
Suddenly being hit by Zheng Shu, Mia whined a little off guard.

Because she had no defense, her entire face turned red instantly, even her neck was red, her eyes were closed nervously, and her eyelashes kept trembling.

"Okay, don't get mad." Zheng Shu's voice came from her ears, and Mia's hazy eyes immediately regained consciousness.

"You, you, you... what are you going to do? Why did you do this suddenly?" Mia woke up suddenly and looked at Zheng Shu in horror, fearing that he would do something to her on the spot because of his bestiality.

Although she was here to be untouchable, it was a bit too exciting to do it in front of so many people, so she had to do it in the room at least.

"What a mess, don't make trouble, let's go, they have been waiting for us for a long time." Zheng Shu pointed to Inuyama who had been waiting beside him.

However, when he lowered his head intentionally or unintentionally, he "looked" at the wisp of breath absorbed in his palm, and his eyes became dark.

"Herzog...? It's interesting. I didn't expect that I would be targeted by him when I first came here. But why? Did he use this tracking method on all the commissioners who came from the headquarters, or was it simply because I?"

Listening to Inuyama Ga's continuous introduction beside him, Zheng Shu silently thought about this issue in his heart. As his hand opened, the power he had maintained dissipated, and the breath he absorbed also dissolved into the air.

Following Inuyama Ga's footsteps, they went up to the second floor. The area where they passed the railing was a traditional Japanese living room. The plain space formed a sharp contrast with the luxury outside.

The floor is covered with tatami mats, and on the tatami mat is a long table, which is filled with all kinds of seafood. Judging from the color and color, they are all fresh products that have just been harvested. The top chefs prepare the platters and present them to the distinguished guests.

A plain white vase is placed in the center of the long table, and the flower arrangements inside bring an elegant atmosphere to this space.

The two rows of girls sitting on their knees were completely different from the ones outside. The homogeneous characteristics of monster and innocence were lost in front of them. They are like blooming flower kings in their respective fields, making people want to explore their inner beauty.

The most distinctive thing is that all the girls here are wearing sailor uniforms.

The sailor uniform actually originated during the Meiji Restoration period when all walks of life in Japan were shrouded in the idea of ​​enriching the country and strengthening the military. Anything with a military connection was widely loved by the public, so the school uniform style also followed the uniform template of the Japanese Navy at that time.

However, it is obvious that the sailor suits worn by these girls here are not serious "traditional" clothing. As for why, of course it is from the short skirts that can't even cover the thighs during deadlifts, and the deliberately wide open skirts, which are slightly A gust of wind can reveal the cuffs of the happy couple inside.

"What's this?" Zheng Shu was a little confused. Although the sailor suit was indeed very nice, his XP system didn't seem to be that way.

"I think back then, Principal Ange's favorite thing was for girls to wear sailor uniforms. He even said that sailor uniforms were a treasure as famous as Japanese shochu." Inuyama Ga looked at the lively scene in front of him. Someone said with emotion, "I believe you must have learned a lot under the influence of the principal!"

No! When a normal person learns knowledge from his own teacher, he will not learn the other person's XP together. As a Japanese, you should at least respect your Japanese traditional culture.

The desire to complain arose in Zheng Shu's heart, but he held it back because of the luxurious decoration of the Tamamo-mae Club. At any rate, this was also the host's kindness, and he could only nod slightly to show satisfaction.

"Actually, I understand why the principal likes sailor suits, because girls look very energetic in sailor suits. In my time, all the pretty and pretty girls in school wore them like this. The more beautiful the girls with good figures, the lower their skirts. will be lower, because it represents their confidence in their youth and beauty." Returning to his home court, Inuyama Ga became gushing again.

He led Zheng Shu and strode inside. As they passed by, the girls beside them all showed soft smiles, lowered their heads and leaned on the ground, letting their loose tops reveal the scenery inside.

Zheng Shu was not affected at all. Instead, Mia showed a squinting expression like a middle-aged uncle, and kept shaking her head to look at the beautiful scenery on both sides.

"Be more reserved, and aren't you a girl? I remember you are straight, why would you like to see this kind of thing?" Zheng Shu couldn't stand it, so he could only hold her hand and whisper a reminder Don't be too blatant.

"Who said that? Everyone likes to see beautiful things. Even if I am a girl, I will like to look at beautiful girls twice." With this in her mouth, Mia simply bent down and "peeped" ", "I'm telling you, I don't feel anything at all when I look at it, but I feel very emotional when I look at other people's."

Zheng Shu looked like an old man on the subway with his cell phone. Who is this guy with the expression of a middle-aged bald man picking his feet? Where has the elegant blonde lady gone? Is this girl the kind of person who doesn't care about her image at all after getting to know her?

