Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 193 History and Manor (Foreshadowing)

Ignoring the bodyguards beside him who were so pressed that they could barely breathe, Zheng Shu focused his attention on Percy again.

"You have three seconds to choose whether to say it or not to say it."

Feeling his trembling body, Patsy ignored the etiquette he had learned before and licked his dry lips.

He knew that the lunatic in front of him was serious.

After so many years of development, Gattuso's family is almost the only one in the entire secret party, and even Kassel Academy has quickly become a reserve talent base for the Gattuso family. Logically speaking, no one should dare to challenge the majesty of the Gattuso family.

But in the eyes of the man in front of him, Patsy saw something that frightened him. It was not anger or fear in defiance of authority, but simple indifference, just like a human being facing a provocative ant.

The reason why he was still looking at him was purely because he found it interesting, and whether he resisted or obeyed, he was just satisfying his bad taste.

But...I can't understand it.

Percy thought hard and didn't know why Zheng Shu had such a condescending attitude. Did he think that he could leverage the power of the Gattuso family with his own meager personal power?

Does he think he is something, the Dragon King?

With this thought in his mind, Patsy decided to say something to delay the situation. The surrounding reinforcements were approaching quickly. As long as he delayed for a minute or two, the reinforcements would arrive.

"Huh? Interesting."

Before Percy started to speak, Zheng Shu suddenly made a questioning sound.

Then a girl squeezed in from the crowd. Her body obviously didn't look very strong, but she could easily separate the crowd: "Zheng Shu, let's go! Mr. Chu Tianjiao has already followed. He just sent the location to I’m here, let’s go together.”

Zheng Shu looked at Xia Mi in front of him, with a strange smile on his face: "As expected of the former S-class, he is reliable in his work, then let's go."

After saying that, Zheng Shu raised his hand and snapped his fingers easily. The bodies of the kneeling bodyguards next to them suddenly swelled up rapidly. It was as if there were living things moving around under their skin, constantly making the skin bulge.



After a muffled sound, several bodyguards immediately exploded themselves into debris. The flying blood, flesh and bones hit the students next to them, causing a burst of screams.

A drop of blood splashed on the face of Percy, who was still a little confused. He reached out and touched it, feeling the sticky touch on his fingers, and confirmed that the scene was not an illusion.



Before Percy finished speaking, he felt an impact from the front. His eyes were dizzy and he flew backwards, hitting the wall behind and losing consciousness.

Seeing that Patsy had fallen into a "baby-like sleep", Zheng Shu retracted his fingers. He had just flicked Patsy into the wall. For the sake of his relationship with Caesar, Zheng Shu did not kill him, but simply made him faint.

As for the other people arranged by the Gattuso family, Zheng Shu had turned their bodies into debris with the snap of his fingers just now. At least in the entire academy at this stage, the people arranged by Gattuso have been cleaned up by him just now. Clean.

In this way, Zheng Shu and the others would have more time when they went to rescue people, and would not let the other party receive the news in advance and temporarily change the location where Chu Zihang was detained.

"Lao Lu, I would like to trouble you to deal with the school affairs for the time being. Xia Mi and I will go rescue Lao Chu. Remember to pay attention to your own safety." After Zheng Shu finished speaking, he immediately turned around and walked to Xia Mi's side without hesitation.

Xia Mi, who had been prepared for a long time, activated his Word Spirit: Eyes of the Wind King. The huge hurricane swept through the bodies of the two people and brought a terrifying upward force, causing their feet to gradually leave the ground.

As the spirit of speech continued to exert its power, Xia Mi and Zheng Shu flew higher and higher. Finally, surrounded by hurricanes, the two of them quickly left Kassel College like missiles.

"I...have never done such a thing..."

Seeing the figures of the two people quickly disappearing high in the sky, Lu Mingfei's outstretched hand stopped in the air. In the end, he could only mutter dissatisfiedly and turned around to direct the members of the Lion Heart Club who had just climbed up next to him to deal with the scene.

"I'll take over next."

In mid-air, Zheng Shu felt the gradually weakening hurricane around him and unceremoniously accepted the control of the wind. Xia Mi didn't have any objection and immediately relaxed his control on Yan Ling.

Yan Ling, who had lost his controller, was about to collapse, but was condensed by a more powerful force. A bigger hurricane than before gathered around the two people, and their flying speed increased rapidly.

