"Speaking of which, is it really useful if I do this?"

Beside Old Tang, Zheng Shu used Hela's power to make himself invisible and stood aside. In conjunction with Constantine in the Nibelungs, he used various combinations of words and spirits to continuously reduce the air pressure in the elevator or rise.

As a result, Old Tang became even more nervous and suspicious even in the "empty" elevator.

Seeing Old Tang huddled in the corner of the elevator, holding a gun and showing fear, Zheng Shu sighed helplessly. He used to laugh at Angers' behavior of using time to move people, but unexpectedly, he turned around and took Hela's power and ran into an elevator to act as a terror atmosphere maker.

"No problem, I have already felt that my brother's consciousness is awakening. By constantly stimulating his spirit, the difficulties of separation can be greatly alleviated." Constantine's mentality was different from Zheng Shu's.

Feeling his brother's mental fluctuations getting clearer and clearer, he became more and more energetic in using the word spirit, causing Old Tang to get so scared that he ran out as soon as he opened the elevator.

Zheng Shu hid his figure, strolled to the window and looked out.

A halo as sharp as electric welding shot through the glass of the church. The surrounding communication equipment was overloaded and lost its communication function in an instant. The dust spread in all directions. In an instant, the entire church was reduced to rigid structures such as columns and load-bearing walls. .

After a moment of silence, the sharp flames spurted out again.

And then... again!

"It's so simple and crude..." Zheng Shu looked at the confrontation between Chu Zihang and Jun Yan from No. 0 in the church, and touched his chin.

Lu Mingze's preparations were so complete that he even asked two of his subordinates to hold back the students in the school so that they could witness Constantine's presence and experience the Dragon King's strength the moment he came out. Of course, after Lu Mingfei solves the Dragon King, Lu Mingfei's reputation can also be maximized.

"It's too rough, has no control at all, and even the power is not up to standard." Constantine in the Nibelungs looked at the Yanling of his lineage in the distance and curled his lips with some disdain.

"It's very good. Don't judge it by the Dragon King's standards." Zheng Shu shrugged.

Under his control, the fake Constantine burst out of the elevator shaft with thousands of degrees of flames all over his body. Caesar and Mai Shutoku, who were playing assassins against each other in the Hall of Valor, were startled by the sudden monster. However, under the control of Zheng Shu, the fake Constantine rushed out without paying attention to the two people next to him.

At the school gate, several students were on guard with guns. When they heard the roar of the motorcycle, it was too late. A dazzling light came out at a very high speed. It was a motorcycle.

The black motorcycle twisted in a thrilling arc and successfully dodged, and the barrage passed by the students.

"Hallelujah! God always favors handsome people!" Old Tang shouted while riding on his motorcycle.

After escaping from the underground, he quickly found the motorcycle he had hidden in advance. As long as he got out of here, this unexpected mission would be over. He would be able to get his five million dollars and wander around for the rest of his life. End of the world.

Unfortunately, the next moment, his mood became less pleasant.

A beam of flames passed by and instantly melted the motorcycle's tires. With his agility, Old Tang jumped away the moment the motorcycle fell.

Looking at the flaming figure behind him, Old Tang let out a high-pitched scream like a girl: "Ghost!!"

"All take shelter! All take shelter!" Professor Schneider's hoarse roar also echoed on the campus radio.

When the burning figure passed a high-voltage transformer, the metal shell of the transformer melted instantly, brilliant sparks gush out like a fountain and then exploded, turning the surrounding lawn into scorched earth.

The students who were always on alert reacted immediately. The sound of gunfire was like thunder, and dense barrage came from both sides. The professionally trained students hid behind the buildings on both sides and made perfect cross-fire.

The 5.56 mm steel-core bullet was fired at a speed of 900 rounds per minute. The specially-made extended magazine was emptied instantly. Under the cover of the people nearby, the magazine was immediately replaced and the firing continued. With the help of alternating shooting, the dense barrage never stopped. Under the command of Lancelot, the vice president of the Lion Heart Society, a large number of bullets were fired at the figure standing on the lawn at every moment. .

But time was too hasty after all, and most of the firearms they used were ordinary bullets. These metal bullets that had not been transformed by alchemy could not cause any harm to the figures.

None of the bullets could hit the figure. When they were less than two meters away from him, the bullets were melted into molten steel by an invisible high-temperature barrier. As the warhead hit in vain like a moth flying into a flame, the hot molten steel flowed at high speed on the same barrier, gathering more and more.

