Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 168 Picking up at the airport and Uesugoshi (6K)

The moment it touched the sea water, the plane suddenly turned on all its lights. The black Gulfstream in the water curtain looked like a giant beast emerging from the night.

It slid onto the track that was not yet covered by seawater, and the tires rubbed against the cinder track, creating bright sparks.

Yuan Zhisheng held a Japanese "Soft Seven Star" cigarette in his mouth, expressionlessly watching the Gulf Stream rushing towards him without having time to brake.

This half-remaining runway was definitely not enough for an aircraft that had just completed a supersonic flight, because the runway was too short. In the last fifty meters, the Gulfstream suddenly sprayed flames forward, and the engine reverse thrust was fully turned on. The jet of high-temperature air can almost push a Hummer with the handbrake pulled.

Facing the Gulfstream that was crashing towards him, Yuan Zhisheng sat on the bumper of the Hummer with no intention of evading. He seemed to be quite calm and unhurried.

The Gulfstream finally stopped in front of the Hummer, like a crazy bull whose tail was pulled at the last moment. It was only a few meters away from hitting the Hummer, but Yuan Zhisheng, who was caught between the two, still acted calmly. Light clouds.

"Madman!" The pilot raised his middle finger to Yuan Zhisheng, expressing his respect for this energetic young man.

Yes, spirited boy.

Zheng Shu glanced at him from the side. Yuan Zhisheng's behavior might be a good show of authority in most cases. Of course, the premise is that you ignore his hair that was blown back by the high-temperature airflow.

After all, the reverse jet airflow of the Gulfstream engine is not only high in intensity, but also very hot. It is equivalent to getting a perm in a short period of time.

Looking at the childlike figure who was still sitting upright on the bumper of the Hummer, Zheng Shu thought for a moment and decided not to remind him that his hair had become a killer thing. After all, maybe he had noticed his current situation a long time ago and was just holding on for the sake of face. So for the sake of his self-esteem, Zheng Shu decided not to expose this matter.

The cabin door opened, and Yuan Zhisheng should have gone up to give him a warm welcome, but now he is still sitting still: "Who among you in this department has brought a lighter? Let me lend you a light."

His eyes were fixed on the cabin door, and there was a clear light like a sword in his eyes.

His father once said that he has a pair of awe-inspiring eyes. Facing such eyes, a coward will feel like he has been stung by a scorpion. Therefore, Yuan Zhisheng rarely looks at people, not wanting the other person to feel uncomfortable because of his eyes. Comfortable.

But this time he wanted to send a message to the people in the headquarters with his eyes. They were in Japan, and the Japanese branch here would make the rules.

Excellent results obtained in the headquarters are nothing here, and family background and bloodline ratings are useless here. If you are not strong enough, it is best to behave honestly with your tail between your legs, and treat your seniors with admiration, adoration and even fear. Come and light a cigarette for him respectfully. Of course, if you have the same strength as Zheng Shu standing next to you, you will naturally get the highest level of hospitality in the Japanese branch.

However, after reading the resumes and achievements of the three of them, Yuan Zhisheng did not have any expectations for them.

Unfortunately, Yuan Zhisheng had a good idea but the other party did not cooperate. After waiting for a long time, no one came out of the cabin. Thinking about the sudden braking speed of the plane landing just now, Yuan Zhisheng became somewhat aware that the people in the cabin were probably dizzy, and some of them were probably holding vomit bags and vomiting wildly.

Just as he was thinking this, the gangway lowered, the sound of clogs was clear and sweet, and three paper umbrellas floated out of the cabin door. As Zheng Shu sighed, three people wearing printed kimonos of the same texture were revealed under the paper umbrellas.

Under their feet are white socks and clogs, and the three paper umbrellas are painted with various artistic patterns. The person in the middle also has a long knife with a black sheath on his waist.

I have to say that the way they appeared was really impressive. Even Yuan Zhisheng, who wanted to give them a show of strength, was shocked. What did the headquarters send this time... a visiting delegation of swordsmen?

"Damn it, is this Narita Airport? Why can't I see anything in my eyes?" Lu Mingfei couldn't wait to complain as soon as he got off the plane.

After all, it was already night in Japan when they came, and next to this long-abandoned runway, there was no light source except the lights of Hummers and Gulfstreams, making everything around them look pitch black.

"It's so cold, don't they know how to arrange for us to land in the VIP channel?" Caesar also expressed his dissatisfaction. As the heir of the Gattuso family, he has never received such a poor reception.

Although Chu Zihang next to him did not speak, Zheng Shu saw a vigilant look in his eyes, and the strange environment around him made him prepare for battle.