Feeling the terrifying power surrounding him, Xia Mi looked at Zheng Shu as if he had seen a ghost.

Even if he increased his output power explosively, he would not be able to raise the word spirit to this level in a short time, but the guy in front of him could easily reach this level of word spirit, and he could still maintain this power for long distances. flight.

"Monster..." Xia Mi silently muttered in his heart.

She still remembered how weak Zheng Shu was when she first met. She didn't expect that Zheng Shu would reach such a level in just one or two years. The growth rate of strength at this level could not be compared to the growth efficiency of the Dragon King during his resuscitation.

After controlling the surrounding hurricane, Zheng Shu suddenly spoke: "Chu Tianjiao probably didn't follow him, right?"

Xia Mi nodded silently, without denying: "How do you know?"

"Although that Patsy is vulnerable in my hands, his level of speech and spirit is quite good. Even if Chu Tianjiao is better than him, it is impossible for him to secretly board the plane transporting Chu Zihang under his surveillance." Zheng Shu did not look back.

"Huh? Since you know, why would you come out with me? Aren't you afraid that I will lie to you?"

"Don't be afraid. If you dare to lie to me, I'll just beat you to death." Zheng Shu's voice paused, "Oh, no, you have a good relationship with Lao Chu, so I'll beat you half to death." .”

Xia Mi's face twitched, but finally decided to ignore the topic: "Then how dare you be sure that I have Chu Zihang's position?"

Zheng Shu looked back at her and said, "Have you forgotten something? In a sense, I am also the Dragon King. Naturally, I know that the hybrids baptized by the Dragon King will have a wonderful connection with the Dragon King."

Before Xia Mi could reply, Zheng Shu turned his head and looked forward again, but his voice still reached Xia Mi's ears clearly.

"What happened this time?"

Xia Mi shook his head, with a bitter expression on his face: "Don't you already know? Although all Dragon Kings have the basic ability to control memory, there is only one Dragon King who can do this - Odin."

"Odin... is actually the Dragon King?" Zheng Shu was very interested in this matter. In his opinion, an existence of Odin's level far exceeded the level of the Dragon King. Not to mention the four great monarchs, even the White King can only take action to cause trouble in front of Odin.

"Yes...but no." Xia Mi shook his head, "In my impression, Odin's image is very split. One Odin is calm and wise, and the other is cold and violent."

In ancient times, the four monarchs had just been created by the Black King. They had not yet been constantly fighting against each other in family affection and appetite as in later eras, and were still immersed in the power and desire brought about by carving up the territory.

They led their respective families to conquer the city and enjoy the good time of occupying the land. Each Dragon King performed his own duties and created a twisted but perfect society.

Circular cities appeared all over the world, with towering bronze pillars erected in the center of the city, recording everything that happened in the past and future.

As the four powerful and noble monarchs, they naturally would not build their own cities with their own hands, so they chose very useful dependents, those races that evolved from monkeys and were clever and crafty, but weak in body: humans.

The original humans were not responsible for fighting among the dragon clan's dependents. On the contrary, various dragon-blooded beasts would be more violent and bloodthirsty, and they would also gain more favor from the dragons.

Those beasts only need a little blood to become a powerful fighting force, which is certainly more useful compared to humans who are weak but extremely afraid of pain.

For dependents like humans, their hands are very useful for making utensils or building cities, but when it comes to killing, how can they compare to the sharp claws of tigers and leopards with dragon blood.

However, as time goes by, the empty territory that the dragon kings can occupy becomes less and less, and their dissatisfaction with other dragon kings and black kings is also growing day by day.

Finally, war broke out.

At the beginning, the monarchs still maintained their reserve and did not end the battle personally. Instead, they sent their dependents to fight.

However, in the face of the nearly endless lives of the Dragon Kings, no amount of family members could support such a high-intensity battlefield. Finally, some Dragon Kings began to turn their attention to the increasingly large human group that had been developing due to their continuous participation in logistics.

And that dragon king is Odin.

As the king of sky and wind, Odin is calmer than his other brothers due to his bloodline characteristics. His favorite thing to do is to soar in the sky, flying around the planet in circles. During this period, he can also spend more time thinking.

