Kassel Academy, the conference hall deep in the Hall of Valor.

Portraits of secret party leaders from past generations hang on the walls, and people dressed in black sit at tables. Most of them are old, like zombies who have just been dug out of the grave. They are all dressed as if they came from ancient times. They look more like a gathering of gentlemen in the era of Sherlock Holmes.

"There hasn't been a meeting like this for many years, Mr. Vanderbilt."

"Yes, Mr. Turing, I remember the last meeting was in 1961."

"I originally thought you were dead, but who knew I saw this unpleasant face of yours again..."

Even the conversations between old friends here are lifeless, like the ghosts in the coffin whispering.

Since World War II, this group of secret party elders has never gathered so neatly. Most of the people who can sit at this table have changed the course of human history, such as creating the atomic bomb and ending World War II. . Of course, there are also a few who rely on pure combat power, such as burying multiple resurrected ancient dragons with their own hands.

For this group of people who have seen strong winds and waves, there shouldn't be anything that would make them uneasy, but today's atmosphere seems dark and gloomy. The elders always tolerate it when chatting in a seemingly calm manner. I kept seeing the chair at the end of the conference room.

The chair sat opposite the main seat of the conference room. Originally, there should be nothing there, but today because of a special person, the elders had to change their long-standing tradition and help him buy one. Chair.

Zheng Shu sat on the chair and looked up at the ceiling. The sights of the elders around him, who thought they were well hidden, naturally did not escape his perception, but he was already familiar with it, so he didn't seem to care.

In fact, this meeting was held specifically for Zheng Shu at the beginning, mainly because the things he had done in school before were a bit too scary.

Simply killing all the people arranged by the Gattuso family at Cassel College is acceptable. There are always a few lunatics among the mixed-race species who don't like to follow the rules, but judging from the subsequent actions, he even wants to go with Xia Mi. Killing Frost made the elders a little bit restless.

Although Frost's own bloodline is mediocre, he has won consecutive battles against the Dragon King during his years as principal. In his hands, the hybrid finally saw the hope of ending the Dragon King forever.

But now, the strongest man of the younger generation plans to assassinate Frost, and judging from his combat effectiveness, the possibility of success is very high.

When the footage of the "confrontation" between Zheng Shu and the Gattuso family's various coastal defense artillery and defense systems in Sicily was transmitted back by Norma via satellite, the possibility of Frost's death increased significantly again.

At such a critical time, if Frost is killed, in order to calm down the various power changes caused by his death, it will be difficult for Cassel Academy to take action against the Dragon King in a short period of time.

Therefore, this incident shocked even the core and senior leaders of the secret party. The elders once again gathered in this dusty conference room to face the situation that may further deteriorate in the future.

Then, just as they were formulating various plans against Zheng Shu and planning to divide the various interests gained by the Gattuso family after Frost's death, Zheng Shu led Frost and kicked open the door of the conference room.

As for why these elders allowed Zheng Shu to participate in this meeting, it was of course because Zheng Shu expressed his "goodwill".

What he did was very simple. After confirming that everyone had understood their approximate combat power from the satellite images, Zheng Shu first punched the wall and then said with a "He Shan" smile: "Look! I I can obviously kill you with one punch, but I chose to talk to you. Now you should believe that I negotiate with good intentions."

Then the rest of the things became much simpler. Faced with the "goodwill" of a person who could withstand the existence of space-based weapons, all the elders of the secret party changed from their usual rigid and harsh attitude and became smiling like spring breeze.

The faces of these old guys changed so quickly that even Patsy, who had been assisting Frost next to him, secretly rolled his eyes. He never thought that these old guys who looked like dead people dug out from the cemetery could actually still be there. Smile so brightly.

After waiting for a while, the door was finally pushed open, and the strong smell of alcohol drifted in. Looking at the people who came in, the other members of the elders finally breathed a sigh of relief.

A plaid denim shirt that has been washed out of shape, jeans with holes attached to them, a middle-aged belly that has gained weight, and a particularly deliciously twisted butt. The vice-chancellor patted each elder on the shoulder, blew a kiss to the baroness present, and finally sat down on the chair that should have belonged to Frost.

