Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 195: Convincing people with

Frost's face was distorted. He never expected that these two terrifying intruders, who looked like wolves and tigers, had such a simple purpose.

You should have told me earlier!

Isn't it just a human being? The worst case scenario is that I'll return it to you. Why should I behave so viciously? ! Based on the behavior of these two people just now, those who didn't know it thought that the Dragon King was coming to kill the Gattuso family after reviving.

"You... ugh!" Frost wanted to say something more, but seeing that the countdown on his phone had reached zero, all his words could only be condensed into a helpless sigh.

Zheng Shu and Xia Mi looked up at the sky thoughtfully. In the dim sky of Sicily, a star suddenly became extremely twinkling.

This was the self-destruction method that Frost started at the beginning, the Gattuso family's final weapon against the Dragon King, a super kinetic weapon that dropped tungsten steel from the atmosphere and then hit the ground: the Sword of Damocles.

This is the ultimate weapon that seriously injured King Bai in the original work. At the very center where it was hit by tungsten steel, its power is even comparable to the explosion of a nuclear bomb. Because tungsten steel is carried by satellites and rotates around the earth in space, it takes a long time to circle the planet.

Therefore, Frost felt that he was lucky when he saw that the countdown was only three minutes, but he did not expect such a result.

But all regrets are meaningless now. The blazing meteor is about to fall to the ground, and then all living creatures in the manor will cease to exist as if they have suffered divine punishment.

Just when Borost was desperate, Zheng Shu took action. He jumped up from the ground and flew straight towards the Sword of Damocles.

Xia Mi, who was below him, also used his Word Spirit: Eyes of the Wind King. Huge hurricanes quickly came from all directions and converged over the manor, forming an arc-shaped shield in front of the manor. As Xia Mi's explosive power increased, the huge hurricane even vaguely resembled a tornado.

The next second, the meteor falling from the sky met Zheng Shu.

boom! !

Orange-red fireballs mixed with half-melted tungsten steel fragments flew out, and countless flying fragments shot towards the manor on the ground.

The barrier formed by the hurricane was crumbling in the aftermath of the explosion. Frost watched helplessly as a piece of debris fell in front of him, advancing at an extremely slow speed because it was hindered by the hurricane barrier.

But at this time, he no longer had the energy to pay attention to this magical phenomenon. The terrifying explosion above his head had already made him express all the wonder in his heart.

Xia Mi's control of power was very precise. Although the hurricane barrier had been crumbling in the shock wave, it showed no sign of collapse.

After a long time, the fire dissipated, and the remaining vegetation on the island was blown to the ground by the terrifying shock wave. Frost fell to the ground, looking aimlessly at the sky.

In the thick smoke, a figure broke through the smoke and dust and fell back to the ground.

Zheng Shu patted the non-existent dust on his body and turned to look at Frost on the balcony.

"How to deal with this person?" Xia Mi walked to Zheng Shu's side.

"Don't be so murderous. Don't always think about killing. This guy is quite interesting, so just take him away." Zheng Shu warned Xia Mi seriously, "After all, as the principal of Kassel College, he is still It’s somewhat useful, and we still need to use his power to find clues about Angers.”

Xia Mi rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk to Zheng Shu. It was this guy who killed the most people along the way, but he actually had the nerve to teach him a lesson.

"Come down, do you still want us to ask you to come down?"

Frost on the balcony couldn't help but shudder when he heard Zheng Shu's shouts below. Seeing that Zheng Shu was still unscathed and even his clothes were not damaged, he had fallen into confusion about the reality of the world. In doubt.

"That was a space-based weapon just now. Even Bai Wang was seriously injured after receiving that shot. Are these two guys down there really human beings? And that Chu Zihang, since you have such a strong friend, then You should have said it earlier! How could we have made things difficult for you if you had said it earlier?!"

With all kinds of thoughts rolling around in his heart, Frost did not dare to delay at all and immediately ran downstairs.

Although the Gattuso family suffered heavy losses this time, to be honest, Frost had already started thinking about how to win over the two people.

For the Gattuso family, which has a large family and business, although it is a bit distressing to lose some people, it is not an unacceptable thing. On the contrary, if we can win over these two obviously exceeding the standard of fighting power, then the Gattuso family can break through the joint blockade of other families and achieve prosperity unprecedented in history.

