Inuyama Ga played with the wine glass in his hand, his eyes lowered: "Teacher is as arrogant as ever. Do you want to shock the current Japanese branch with just such a person?"

"Master, do you need us to test it out?" An old man next to him lowered his head and helped Inuyama congratulate him with wine.

"Testing? Forget it, do you think I haven't thought of a different way of welcoming you?"

As Inuyama Ga's words fell, the docile girls around him also became stern.

The girls who were kneeling stood up. Inuyama Ga reached behind them and pulled out a long sword from the back of the kimono. No wonder these girls all sat so upright even when they were pouring wine for everyone, because the hilts of the knives were hidden at the neck and the tips were hidden under the hips. If Inuyama Ga hadn't taken the initiative to pull out the long knives, the guests being entertained would We would never have thought that there was a murder weapon hidden behind the girl's beautiful body.

The long knife passed slowly in front of his eyes, reflecting Inuyama Ga's face. He carefully admired the sharp blade in his hand, but there was a trace of fear in his eyes: "During the banquet, I wanted to take action several times, and even several times I want to attack directly regardless of my identity, but every time, I feel huge fear, and my intuition tells me that as soon as I take action, the Inuyama family will cease to exist."


The slender sword was suddenly stabbed by Inuyama Ga, penetrating the long table and inserting straight into the tatami. The two old men and the surrounding maids immediately knelt on the ground, and even the music that had been playing suddenly stopped.

Inuyama He didn't know when he had stood up. His eyes were wide open with anger, veins popped out on his forehead, and his whole face was red from holding back: "Shame! In front of that person, I didn't even have the courage to take action. This It’s my shame!”

This is the most unacceptable thing for Inuyama Ga. Over the years, he has been honing his skills and strengthening his body for more than ten years, just to be able to catch up with his teacher. But now, he couldn't even defeat a student sent by his teacher, and he didn't even have the courage to fight to the death in front of him and draw his sword.

At this time, Inuyama Gacai suddenly woke up. The life of controlling power for so many years has worn out his will. He has indeed obtained more resources, but he can no longer risk his life as casually as before. . Although his strength has been increasing, his knife has become dull.

After a moment of silence, Inuyama He sat back on the tatami dejectedly. Looking at the people around him who were still kneeling on the ground and not daring to raise their heads, he waved his hands in a dazed manner: "Get up, treat those two well, don't be rude. ."


Park Hyatt Tokyo.

This is the diplomat suite of the Platinum Hyatt Hotel. Upon entering, you will find a living room that is spacious enough to hide and seek. A Steinway piano is lying by the floor-to-ceiling window. The black and white keys are illuminated by the noon sun and turn golden. When walking from the corridor outside, you can still see Mount Fuji in the distance, which is always covered with snow all year round.

With such a beautiful view, the price of a day's stay is evident.

After leaving the club where they met, Keiko sent Zheng Shu and Zheng Shu directly to the Park Hyatt Hotel in Shinjuku District, which will be their residence for a period of time in the future.

"You two have worked hard today, please take a good rest. I will send you a further list of activities in the evening. Before that, you have enough time to relax from the fatigue along the way, unless it is summoned in the suite or urgent. No one will bother you." Outside the door of the suite, Keiko bowed slightly and closed the door.

Putting the suitcase aside casually, Zheng Shu walked to the exquisitely decorated living room of the guest suite. The huge floor-to-ceiling windows opened to the east. Looking at the tall buildings as dense as a forest, the Tokyo Sky Tree stood alone among these. Among the tall buildings, he looks like a lonely giant.

"The Japanese branch is really rich. We have lived here for so long. These people won't just book this suite for a whole month, right?" Mia carefully arranged her luggage in the corner of the room. Keiko's words just now made her feel guilty.

Seeing Zheng Shu turning to look at her, Mia was as stiff as a mouse being stared at by a snake. It took a long time before she said: "Can you give me some time to take a shower?"

"Go ahead." Zheng Shu nodded, stretched out his hand and pretended to feel it in his pocket, "Take this and use it as shower gel when you take a shower."

Zheng Shu raised his hand and threw a white transparent plastic vial into Mia's arms. Looking at the vial in her hand, Mia glanced at Zheng Shu suspiciously, hesitated for a moment, and opened the bottle to smell it. smell. To her surprise, the liquid in this small white bottle had almost no special taste, just an ordinary fragrance.

In the end, she still didn't refuse Zheng Shu's request, but as she walked to the bathroom, she muttered secretly: "Am I out of date? Are people nowadays so perverted? I still carry shower gel with me." …”

Zheng Shu ignored Mia's secret murmur. The small white bottle just now was made by him temporarily. The liquid in it could neutralize the smell on Mia's body.

