Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 194 You should have told me earlier!

After coming to Sicily, the Gattuso family slowly developed. They had good luck among various forces, and made a fortune from smuggling during World War II.

Eventually, after several generations of accumulation, the Gattuso family was now a powerful member of the school board. But now, Frost has a vague feeling that the Gattuso family's strength has come to an end.

Especially the last incident in the Japanese branch, when the Gattuso family used space-based weapons to eliminate the White King, Frost could clearly feel the rejection of him by other school boards.

After all, when the Gattuso family has grown so powerful, it must also crowd out the development routes of other families. Except for the Beowulf family, which due to their family characteristics does not pay attention to anything other than dragon slaying, other families on the school board are secretly doing so. United to resist the squeeze from the Gattuso family.

No matter how strong Gattuso is, he will still be unable to cope with this level of suppression, so Frost thought of a new development direction: Kassel Academy.

As the only and strongest mixed-race training academy in the world, the students at Cassel College can be regarded as the future of mixed-races. Starting from this aspect, whether it is to strengthen the power of the Gattuso family and improve the family's Influence or making future allies are both very good choices.

So taking advantage of the opportunity that the Gattuso family's next patriarch, Caesar, would join Cassel College, Frost directly applied to the school board to serve as the principal of Cassel College in the next few years.

After paying a lot of money, Frost also got his wish to become the interim president of Kassel College for the next few years.

As he expected, Caesar's charm was enough to attract most of the students. With the secret efforts of the Gattuso family and Caesar's influence shown by participating in the Dragon King's war twice before, maybe it won't be long before Flos Te can take off his hat as interim principal and become the real principal of Cassel College.

Thinking of that scene, Frost unconsciously smiled again on his face.

But before that, he needed to deal with Caesar's biggest rival at Cassel College.

In the previous operations against the Dragon King, the student named Chu Zihang also performed very well, and the Lion Heart Club he led itself also inherited Kassel's legacy. Such a talent is very important for those who want to unify Kassel College. A huge threat to Caesar.

It's a pity that Caesar is good in every aspect, but his character is too upright and he respects the so-called kingly ideals very much. Faced with such a formidable enemy that stood in his way, he had already opposed Frost's proposals several times.

Frost sneered at his nephew's naivety, but he was still the head of the next generation of the family, so he had to give him some face no matter what, so Frost took advantage of the opportunity of Caesar leaving Kassel College to cut through the mess quickly. Get rid of the student named Chu Zihang.

It happened that the opponent's ability to release Junyan was exposed during the operation in Japan, so Frost simply took control of Chu Zihang on the charge of losing control of his bloodline. After all, for mixed-race people, the loss of control of dragon blood is indeed a frightening thing.

Although in fact, among the top leaders of the major martial arts factions, those who have not experienced out-of-control bloodlines are embarrassed to say that they have slain dragons. It is like the method of screening newborns in the Beowulf family. Every child who survives Which one is not on the verge of dragon bloodline?

It can be said that this level of bloodline is already a special unspoken rule among high-level hybrids, but now that the Gattuso family is in great momentum, other families do not want to provoke each other because of a student.

Frost was also extremely satisfied with his decision. After all, how could anyone provoke the Gattuso family for such a powerless student...

"Huh?" Frost looked at the sky in the distance and narrowed his eyes.

There, it seemed that something was approaching quickly, and even because the speed exceeded the speed of sound, it left an obvious trajectory in the sky as the object flew.

"What was that? An attack?"

Frost did not feel panic. Sicily, as the base camp of the Gattuso family, is naturally covered with heavy defenses. Not to mention such an unknown thing, even if someone uses a nuclear bomb to attack it, the various defenses on Sicily will not Able to intercept it in advance.

While Frost was thinking, the defense system on Xixi Island had already launched several defensive missiles. The missiles carried bright flames at the tail and rushed towards the unknown objects flying in the sky.


There was an explosion, and when the missile was about to approach the object, Frost could clearly see a terrifying shock wave erupting from the object, instantly sweeping through all approaching missiles and detonating them.

Then in the bright explosion of fire, the unknown object easily passed through the high-temperature flames. The terrifying shock wave did not seem to cause any harm to it, and it still rushed straight towards Sicily.

At this distance, Frost's vision could already see that the unknown object seemed to be two human figures. The huge hurricane was entangled around the human figures, providing them with power and protection for flight.

That's... a mixed race!

