"Brother, you are probably not from the island country."

Uesugoshi was called "little brother" very smoothly. After all, he was almost ninety years old now, and there were not many people older than him in the world.

"I'm from China, so I have something to do here..." Zheng Shu said slowly while eating the extra side dishes Uesugi gave him, "I think my Japanese learning should be pretty good, old man, how are you doing?" found?"

Next to him, Mia very discerningly laid her head in the ramen bowl, completely ignoring that her designer clothes and her hair, which she paid a lot of money to do, were stained by the oil from the stall.

"You don't understand this." A proud smile appeared on Uesugoshi's face, "I think your Japanese is really good, and even the intonation is imitated very cleverly, but it is too formal. Japanese people will not speak like this. Talking to others in such a formal tone at the stall."

"I see, I ignored it." Zheng Shu nodded thoughtfully, "But it doesn't matter, as long as it works."

"This girl next to me is..." Uesugoshi asked in a low voice, casting his eyes to Mia next to him.

Even for Uesugi Koshi, a woman of Mia's level is quite rare.

Generally speaking, beauties like Mia should be invited to various high-end hotels to listen to music played by dedicated staff and eat high-end Wagyu beef, instead of eating at such a shabby little stall like now. Sipping cheap ramen.

"My friend, she doesn't speak Japanese. She just came to the island country with me this time. Do you have any recommendations?" Zheng Shu answered casually.

Uesugi nodded clearly, but as an old man, he could see that the relationship between the two was not just ordinary friends, but it was too unfamiliar to say they were lovers, but this is all people's privacy, It was not easy for him to explore in too much detail.

"You should have already been to places like the Sky Tower. It's not appropriate to go to the shrine at this time. However, Mount Fuji and Disney Park are both very good, but there are more people. You can go there if you have time..." Uesugi Yue introduced to the other party very enthusiastically.

At this time, Mia next to her had also finished her own ramen. Uesugoshi put away the dishes very diligently: "Five thousand yen, Chenghui. You have eaten a lot this time. If you have the appetite, I will recommend you next time." Let’s go have a barbecue buffet.”

"Unfortunately, I haven't brought any cash recently, so I'll use this instead." Zheng Shu, who still had hundreds of thousands of yen in his pocket as pocket money, lied naturally.

He took out a stack of documents from his arms like a magic trick and handed it to the ramen chef in front of him. The other party took the documents without knowing why, but his face turned cold after just taking a look at the name on it.

"Are you from Angers? If he wants to have trouble with me, he should at least come over and have a drink with me." Uesugi put the document on the table without even looking at it.

"Although I do know Angers, my relationship with him should be considered more of cooperation rather than subordination." Zheng Shu crossed his arms on his chest, "With Angers' strength, it is not easy for me to join his team. A little bit."

"Ha! Young people nowadays are really getting louder and louder." Yue Uesugi sneered, "Don't be arrogant just because you have a little bit of strength. You have no idea how strong that old guy is."

"No, you are wrong. I actually know it very well." Zheng Shu shook his head.

Before Uesugi could retort, Zheng Shu's eyes turned golden. After looking at each other with Zheng Shu, Uesugi took a step back involuntarily, making a crackling sound all over his body, and his body entered a fighting state in an instant driven by instinct.

"Hiss... ha..." Covering his eyes, Uesugi hissed in pain.

His pupils turned into a cool dark golden color, as if lava was flowing deep inside, and the dragon blood in his body was surging wildly, completely out of control. But even so, Uesugi was still at a disadvantage when he looked directly at Zheng Shu's pair of golden eyes that looked very normal.

For a moment, Uesugoshi felt that the person sitting in front of him was not a human being, but a giant dragon with its body spread out. Next generation...no! The sense of oppression given to him by the other party far exceeded that of the next-generation species he had faced before. If you really want to count, only the four legendary kings could have such power.

"What kind of monster are you!" Uesugi stared at Zheng Shu with extreme vigilance, his whole body was like a tight bow string, and he might take action at any time.

"Alas! What are you talking about? I'm going to sue you for slander! I'm a serious human being, but I'm just a little strong." Zheng Shu stretched out his index finger and thumb and made a Korean angry sign. action.

Although he has strengthened the templates of several dragon kings, Zheng Shu has always felt that he is just a human being. Didn't you see that he didn't even use the dragon body in order to maintain his humanity?