"Teacher Flamel." The elders present all nodded slightly to show respect.

The surname Flamel is almost unknown within Kassel Academy, but for this group of elders, the title "Terrible Flamel" will never be forgotten by them.

Although the mentors of Flamel in the past generations are all highly respected, for some reason there are some problems with the inheritance of this generation... A certain prodigal inherited the mantle of the previous teacher. Fortunately, he is still worthy of Flamel in terms of his alchemy attainments. This is a great surname.

For the purpose of winning over, they gave the title of vice-chancellor to Tutor Flamel, but did not expect him to manage academic affairs.

However, in the current scene, the appearance of the Flamel mentor still made the elders feel certain. After all, no matter who is staying in the same room with a thug who can tear apart dragons, they will feel great pressure.

After decades of transformation, Kassel College has been transformed into an absolute war fortress by this mentor Flamel. His presence means that their basic security is guaranteed.

……I guess so.

In short, under Zheng Shu's absolutely violent suppression, the status of the vice principal has reached an unprecedented height.

"Everyone is not dead yet?" The vice principal looked around.

"No, part of it is dead." Mr. Turing replied very seriously, "Everything that can move is basically here now."

"Okay, as long as someone can breathe, let's talk about today's events." The vice-principal waved his hand nonchalantly.

As his words fell, everyone in the elders involuntarily turned their heads to look at Zheng Shu, who was sitting opposite him.

"Huh? It's my turn?" Zheng Shu, who was looking up in a daze, felt that a lot of eyes were focused on him, and lowered his head in confusion, "Okay, let's talk about the new Dragon King."

The casual words were like a bomb falling into the conference room. All the elders looked at Zheng Shu in disbelief, but their eyes immediately became sharp again.

Although the group of elders here seem to be greedy and afraid of death, everyone here actually has a lifelong goal to strive for, and that is to eliminate the dragon clan from this world. For this reason, they can even abandon Lose your most precious life.

Therefore, as soon as Zheng Shu's words came out, the atmosphere in the entire conference room became different.

If someone else had said such a sentence, they might still have some doubts. But Zheng Shu is different. Zheng Shu can be regarded as the strongest person these elders have encountered in their lives, and in the world of mixed races, the strong person means everything.

Even the originally carefree vice-principal became serious: "Zheng Shu, are you sure there is really news about the Dragon King?"

"That's right." Zheng Shu sat up straight, "The reason why so many things happened today is because of the Dragon King."

"?" Hearing what he said, everyone in the elders secretly muttered, the biggest thing today was your own doing. You can't blame this thing on the Dragon King, right?

However, as Zheng Shu told the story, the faces of the elders and the vice-principal became more and more ugly. Even Frost, who was pushed aside by the vice-principal and sat next to him, also became ugly.

Unlike Lu Mingfei who was regarded as a madman after discovering the problem, Zheng Shu showed his overwhelming power and seemed particularly weighty when he spoke again... After all, there was a fist as big as a sandbag here, even if he really A mentally ill person talking nonsense here must show enough respect.

"Okay, I already understand the basics. According to what you mean, the memories of all of us have been modified. Only you and Lu Mingfei have not been modified, right?" the vice principal coughed and said. in conclusion.

However, it can be heard from his tone that there is still a lot of distrust in what Zheng Shu said.

After all, rather than admitting that everyone in the world has had their memories modified, only two fish that slipped through the net were unharmed. It is more common sense to think that these two people had mental problems and developed delusions.

"I know what you are thinking. This level of amnestic deletion has a scale that affects the whole world. The reason why Lu Mingfei and I are immune is because our blood levels are too high." Zheng Shu doesn't have much either. impatient.

He understands the thoughts of these people very well, but in order to obtain the clues left by Anger, Zheng Shu must get their help. Otherwise, he and Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi, the three unaffected people (Long), will have to find it. Clues, that would take too long.

The group of elders looked at each other, and finally Frost stood up and asked: "Okay, even assuming that what you said is true, where is the evidence? After all, there is nothing you can do if you just rely on your own words. Let’s believe it.”

"The evidence has always been there, and you have all seen him before... you should have seen him, I don't know what the plot will be like in the changed world." Zheng Shu calculated the time, "They It should be here soon.”

