"Quick! Catch him!"

Angers shouting woke up the researchers and swarmed outside.

When everyone else in the research room ran out, Ange looked at the tin bottle left by Old Tang and sighed lowly: "Are you giving up the mission? Young people today are really unreliable."

Angers picked up the tin bottle on the ground, walked to the glass chamber, and inserted a black card into the card slot on the operating table.

"Warning! Warning! This operation may cause Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, to awaken. No operation! No operation!" Norma's voice immediately echoed above the laboratory, all the police lights turned on, and the buzzer sounded loudly and red. The light illuminated the entire laboratory.

"Quiet, Norma, this is the moment we witness a miracle." Angers pulled the handbrake, cutting off the communication between the entire laboratory and Norma.

As the main power supply was cut off, Norma's voice disappeared and the lights went out one after another, leaving only the alarm buzzer of its own power supply.

As the temperature in the cryogenic chamber rises rapidly, the high-speed rotating electron flow in the superconducting magnetic field weakens. The quartz glass cavity suspended in mid-air slowly lowers. Twelve sealing valves open at the same moment, and a huge amount of white steam spurts out. , the reinforced outer cover that can withstand submachine gun fire opens.

Angers stretched out his hand to touch the quartz glass cavity and felt the vibration coming from inside. It seemed that he was aware of the possibility of his imminent recovery, and the vibration became stronger and stronger.

Next to him, the invisible Zheng Shu squatted on the ground. Through his connection with the flesh and blood in the bone bottle, he controlled the flesh and blood to vibrate continuously in the bone bottle.

"Are you sure that the bone bottle would vibrate like this when encountering such a thing?" Through the spiritual connection, Zheng Shu passed his doubts to Constantine, who was observing the outside world inside the Nibelungen.

"Don't worry, the liquid in the tin bottle in his hand is 'grey tin' specially used to corrode bone bottles. Each bone bottle has an emergency warning system at the beginning of its manufacture. Once gray tin is detected around it, It will accelerate the recovery of the dragons inside. It seems that you did not lie to me. They wanted to use this method to revive me in advance without any preparation. Because of early recovery without any supplement, the internal balance of the body will be imbalanced, and the strength will weaken very much. Come on, if someone attacks me with highly condensed spiritual substances during this period, it may even cause me to be unable to form a cocoon."

Outside, Angers had already drawn the knife from his sleeve and suddenly inserted the folding knife into the thick wall of the quartz glass cavity. The sharp blade cut into the quartz glass as easily as cutting through jelly.

As the folding knife was pulled out, a bright blue knife mark was left on the glass wall, because the vacuum inside was destroyed and air rushed in screaming. Angers cut off the neck of the bottle with a knife and aligned the cut with the crack. The gray liquid followed the knife mark and entered the quartz glass cavity. It circulated along the inner wall of the glass like a thin snake, moving away from the copper tank in the center, as if in fear. The presence inside.

But as more and more liquid entered the glass cavity, the gray liquid began to boil and bubble. When the amount reached a certain limit, all the gray solution flew away from the inner wall and rushed towards the copper tank in an instant. The moment the two came into contact, violent corrosion occurred. The indestructible copper can was like a piece of butter softened in a microwave, and dark green mist drifted away.

Indescribable low roars echoed in the cryogenic laboratory, and the voice revealed anxiety and mania.

Angers put the knife in his sleeve and exited the cryogenic laboratory.

Nibelung and Constantine looked at Angers's smooth operation and couldn't help but fell silent: "If it weren't for your existence, I would probably be plotted to death by this guy."

Zheng Shu, who was squatting next to the bronze jar with his figure hidden, calling for dubbing, smiled when he heard this: "You're welcome."

"But I don't quite understand." Constantine's doubts came from the mental fluctuations, "Since you have seen through his plan, why do you have to act like this again? Will this bring you any benefits? ?”

"Actually, it's very simple. Although the ultimate goals are different, Angers and I's current goal is to make Lu Mingfei gain more fame. He needs Lu Mingfei's reputation to increase to realize his plan, and I also need Lu Mingfei’s reputation will be used to carry out my subsequent plans, so I need to perform such a play.”

Seeing that Ange had completely withdrawn from the laboratory, Zheng Shu followed the bloodline connection and began to transfer his power to the mass of flesh and blood in the bone bottle.

With the assistance of Zheng Shu's power, the mass of flesh and blood immediately broke through the surrounding materials that bound him, and began to change with Zheng Shu's thoughts. Not long after, a fake Constantine appeared in the laboratory. .