Even if they can't successfully win over these two people, even if they can maintain goodwill with them, it will be a very beneficial thing for the Gattuso family.

Frost did a quick calculation and found that there was no completely irreparable hatred between himself and these two people. All that was left was to find what these two people liked and cater to them.

If you love money, give it wealth; if you love love, give it your sincerity. As a family that has been around for thousands of years, the Gattuso family has its own plans for various situations.

For a family of this level, face is indeed very important, but the so-called face itself is only a kind of resource. If you can obtain greater benefits, then it is very normal to abandon face.

Therefore, when faced with the absolute power of Zheng Shu and Xia Mi, Frost, who had experienced a complete education from the Gattuso family, naturally changed his thinking mode.

Zheng Shu watched Frost running down the stairs with interest. Although he could not read minds with his current mental strength, there was no problem in simply observing the emotions of a creature.

The mental fluctuations emanating from Frost's body were not as angry or aggrieved as Zheng Shu imagined. On the contrary, the other person exuded a stranger emotion. If I have to make a more vivid metaphor, it is probably the same as a businessman seeing a huge business opportunity.

Because Frost slid to his knees very quickly, Zheng Shu and the others were able to avoid all kinds of trouble later and arrived directly under the leadership of the Gattuso family's biggest talker at this stage. The basement of the manor.

"Um... or I won't go in? You two can just go in and catch up with your friends." Frost handed over the key in his hand very discerningly.

Zheng Shu, who had searched the basement with his mental power, naturally knew why this guy was behaving like this. He glanced at Xia Mi next to him, and after thinking about it, Zheng Shu agreed with Frost's idea: "Okay, Mr. Frost, Then first ask you to arrange a plane for us to go back to school. Then we have to ask you to go back to Cassel College with us. There are some things I need to confirm."

"No problem, it's not a trouble. I just have to go back to Kassel College to deal with some things." Frost smiled very respectfully at Zheng Shu and Xia Mi, and immediately turned around and left the basement.

"Isn't this guy planning something bad?" Looking at Frost's back as if he was running away, Xia Mi looked a little suspicious.

"He didn't plan anything bad." Zheng Shu's expression looked a little strange, "The main reason is that he was afraid that you would get angry later and beat him to death."

"Huh? Why?" Xia Mi felt a little regretful and turned to look at the basement with an expression of sudden realization. "Did you say that he did something particularly cruel to Chu Zihang?"

"It doesn't count..." Zheng Shu thought for a while, threw the key in his hand to Xia Mi, turned around and left the basement, "But I feel that I am not suitable to be there for the rest of the things, so I will leave them to you two. Individuals handle it themselves.”

After taking a look at Zheng Shu's leaving figure, Xia Mi's doubts became even higher. Looking at the iron door in front of him, Xia Mi inserted the key into the keyhole and opened it without hesitation.

Even though she was mentally prepared, the scene behind the door still surprised her. There was no cruel torture instrument or cold laboratory as she had imagined.

In fact, the basement is quite well decorated, with a separate high-end bathroom and living room, flowers, plants, TVs and computers. The most eye-catching thing is a large bed in the center of the basement, which looks very luxurious and comfortable.

Except that the walls around the basement and the various alchemical circles carved on the top indicate that it is imprisoning a person, it does not look like a cage at all.

And here, besides Chu Zihang, there are two other women.

Xia Mi's eyes twitched as he looked at the scene in front of him, and he probably understood why the two people reacted like that just now.

Both women are very beautiful. Even Xia Mi, who is a woman, has to admit that these two are quite beautiful. They can be said to be well-dressed and well-dressed. They also wear very few clothes except for a pair of trousers. There were no other clothes except the hazy silk pajamas, and the pitiful expressions on the two people's faces were enough to make any male creature burst out with a strong desire for protection.

And when Xia Mi opened the door, Chu Zihang was pushing the two women down on the bed, holding their hands with two hands respectively, and the posture looked particularly astringent.

The sound of opening the door also attracted the attention of three people. Seeing the three people turning their heads and looking over, Xia Mi was silent for a moment and immediately closed the door: "Sorry for disturbing you!"

"you misunderstood!!!"