He didn't quite know what the insidious guy Herzog wanted to do, but if the plan went too smoothly, the other party would most likely hide it in a short time. It was better to create some surprises for them and see his reaction. It didn't matter even if the other party gave up immediately. If he was lucky and Herzog sent people out to cause trouble again, Zheng Shu might be able to find the other party's lair along this clue.

Turning around and sitting on the sofa in the living room, Zheng Shu took out a glass syringe from his pocket. This was the thing he found from the runaway hybrid.

Zheng Shu looked at the glass syringe in his hand with a gloomy expression. The process of today's mixed-race rampage and alienation and finally becoming Deadpool was very strange, but it also made him feel very familiar.

Zheng Shu also learned a lot of relevant knowledge during his long time at Kassel Academy. Transforming a hybrid into a deadpool is actually a very long process. Unless there is special stimulation or the natural bloodline is too high, ordinary hybrids will mutate into Deadpool. Most of the reasons are due to the explosion of dragon blood caused by severe mental stimulation.

However, although it is called an outbreak of dragon blood, this process can actually be said to be a long one. Ordinary hybrids have already experienced mental breakdown and abnormality due to the growing dragon blood before this.

However, because they have not completely lost their rationality before, they will not carry out destruction so blatantly. Therefore, after losing control of most of the hybrids, they mainly exist as perverted murderers for a long time.

At the same time, the external manifestation is that their body parts are constantly mutating, and most of the manifestations are the growth of scales or fangs. Many out-of-control hybrids have basically turned into a half-human, half-dragon form when discovered by the Executive Department. When stimulated by death, dragon blood will burst out for a second time, allowing the hybrids to quickly transform into a deadpool form. .

But Zheng Shu, the deadpool he met this time, could see very clearly that it took less than ten seconds for the opponent to go from no alienation state to being completely alienated into a deadpool, and his spirit had already collapsed before the deadpool transformed. Lost my mind.

Zheng Shu had only seen this situation twice.

One time was when Chu Zihang suffered physical alienation due to losing control of his violent blood technique, and the other time was the life and death crisis he encountered before he fully entered the hybrid world (Chapter 5).

"Motorov cocktail." Zheng Shu narrowed his eyes and called out the name of the medicine that originally existed in the glass syringe. "I didn't expect that we already had a grudge so early, Herzog!"

With a firm squeeze of his fingers, the Dragon King's power exploded, and the glass syringe was instantly vaporized, leaving not even a trace of residue behind.

"That's such a coincidence. I've always been clear about grudges and will avenge myself. I was a little regretful that I couldn't avenge myself, but I didn't expect that the base camp is still here." Zheng Shu sat on the sofa and closed his eyes. A "core good" smile appeared on his lips.

The green-faced and fanged body of Deadpool was lying on his back on the roof of the luxury car. The blood flow gathered in the sunken part and emitted a faint white smoke. The face with the forehead penetrated maintained a ferocious expression until death.

There was silence in the dim room, with only the faint light emitting from the photo on the big screen.

The man sitting at the end of the conference table waved his hand gently, and the person holding the remote control behind him immediately pressed the button. The projector was turned off, and the incandescent lamp in the conference room was lit. Everyone sitting in front of the conference table could be seen. The facial expressions were a bit subtle, and their gazes remained on the white curtain in silence.

The man tapped his fingers lightly on the table, causing the people around him to focus their attention on him.

This is the conference room of the Executive Board on the 27th floor of Genji Industrial Co., Ltd. in Chuo-ku, Tokyo. The person sitting at the end of the conference room presiding over this meeting is the Director of the Executive Bureau of the Japan Branch of Kassel Academy, the Genji family’s Owner: Yuan Zhisheng.

"Tell me what you think."

Those present here are all elite cadres of the Japanese branch executive bureau, but they couldn't help but fall silent in the face of this incident.

"It's... terrible." Someone commented tentatively, "Except the young master, none of you here should be able to do this."

"I can't do it." Yuan Zhisheng shook his head decisively.

He looked down at the photo data in front of him again. The penetrating wound on the Deadpool's head was clearly visible. Judging from the changes in his body, the opponent had been transformed quite deeply. The defensive power of his scales could completely withstand small-caliber weapons. Pistol bullets.

To cause such a degree of penetrating damage, at least a heavy machine gun with a full-power armor-piercing bullet would have to be used, but it was obvious that no one was carrying such a heavy weapon in the environment at that time.

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