Yuan Zhisheng felt that he was a little lost. When he heard this conversation, the other party did not look like the swordsman group, but the Japanese style troupe. It sounded like they were looking forward to seeing a stretched luxury car parked on the runway, with all the people in the car showing their thighs. The girls hugged them left and right.

The Japanese branch doesn't need to arrange any special welcome ceremony at all, just send them directly to some izakaya. They have already dressed up for the midnight carnival and are just waiting to cuddle and blow on the sake bottle! ! !

Yuan Zhisheng almost couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. He was rarely so angry, but he had always had zero tolerance for waste and people who were willing to degenerate. Even when he met Zheng Shu, if he hadn't shaken his hand and the other party showed off his Even with his strength, he wouldn't give him a good look.

Although you can tell from the information that they are a loser group, have these people not even thought about pretending to be professional?

In anger, he was about to get angry, but Chu Zihang, who was looking around, turned his head and glanced at him, then rubbed his eyes.

Chu Zihang actually didn't see it clearly. He just felt a little uncomfortable in his eyes. After all, this mission was too sudden. The day before, he had taken Lu Mingfei with him to hunt down the out-of-control hybrids in the country, but today he suddenly received news that he had arrived in Japan on a supersonic plane. This caused even people like him to Even a person with such mechanical precision is a little tired.

Considering that the people picked up by this mission were all mixed races, he took off his contact lenses before getting off the plane. After all, wearing such things for a long time would make him feel uncomfortable. At this moment, his pair of immortal golden eyes were directly exposed. in the air.

The surging dragon power shot into Yuan Zhisheng's mind through his eyes. Yuan Zhisheng felt uncontrollably and wanted to lean back and dodge. The gaze just now was like that of a stern ancient dragon. It was hard to imagine that there was such a thing in this world. The hybrid's aura allowed him to avoid it.

Zheng Shu next to him knew the reason very well. Xia Mi had kept his promise a long time ago and helped Chu Zihang cure the problem of out-of-control blood. The treatment method was naturally the same as the method Zheng Shu used to help Hui Liyi cure his blood. His own dragon blood helped baptize him.

However, the dragon blood level of the baptized person will not decrease after the baptism. On the contrary, because it has gained stronger control, the body will follow the biological instinct to continuously refine the dragon blood. After a long time, the baptized person's dragon blood level will decrease. The blood level will be increased to the point where it is close to that of a baptized person.

And because the level of violent blood controlled by Chu Zihang is particularly high, his bloodline refining speed is much faster than others. However, in less than a year, his bloodline level has reached a level close to the next generation.

Although his recent bloodline refining speed has begun to slow down because he is close to the baptizer, even the complete emperor will be at a disadvantage when facing the next-generation species level Longwei, let alone an incomplete emperor like Yuan Zhisheng. .

However, it was Chu Zihang's glance that calmed down Yuan Zhisheng, who was about to get angry. With Zheng Shu's experience, he easily accepted that these three guys who looked like losers were actually masters. possibility.

One or two people are like this. Could it be that the people in this department have a habit of disguising themselves as losers? When I was studying abroad at Kassel College, capable people were very flamboyant. Could it be that the atmosphere of the entire school has changed so much in just a few years?

Yuan Zhisheng felt that he had encountered an unprecedented enemy... The most terrifying enemies are often the people you least understand. Compared with this group of incredible guys, those wild beasts are more logical.

Because Yuan Zhisheng suffered two blows in just half a minute, all the deterrence methods failed before they could be used, so that he now fell into huge self-doubt.

Seeing that Yuan Zhisheng had fallen into his own brainstorm, Zheng Shu sighed and could only stand up and go to meet the three guys in front who were already standing there discussing.

"You...what is going on? Why are you still dressed like this?"

Hearing Zheng Shu's voice, the trio immediately turned their heads. Just now, Zheng Shu had been behind the light of the Hummer, which caused the trio to not see clearly who was standing there. Now that he spoke, Zheng Shu clearly felt that the atmosphere among the trio became more active. .

"Brother Zheng, it turns out to be you, you should have told me earlier!" Lu Mingfei looked very happy.

"This seems to be a gift from the principal. I wish our trip to Japan a smooth sailing. I don't know why, but I always feel that this gift is weird." Caesar shrugged, and his tense body relaxed.

"Brother Zheng, why haven't the Japanese branch come to pick us up yet? We are here on a special plane, so the pick-up car should be a bit more high-end, right?" Lu Mingfei's expression looked very longing.

Caesar also expressed his agreement with his statement, and instantly declared himself the Japan expert in the team: "It is very possible that the Japanese are a nation that is obsessed with face, and maybe they will arrange a group of girls to give us flowers."