Listening to the sound of chickens and dogs jumping below, Zheng Shu and Frost squatted outside the manor together, watching the sunset gradually setting in the distance.

"I should have thought a long time ago that for mixed-race families, bloodline is the greatest wealth..." Zheng Shu shook the juice in the goblet in his hand, took a sip with the setting sun, and said He let out a contented sigh and said, "For a family like Chu Zihang's, who has reached the A-level limit but has not yet entered the S-level, it is a rare treasure comparable to a gold mine." Note 1

Frost, who was squatting next to him, completely abandoned his usual image, shrugged, and took a long puff of the cigar in his hand:

"If I had known that he had friends as powerful as you, who would have dared to mess with him? It's such a loss now. It took two whole days to arrest Chu Zihang, and he showed no signs of being moved by several different women. , even the old guys in the tribe doubt whether he has a problem with his sexual orientation. If you don’t come again, we are ready to change him to a beautiful boy."

"Luckily we came a little early..."

The two of them squatted on the ground and chatted for a while like old men who had just returned from working in the fields. Only then did Zheng Shu hear the sound of people below climbing up the stairs.

So Zheng Shu drank the remaining juice in his hand, put the cup aside, patted the clothes on his body and stood up: "Okay, it seems that the two of them have solved their own problems, so it's almost time for us to Back to business.”

"I have just contacted the family members. They have arranged for a helicopter to come here. It should be there within 10 minutes." Frost also pressed the cigar on the ground very skillfully and extinguished it, and followed Zheng Shu to the station. Standing up, "From what you said, isn't your main purpose this time to save Chu Zihang?"

"Yes, and no." Zheng Shu shook his head, "To be more precise, the reason Chu Zihang was arrested by you was because of the aftermath of this incident."

Frost couldn't help but frown when he heard Zheng Shu's words. Dealing with Chu Zihang was an impromptu decision he made, but listening to the man in front of him, he felt as if his actions were predicted or guided by others.

If this is the case, then this matter is not that simple.

"By the way, do you know where Caesar is?"

Zheng Shu's voice called Frost back from his thoughts. He was stunned for a moment and said with some uncertainty: "He should pay homage to his mother in Italy now. After all, his wedding will be in a few months." ”

"Huh?" Zheng Shu seemed to have heard something interesting, and suddenly turned to look at Frost, "You mean his wedding date? That means he has decided to marry Chen Motong, and has even made an engagement. Already?"

"Is there any problem?" Frost asked with some anxiety. If the person in front of him is also interested in the future mistress of the Gattuso family, then he can only show his previous momentum. Once again we will die together.

Zheng Shu squinted his eyes and recalled the situation in the original work. In the original work, after the world was changed by Odin, it was normal for Caesar and Chen Motong to get engaged. After all, the two of them had already reached the point of discussing marriage before.

But this time, before the world changed, Caesar and Chen Motong had only just established their relationship not long ago. It makes no sense that their relationship would suddenly reach this level after the world changed.

Recalling the very obvious traces of artificial modification on Chen Motong's body when he first met her, Zheng Shu gradually had an idea in his mind.

After Frost answered Zheng Shu's question, he found that the other party had been thinking with squinted eyes but did not reply. His uneasiness became more and more intense. Just when he was about to muster up the courage to ask another question, Zheng Shu suddenly spoke. : "Then let's take Caesar with us when we leave. In this incident, he and his fiancée may also be targets of the enemy."

Not getting the answer that frightened him the most from Zheng Shu, Frost secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but then he became frightened by the information revealed by Zheng Shu.

Although he looked down on Pompeii very much, he admired his nephew Frost very much. Even in his eyes, Caesar still had many shortcomings that needed to be corrected, but he could still be regarded as a qualified future leader of the Gattuso family.

Facing enemies that might affect his family's inheritance, Frost's eyes flashed with coldness.

Italy, Milan, Milan Cathedral.

This Gothic building is the spiritual symbol of Milan and a must-stop for tourists visiting Milan. It is always bustling with people, but today is an exception. There is a sign in front of the church saying "Visits are suspended on religious days".

However, the church was not filled with priests as other tourists imagined. There was only one person in the huge main hall. He was sitting on a bench in the front row with a bouquet of white flowers beside him.

