Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 134 Finally filled the cup once

"Your method sounds quite simple and crude. Is it possible?"

Hearing Zheng Shu's question, Constantine showed an expression as if he was facing Party A, a layman.

"This kind of thing sounds simple, but only people who are extremely familiar with my brother's spirit can do it - such as me. And ordinary creatures cannot complete such a division at all. Their souls cannot withstand this kind of damage, but for us For this being, the division of the soul is just a minor injury that takes a little time to heal."

Having said this, Constantine looked at Old Tang's figure outside with a worried look in his eyes.

"My brother has not regained his memory after being revived for so long. There must be something wrong. I suspect that this personality named Old Tang is subconsciously suppressing my brother's memory recovery. If he is forcibly awakened, it may even cause my brother to be in trouble. A period of extraordinary chaos in a short period of time.”

Zheng Shu looked at Old Tang, who had entered the ice cellar and was confronting the shark in the ecological pool, and blinked.

Although the Dragon King will not regain his memory for a short period of time after resuscitation, his personality will not change. In other words, the character shown by Old Tang is actually the character that Norton might have appeared without the pressure of something like the Dragon King's mission.

If he were an ordinary person, Norton might also have such a heartless and carefree character, but because of the fate and prophecy of the Dragon King, he had to run for the future of himself and his brother. For this reason, he could only hide his true nature and evolve another, more cruel and ruthless character to protect himself.

Perhaps because the current era is different from ancient times, even a person without memory can live a good life, so Old Tang, or Norton's subconscious has never wanted to let himself return to that terrifying world.

After "looking" at Constantine among the Nibelungs, Zheng Shu did not express his thoughts. He knew that Norton's ostrich-like behavior was to evade his responsibilities. This was the most serious betrayal for the twins who were both on the throne of the Dragon King.

"Since it is very simple to divide the personality, how can Old Tang's personality and soul be preserved after the division?"

"Ah?" Constantine looked incredulous after hearing Zheng Shu's words, "What can be done to preserve such a scumbag? Just find a bronze vessel and seal him in as a living being."

"Ah, no, he is still a part of your brother after all. It's not appropriate to torture him like this. Just make one for him when you make your alchemy body." Zheng Shu wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his head, Kang Although Standing usually has a very weak personality, when it comes to his brother, he appears to be very yandere.

One brother controls the other yandere, the two brothers are a perfect match.

"That's it..." Constantine thought for a moment, "Then just create an alchemy substitute for him. The divided personality and soul are different from the complete Dragon King soul. Ordinary alchemy substitutes can also carry it, so It’s not that troublesome to make, I can make it myself, but it requires a lot of alchemical materials.”

"It's easy." Zheng Shu followed Old Tang's actions and went deep into the ice cellar. "Give me a list of the alchemy materials you need. I can give them to you directly now."

Not sure what Zheng Shu meant by this, but Constantine made a list of the required alchemy materials and passed it to Zheng Shu with mental waves according to his request.

After receiving the message from Constantine, Zheng Shu focused his attention on the Nibelungen. Following his thoughts, huge amounts of instant noodles appeared in batches around Constantine.

Constantine had just expressed his surprise that Zheng Shu had stored so much food in the Nibelungs, and then he was surprised.

As Zheng Shu used Hela's power, these instant noodles began to be turned into various alchemical materials in batches.

Although Zheng Shu had already demonstrated it once when making snacks for Constantine, the scale was not that large, so he did not think about it.

This time, Constantine watched helplessly as the pile of ordinary food in front of him turned into a variety of precious alchemy materials under the influence of unknown forces, many of which even made him and his brother the most powerful. period, it also takes a lot of time to collect a little bit.

"This...this is material transformation!!"

Constantine's voice was even a little distorted. He changed his original demeanor and threw himself on the pile of alchemy materials that had been converted by Zheng Shu.

With a flame igniting in his hand, Constantine quickly took several different materials around him and refined them. Under his exquisite control, within a few minutes, something similar to a bronze lamp holder appeared. Constantine's hands.

Taking the refined alchemy weapon in his hand and looking at it carefully, Constantine even used several spirit spirits to detect and attack. Finally, after testing the function of the bronze lamp holder to confirm that there were no problems, Constantine completely fell into sluggishness:

"It's true. All these substances and materials are real. How is it possible? How could anyone have such power?!"