As soon as Zheng Shu finished speaking, other people in the conference room heard noisy sounds coming from the distance.

Frost glanced at Patsy next to him. Patsy immediately understood what he meant and walked out of the conference room very sensibly. He came back after a while. When Patsy came back, there were three people behind him.

The appearance of one of them caused a slight commotion among the elders, because she was exactly the other person they saw attacking the Gattuso family in the satellite footage: Xia Mi.

The appearance of one of the remaining two people was also very familiar to them. It was Chu Zihang, the "culprit" who caused this incident and meeting.

However, the other person seems a bit unfamiliar to the elders and others. Just judging from his similar appearance to Chu Zihang, these mature guys estimate that this person is Chu Zihang's elder, or even his father.

In the conference room, the vice-principal suddenly felt a sense of trance after seeing Chu Tianjiao's appearance. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have inadvertently overlooked something particularly important.

"Chu Tianjiao, Chu Zihang's father, he also experienced a world-wide memory modification, and he is the forgotten protagonist." Zheng Shu introduced everyone present in an exaggerated tone.

This was the evidence that Zheng Shu had been waiting for. Because he wanted to rescue Chu Zihang, Chu Tianjiao used various methods to prepare to sneak into Sicily.

When Zheng Shu wanted to find him, he found that he had quietly run to the Chicago Airport. So Zheng Shu had asked Xia Mi, Xia Ming and Chu Zihang to go to the airport to bring Chu Tianjiao back. After all, Chu Tianjiao The existence of Tianjiao was originally proof of the existence of this unknown spirit.

Following Zheng Shu's introduction, the vice-principal suddenly felt a light coming through in his mind, and he immediately understood what the disharmonious feeling he felt just now was.

That's right! He actually inadvertently ignored the existence of Chu Tianjiao!

As a unique sample in the world before this, Chu Tianjiao has always been the focus of research at Kassel College. As the top alchemist, the vice-principal felt that after hearing Zheng Shu’s description, he should not ignore it in theory. The existence of such a precious sample.

But just now, he completely ignored such a special person... No! It shouldn't be just him!


Following the call of the vice-principal, a bright blue beam of light was cast behind him. In the beam stood a slender girl with crystal-clear and almost transparent skin and long light blue hair that reached the floor. The color of her hair was very surreal. , but it looks extremely harmonious on this girl.

In the beam of light, dust visible to the naked eye was flying chaotically, passing through her slender body without any obstacles.

"EVA, the upgraded version of Norma, or Norma with a girlish personality, has about fourteen times the computing power of Norma. Although she looks like a little girl, compared to Norma's college secretary attributes, EVA is the central computer She has a war personality." The vice-principal casually introduced her to the old antiques in the conference room, "Considering that it was basically a state of war before, I woke her up."

EVA bowed slightly, looking well-behaved and gentle. The so-called war personality could not be reflected in her brows, but all the elders who knew her nodded slightly in return. They knew very well the amazing authority of this virtual girl.

"EVA, before Zheng Shu told about the existence of Chu Tianjiao, did you notice anything unusual?"

Facing the vice principal's question, EVA shook her head solemnly. The bright blue laser beam was cast from the ceiling and intertwined into a fine beam network, forming a holographic 3D projection behind her. Some of the elders here have lived in seclusion for decades and have never seen such an advanced laser. Imaging technology, so his eyes widened in surprise.

Information was projected into a book format and displayed behind EVA: "Before Zheng Shu brought up the existence of Chu Tianjiao, every time he mentioned the topic of the world being changed, I would unconsciously ignore everything about Chu Tianjiao. Information. According to my self-examination, it was because Chu Tianjiao’s information had been automatically classified as spam by me before. Moreover, before this, I was preparing to carry out spam cleaning activities every few years, but because of Zheng Akebono’s activities have caused my information cleanup to be suspended.”

Listening to EVA's description and looking at the detailed information about Chu Tianjiao displayed on the document, the elders present all looked solemn. They understood the meaning of this very well.

This also means that the unknown word spirit released by the unknown dragon king not only works on the biological level, but also has a very large impact on the information level. If Zheng Shu had not brought it up, they might not have discovered the abnormality in their lifetime.

