Following Inuyama Ga's order, the surrounding Inuyama family elites immediately raised their firearms and aimed at the mutated hybrid upstairs.

"Wait a moment." Zheng Shu's voice came from the side.

Inuyama He hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand to signal others to stop temporarily.

"What do you think, Mr. Zheng?"

"It's nothing. I felt a familiar aura from that guy. With your equipment, if you take action, you will probably destroy the clues, so I'll do it."

Zheng Shu took a look at the weapons held by the people around him. They were all modified firearms. With special steel bullets, the recoil could even break the hands of ordinary people.

Hit by dozens of these weapons, the hybrid who had become Deadpool was dead, but the clues on him were gone.

"Please don't worry. Even if our Inuyama family is not famous for its fighting power among the Sheqi Hachi family, it is more than enough to deal with such a little hybrid." Inuyama He's eyes flashed with anger.

After experiencing the slap in the face just now, Zheng Shu's words now are simply looking down on them nakedly.

As Inuyama Ga waved his hand, the surrounding elites in suits immediately put away the firearms in their hands, and then pulled out a long knife from somewhere. Although they didn't know what happened between their family leader and the inspector from the headquarters, they could feel the anger of their family leader.

In this case, as members of the Inuyama family, they naturally have to work harder.

"No need to bother." Zheng Shu waved his hand.

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to feel the murderous aura coming from downstairs. The hybrid who had become Deadpool roared violently and jumped down from the window.

Seeing Deadpool's actions, the surrounding Inuyama family elites immediately became nervous. Each one of them clenched the long sword in their hands and stared at Deadpool falling in the air.

Zheng Shu saw Deadpool's movements, raised his hand, held his thumb with his index finger, and then pressed the thumb joint.



As the thumb popped out of the index finger, an air bullet also condensed under the authority of the King of Earth and Mountain. It was shot out of the finger like a bullet and accurately hit the forehead of the Deadpool in the air.

Suddenly attacked by this huge force, Deadpool's falling movement also changed in the air. After rolling a few times, he fell like a blackbird with broken wings.


With the sound of glass shattering again, a black shadow fell hard onto the roof of the luxury car Mia was riding in. With a loud noise, a large amount of blood spattered around, and the elites of all the surrounding businesses moved briskly. He blocked or dodged the splashing blood drops.

Inuyamaga turned his head slightly and avoided a drop of blood that passed through the gap. He looked at the blood that splashed to the ground and corroded the asphalt with a hissing sound and emitted white smoke. A look of confusion appeared on his face. The look of thinking.

The luxury car on the side was completely scrapped after two consecutive high-altitude throws. A man on the roof was deeply trapped in it. The green scales on his face were like blades, his arms had transformed into claws, and his golden eyes were as round as an evil ghost. On his forehead, there was an empty round hole that penetrated his head, and blood was constantly flowing out of it and flowing down the body of the car.

Ignoring the looks of the people around him like they were looking at monsters, Zheng Shu walked straight to Deadpool's body. After observing it for a while, he took out a used syringe from Deadpool's tattered jacket pocket.

This syringe is small in size and looks quite delicate. The needle is also extremely small. The liquid inside has been used up without any residue.

When Inuyama He, who was behind Zheng Shu, saw the syring he found, his expression immediately changed. For a moment, he even wanted to kill the commissioner from his headquarters directly. But when he thought of Zheng Shu's fighting power just now, he could only hold back his murderous intention and walked to Zheng Shu with a smile on his face.

"You are indeed a student that Ange is proud of. Zheng Jun, your strength really impresses me."

Zheng Shu ignored his compliment, but looked directly into his eyes and asked, "You know this thing, right?"

Inuyama He's heart convulsed, but he still maintained the smiling expression on his face: "Zheng Jun is joking, it's my first time to see this mixed race, how can I know what he is carrying."

"But when I took out the syringe from his clothes just now, your face changed obviously. And just when I asked you, your heartbeat rate also changed." Zheng Shu pointed to his own Eyes and ears, "My senses are a little more acute than you think. There's no point in lying in front of me."

Inuyama Ga still had the same smiling expression, and there was no emotion at all: "The executive bureau of Japan Distribution is mainly in charge of the Minamoto family, and the Inuyama family is not very aware of these things."

"Yuan family? I remember that the head of the Yuan family is called 'Yuan Zhisheng', right?" Zheng Shu turned his head and glanced at the glass syringe in his hand, then casually put it into his pocket.