Seeing Constantine's absent-minded look, Zheng Shu felt as comfortable as drinking a refreshing drink in the dog days of summer, and the smile on his face could not even be concealed. too long! It’s just too long! He finally put on a big one in front of others.

Due to various reasons, he was unable to expose his abilities in front of most people he knew well, so he never found a suitable opportunity to cup.

How miserable it is to be rich and honorable without returning home, and to travel at night in brocade clothes. Although it sounds a bit naive, Zheng Shu still hopes that he can find a chance to have fun.

He originally thought that he would keep hiding his situation until the finale of this world's plot, so that he could give others a little shock as a time traveler.

Unexpectedly, the opportunity appeared so inadvertently, and it was the King of Bronze and Fire who was the best at alchemy.

Regarding the operation he just performed, Zheng Shu felt that apart from the King of Bronze and Fire, who was good at alchemy, among the four kings, it was very difficult for the remaining pairs of dragon kings to distinguish this matter from the spirit of speech. Makes people suspicious.

Zheng Shu was in a very happy mood, but Old Tang was not very happy.

Old Tang is currently walking in a dark passage with his waist bent, holding his mobile phone high and relying on the light from the screen to illuminate the way forward. This huge channel system is like a maze, with only the exhaust fan humming repeatedly at a stable frequency. Over time, it may even cause some hallucinations.

The sawed-off handle of the shotgun was already covered with a layer of fine water droplets, the cotton socks in the shoes were also damp, and the screen of the mobile phone was covered with a thin layer of fog. The air humidity here was already too saturated. .

As he moved forward, the air became more and more humid, and water droplets even condensed at the top of the passage, dripping down. The water under his feet gradually submerged the soles of Old Tang's shoes. Now he is no longer the elegant bat that shuttles across the rooftops, but a water rat in the sewers.

Old Tang now regrets taking this job. He had good luck in the past, and all the difficulties he encountered were overcome. There will always be some good things by coincidence. It stands to reason that the goddess of luck is on his side.

But for some reason today, I was very unlucky from the beginning. Not only was I separated from the others and got lost, I was also threatened by a projected girl.

After entering this passage, he always had a strange feeling, as if there was some unexplainable danger ahead, and a thought in his mind kept reminding him that he could not go any further.

At this time, he couldn't help but recall the girl who was projected like crystal. The way she looked at him at the last moment was like saying goodbye to a dead person.

If it hadn't been for the call he had just received from an employer who had increased his remuneration to five million dollars, Old Tang might have really followed his heart and chosen to give up on this mission.

After continuing to trudge in the channel for a while, he felt that he had to prepare to swim. The passage began to slope downwards, and the condensed water drops above were dripping down. It was as if he was walking in a heavy rain.

The depth of the water was already below his knees, and every step required a lot of effort. There was a red flashing light in front of him. Old Tang guessed that that was where the exit was. He was finally almost at the end.

At this moment, his feet were in the air, and he suddenly lost his support, and his body fell completely into the water. The water was cold and salty, and smelled like sea water. Fortunately, it was still clean and transparent.

Old Tang was a little annoyed. If he fell into this puddle, the shotgun ammunition must have been so wet that it could no longer be used. Besides the firearm, what was even worse was the mobile phone that released the mission.

He quickly got out of the water, shook off the water drops on his phone, and pressed the power button. But it was obvious that the water had damaged the phone, and no matter how hard he pressed it, there was no response at all.

This mobile phone was mailed to him directly by his employer before the mission started. It's just that ordinary goods are not valuable, but he still needs this mobile phone to receive new reminders from his employer. Now Lao Tang can only hope that his employer has no new requirements, and then continue to pursue his career according to the original plan.

Anyway, as I said at the beginning, just find the target and write a report!

Old Tang is still very confident in his ability to write reports. After all, writing battle reports on some real-time strategy game websites is a way for him to practice his writing skills.

He threw the phone into the water, plunged into the water again, and slowly swam towards the place where the red light was flashing.

Thank you to the readers of Wu Huanxin and Astrology Fish for the reward, and thank you Miao for your support.

Today’s update is 6,000 words and there is one more chapter.

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