Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 167 Obtaining the power and plan of the White King (6.2K)

After Yuan Zhisheng left with his subordinates, the room suddenly became quiet.

After waiting for a long time, Masamune Tachibana picked up a monitor, unlocked it with his fingerprint and flipped through some information inside. There are various records and some satellite aerial photos on it, including forests bombarded by missiles, giant snakes leaping from the rivers and seas, and four-armed dragons in the city with many enemies...

And in the corners of these photos, there is Zheng Shu.

Looking at this information, Tachibana Masamune's eyes had deep fire.

Zheng Shu sat on the bedside of the hotel, seemingly sitting cross-legged and lowering his head to meditate. In fact, he was looking at the blue panel deep in his consciousness and thinking about the problem.

Mia and Eriki were sent out of the hotel by him after they mastered the violent blood technique. Now the two of them should be playing on the Tokyo Sky Tower.

[Enhanced Template: White King (Holy Skeleton)]

[Enhancement Template: White King (Spirit)]

This is the White King enhanced template he obtained after coming to Japan. He obtained it from the holy skeleton and the white giant beast in the spiritual world.

The Saint Skeleton's strengthened template was obtained through his careful planning, but getting the Spiritual White King's strengthened template was an accident. After obtaining the enhanced template of the Spiritual White King from the spiritual world, Zheng Shu was excluded from the spiritual world before he had time to study it.

But when he had time, his first reaction was naturally to hope to fuse the two templates, just like the templates of the Twin Dragon Kings were fused with each other to obtain a "complete" White King.

However... the result was a bit beyond Zheng Shu's expectation:

【Notice! ! Enhanced Template: White King (Holy Skeleton) and Enhanced Template: White King (Spirit) are both complete enhanced templates, not incomplete in themselves. 】

[Detecting enhanced template compatibility...]

[Estimating integration risks...]

【warn! ! The phase difference between the enhanced templates is too large and the fusion risk exceeds the warning line, making forced fusion impossible. 】

[Tip: If the user wants to use all the abilities of two enhanced templates, they can choose the parallel enhancement mode to strengthen the two enhanced templates. 】

The information on the panel is short, but it reveals a lot.

It can be seen from the information on the panel that neither the White King in the form of a holy body nor the White King in the form of a spiritual body is essentially the "incomplete" state of the White King. To be precise, both of these are White King's "evolved" states.

Zheng Shu speculated that the Black King's attack was likely to cause some causal damage, so in order to save "his" life, the White King had to completely divide his "own" existence.

When dividing, each portion of the "white king" should have the same proportion, so each portion should be a complete white king after making up for its own size. But in order to escape the Black King's judgment, they chose different evolutionary paths and derived different forms.

As for the explanation, they are both enhanced templates of the same White King, but their similarities are so different that they cannot be fused. After seeing the white giant beast in the spiritual world, Zheng Shu felt that he could understand it. Compared with other creatures in the material world, the white giant beast did not look like a species that could appear in the same world at all.

In other words, the difference between the white giant beast in the spiritual world and the creatures in this world has even been affirmed by the panel:

【Notice! ! The characteristics of this strengthening template law are too different from the current environment and cannot be strengthened. 】

That's right, the difference is so huge that Zheng Shu can't even use this strengthening template for strengthening in the real world of the dragon world.

Of course, Zheng Shu speculated that if he returned to that spiritual world again, he should be able to use this enhanced template. But...that doesn't make much sense.

Zheng Shu estimates that after the enhancement is completed, he will most likely become a spiritual creature like the pale giant beast. At that time, he will only be able to wander in the spiritual world of the dragon world and will not be able to have any impact on the real material world.

Therefore, this enhanced template was abandoned by Zheng Shu at the first opportunity. If he travels to a world where dreams can affect the rules of reality in the future, he may consider using this enhanced template.

In addition to the troublesome strengthening template of the Spiritual White King, the strengthening template of the other Holy Skeleton Hundred Kings is also very unsatisfactory.

"Panel, on the premise that it does not affect my physical appearance and mental will, how far can the strengthening template of the Holy White King be strengthened?"


[Under the premise of not affecting the user's physical appearance and mental will, the strengthening template: Bai Wang (Holy Bones) recommends using the compatibility mode for strengthening, and the maximum strengthening ratio is 5%. 】


Seeing this result, Zheng Shu almost couldn't hold his nerve. Although he expected that the permanent change in White King's form would have a great impact on him, he did not expect that the impact would be so great. He worked hard all night, and in the end could only obtain half of White King's strength.

"Outrageous...Panel, I want to get the power of King Bai as much as possible. Is there any good way?" After thinking for a while, Zheng Shu decided to put his hope on his golden finger.

