoal placed on the experimental table, in the shape of a dying rabbit. It looks as lifelike as a work by a famous artist. Both the rabbit's hair and body shape are very delicate.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, were those researchers in the Third Reich so leisurely? They actually had time to practice this level of carving skills." The moment the vice-principal saw the charcoal rabbit, he used his professional skills to Habit judged its value, "Although its value has dropped a lot because it was carved with charcoal, it is precisely because it was carved with charcoal that it has saved a lot of points in terms of skill, and it can be used as a good one." art for sale.”

"That's not a work of art. To be precise, that thing should be regarded as a 'corpse.'" Zheng Shu came to the conclusion after carefully examining the charcoal rabbit on the experimental table.

"The water in the body was completely drained in an instant, and then it was baptized by a huge amount of fire elements. However, because there was no air around it, it could not burn and finally turned into this form similar to charcoal." Zheng Shu turned around to look. To the vice principal next to him, "Don't you think this step looks very familiar to you?"

"Rhine!" The vice-principal thought for a moment and took a sharp breath. "Rhine will extract the moisture from all substances in the field before releasing it. This is the trace left after the explosion of releasing Rhine."

Zheng Shu nodded and agreed with the reason for the appearance of this basement.

At the end of the Third Reich, due to the reversal of the offensive at that time, the top leaders of the empire were so anxious that they did everything they could to reverse the situation. Historically, there were even attempts to use black magic to curse the leaders of the Allied Powers.

By the way, the Allied Powers at that time also had corresponding witch groups, which were used to engage in magical confrontation with the wizard groups of the Third Reich. Note 1

In order to reverse the decline, even such obviously nonsense things were used. The top leaders of the Third Reich at that time could be said to be desperate, not to mention that they certainly would not let go of such a real force as the Rhine explosion.

However, Zheng Shu could also imagine how desperate those scientists would feel when they came here and faced the huge pressure from above and the completely unscientific mysterious phenomenon in front of them.

Zheng Shu glanced around the laboratory, confirmed that all paper materials had been destroyed or taken away, then left the room, frowning as he looked at the hall.

"What's wrong?" The vice-principal walked out of the room, still holding the charcoal rabbit in his hand.

"Although it seems like the harvest is good, we haven't found what we were looking for - where did the old guy from Angers put his 'black box'?"

Next, Zheng Shu and the vice principal quickly searched the remaining rooms, but found that the remaining rooms were all storage rooms. After so many years, the smell of the things in them even forced Zheng Shu and the vice principal to leave. .

After searching until night, Zheng Shu and the vice principal finally found something strange.

"The traces of the fire here are obviously rummaged by someone. A normal fire should not look like this."

Zheng Shu and the vice principal returned to the laboratory again, squatting in front of a brazier and examining it carefully. During the evacuation, the researchers probably used this brazier to burn most of the materials, but the ashes in the brazier had obviously been rummaged through by someone, and a large piece of the bottom of the brazier was even exposed.

At this moment, the phone on the vice principal's body suddenly rang. After he walked to the side and answered the call, his face suddenly became very serious, and Zheng Shu could also hear the conversation between him and the other side through his extraordinary hearing.

"Found it. The school staff searched through the carpet and found a secret compartment in the cabinet of the principal's office. There was a memory card stored by Angers." After the vice principal hung up the phone, he immediately returned to Zheng Shu's office. Beside him, there was a strange emotion on his face.

"Okay! Let's go back and take a look immediately." Zheng Shu did not continue to dwell on this, and quickly left the basement with the vice principal.

But when he was filling back the soil that had been thrown away at the beginning, Zheng Shu suddenly realized something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" The vice-principal was a little curious when he noticed that Zheng Shu had stopped what he was doing.

"The number of plant roots in this clod of soil is a bit too small." Zheng Shu glanced at the vice-principal who was a little unresponsive, and could only sigh and explain to him, "If the number of roots is small, it means that the soil here is It was backfilled.”

"But judging from the plants, the height of the plants here is not much different from the height of the plants on other tombs." The vice-principal frowned and glanced at the tomb next to him. There was also a low lawn on top. It seemed that they The gardener who was searching was not lazy and took care of all the tombstones very neatly.

"Yes, this shows that the person who backfilled the soil has the ability to make plants grow quickly." This sentence just went through Zheng Shu's mind without saying it.

He originally thought that Ange discovered the basement, but now it seems that the person who discovered the basement was not Ange, but the other party should also be able to use the word spirit of the Wind King's lineage.

No! wrong!

Zheng Shu, recalling all the scenes he had just seen in the basement, rejected his thoughts.

"The dust on the ground did not leave any traces. This shows that the other party's control of time is far beyond Angers, coupled with the accelerated growth of plants."

Zheng Shu thought quickly in his mind and licked the corner of his mouth unconsciously: "With Anger's ability to control the spirit of speech, there is only one being in this world who can surpass him: the King of Sky and Wind - Li Wuyue. "

Note 1: This is true, and both sides invited wizards to enchant their weapons.

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