There is a Harley-Davidson motorcycle parked outside the main hall. The machine has a silver-plated handle and a brass fuel tank. Its tough structure is incompatible with the atmosphere of the entire church.

Every time he came to pay homage to his mother, Caesar always wore a smart three-piece suit, rode a Harley motorcycle, and bought a bouquet of white roses from the fixed flower shop on the corner.

There is no particular reason. He wears a suit because his mother liked to see him dressed like this when he was a child. He rides a Harley because his mother once gave him a smaller version of a Harley motorcycle.

So every time on such an important day to honor his mother, he would wear all the memories of that year on his body. His mother's funeral was held in Milan Cathedral, and the Pope personally presided over it.

"Mom, I think I'm getting married soon. You should like my bride. I think you two are a bit like..." Caesar said softly.

But he felt a little confused in his heart. He and Chen Motong had experienced so many things in his memory, but there was always an unreal sense of illusion, as if they had skipped some important stage and entered directly into marriage. link.

Caesar also asked other people about his own question, but everyone told him that he was just afraid of the unknown life in the future.

As the future head of the Gattuso family, he can give up this engagement at any time if he doesn't want to. However, after careful consideration, Caesar did not choose to give up, because he knew that marrying Nono was what he wanted.

However, these mentality still have some influence on him, so today he came to the church to pay homage to his mother and talk to his mother's spirit in heaven.

But in Caesar's opinion, there is actually no need to say these words. After all, his mother's eyes should have been watching him in the sky, knowing everything he did, and also seeing his beloved girl.

After all, his mother once said that even if one day she is no longer on earth, she will look at Caesar in the sky, so Caesar is never willing to do bad things, because if he does bad things, his mother will know about it.

He stood up, leaned over and kissed the white marble in the center of the hall, placed the flowers on it, then turned and left.

The Harley motorcycle drove out of the Milan Cathedral and ran on the highway outside the city, heading towards the Gattuso family's castle in the countryside. There were dense rosemary and sage growing in the fields. Caesar stepped on the gas and looked into the depths. A sea of ​​purple and light purple flowers passed by the car.

At this time, Caesar's cell phone rang. He frowned, and finally chose to stop the car on the side of the road to answer the call.

Originally, he had never worked on such an important day. Even if the sky fell, it would have nothing to do with him. After paying homage to his mother, he should have just found a coffee shop to drink coffee.

People in the family should also know about this habit of his, but they still choose to contact him, which means that there is something that has to involve him.


"Hey, Caesar! It's me! Just stand there and don't move. We'll pick you up right away!"

Contrary to Caesar's expectation, the voice that came over the phone was not the voice of the family contact person, but more frivolous. Caesar only thought for a moment and thought of the owner of the voice: "Zheng Shu? Why do you have a way to contact me? "

There was already a little anger in Caesar's voice, not only towards Zheng Shu but also towards the family's contact person, who actually let the other party obtain his contact information so easily, disturbing his most important day.

"You don't think it's very easy for us to obtain your contact information, do you?" Zheng Shu on the opposite side seemed to be able to see what he was thinking through his mobile phone, "I tell you, I penetrated the entire Gattuso The family just got your contact information, which can be said to be quite 'hard work'."

Listening to Zheng Shu's nonsensical way of speaking, Caesar frowned. Although he was very dissatisfied with his father and family, he was not happy about Zheng Shu's casual teasing behavior.

"Caesar, it's me, Frost."

At this time, another familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, and Caesar immediately recognized that this was his uncle.

"Frost? How did you get together with Zheng Shu?"

"Because as Mr. Zheng Shu said before, he penetrated the entire Gattuso family." Frost's voice was as steady and calm as in Caesar's memory, but what he said made Caesar feel that this was Someone used a voice changer to fake it.

"If this is a joke, Zheng Shu, this is a bit too much."

"What a mess! Look up, we are already close to you."

At the same time, he also heard the sound of the propellers of the helicopter overhead. Looking up, Caesar saw Zheng Shu waving to him in the distance.

After the helicopter got a little closer, Caesar actually saw Frost's face on the seat behind Zheng Shu.

"Caesar, do you still want your wife?" Zheng Shu lowered the rope ladder from the helicopter, "If you want, come with us."

Note 1: This foreshadowing is in Chapter 65.

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