Amidst the dull explosions, dozens of smoke trails flew towards the figure. Under the command of Lancelot, a group of people switched weapons and used 40mm rifle grenades. The explosive power of this thing is very terrifying and can kill an infantry fighting vehicle in the case of a frontal hit.

Although the figure did not move, the hot molten steel swirling around him moved. A large amount of molten steel spurted out, catching all the grenades in the air. The force of the explosion was completely absorbed by the molten steel and even dispersed in the opposite direction.

Lancelot's face was illuminated by the firelight, and he twitched slightly.

"Lancelot, retreat! It belongs to the race of Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire. It can command metal and flames. Before he uses a higher level of speech spirit, retreat!" Chu Zihang was still in the church. Looking at the scene in the distance, he immediately gave orders to Lancelot through his mobile phone.

Facts have proved that his order was correct. As soon as the people from the Student Union and Lionheart Club evacuated the battlefield, low chants echoed on the lawn, and the air was filled with an increasingly heavy burning breath, above the head of the burning figure. , the air seemed to be on fire.

Power beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding condensed there, and everyone present felt the terrifying pressure.

"Everyone! Avoid!" Professor Schneider and Lancelot shouted at the same time.

The restrained power suddenly shattered, and surging flames radiated from a point in the air in all directions, carrying a terrifying shock wave and erupting with an effect close to the air explosion of a napalm bomb.

The nearest building to where the figure was standing was dozens of meters away, but all the glass surrounding it shattered, and flames shot in from the window, like a fire-breathing dragon spraying flames in.

After the explosion, with the human figure as the center, all the grass on the lawn was burned away, and the entire ground turned into black. However, the human figure stood at the center of the explosion and started singing again without stopping.

"That's...Jun Yan?" Lancelot muttered as he looked at the figure in the distance.

Everyone who knew Chu Zihang's speech spirit and bloodline suddenly found that they did not understand the true meaning of Jun Yan, a high-risk speech spirit. Faced with this irresistible force, fear emerged in everyone's heart.

"You're really angry." Zheng Shu stood aside with his figure hidden.

From just now, he was no longer in control of the body. He gave up control to Constantine inside the Nibelungs. Seeing the dark figure chanting the spirit spirit again, Zheng Shu knew that Constantine probably felt a little embarrassed after seeing Chu Zihang's spirit spirit, so he demonstrated the true power of Jun Yan personally as if out of anger.

However, he had to admit that Constantine was indeed the one among the twins of the Bronze and Fire Kings who specialized in controlling power. Even with two layers of obstacles, the power of the spoken spirit released was still amazing.

Even if he personally controls the release of Jun Yan with his current strength, he may not be able to achieve the same destructive power as him with the same effort.

In the library control room.

Looking at the terrifying figures on the screen, the faces of several professors were already very ugly.

After asking his father and confirming that his commandments could not work on this dragon, and that the other party was probably a first-generation species, Manstein could no longer stop sweating from his forehead.

Schneider's face was gloomy. He held the microphone tightly but remained silent. He was now at a loss as to what instructions to convey to the thousands of students on campus.

Lu Mingfei next to him looked at the figures on the screen and felt that joining this school so easily might have been a wrong choice.

I haven't seen any good things since I arrived at this school, but I encountered such fatal things one after another. I was either unconscious or threatened along the way, and then I also encountered a real gunfight.

He originally thought that since this group of people claimed to be professional dragon slayers, they would at least be able to fight an invading dragon responsibly. As a result, it now appears that these people did not offer any useful resistance from beginning to end.

Lu Mingfei has now begun to think about how much it will cost to return to China.

"Non-metals can cause damage to it." An old voice suddenly came from behind.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment and turned to look. I found an old man standing at the door of the library control room. He had his hands in his trouser pockets. He had neat white hair, a black suit jacket, and a bright red rose in his pocket. Judging from his face, he should be very old, but from the way he stands, he looks like an out-and-out young man.

"Lu Mingfei... right? I've been looking for you." The old man showed a gentle smile.

"Principal Angers!" It was not Lu Mingfei who said this, but Professor Schneider next to him.

Others in the control room also widened their eyes. Lu Mingfei clearly felt that the originally anxious atmosphere here immediately became stable. It seemed that people had found their backbone.

The 6,000-word update was completed today. I feel that my coding speed has improved recently. If you give me some time to get used to it, maybe the 6,000-word update will become the norm in the future.

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