Since they are all problems with the internal functions of Goldfinger, instead of complaining here, it is better to see what good solutions Goldfinger has.

[Solution simulation in progress...]


Living up to Zheng Shu's expectations, this message soon appeared on the panel. But what was a little unexpected was that the waiting time this time was quite long. Zheng Shu even thought that his golden finger was stuck there.

Finally, after waiting for several long minutes, new information reappeared on the panel:

[Project simulation completed]

[The user strengthens the enhanced template: White King (Holy Skeleton) in compatibility mode. After additional permanent consumption (cannot be returned) of a certain amount of influence factors, there is a probability of obtaining White King 30~ without changing the physical condition. 50% power. 】

【warn! ! The specific improvement rate cannot be confirmed, and there is a risk of failure of this plan. However, if the plan fails, it will only strengthen the strength of the enhanced template by 5% for the user, and the additional impact factors consumed will be returned. 】

[Estimated amount of impact factors consumed: 30%]

Zheng Shu looked at the information on the panel and fell into deep thought again. He was thinking about whether it was worthwhile to consume these influence factors to obtain the power of the White King.

So he took a look at his current number of impact factors.

Progress: 279.37%

Since the strengthening template of the King of Bronze and Fire was once again strengthened, the growth rate of Zheng Shu's influence factor has returned to the state of rapid growth at the beginning, coupled with the influence he made after coming to Japan.

Although the impact of many things has not yet fully emerged, Zheng Shu has made more than 80% of the progress.

In this case, there is no need to think too much.

"Panel, how long will it take to strengthen using this solution?" That's right, Zheng Shu finally came to his senses.

In the past, every time he strengthened, he was frightened by the time it would take to strengthen himself, fearing that he would miss some plot points because the strengthening time was too long.

But one day he suddenly realized that he could actually ask his golden finger about things like this. This can be regarded as the shortcoming of Zheng Shu's golden finger. He does not have a strong intelligence and does not have any instructions for use. He can only rely on himself to explore a little bit.


[It is estimated that the minimum time required is 35 minutes and 26 seconds, and the maximum time required is 41 minutes and 12 seconds. 】

Zheng Shu was a little surprised when he saw that this time was actually shorter than he expected.

Without further ado, take advantage of the free time now and use this time to strengthen.

Zheng Shu turned on his mobile phone and contacted Mia. After confirming that she and Eriki were eating in the restaurant and would not be back for a while, he asked Mia to pack him a special delicacy from the restaurant before leaving, delaying it as much as possible. Check out the time they will come back.

After dispersing his mental power and confirming that there were no surveillance sights around him, a golden portal opened behind Zheng Shu, and an alchemical body with the same appearance as him walked out of the Nibelung roots.

Adjusting the alchemical body to automatic camouflage mode, Zheng Shu turned around and entered the golden portal. After he left, the alchemy body observed the surrounding environment, immediately lay on the bed and covered it with a quilt, pretending to fall asleep.

Sitting cross-legged on the empty ground in Nibelung, Zheng Shu looked at the information on the panel and no longer hesitated.

"Panel, give me as much strength as possible!"

[Instruction received]

[Consume the influence factor collection progress to strengthen the body]


[Complete calculation, the total amount of impact factors consumed by compatibility mode is 30.68% of the collection progress]

[An additional 30% of the impact factor progress has been extracted]

[The influence factor has been consumed, body strengthening begins]

So Zheng Shu was wrapped in green light again. As his consciousness began to disappear, the strengthening officially began.

However, unlike before, this time the green light did not immediately start to transform Zheng Shu's body. Instead, it extracted a slightly smaller green light group from the green light cocoon surrounding Zheng Shu.

This small group of light and the light cocoon are connected by a weak green thin line. After the light group is separated from the green light cocoon, it keeps shaking up and down under the control of the thin line. It looks like it is being controlled by a weak hand. It's like dragging and shaking.

The entire Nibelungen suddenly began to fluctuate, and then the magnificent consciousness came to this world composed of dead elements again. Looking at the green light group being lifted up, it revealed a strong "desire".

The green thin line controlled the light group to sway up and down, causing waves of seduction's grand consciousness to fluctuate. Seeing that the opponent's fluctuations had even begun to affect the Nibelungs, the green thin line disconnected the light group. , letting the green light group gently "float" up.

After reaching a certain height, the green light group disappeared, and a burst of satisfaction came from the magnificent consciousness.

After receiving the information contained in the green light group, Hong Kong's consciousness also stretched out his "tentacles" deep into the green light cocoon, and "touched" Zheng Shu who was deeply asleep inside.