Frost's eyes widened suddenly. Although his level of dragon blood was not very high, Frost had also heard what those top hybrids could do, but compared to the two figures in the sky , even the patriarch of the Beowulf family seems extremely weak.

The figure's speed was very fast. After crossing the missile blockade, it came from the distant horizon to the vicinity of Sicily in an instant. At this time, the close-in defense weapon system on the shore also began to operate, and various dense array cannons, rapid-fire cannons or short-range missiles also began to fire at full strength.

A terrifying number of bullets and artillery shells formed a torrent of steel that rushed towards the approaching figure. The hurricane on the outside only resisted for a short while before being defeated by the continuous torrent of steel. Immediately afterwards, bullets that could easily penetrate armored vehicles and artillery shells that could detonate fortresses directly bombarded the exposed figures.

Even in the daytime, the sparks generated by the collision of the torrent of steel and the human figures looked particularly dazzling.

Frost squinted his eyes and stared at the explosion sparks in the distance. With this level of attack intensity, even if the attacker was a second-generation species, he would not be able to resist it for long. With the development of science and technology, the so-called dragons are no longer the biggest enemies of mankind. .

After thinking about this for a while, Frost's eyes involuntarily became dull, and his mouth opened unconsciously.

More than ten seconds have passed, but instead of decreasing, the sparks in the sky are gradually expanding.

As other short-range defense weapon systems gradually activated and participated, the torrent of steel in the sky became larger and larger. The two figures were completely wrapped in the torrent of steel. However, judging from the sparks of the explosion, the enemy faced this kind of The terrifying attack has still not been destroyed, and is even approaching Sicily at a very fast speed.

Frost had seen a similar scene before, when Cassell Academy was attacked by the Lord of Bronze and Fire.

The problem is that the frequency of the Gattuso family's attacks this time is far greater than that of the battle in the academy. Moreover, they have learned from the lessons of the King of Bronze and Fire. In addition to conventional ammunition, the family's short-range defense system is also equipped with Received expensive alchemical bullets.

Even if the King of Bronze and Fire really resurrects, he cannot remain indifferent to such an attack.

boom! ! !

Finally, as the enemy fell to the ground against the torrent of steel, a distant loud noise came. Frost felt like a skateboard standing on the waves, and a huge force continuously surged out from the soles of his feet.

Viewed from a high altitude, the entire Sicily Island was centered around the landing point. The originally solid ground was shaking like water waves. The buildings and mountains on the island were destroyed by this terrifying force.

Only the manor where Frost was located could survive such a terrifying attack because the alchemists of the Gattuso family had continuously reinforced it for hundreds of years.

"What kind of monster is that?!"

Looking through the window at the seemingly unharmed monster on the beach in the distance, Frost's eyes trembled as he just climbed up from the ground. Without any hesitation, he took out his cell phone from his clothes and pressed a button inside. emergency button.

Although it is not clear what the purpose of these two figures is, judging from the way the other person rushes in, it is definitely not possible to come and sit down with him for a cup of tea.

As a member of the Gattuso family, although Frost is addicted to power, he does not lack the courage to rush to death.

As the proceed button was pressed, a countdown also appeared on the phone screen. Frost took a look and found that he was lucky. The countdown was only three minutes, that is, as long as he could find a way to delay it for three minutes.

"I said, the noise you made is a bit loud, won't it hurt Chu Zihang?" Xia Mi stood on tiptoe, watching the waves of soil rolling away in the distance.

She was not shocked by the power of Zheng Shu's move. After all, as the king of the earth and mountains, she could do the same thing with sufficient preparation and medium.

Comparatively speaking, in mid-air just now, Zheng Shu actually used his body to withstand a large number of alchemical bullets fired by anti-aircraft guns, which surprised Xia Mi even more. With the level of defense just now, even the Dragon King would be beaten into scum even if he didn't use the word spirit.

But on Zheng Shu's body, even his clothes were not damaged at all, as if the high temperature and impact did not exist at all. As a strong man in this area, Xia Mi knew that this meant that Zheng Shu's ability to control "power" far exceeded his own. All the bullets and explosions were used by Zheng Shu with his own authority the moment they came into contact with him. The "force" is offset.

"Don't worry, I just searched the island in the sky, and Chu Zihang was imprisoned in the manor in the middle. I used the carrying capacity of that manor as the standard to send out shock waves."