Unfortunately, his defense against him was too weak. Not only did Uesugi show an expression of disbelief, but even Mia next to him murmured secretly.

After taking a look at these two guys, Zheng Shu knew that he would not be able to change their understanding in a short time, so he stopped dwelling on this aspect and went straight to the topic: "In short, Angers didn't mean to come here this time. , but I have something to do with you myself."

"Hmph! No need to be delusional. Now that you have found me, you should also know what my bloodline is. Imperial blood is a mistake for humans. I don't know what the noble Dragon King's purpose was in giving it to humans. , but he has no way to bring happiness to people. He can only ignite ambition from generation to generation. People with royal blood are cursed from the day they are born. They will never be happy. I don’t want my descendants to bear the curse like me. ." Facing the power displayed by Zheng Shu, Uesugi believed what he said before.

However, he still maintained his original thoughts. Uesugi knew more and more how attractive his bloodline was. Even if Zheng Shu showed overwhelming power, he wouldn't be too afraid. After all, he has lived long enough. No matter how angry the other party is, he will die at the worst. There is nothing left in this world to miss. .

"Give up, kid. The emperor's blood and holy bones are things that should be destroyed. I will not let them remain in this world." Uesugoshi's tone was full of relief.

"You are thinking too much. A new emperor has appeared in this world." Zheng Shu did not get angry as Uesugoshi imagined. Instead, he took a sip of the drink very calmly. "The former patriarch's name was Tachibana Masamune, and he The next heir is called Yuan Zhisheng, you should be very familiar with these two surnames."

Uesugoshi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly sneered: "Even if the three inner families are dead, there is no need to create fake descendants of the Tachibana family and Minamoto family. Now these descendants are getting more and more nonsense."

Uesugi Yue looked at Zheng Shu and shrugged: "You must have been deceived by someone. The three inner families have been dead for a long time. I am the last emperor. Don't think that there will be a new super hybrid species in the Sheqihachi family. If you don’t have a chance, it will be over for my generation of super hybrids.”

"I understand the source of your confidence." Zheng Shu did not refute Uesugoshi's words, "but you look down on modern technology a little too much. In modern society, it is normal for the body to be inferior to machinery. Now meat factories use frozen essence (harmony). Influenced by (harmony)."

"What's the meaning?"

"Before I answer, don't we need to change places?" Zheng Shu looked both ways in an exaggerated manner, "It might not be appropriate to discuss this kind of thing on the street. Let's find a quiet place to talk."

With an ominous premonition emerging in his heart, Uesugoshi did not refuse Zheng Shu's request this time. He packed the dishes and chopsticks uneasily, thinking about the source of his uneasiness.

Uesugoshi quickly packed up his stall and took the two people to his home. It was a very old-looking Japanese-style house. The house was not big and could be considered shabby among the surrounding buildings.

Uesugoshi locked the van and led the two of them into the somewhat dilapidated house.

Of course, the house looked like it was lived by an elderly bachelor, but it was surprisingly clean. A cross was placed at the entrance, and underneath were several bags of sorted garbage, with the time to throw them away written on the labels.

There is no living room in this room. To be precise, there is only a combination of a bedroom and a living room. There are bedding placed directly on the tatami, a small TV is placed on the shelf, and there are a dozen various pornographic videos next to it. It can be seen that even in such a difficult living environment, Uesugoshi has not slowed down his purchase of spiritual food.

"Wait a minute, I'll get the chair." Uesugi awkwardly stuffed all the videos into his cabinet, and the remaining magazines that couldn't be stuffed in could only be carried out to the entrance hall with this excuse.

After a while, he came back with two cushions. He casually placed the cushions on the tatami and invited Zheng Shu and Zheng Shu to sit down. He knelt down on the ground and said calmly: "Well, now you can explain it to me in detail." Bar."

Zheng Shu was not used to sitting on his knees, so he chose to sit cross-legged on the mat. Mia next to him hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to cover her legs with a skirt and follow Zheng Shu's example of sitting cross-legged.

"You have to read the document I gave you just now." Zheng Shu handed the document to Uesugoshi again.

Uesugoshi did not refuse this time, and took the document and looked at it carefully.

It was an experimental report about how a mad scientist created a powerful hybrid test-tube baby, and there was a familiar name in the paternal column, that was Uesugoshi himself.