As the information represented on the "tentacles" kept changing, the green light cocoon also began to transform Zheng Shu at the same time. Although the physical appearance has not changed in any way, Zheng Shu's spirit and soul have undergone tremendous changes.

As the strengthening process progresses, surging mental power pours out of Zheng Shu's mind. The mental power that should have no entity now becomes able to affect the real world, with Zheng Shu as the center on the ground of Nibelungen. There were cracks.

Finally, the spiritual power lingering around Zheng Shu reached a certain intensity and stopped expanding. Instead, it quickly returned to Zheng Shu's mind.

At this point, the information carried on the "tentacles" of the grand consciousness no longer changes, and the green light's transformation of Zheng Shu's soul gradually stops.

After confirming that Zheng Shu's condition had stabilized, Hong Kong's consciousness retracted his "tentacles", but in the process of recycling, he was contaminated with a few green lights intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing that the green light was still busy with the final transformation of Zheng Shu's soul, Hong Kong's consciousness quickly "escaped" from here like a fox that had stolen a chicken.

After discovering what the grand consciousness had done, the green light cocoon fluctuated for a few times without any emotion and then retracted into Zheng Shu's chest.

The moment the transformation was completed, Zheng Shu immediately woke up. He didn't have any sense of confusion after the transformation was completed before. He was now in a very good state, as if he felt energetic after getting enough good sleep.

Zheng Shu's first feeling was that the things he could see had become much "clearer". This clarity was not an enhancement of vision or other perceptions, but the feeling of being able to see the essence of things clearly.

Apart from this, Zheng Shu did not feel any improvement in his physical fitness, but if he thought about it carefully, with the physical strength of the Holy Bone White King, it is estimated that even if all the enhancements were applied to his body, there would be no obvious effect. Variety.

Recalling some psychology questions that were preset in advance, Zheng Shu finally confirmed that his mental state had not been affected in any way after comparing his current answers with his previous answers.

Through the connection with the alchemy puppet, Zheng Shu looked outside and confirmed that Mia and Eriyi had not returned yet. Then he exchanged places with the alchemy puppet through the golden portal, and lay down to open the light in the depths of his consciousness. Blue panel.

Progress: 279.37%→192.15%

[Enhancement Template: The White King (Holy Skeleton) has been strengthened. Due to the special strengthening mode, all physical strength increases have been discarded, and 50% of the mental strength enhancement during the heyday of this strengthening template has been obtained. 】

[Influence factor consumption: 25% (basic enhancement consumption, refundable) + 30.68% (compatibility mode consumption, permanent consumption, non-refundable) + 31.54% (special enhancement mode consumption, permanent consumption, non-refundable) = 87.22%]

Zheng Shu fell silent while looking at the information on the panel. The impact factors consumed by this enhancement were not small, and more than 60% of the progress impact factors were permanently consumed.

However, Zheng Shu was not very heartbroken, because during this period of time when he was thinking about it, the decimal point in the column that affected the factor progress jumped up several times. According to this natural growth rate, even if he does nothing, it will only take less than a year to make up for all the consumed impact factors.

And in addition, although it was only 50% of King Bai's mental power, the increase in mental power far exceeded Zheng Shu's expectations.

With the activities of his thoughts, a steady stream of spiritual power began to spread outside. Zheng Shu's spiritual power easily transcended various material obstacles and enveloped the entire city of Tokyo under his control. middle.

A large amount of mental fluctuations were introduced into Zheng Shu's mind, but his brain could easily process the information in an instant. Feeling the feeling of having the entire city in his "hands", Zheng Shu Dawn became intoxicated for a moment.

But soon, the tingling sensation in his brain brought his thinking back to reality. He quickly recovered the mental energy he had spread out, and Zheng Shu pinched the bridge of his nose.

Although the attack just now was indeed very powerful, the consumption was a bit too much and could only be used at the most critical moments.

While thinking this, Zheng Shu walked towards the door. When he opened the door, Mia outside the door just took out the key card and was about to open the door. At that moment, he was already among the hundreds of millions of people in Tokyo. , accurately captured the mental fluctuations of Mia and Eri.

A few days later.

In a spacious Japanese-style room, a man with a slightly feminine face was kneeling on the tatami in a sitting position. There was a long sword with a cherry-colored scabbard in front of his knees, and he was looking up at People in the shadows.

The king wearing a Noh mask is arranging flowers at this time. There are a few winter plums in a white porcelain vase. However, in the current season, these plants are all bare branches, but looking at the cautious movements of the king, it seems that he has seen this vase. The flowers are in full bloom.

"You are very interested in the commissioner from Kassel College." Kazama Liuli broke the silence.