"The principal said that this mission is top secret, so it is very likely that no one will be arranged to pick us up." Chu Zihang, who had been silent at first, also expressed his opinion.

After glancing at Zheng Shu who came to pick them up, the remaining two were silent for a while, feeling that this was very likely.

After their expectations were dispelled by Zheng Shu's words, Caesar and Lu Mingfei could only recognize the reality.

Arriving next to the Hummer, the trio didn't even notice the existence of Yuan Zhisheng, the Director of the Executive Bureau. They passed by him while chatting and threw their luggage into the Hummer.

"The car was parked too close. It would be terrible if it collided with it. It's really unethical."

Listening to Lu Mingfei's complaints, Yuan Zhisheng was speechless. Don't these people have no sense of crisis at all? Don't they know that as long as the plane slides down a few meters further, the entire plane will turn into a burning fireball?

After thinking just now, he has identified the identities of the three people in front of him. In his opinion, according to Chu Zihang's performance just now, the strength of the three people should not be too bad, at least the two people next to him will not look like The information is so useless.

So now he doesn't dare to look down on the three of them and puts away his condescending heart.

Caesar stuffed his luggage into the car and strolled back. He smoked out the cigarette in Yuan Zhisheng's hand and threw it into the sea breeze. He slapped a cigar in an aluminum tube into his hand and said, "Stop smoking those women's cigarettes. Come on, try this.”

His sea-blue eyes revealed a playboy's coquettishness and a big brother's arrogance. He patted Yuan Zhisheng's shoulder vigorously and walked away minding his own business.

The two things were getting more and more out of Yuan Zhisheng's control. Even Sakura, who had been standing behind her from just now, became dumbfounded and didn't know what to do if she wanted to help.

However, the trio treated Sakura quite well. Minamoto gave a cigar as a small gift, and Sakura also received an obsidian statue from Caesar. The statue was obviously an expensive piece of jewelry. After all, Caesar respects beautiful girls far more than Beautiful man.

Lu Mingfei took the initiative to take the flower from Ying's hand, and kept muttering "Arigado is a bastard, Ma Si", and even Chu Zihang nodded slightly.

Yuan Zhisheng saw that the behavior of this trio was a little strange. He didn't know why the treatment gap between him and Sakura was so big. Could it be that these losers were already so hungry?

"Old Zheng, is this hairstyle popular in the Japanese branch now?"

At this moment, Caesar's voice asking Zheng Shu reached Yuan Zhisheng's ears. Influenced by Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, Caesar's name for Zheng Shu also changed.

"Hairstyle? What hairstyle?" Yuan Zhisheng immediately pricked up his ears, and then he discovered that not only the trio, but also Zheng Shu and Ying were looking at him unconsciously.

To be precise, it should be aimed at the top of your head?

Looking at the reactions of these people, Yuan Zhisheng had a bad feeling. He tentatively reached out and touched his hair, and his face immediately turned green.


After a lot of hesitation, Yuan Zhisheng finally decided to be cruel and used his spider cutter to cut off his hair straight from the back.

After a brief self-introduction, Yuan Zhisheng kept his expression expressionless, but felt a little helpless in his heart. He felt that he might have some conflicts with the people at Kassel Academy. Whether it was Zheng Shu or this trio, It made him feel tired for the first time in a long time.

In his heart, he once again felt that it was wrong for him to entertain these people in person, because no matter how hard he struggled, he could not get rid of the rhythm of these crazy people. He clearly had a knife in his hand and his eyes were like lightning, but these crazy people were waving small fans. There was singing and dancing around him.

From the moment this group of lunatics came to the ground, the Japanese samurai's elegance like the spring mountain, romance like the summer moon, sadness like the autumn wind, and chill like the winter moon no longer mattered. An extremely powerful breath of brain damage began to erode everyone. spiritual world.

After taking a look at Caesar who was taking a photo with Sakura on his mobile phone, and after adjusting the light and shade and contrast, he showed it to Sakura and asked her if she was satisfied. Yuan Zhisheng was more sure of his thoughts... Because of this erosion, all of them agreed. He sang and danced with these idiots.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't even want to use the various trial plans that had been prepared later. He hastily asked them to sign the body disposal plan. After that, Yuan Zhisheng and Ying drove a few people in two Hummers and left here.

Because Caesar had booked the top-notch Cowherd nightclub through Mint Club on the plane, they directly asked Yuan Zhisheng to take them to the hotel next door.

However, Zheng Shu really had no interest in Cowherd's shop, so he refused Caesar's invitation because Mia was still waiting for him.