The document was translated into French, which was his native language, and with the annotations below, it read smoothly.

Uesugoshi sat on his knees on the ground, reading the document in his hand word by word in this narrow room. He swore that he had never read so seriously in his more than eighty years of life.

As the document was opened page by page, Uesugoshi's fingers gradually tightened and his expression became more and more ferocious.

But in the end, he showed a self-deprecating smile: "I actually have a child?" Uesugoshi threw the documents aside with a wry smile on his face, "The Sheqi Hachi family has been breeding me with this stallion for more than ten years, but it has failed. , but finally discovered that in vitro fertilization can actually achieve this step. Fortunately, the technology at the time was not advanced enough, otherwise the old people from the Sheqi Ba family would not have let this method go."

Uesugi felt his scalp tingle as he recalled the information he had just read in the document. The scientist used his own genes to create thousands of embryos. If it were the Sheki Hachi family, it might be even crazier. He couldn't even imagine it. , what would the world be like if thousands of super hybrids like myself appeared.

"Where did you get this information?"

"Personal privacy, but I can ensure that the information above is absolutely true." Zheng Shu lowered his eyes, like an old monk in meditation.

Of course, he couldn't tell Uesugoshi that he had made up this information, but during the compilation process, he referred to the information in the original work, so Zheng Shu could ensure that the information in this information was definitely true, but there was no specific evidence.

Uesugoshi didn't think much about Zheng Shu's concealment. Since the other party could find him, it meant that his information was correct, and he wouldn't use any forged information to deceive him.

"They...I mean what happened to those created children now?" Uesugi seemed a little uneasy. He still couldn't accept that he suddenly had thousands of more children.

"Don't worry, that base was bombed during the evacuation, and most of the embryos inside were dead." Zheng Shu looked directly into Uesugoshi's eyes.

Uesugoshi didn't know what expression to use when he heard the news. He was stunned for a while and could only make a cross on his chest: "May the Lord grant them peace."

Because when he was relieved, Zheng Shu's next words made his heart twitch again: "But there are still three embryos left. They were taken to Japan by the crazy scientist and joined the snake in the name of the three lost inner families. Qibachi family.”


The small table in front of Uesugoshi was smashed into pieces. His chest rose and fell rapidly, and he could hardly suppress his anger. After being a stallion for so many years, he certainly knew what crazy things the eight Sheqi families would do when they found out about the new queen.

But after being angry for a while, Uesugoshi felt weak again. At this moment, he felt that he was so weak, unable to protect his mother or the children he had never met.

He suddenly hated his own cowardice. If he had been more decisive and wiped out the entire Sheqi family after learning about the family's sins, I am afraid that such a thing would not have happened.

But Zheng Shu's words were not over yet. He continued to tell Uesugi Koshi about the situation of the three embryos: "...With the control of medicine and brainwashing, that crazy scientist turned the girl into a ghost in the eyes of others. , turned against his brother..."

Zheng Shu didn't care how much his words would hurt Uesugoshi's heart. He took out the photos of the three siblings from his arms and placed them in front of Uesugoshi: "...According to my speculation , he should want to offer these three people as sacrifices to the White King in exchange for the White King's resurrection, thereby taking away the White King's power..."

Looking at the three photos placed on the table, Uesugoshi's hands trembled a little. He reached out and touched the photo of Eri, and he saw his mother's look on her face.

"Where?" Uesugi Yue's sudden question interrupted Zheng Shu's words.

Looking up at Zheng Shu's confused expression, Uesugi repeated his question again in a more serious tone: "Where on earth is that bitch named Herzog?!"

The terrifying dragon power emanated from him, and the air seemed to become thicker.

Zheng Shu moved his body slightly to stand in front of Mia, helping her block Long Wei's erosion. Looking at Uesugoshi's golden eyes that had become even brighter, a bright smile appeared on his face. :"have no idea!"


The unexpected answer made Uesugoshi's anger pause. Looking at the proud young man in front of him, he even suspected that the other person was here to tease him.

"I'm not lying. I really don't know his location now. Herzog has become very cautious since the Black Swan Port incident. He uses his own stand-in in almost all public places." Zheng Shu stretched out his hand and pressed it. It was appropriate for Uesugi to stay calm and calm, "To be honest, if I didn't know his location, I wouldn't need you to take action. I could kill that guy by myself."