Zheng Shu picked up a few pieces of gravel on the ground and threw them out. These stones hit the coastal defense gun that was firing next to him as if they had eyes. Made of special steel, the coastal defense gun, which was originally smashed by stones, would not have the slightest impact. After being hit by these stones, it immediately misfired. The internal structural parts were distorted by the transmitted force, and even cracks appeared on the motor behind it. spark.

"Have you searched again?" Xia Mi turned his head and glanced at Zheng Shu, already understanding the meaning of what he just said, "What a monster. Is it so easy for a being like you to improve his combat effectiveness?"

Zheng Shu knew that Xia Mi was asking about his identity as a time traveler. After thinking for a while, Zheng Shu decided to explain to her based on the "experience" in the previous life novel: "It's okay. If we look at the overall time, I should be considered It’s relatively rubbish. But if we count from the time when I exerted my strength, it took me less than three years to reach this level of strength, so I should be considered pretty good.”

"You can actually answer it?!" Xia Mi took a deep breath and kicked away a gravel at his feet.

The gravel that seemed to have been kicked away at random, after drawing an arc, accurately hit a guard of the Gattuso family who had just poked his head out of the nearby forest. The stone hit the protective helmet of the protective belt and shattered into pieces. He was also dizzy by the force transmitted from the helmet, and fell to his knees on the spot and passed out.

"Huh?" Zheng Shu raised his eyebrows in surprise, and turned to look at Xia Mi beside him, "Has your strength increased a lot? Your control seems to have not decreased either."

Xia Mi had a strange look on his face when he heard Zheng Shu's question. He looked Zheng Shu up and down: "Were you serious at first? You used your own blood to help my brother evolve for one round, and then you actually let that The idiot brother is pretending his physical changes in front of me."

Speaking of this, Xia Mi couldn't help but cover his eyes with his hands, looking like he couldn't bear to look at it: "Do you know how my brother disguised himself? He piled a pile of gravel on his hind legs. He pretended that he was still disabled, and then because I brought him a new flavor of potato chips that day, he ran out happily."


After listening to Xia Mi's story, Zheng Shu couldn't help but cover his eyes and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

All right! He should have expected that it would not be easy for Fenrir, a simple and foolish boy, to deceive the people closest to him.

"So you also swallowed Fenrir's blood and increased your own strength?"

"Well, after my brother swallowed your blood, the desire to devour him and I disappeared inexplicably, so I asked my brother to give me a few drops of blood to see if there was anything wrong." Xia Mi nodded. He nodded, "Judging from my research during this period, there should be no harm. It may be because your bloodline level is too high, which puts my brother out of the similar range to my bloodline level..."

Zheng Shu and Xia Mi (Long) quickly moved towards the manor while talking. It seems like the wind is light and the clouds are calm, but the speed of travel is extremely fast.

All the guards they met along the way were easily knocked down by them. Whether they were ambushes or those who escaped, Zheng Shu and Zheng Shu used stones to knock them down easily.

Anyone who is hit by Zheng Shu's stones will have serious damage to their internal organs and bones, even if they have a full set of protective equipment. Even if they are lucky enough not to die on the spot, they will have to lie in bed for the rest of their lives while being hit by Xia Mi's stones. Most of the people in it just fainted.

But for Zheng Shu, this does not mean that it is a good thing. If Xia Mi wanted to, he could easily kill these guards by increasing the output power. Logically speaking, Zheng Shu, who uses the complete King of the Earth and Mountains Hela as the basis of his power, should be able to achieve the same situation as Xia Mi, but in fact, in terms of fine power control, Xia Mi has now surpassed Zheng Shu.

No... It should be said that Zheng Shu's strength and control level have dropped significantly due to various reasons.

However, something like this is inevitable. As Zheng Shu said just now, it took him less than three years to reach this level of strength from an ordinary person. The strength grows too fast, and it is understandable that there are some problems with control.

However, according to Zheng Shu's experience, every dragon king can be said to have exquisite control over his own power. Now that he has discovered this shortcoming of his own, Zheng Shu at least has a way forward before strengthening the next template. .

Zheng Shu casually grabbed a rocket flying in the distance, and turned it around to fly back to the launch position. He didn't pay attention to the howling ghosts and wolves coming from over there. He was very satisfied with what he had gained today.

"Sure enough, you still have to go out and walk around more to discover your shortcomings."