Therefore, Odin was the first among the four monarchs to notice those human kings. At first, no monarch would care about these creatures. After all, even if he was transformed into a deadpool with blood, his combat effectiveness would not be much improved. Compared with beasts, there would be no big improvement. usefulness.

However, Odin discovered a different advantage between these humans and other creatures: humans have language.

So after a long time, Odin finally used alchemy to create the first hybrid species in his territory that could use the Word Spirit. From then on, humans were qualified to talk to gods.

In just a few years, the hybrids who could use the word spirit conquered a huge territory for Odin. Upon seeing this, other dragon kings also created their own hybrids.

At some point later, the dragon kings discovered the curse that the black king had placed on them, so the dragon kings brought their own powerful hybrid army and raised the flag of rebellion against their father, the aloof black king.

In order to allow the hybrids to have the ability to fight when facing the Black King, and not fall to their knees because of the blood gap, Odin created a new technology: the path to godhood.

This is what later generations call violent blood technology.

Although the vast majority of hybrids can only have the fighting ability of ordinary dragons even if they push their blood to the limit, due to the special nature of the road to the gods, all hybrids who can use the road to the gods will face more difficulties. When high-blooded people exist, not only will they not surrender due to the disadvantage of their bloodline, but it will also arouse their desire to fight.

Later facts proved that Odin was right. When other dragons were frightened by the Black King and did not dare to step forward, it was these hybrid humans who created precious opportunities for the Dragon Kings, allowing them to severely injure the Black King and win the war. .

Originally the other dragon kings thought that Odin, the most powerful at the time, would become a new king like Nidhogg, but they soon discovered that they were wrong. Instead of becoming king, Odin raised his butcher knife and reached out to the dragon king. The brothers he fought alongside.

The originally free-loving, calm and gentle King of the Sky and Wind changed his temperament overnight and turned into the cold and cruel Odin he is now. No dragon knows what caused this, only that Odin fell into the unknown. He is crazy and wants to devour the authority of other dragon kings to strengthen his own bloodline.

Odin's attack also destroyed the fragile trust between monarchs and started a life of dragon kings fighting against each other.

Humanity also took advantage of this opportunity and gradually rose up, thus ending the age of dragons and beginning the age of humans.

"...Interesting." Zheng Shu fell into a long silence after listening to Xia Mi's story, "Then what do you think is the culprit that made Odin become like this?"

Xia Mi was silent for a moment: "There are various speculations about why Odin became like this. Every Dragon King wants to figure out the reason. According to my speculation, Odin's loss of control is most likely due to the use of Technology that he created himself.”

"The road to becoming a god, or called violent blood technology." Zheng Shu nodded, "Indeed, hybrids will also become irrational when using violent blood and lose control. Odin does have this motive to use this technology. .”

"In the prophecy, the Black King will eventually return and kill all the monarchs who stand in his way. Perhaps Odin took the risk of using the road to ascend to the gods in order to prevent this prophecy." Xia Mi shook his head, with a strange look on his face, "If he At that time, knowing that you existed, I probably would have regretted my choice."

"How to say?"

"How do you think Odin can eliminate a person's existence from the world? Even if it is an existence at the level of the Dragon King, if he wants to release a word spirit of this scale, he will be drained of his life force and die." Mi glanced at Zheng Shu, "So if Odin wants to erase a person's existence from the world, he needs the support of a certain prop."

Zheng Shu recalled what Xia Mi had told him before and thought thoughtfully: "Bronze pillar! According to legend, that pillar describes all the prophecies that are about to happen, but the secret party has not found anything about that pillar so far. clue."

"That's right." Xia Mi showed a cowardly expression, "Odin's duty from the beginning was to look after the bronze pillar. With the help of the power of the bronze pillar, he can erase a person from the world, so theoretically, all [ Among the creatures born in this world, except for the Black King and those marked by Odin, no one is immune to this ability to erase—not even the Dragon King."

Zheng Shu turned around and looked at Xia Mi. The two looked at each other in silence for a long time before Zheng Shu nodded and turned around: "So you can escape from this memory erasure, which means that your existence has been removed from the bronze pillar." disappear."

Seeing that Zheng Shu seemed to have no intention of killing him, Xia Mi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why he revealed his guess about Zheng Shu's identity this time was also after Xia Mi's careful consideration. According to this guy's fighting ability, he will definitely face off against Odin. No matter whether he wins or loses in the end, he may learn about this matter. Then At that time, Zheng Shu would realize that he already knew his origin before this.