"Then why did you come to me this time?"

"It's very simple. I hope you can protect one of them." Zheng Shu pointed to the photo in front of Uesugoshi, "Minamoto Naomi, oh, by the way, his name should be Kazama Ruri now. The other two are fine. , are basically under the public's view, so there is no need to worry about their life safety before Herzog implements the final plan. But this Kazama Ruri still needs your help to pay attention, and it is very difficult to track him in the process. It’s possible to find Herzog’s hiding place.”

Uesugi frowned as he looked at the photo in front of him: "I would have done this even if you didn't tell me. That bastard dared to play with my child like this. Even a coward like me can't stand it. But otherwise As for the two children, from what you said, Eriki's physical condition must be very troublesome. If that Herzog is killed, will there be no serum potion made by him..."

He didn't say the next words, but Uesugoshi's hesitation was clearly shown. He has always been a soft-hearted person, which is why he didn't massacre the entire Sheqi family back then, but now he is facing a situation involving the life of his child. He also exposed his weakness.

"Don't worry, Eriyi's genetic disease has been cured." Zheng Shu said in a very relaxed tone, "So you only need to protect Kazama Ruri in the dark, and be careful not to expose yourself, that guy Herzog It’s so sensitive that it could retract completely if you’re not careful.”

"Cure? Brother, please don't talk nonsense. Even if I haven't studied much, as soon as I hear the name genetic disease, I know that it is definitely not something that can be cured so easily. Besides, according to you, Hui Riyi has been locked up in Genji Heavy Industries, how could you have contact with her." Uesugi Yue showed extreme distrust. The former emperor seemed to be a completely different person when facing his daughter. .

"Oh, when Eriyi ran away from home, I picked her up and played with her for a few days. By the way..." Zheng Shu was interrupted before he could finish his words.


"What?! Please explain it to me carefully!"

Uesugi slammed the table so hard that he almost stood up, glaring at Zheng Shu in front of him, as if he wanted to bite off a piece of meat from him.

Mia, who was already a little drowsy sitting next to her, was frightened by the noise caused by Uesugoshi and immediately woke up. Seeing the tense situation between the two people in front of her, Mia cautiously put her hand into her clothes and touched it. She felt relieved when she found something hard - it was the standard firearm issued by Kassel College. If two people really fell out, she could fire directly through their clothes.

After noticing her movements, Zheng Shu reached out and touched Mia's head to comfort her. After she relaxed, she turned to look at Uesugi.

"There's nothing left in your mind except yellow waste, right? Did those years of stallion life have such a big impact on you?"

Listening to Zheng Shu's venomous words and watching his interaction with Mia, Uesugoshi knelt down and sat back in embarrassment. He was a little excited just now, and he actually forgot that the other party had a girl besides himself. Seeing that their relationship was very close, they would not do such a thing.

"I'm very sorry, I lost my composure. But how did you cure her disease?" Uesugoshi apologized to Zheng Shu very decisively. Anyway, at such an old age, he was not afraid of embarrassment.

"Bao Xie, I don't know if you have heard of this technique, but I should have used it when Anger hit you." Zheng Shu accepted his apology very naturally.

"I've heard of it. I heard that this thing can refine bloodline, but are you sure that this technology will have an effect on Eri's genetic disease? And if the bloodline of our emperor's level is improved, won't he become a deadpool? "

"Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you. In order to control it better, Herzog actually specially selected the three weakest embryos from thousands of embryos, so that they should actually be regarded as incomplete emperors. The function of refining bloodline has a good effect on them. And in order to better control them, we also performed pontomy surgery on them..."

Listening to Zheng Shu's introduction, Uesugoshi's anger was aroused again.

"Okay, I understand, but how can I find Kazama Ruri?" Uesugi asked the last question after listening to Zheng Shu's information.

"I don't know his specific location for the time being, but I believe I will be in contact with him soon. I will contact you again then." Zheng Shu smiled and stretched out a hand towards Uesugoshi hand, "So, I wish us happy cooperation for the time being?"

"To be honest, I still don't trust you very much until now." Uesugi stared closely at Zheng Shu's eyes, then he sighed again, stretched out his hand and shook Zheng Shu's hand, "But I have to admit, you did give me I have brought you some very important news, so I wish us happy cooperation for the time being!”

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