Inuyama He's eyebrows jumped when he saw his movements, but his expression remained as usual: "Yes, the 'Yuan Zhisheng' you mentioned is the head of the Yuan family, and the son of the head of our family. Even if I meet him, You also need to respectfully call me 'Young Master'. If Zheng Jun is in need, I can help you contact the Young Master."

Zheng Shu stretched out his arm, and Mia leaned forward very sensibly and took his hand: "That's a good relationship. I heard that Yuan Zhisheng is the strongest person in the Japanese branch, and she is quite interested in him. It just so happens that Ang Principal Re asked me to come here for exchange and study for a period of time. Since it is exchange and study, I naturally want to ask for advice from the strongest."

"It seems that my old bones can't arouse Zheng Jun's interest." Inuyama He suddenly let out a cheerful laugh.



He almost choked to death at Zheng Shu's answer. Several blue veins visibly popped out on his forehead. Inuyama He felt that his blood pressure had risen several knots in the few hours he had been with this guy.

Anyone with a normal EQ would not answer like this. Didn’t Principal Angers really want to start a war with the Japanese branch by sending this guy here?

Inuyama Ga showed an expression as if he had eaten a stuffed nine-turn large intestine, took a deep breath, and tried his best to keep smiling: "Okay! I will help you contact the young master right away, but the young master has been involved in many things recently, and it may not be possible for a while. I won’t be able to reply for a while. Before that, Mr. Zheng, why don’t you go to the reception place to stay, so that I can do my best as a landlord.”

"Okay." Zheng Shu held Mia's arm and nodded lightly.

"Please!" Inuyama He reached out and invited Zheng Shu and Mia to the Maybach again, but this time he did not sit in the back row, but directly sat in the passenger seat.

Of course, with the width of the Maybach's back seat, it is more than enough for three people to sit in the back, but Inuyama He would rather appear rude than chat with Zheng Shu anymore.

He felt that if he continued to chat with Zheng Shu like this, he might have to go to the hospital before the young master came over.

Tamamo-mae Club.

Standing under the huge neon sign, Inuyama Ga seemed to have adjusted his mood on the road and showed his kind smile again.

"This is the most luxurious club under the family. Since Zheng Jun is a talent that Principal Angers values, of course the family will also provide the best to entertain you. Tonight is a welcome reception for the two of you, so don't be restrained."

Pushing open the door, you will see another world.

The ground is made of seamless crystal glass, and the colorful lights change like flowing clouds under the feet. Looking up, you can see the quaint wooden pillars and red-tooth cornices. The vermilion stairs spiral along the four walls like dragons and snakes, which is alluring. Entering heaven is like seducing people into falling into the abyss.

Girls wearing various colored kimonos lined up on the dance floor. Their bodies were smeared with gold powder, just like the golden-skinned Tamamo Mae in myths and legends. The moment the door opened, dance music played, and dozens of pairs of long golden legs danced tautly. As their skirts fluttered, the intoxicating aroma floated in the hall.

The band on the second floor looks much cleaner. Each girl's performance level is master-level, wearing traditional kimonos and playing various instruments dignifiedly. However, the attractiveness is not inferior to that of the dancers on the first floor.

Compared to Caesar's lace girl dance troupe, the scene before her was undoubtedly vulgar to the extreme.

But when such "vulgarity" reaches a certain scale, it reveals a bit of elegance and grace. Even Mia, who studied at the Golden Iris Shuyuan Academy, had to admit that with the support of such a large scale, the artistic level of these performances was not inferior to the operas she saw in the academy.

Mia looked up at Zheng Shu's face again. Unsurprisingly, Zheng Shu's face was still very cold. After all, he is not interested in these bells and whistles, and he has no ability to appreciate music and dance.

If Inuyama He had ambushed hundreds of swordsmen behind the door and rushed out to fight with them at a signal, maybe Zheng Shu would be happier.

Inuyama Ga seemed to have noticed Zheng Shu's impatience. He raised his hand to indicate that the welcome dance below was to be terminated early. The dancers bowed together, revealing the unfathomable snow-white ravine: "Welcome to the visiting commissioner of Kassel College Headquarters. "

Zheng Shu then nodded with satisfaction. I mean, why bother with all the bells and whistles? Why not do something practical and eye-catching?

Inuyama He was not as uncomfortable as before when Zheng Shu showed his desire without concealing it. He was already used to seeing all kinds of desires. Although Zheng Shu was rare, he was not unexperienced.

Just as he was thinking this, he saw Zheng Shu hugging Mia next to him, burying his head in her neck and taking a deep breath.


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