Caesar understood this, and when he left, Zheng Shu even saw pity for him in his eyes. Perhaps Caesar thought that Zheng Shu had to give up this party because of his woman.

Zheng Shu didn't pay much attention to the pity in Caesar's eyes and the envy in Lu Mingfei's eyes. He turned around and nodded to Mia who came to greet him: "How have you been playing these days?"

Mia is now wearing new clothes. After the material transformation, Zheng Shu is not very short of money, so he simply gave her a credit card so that she can go out and spend as she pleases, so that Mia has been Be quite happy.

After all, although she can be regarded as a member of a large family, she is only a branch. Even because her blood level is not high, she was determined to be a tool for marriage a long time ago. Although she will not be missing in terms of food and clothing. , but the actual funds that Mia can control are too tight.

With Zheng Shu as a "taken advantage of", Mia has fallen into a crazy buying mode these days. Although the quality of many of the clothes she bought is much worse than those provided by her family, she is still addicted to it. of behavior.

"I'm very happy. It seems that being a fool is very beneficial!" Seeing that the stranger had left, Mia's mouth continued to speak like a wolf.

Zheng Shu has been with her for such a long time, and has become accustomed to her way of expression: "Okay, have you had dinner? If not, do you want to go out with me to find some special food?"

"Okay, we haven't had dinner today yet. What should we eat?"

Zheng Shu thought for a moment, and a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on his face: "It's been so long since we've been here, but we haven't had Japanese ramen yet, right?"

At night, a wooden van was parked on the street at the back entrance of National University of Tokyo.

This kind of cart is specially designed for people who sell ramen noodles in the streets. The windows are opened to form a rain shelter. There are a few wooden benches under the shed. Customers sit on the wooden benches to eat noodles, while the ramen chef can operate it from the car. , although the whole car is small, it has all the internal organs.

In this small ramen stall, an elderly chef will work out the stall every afternoon and will not rest until midnight, rain or shine, 6 days a week. However, he has to go to church on Sunday, so the stall is not open.

This small street at the back door of the University of Tokyo is a place abandoned by the times. It is surrounded by bustling lights and high-rise buildings. Nearby the small street are old-fashioned Japanese houses, with sycamores and cherry blossoms planted in front of the houses, revealing the quietness. With a trace of dilapidation.

It was already late at night, and the ramen chef who had been busy all afternoon was ready to close the stall. He stuffed the pornographic magazine he just bought into the car, pressed down the disc with the scantily clad woman on it, and started to pack up the things in the car. Tableware.

At this time, the blue curtain was lifted, and the ramen chef raised his head and saw a tall man, probably in his early twenties, with a good face.

Behind the man was a girl with blond hair. Her hair was tied up in a bunch and she looked a bit loose. However, the ramen chef didn't pay much attention to it. There are all kinds of monsters in places like Tokyo, and a very beautiful foreign girl didn't care at all. Not surprising.

In this stall, which is quite famous among the local college students, a man and a woman both looked very curious and kept looking at the surrounding environment.

"Is there anything to eat now?" Zheng Shu spoke in Japanese. With his current brain power, he could easily master a language in a short time.

"Of course, please take a seat, please wait a moment." Uesugoshi stood up immediately and started making ramen as he had done for decades.

Although Mia was curious about why Zheng Shu chose such a place, since Zheng Shu had already sat on the stool, she could only sit down with him.

Soon, two steaming bowls of ramen were brought to him. Mia showed a surprised expression after taking a sip. She could tell that the ramen soup base was made from real beef bones, not the so-called bone soup.

In this aspect alone, this ramen shop has surpassed most small shops. Although the taste may not be as good as the high-end dishes I have eaten in the past few days, it still has a unique flavor in such an environment.

Uesugi looked at the two people in front of his stall and felt a little curious. The girl was okay. Although she was very beautiful and dressed like someone who would go to such a place, occasionally rich people wanted to have a taste. The food of ordinary people is also excusable.

Although the other boy looked very natural in appearance and movements, his appetite made him even more eye-catching - since just now, he has added five bowls of noodles.

Because the taste of the soup became lighter due to the constant addition of noodles, Uesugoshi had to add a few more spoons of soup for him.

Uesugoshi's own stall is not like those small stalls that cut corners in order to make money. In addition to very good raw materials, both bone soup and noodles are provided in sufficient quantities. Even a strong man will basically be exhausted after eating three bowls of noodles. I was so bloated that I couldn't walk.

The man in front of him had already eaten five bowls of noodles but still seemed unsatisfied. After eating up all the stock in Uesugoshi's stall, the man picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, while the girl next to him was still eating. Uesugoshi started chatting.

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