Instead of waiting until then to be liquidated by him afterwards, Xia Mi thought it would be better to open up and talk about it now.

Now it seems that the result is not bad.

Xia Mi felt that his estimate was correct. If he had said this when he was not strong enough, he would probably be regarded as an absolute enemy by the other party. But with Zheng Shu's current strength, even if he really Promoting it everywhere won't cause him much hindrance.

"Yes, so I am already in a state of death in terms of prophecy. After all, the bronze pillar will not affect the memory of a 'dead person'."

Italy, Sicily.

This was once a famous three-no-go area in history, where the Italian boots kicked the ball.

Even if it is on the edge of European civilization, it cannot be mixed with the big shots in Rome. After all, this was once the territory of Byzantium.

This place was once famous for various Mafia (Harmony) Hand parties. Each Mafia family was the local overlord, but soon they met a more domineering guy, the Italian dictator Mussolini, who was in power China's little-known dictator made every family see what a real black hand is.

Mussolini threw a large number of enemies into prison, and made these gangsters contribute their family property under torture that was worse than death.

This act also indirectly caused a large number of Italians to flee to the Americas, and even gave birth to Italian restaurants that dominated the American catering industry and Italian gangs that remained strong after the war, making Sicilians an alternative cultural symbol in the United States.

Frost Gattuso sat in front of the window, looking at the information in his hand with a gloomy face: "Damn it! When will that Pompeii guy do something normal? With him around, the family's image will be affected by him every year. The impact dropped by several percentage points.”

He had just finished a crucial meeting regarding the development of the family, but he had to come back immediately to deal with all the messy problems his brother had committed.

Obviously he has dealt with all kinds of important matters that are even related to the security of the world, but every time Frost sees these strange problems caused by his brother, he always feels like having a myocardial infarction.

Frost threw the handkerchief on the table and kept mumbling to himself about his brother. He stood up and opened the window to let the gentle breeze blow on his face.

Although it is widely rumored that he has completely ignored his brother and controls the power of the entire Gattuso family, and this is indeed the case, but because of the ancient tradition of the Gattuso family, as long as his brother is alive for one day, then he cannot To be called Gattuso's head of the family, he must wipe his ass behind his elder brother.

However, Frost didn't covet the position of the head of the family too much, and even thought it was good as it was.

There is an oil painting hanging on the wall next to it. It is an outstanding businessman ancestor of the Gattuso family. He planted a lot of business for the family by sailing in the Mediterranean. Looking at the colorfully dressed ancestors in the painting, Frost gave a proud smile.

The history of Gattuso's family is not as prominent as what the outside world has spread. Like the origins of most mixed-race families, the Gattuso family was neither aristocrats nor underworld at first. They were just a group of alchemists who relied on their alchemy skills to dominate the royal family. Live on charity, and then pass on the technology originating from the Dragon Clan from generation to generation.

The turning point in the family's prosperity was when the ancestors who were alchemists in the Frankish dynasty found an alchemical technology from the Dragon Clan with the help of the king. That was the secret of the Gattuso family, which could extend people's lifespan. The alchemical creation "Eternal Life Coffin".

These coffins can keep people in a deep sleep state. They contain some specially made liquids. By replacing the blood with these liquids, the people inside the coffins can sleep for thousands of years.

So naturally, the ancestors of the Gattuso family stole this technology. In order to avoid the pursuit of the kingdom, they hid on the small island of Sicily and lived a secluded life.

Generation after generation of families have chosen to sleep in coffins, and the reasons are very high-sounding. They say that this way they can use their rich experience to help future generations.

Frost had to admit that there was no problem with this statement until a hundred years ago. Every time the Gattuso family encountered a crisis, they could quickly find corresponding solutions through the life experience of these old men.

But in the past hundred years, a group of skeletons who have never even seen a computer are still trying to guide future generations. That is really laughable.

Frost showed a hint of sneer, thinking that his brother Pompeii would eventually become a zombie in a coffin like those family heads, which made him inexplicably happy.

This is also the reason why he has no idea about the position of the head of the family. For Frost, instead of letting him become the kind of skeleton that lingers, it is better to let him walk to the dragon battlefield with a knife.

Thank you to the two readers Nanshan and Suye Xuanyou for the reward. Thank you for your support.

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