Compared to Zheng Shu's sigh, Inuyama Ga looked very appreciative: "That's right! The more confident a person is, the bolder their gaze will be. Only cowardly cowards will choose to secretly peek at the young bodies that girls deliberately reveal, confident Boys have the courage to look into the eyes of healthy and energetic girls and invite them to travel with them.”

As he spoke, Inuyama He turned to look at Zheng Shu, and his words revealed the guidance of someone who had experienced it: "A person as outstanding as Zheng Jun does not need to be too reserved. Whether it is Principal Ange or me, even at this age, inviting girls They will also be very happy to sit in my car when we play together.”

"Just drive out with a bunch of luxury cars outside. Not to mention your age now, there are a lot of girls who are willing to do it even if you are decades older." Zheng Shu complained silently in his heart.

The moral concepts developed in his previous life made him feel that it was better for him to be a conservative person, otherwise, if he was not careful, he would become mentally dominated by the dragon's blood again as before.

Mia next to her also thought of the same thing after hearing Inuyama Ga's call, and her expression became particularly wonderful.

"After all, no matter what age a man is, he spends his youth traveling with beautiful women. In fact, the principal and I are the same. It's not that we like the sailor suit itself, but that the boy's heart that never grows old in his heart has for young girls. Desire!" Inuyama Ga raised his head and laughed, and the entire huge and prosperous space was filled with his laughter.

Listening silently to the speech on the other side, Zheng Shu reached a rare consensus with Mia this time and silently moved a little further away from the head of the Inuyama family.

Inuyama Ga inadvertently did something that even the King of Bronze and Fire could not do - he actually forced Zheng Shu back.

The ancient strings on the second floor were playing, and female musicians in loose clothes and bare arms played the shamisen, with clear sounds and classical rhythms. The slow drum beats and Xiao sounds echoed, adding to the atmosphere here. To the climax.

The group of people took their seats. Apart from Zheng Shu and Mia, there were less than a handful of people who were qualified to enter the club. Apart from Inuyama Ga, there were only two old men from the Inuyama family who were seated, and they were far away from the main seat. It was far away, and it seemed that unless they were summoned, these two people were probably not qualified to interrupt.

The girls in sailor uniforms knelt in a fan shape around the main seat. At first glance, they looked as quiet and beautiful as flowers. Inuyama Ga randomly picked the nearest girl to pour him wine. Kuro Haori's loose Falling to the futon, that handsome old face was filled with a peaceful smile.

In addition to various kinds of fish, the long table is also filled with more than a dozen different regional styles for breakfast. In addition to Japanese-style tamagoyaki and miso soup, there are also some similar to spicy soup. , authentic Chinese breakfast such as fried dough sticks and soy milk.

Zheng Shu lowered his head and glanced again. The wine glass in front of him contained orange juice.

It seems that the Inuyama family has really put a lot of effort into entertaining him, and they have even investigated the fact that he does not drink.

After drinking for three rounds, Inuyama He picked up the wine bottle and poured it into the wine glasses in front of him one by one. He also took a glass of juice. The girls on both sides passed the wine glasses to Zheng Shu and others in a sensible manner, and then he Holding up the wine glass: "Let us pay tribute to the legendary dragon slayer, the president of Kassel College, and a true educator, Hilbert Jean Angers."

Zheng Shu and Mia also raised the cups in front of them: "To the principal."

After drinking the last glass of wine, Inuyama He seemed to relax a lot and looked at Zheng Shu with a smile: "It was our failure to entertain you well today that frightened Zheng Jun. We have already arranged a hotel for the two of you, so I asked Keiko to take care of you." I'll let you go, I'm old and can't bear to drink, so I apologize for my poor hospitality."

People had already made it so clear, Zheng Shu didn't bother to make himself annoying, nodded towards Inuyama He, and left with Mia and a dancing girl next to him who had been helping to pour the wine.

After Zheng Shu and the two completely left the club, Inuyama He's originally smiling expression immediately turned cold.

The two old men who had been silent in the banquet and were simply accompanying the drink quickly moved to Inuyama He's side, knelt down respectfully and sat across the table: "Master."

Inuyama Ga waved his hand to stop their next words, raised a glass of wine on the table and drank it down in one gulp, looking across the long table to where Zheng Shu had just been sitting: "Zheng Shu, he fought alone for three generations and was undefeated. , and he has survived two fatal battlefields in a row. In terms of strength alone, he has far surpassed us old guys. It seems that this department has really sent out the best young people of this generation."

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