Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 135 Calling and Entering the Game

Ice cellar, Sikoti district.

After the four robotic arms were removed, the brass tank was steadily suspended in a superconducting magnetic field soaked in low-temperature liquid nitrogen, surrounded by half-meter-thick quartz glass. It looked like a developing baby sleeping quietly. The matrix is ​​this special quartz glass cover.

"Perfect!" The researchers in white lab coats clapped happily.

"Everyone, I can now happily announce that the capture of Dragon King Norton has been successful!" Angers raised the wine glass in his hand, "In order to capture this one of the four great monarchs of the first generation of the Dragon Clan, we set up an extremely strict plan and paid great efforts. It requires a huge amount of financial and material resources, but it is all worth it. Sirs and ladies, I pay tribute to those who have sacrificed their lives for our cause."

The surrounding researchers raised their glasses solemnly, and there was unconcealable joy in their expressions.

"In the past thousands of years, we have used alchemical weapons, cold weapons, and even evil witchcraft as weapons to fight against the dragons, and we have also paid very heavy sacrifices for this." Angers sighed.

"But what the limitations of human beings allow us to do is to put the dragon kings into a deep sleep after making huge sacrifices. They will 'cocoon'. Even if they are fatally injured, their powerful souls will still exist, waiting. To be resurrected again.”

"But now, we finally have weapons that can eliminate them once and for all." Angers raised his voice excitedly, "That is, science!"

"Norton is the King of Bronze and Fire. Fire and metal are both important forces that awaken him, except of course the egg itself. So the thing that seals him must not be metal. We designed such a quartz glass warehouse to house him. For this purpose, he is now in an extremely low temperature and metal-free environment, and the strong magnetic field around him makes him suspended in mid-air. This is the power of science!"

The surrounding researchers applauded in unison. For this group of nerdy researchers, it was the greatest encouragement for their lifelong devotion to science to be so appreciated by the principal.

"Today will be a historic day. Let us witness this miracle in the history of science. We will dissect the Dragon King!" Angers turned and pointed to the copper tank isolated in a sealed quartz chamber.

The surrounding applause thundered again. The significance of dissecting the Dragon King was probably comparable to that of dissecting an alien.

"Then, let's start an MRI scan on it first." Angers hesitated and gave the order, and the surrounding researchers immediately followed his instructions.

Old Tang stood in the crowd. At this moment, he was an assistant experimenter wearing a mask.

After diving into the water, he found a gate at the edge of the red light. The gate was located at the end of the channel and was very rusty.

Before opening the floodgate, his nasty premonition appeared again, seeming to warn him to get out of here quickly, but because of the inducement of five million dollars, he finally insisted on opening the floodgate.

It turned out that his hunch was right. The crazy people in this school actually put a huge fish tank with sharks behind the gate. Fortunately, his special ability, which had been disliked by animals since he was a child, saved his life. Otherwise, Old Tang felt that he would turn into shark poop today.

However, it seemed that after meeting the shark, all his bad luck for the day was exhausted. After using the rope gun to escape from the ecological pool, he carefully walked through the passage between the glass walls. Not long after, he met a new one. aisle.

The rest of the way went much smoother. The road signs and signs were very considerate. Finally, he followed the signs and entered a huge comprehensive laboratory.

A group of men were taking a shower in the bathroom, excitedly discussing the newly delivered items. Old Tang was keenly aware that that item might be his target.

So he took off his clothes, walked into the steaming bathroom, came to a corner, knocked out a man who was taking a shower, and hid him naked in the cupboard. Then he put on the sterile suit in the cabinet. After putting it on from beginning to end, the protective suit was so tight that it was impossible to recognize who he was.

Then he sneaked into this sealed laboratory made entirely of glass. Everyone here was very excited. Old Tang moved along with the actions of others. When others nodded, he nodded, and when others applauded, he also applauded. No one would notice him as an assistant experimenter, and he even took off his mask and drank a glass of champagne to celebrate.

Now he just needs to find a suitable opportunity, go over and observe the copper pipe with naked eyes, and then go back and write another report.

At this time, the results of the MRI scan had come out. Looking at the image on the big screen, everyone's expressions changed in an instant.

The internal structure of the copper tank is clearly revealed. It is divided into two halves in the middle. One half seems to have a creature curled up, and the other half is empty. As it happens, a disturbing crack is also located just above the cavity.

"There are two chambers, but one of them is empty!"