"Lu Mingfei?" Constantine was silent for a rare moment, "To be honest, I don't understand that human being. I feel that he is more than what he appears on the surface. But there is a strange power that prevents me from understanding the human being. His observations.”

"It's normal. If it weren't for me, you would probably die in his hands. That guy is probably the one predicted to destroy you kings."

Looking at "Constantine" in front of him, Zheng Shu thought for a moment, and manipulated and changed a few slight details to make it look like it would be destroyed at any time due to the collapse of power.

"Hiss... you mean... he is the Black King?!" Constantine couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air, and the flames on his body surged because of his excessive emotion.

"Hmm... To be honest, I'm not very sure now. Although the prophecy predicts that the Black King will return and you will die, the prophecy does not specify who will kill you, so I will follow him to investigate." Zheng After confirming that there were no problems with the Constantine he had created, Shu nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, the body is complete. You can now transmit power into it. This body is made of my flesh and blood. It should have no problem carrying your power for a short period of time.”

Constantine was interrupted from his thoughts by Zheng Shu's words, and was a little surprised when he "looked" at the body exactly like his own outside the Nibelung. Through the golden portal opened by Zheng Shu in front of him, he stretched out his hand and placed it on the body outside.

After a slight pause, the imitation Constantine immediately ignited flames. These flames spread on the imitation body as if they were alive, and finally wrapped the entire body in flames.

The fake Constantine seemed to have gained his own life after being ignited by the flames. His eyes lit up like gold, and the cracks on his face deliberately made by Zheng Shu were filled with lava-like red flames.

"Very good, let's go. It's time for us to catch your brother. How about it? Are the alchemy body and the things I need ready?" Zheng Shu looked up and down, and then disappeared with satisfaction after finding that there were no flaws. The figure left the laboratory.

Fortunately, in order to complete his plan, Ange turned off the electric switch inside the laboratory, temporarily rendering the monitoring here useless. Zheng Shu was able to complete these operations so blatantly.

"It's ready. I hope you can keep your promise then." Constantine sighed. He also knew that his and his brother's lives were now tied to this man's hands. The only thing he could rely on now was The other party keeps its promise.

"Don't worry, you guys are very lucky. I consider myself a person who keeps my promises." Zheng Shu smiled and disappeared into the laboratory.

"Damn it! Come on! Whoever dares to come closer will be blasted with a shot!" Old Tang waved the shotgun in his hand with a fierce expression.

The elevator door behind him slowly opened, and the people he was pointing his gun at were a group of pale-faced researchers. These people obviously had no combat experience. After chasing them here, they had no choice but to gather into a group and become like this. The perfect target for a gun.

"Which of you has a useful voice? Come up with a solution!" Someone in the group put forward his own idea.

"We...are basically research-oriented Yanlings. Otherwise, we would be researchers here. Do you think I don't want to go to the execution department?" One of the researchers replied in frustration.

At this moment, the lights suddenly went dark. Just a moment later, a shrill alarm sounded in the dark passage, dozens of times more piercing than the previous alarm. The white light from the elevator illuminated the researchers His face was even paler than before.

"It's a cryogenic laboratory!"

"Damn it, we didn't leave anyone there!"

"Go back quickly!"

Realizing the mistake they had made, this group of researchers ran back like crazy, completely ignoring the shotguns pointed at them. In their eyes, the things in the cryogenic laboratory were more important than their lives.

Old Tang stood in front of the opened elevator door in a daze. Suddenly he felt that he had become less important. He breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little disappointed at the same time.

"What's going on? Shouldn't I be the protagonist? Why did everyone leave suddenly? Are the quality of your people here so poor? Also, your power distribution system is really bad." Old Tang muttered with some disappointment. .

He smashed the button of the elevator with the handle of the gun in his hand, smashed it hard several times and destroyed all the buttons, and then retreated into the elevator.

He wasn't relieved until the elevator door was completely closed. There were only two emergency elevators that had broken keys from here to the ground, which meant that no one could catch up with him in a short time.

"Is this considered...a success?"

Old Tang was arranging his clothes in front of the mirror-like elevator door, but he still felt something was wrong. His heart seemed to be grasped by a hand, his blood flow seemed to be accelerating, and his breathing became increasingly difficult.

Why is there so much pressure? It seems that when the lights went out just now, something... was chasing me!

One more chapter

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