"Your brother seems to be very interested in him too." Wang Jiang inserted another branch, "After all, as the 'Emperor', he is supposed to be the strongest hybrid in the world, but now he meets a man of similar age and strength to him. Someone who is stronger than him. No matter whether it is the emperor's pride or the young man's impetus, he will not be allowed to admit defeat."

"I warned you, don't mention him in front of me!"

Murderous intent burst out in Kazama Liuli's eyes. If he hadn't tried several times without success, then the long knife on his knee would have been unsheathed and chopped off the opponent's head.

"Don't be so excited. I am indeed very interested in that boy. After all, he is a hybrid that can fight with three generations of species. Who in the world wouldn't be interested?" The king stopped and looked at the young man in front of him. Turning a blind eye to the terrifying sandy spirit emanating from him.

"Don't worry, no matter how powerful he is, he can't defeat a masterpiece of God like you." He spoke in a tone that sounded like he was trying to appease a jealous child.

But Kazama Ruri didn't want to accept his kindness at all. On the contrary, the other party's tone made him feel sick. Now he just wants to chop off the ghoul's head so that the mouth that stinks of corpse oil can no longer open. .

"Then I hope you have made all the arrangements. The Sheqi Eight Families and the Secret Party in Europe are not idiots. If I remember correctly, the new commissioner sent by the Secret Party will arrive today." Kazama Ruri no longer wants to let this chat happen Continuing to stay in the same room with the ghoul would only make him feel sicker.

Moreover, the King's plan this time was too risky. Even though the Fierce Ghosts had always been rampant, they had never taken such extraordinary actions. What's more, the Fierce Ghosts had just suffered such serious losses and even lost one of their three top executives. "Dragon Horse". Implementing such a plan at this time is simply a signal for all-out war.

Although the hybrids of the fierce ghosts are called "ghosts" by the Sheqi family, they still have the right to live in the eyes of the Dragon King, but the ghoul in front of him just wants to eat their value. When it's gone, throw it away like a rag.

"The temporary loss is not a cause for concern, I just want some of his blood, which shouldn't be difficult for you."

Listening to what the king said, Kazama Liuli just sneered, got up and left the room. He knew that although the ghoul in front of him looked very gentle, he had no right to object to any decision he made.

South of Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, and the outskirts of Yokohama City.

This is a deserted coastline. Before World War II, it was a continuous fishing village, but now the fishermen have moved to Yokohama and become citizens, leaving only the pier where they originally parked their fishing boats being beaten by the sea water day after day.

However, a runway, or half of it, suddenly appeared on this deserted salt-alkali flat. The other half of the runway has been submerged by sea water.

This is an airport runway built in 1941, when the sea level was not so high, and it has been abandoned for many years.

A black Hummer parked at the end of the runway, letting its headlights shine on the runway. In this simple airport with no lighting at all, the pilot could only rely on the headlights to guide the direction.

Sakura spread a snow-white napkin on the engine hood, placed three tulip glasses, opened the champagne and filled the glasses one by one, and placed a bouquet of bright yellow tulips next to the wine glasses. There is a slice of lime on the rim of each wine glass with a small Japanese flag on it.

Compared with the welcoming ceremony to welcome Zheng Shu, this welcoming ceremony can be considered extremely simple. However, Principal Ange specifically emphasized the need to keep this operation as secret as possible when notifying him, so Tachibana Masamune only asked Minamoto Chisei to bring someone to pick him up.

Apart from these two people, the only pick-up personnel at the runway were Zheng Shu and Mia.

In the past few days, Huiliyi has mastered the method of activating violent blood. In addition, she has been out for many days. According to the routine, she should need to inject serum medicine, so Zheng Shu simply took this opportunity to pick up the airport. Eriki returned to the Sheqi Hachi family.

When Genji saw Zheng Shu taking the initiative to bring Eriki over, his dislike for him immediately decreased a lot, and then he arranged for Crow and Yasha to escort Eriki back to Genji Heavy Industries.

So these four people were the only ones picking up the plane this time.

In fact, if it weren't for Tachibana Masamune's request, Minamoto would not have wanted to come here to hold this pick-up ceremony. After all, he hates physical contact with people, and judging from his resume, the headquarter team that came to Japan this time was composed of dandy boys. , composed of violent maniacs and incompetent losers, who have no good impressions of these three types of human beings.

But fortunately, Zheng Shu prepared samples for them in advance, making the Japanese branch understand that the so-called aces in the headquarters were not good things, so Yuan Zhisheng wanted to show his respect for the ace group in the headquarters... even if it was superficial respect. , and finally decided to pick him up in person.

There was a roaring sound from the direction of the sea. In the cloudy sky, it was impossible to see anything, but it seemed that some flying beast was approaching carrying wind and thunder.

"Quite on time." Yuan Zhisheng glanced at his watch.

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