"Something... escaped from inside!"

The researchers below whispered that they had realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Autopsy immediately!" Angers stood up and stabilized the situation when everyone was uneasy. "No matter what happens, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. No matter what happens, we can't delay and prepare the dissection equipment truck!"

As Ange's order was given, Old Tang was extremely happy beside him because he was pushing the equipment cart with various transparent tools displayed on it.

"For the sake of safety, only those in charge of the equipment will enter, and the others will be handed over to the mechanical equipment." Ange gave instructions to the people around him, then turned to look at Old Tang with an expectant expression, "Are you ready? "

"Are you ready?" At the same time, Zheng Shu, who used Hela's power to distort all the radiation particles all over his body and achieved complete optical invisibility, stood aside and watched Anger's poor performance, silently thinking in his heart. asked Constantine, who was excited in the Nibelungs.

"No problem!" Constantine's voice reached Zheng Shu's mind along the spiritual connection. He knelt down and sat in the Nibelung, with a newly made alchemical body lying in front of him.

Although he appeared very calm on the outside, Zheng Shu could feel the nervousness in his heart through his spiritual link.

On the other side, Old Tang was ready to enter. As the door of the cryogenic warehouse slid open, the white gas evaporated from the liquid nitrogen surged out and hit his mask. Old Tang felt a chill running through his body. All that can be seen inside the cryogenic chamber is white mist, liquid nitrogen vapor is permeating the feet, bright blue lights are flashing, and in the center is the oval quartz glass chamber with a huge copper tank inside.

"Come on, get ready to start!"

Following Zheng Shu's order, Constantine also transmitted his mental fluctuations through the back door he had left when refining the bone bottle.

So Old Tang in the cryogenic chamber suddenly had an illusion, feeling that he was standing on an endless snowfield, and a low call came from a distance beyond his sight: "Brother!"

"Who... is talking?" Old Tang felt dizzy. He felt as if he was standing next to a well, listening to the people in the well talking. Someone was looking up at him in the darkness of the well, and he might fall in at any time.

Facts have proved that the effect of the fully hatched Constantine's spiritual call at close range is much stronger than when he was still curled up in the egg in the original work.

Just calling Old Tang once has already entered the state of spiritual vision, but his essence is still a dragon king after all. Even if he has entered the spiritual vision, he can quickly escape from it.

However, the spiritual vision eventually affected Old Tang's condition, and he began to become a little irritable. He pulled out the shotgun, turned around and pointed at the group of stunned researchers outside the reinforced glass: "All those who are not afraid of death, raise your hands!"

The crowd outside was stunned for a moment, and then the old guy who should be the principal immediately raised his hands. He seemed to be an old guy who knew the current affairs. Old Tang let out a long breath, feeling that there was still dizziness left in his mind.

When the surrounding researchers saw Ange actually raising his hands, their faces were full of shit and disbelief. They felt as if they were being played by a big boss in the game, but they could only follow their own principals and raise their hands.

Zheng Shu, who had been invisible next to him, couldn't bear to look at him and turned his head. Anger dared to act so blatantly, which was a bit too much.

After Old Tang kicked open the door of the cryogenic chamber and walked out, a researcher suddenly opened the transparent plastic cover on the operating table and took a photo of the red button inside.

"'Dragon's Lair' has entered closed mode, please pay attention to all units!" Norma's stern voice echoed in the laboratory.

Behind Old Tang, the reinforced shield outside the quartz glass cavity suddenly snapped, as many as 12 sealing valves were tightened at the same time, and a large amount of liquid nitrogen was also injected into the quartz glass cavity at the same time.

"What are you doing? Call the police? Do you think I'm robbing a convenience store now?" Old Tang was very annoyed by such an unexpected situation.

He should have put a shotgun to the researcher's forehead and shot his head off to warn the group of white-coated men around him who seemed helpless.

But he felt that his head was a little dizzy, and more importantly, every bullet had been soaked in the aquarium, so he could only step forward and kick the guy over, while taking advantage of that The crowd turned around and ran out of the laboratory in confusion.

With a "pop" sound, Old Tang looked back and found that a gray tin bottle fell out of his pocket. It seemed that he kicked it too hard.

It was one of the equipment sent to him by his employer before taking action. He was just told to carry it with him without explaining what it was for. He just hesitated for a moment and did not look back to pick up the item. Instead, he turned around and ran towards the end of the passage.

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