"Well, it seems that what you said is very likely to be true, but I still can't imagine that the Secret Party and the Elders would actually hand over the power of commanding Cassel College to one person." Frost Shaked his head.

I can't imagine how I would think about handing over such great power in a "normal" world.

"Okay, then what should we do next? If this dragon king can change other people's memories, then his hiding place will not be discovered." Someone in the elders group raised a question.

"That's why I've been patiently explaining it to you guys here." Zheng Shu leaned back on the soft chair. He looked at the vice principal opposite him, "After finding Chu Tianjiao, the school carried out The 'black box' activity of that project should still be in your memory, right?"

The vice-principal immediately realized what Zheng Shu was talking about: "Yes, in my memory, there was indeed an event where everyone hid their information in a place that only they knew, but in the end it became Hide and seek among students.”

"Then you should have made backups yourself, right?"

"I did." The vice principal nodded.

"No." Frost looked a little embarrassed.

"Fortunately, in my impression, Ange is a person who will do whatever it takes to target the Dragon Clan. He must have prepared insurance like this." Zheng Shu glanced at Frost, "If you, Vice Principal, have prepared it, then Angers Reya must have been prepared, so what we have to do next will be simple..."

"Find that information." The vice principal opposite him said, "Until now, I will update my information every once in a while. If it is a Dragon King-level enemy, Angers should also have a record."

"But the question now is, where are we going to find the 'black box' hidden by a person who we have no memory of and only he knows?" Frost asked.

"So I need you to mobilize your manpower to help find the information left by Angers, including the most secret locations and the most inaccessible locations." Zheng Shu also felt a little helpless.

Although he used his mental power to scan Cassel Academy several times, mental power is produced in living things after all. It is too vague to search for non-living things, so he can only rely on the most primitive human power to search. .

The outskirts of Hamburg, Germany.

The sky was getting dark, and a burning cloud hung far away on the horizon. In this almost deserted place, Zheng Shu and the vice principal appeared together.

With the setting sun, Zheng Shu and the others could already see the gate of Cassel Manor in the distance.

The manor is located in a forest. The area that was destroyed by the word spirit: Rhine in the past has been rejuvenated over the past hundred years. The dead branches sprouted new buds, and the seeds grew into towering trees. The place where the Summer Mourning took place was also It was rebuilt from ruins into a gorgeous manor by the Secret Party.

Looking at the panting vice-principal next to him, Zheng Shu scratched his hair helplessly: "Isn't there a road that can be opened to traffic in Cassel Manor? If you continue to delay like this, it will be night. "

As the former holy land of the Secret Party, Cassel Manor has naturally been rebuilt with the best use of everything, but only in the construction of roads, the group of people who built it seem to have different ideas.

"Who knows, I have to blame those old guys from the secret party." The vice-principal wiped the sweat from his head, "When those old guys rebuilt Cassel Manor, they said they wanted to maximize the preservation of the property. It’s a primitive ruin, so there are no roads even in places affected by the aftermath of the battle.”

Looking up at the forest in front of him, the vice-principal showed a sarcastic smile: "As a result, after so many years, the battle relics outside the manor have been completely obscured by trees. No matter how huge the power is, it will eventually become less powerful as time goes by. Vulnerable.”

"Although I really want to laugh at the old guys from the secret party with you, we don't have much time. Let's go! Keep moving." Zheng Shu saw through the vice principal's trick to delay time at a glance, and said mercilessly Continue to take the lead and walk in front.

"Okay." Seeing that his lazy plan was exposed, the vice-principal could only step forward helplessly, "But are you really sure that Angers will hide the information here?"

“I checked the database of Kassel College and Angers became a victim of Summer Mourning, so if the information I found is correct, we can find Angers’ tombstone in Kassel’s manor. "Zheng Shu pushed aside the branches blocking the road in front of him, "Although as far as I know, Angers prepared a grave for himself even before the world changed, but there should not be Angers' body in this grave."

The vice-principal nodded thoughtfully: "Indeed, in terms of privacy, what place is more secretive than your own grave?"

Thank you Fufeng Ranmo for your generous reward. Thank you for your support.

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