Soon, Zheng Shu and Xia Mi arrived at the outskirts of the manor. With their eyesight, they could now see Frost standing on the balcony of the manor, with a glass of red wine in his left hand and a cigar in his right hand, under the blue sky of Sicily. Let’s start to enjoy the last bit of fun in life unbridled.

Frost leaned on the balcony, picked up the cigar he had always treasured, and started smoking it in an inconspicuous manner. There was a bit of arrogance between his eyebrows. He was already a dying person, and there was no point in holding it anymore.

In fact, Frost has been very tired over the years. The Gattuso family has expanded into a behemoth, and the head of the family, Pompeo, still has to withdraw a large amount of funds from the family from time to time. Because of too much hard work, a person with Frost's status cannot When a person is in his forties, his temples will turn gray, and he looks similar to an old man in his sixties or seventies.

Looking at the approaching Zheng Shu, Frost picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. He pressed the cigar against the wall and extinguished it. A relieved smile appeared on his face. For the first time, he felt that his luck was actually pretty good.

Zheng Shu glanced at Frost who was smiling with relief in the manor, and scratched the back of his head strangely.

"This guy...this expression...what does he mean?"

"Looking at him like that, there is a high probability that he has prepared some means of dying together and wants to drag us to die together." Xia Mi just glanced at him, and her long life experience allowed her to understand Frost's thoughts.

"Hiss... It doesn't make sense. We just invaded his territory. We didn't even mention our demands. We shouldn't just want to die with us. Are Gattuso's people all lunatics?" Zheng Shu asked. Take a breath of cool air.

I didn't expect that the Gattuso family, which was quite businesslike in the original work, could be so strong. Then what kind of lunatics must those other families have. From this point of view, the families in China that Zheng Shu had come into contact with seemed particularly normal.

"Who knows, the Gattuso family has been inherited for many years. As a mixed-race family, the possibility of all members being crazy is also very high." Xia Mi didn't pay much attention, "Maybe the reason why Caesar was sent by them is He went to Kassel College because he is the most normal person in the family."

"Gitui!" Zheng Shu exclaimed, "I thought he was just an ordinary bald man, but I didn't expect him to have such a strong belief. I respect him as a man! I originally wanted to directly kill everyone in this manor. Damn it, looking at it now, I want to spare his life!"

As he spoke, Zheng Shu stepped on the ground fiercely, and terrifying power quickly spread out from the soles of his feet.

The ground was shaking, as if a giant beast was walking underground. The brick-paved ground suddenly became as soft as water. The guards hiding behind the manor wall were bounced by the terrifying force, and then fell heavily to the ground. . A few of the unlucky ones screamed miserably because they were hit by misfired firearms in the hands of their companions.

As a result, Gattuso's manor, which had been prepared for various ambushes and could be called a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, was captured.

Frost covered his face and climbed up from the balcony. He had fallen hard just now. If it weren't for the alchemy array inside the manor that stabilized the building, Frost felt that he would be like the group of people in the yard below. The guards lay on the ground unable to stand up.

But that's about it. Frost glanced at his cell phone. The countdown on it was about to reach zero, which meant that the manor was about to be completely destroyed - dragging the enemies who invaded the manor with him.

After getting up and taking a look at the intruder below, Frost suddenly felt that the two people looked familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember when he had seen them before.

But those are not important anymore, anyway, the destruction is coming. Looking at the enemies who have reached the door of the house, Frost decides to stand up and give a speech to show his magnanimity and express his long-term depression.

"Invaders, you are very lucky. This is me, the real leader of the Gattuso family: Frost's last speech. Although I don't know what your purpose is, since you can break in here, it means that you are also rare. I have met such outstanding people, and I am willing to go to death with you!"

"Okay!" Zheng Shu cheered and clapped his hands very proudly.

Listening to such enthusiastic applause and seeing that there was indeed no joking emotion in Zheng Shu's eyes, Frost even felt a sense of sympathy. He was just about to continue his speech when he heard Zheng Shu's words.

"What about... I admire your courage, but I still have a little problem."

"Please speak." Frost nodded gracefully and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation. Facing this enemy who was sympathetic to him, he didn't mind listening to the other party's questions.

"That's it...we just came to rescue Chu Zihang, but we didn't expect that the entire Gattuso family was willing to drag us into the water, so I just want to ask: How did your family survive before when you are so tough? "Zheng Shu asked very sincerely.

He was indeed very curious, how could the Gattuso family's violent way of doing things be passed down to this day?


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