Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 115 Breaking out of the door (Physics)

Instead of returning to his alchemy laboratory, Zheng Shu first went back to his dormitory after a long absence and washed himself in the bathroom so that he no longer looked like a beggar.

Although the Dragon King's material conversion power can directly clean off the dirt on the body, Zheng Shu still feels that it is refreshing to wash it with water.

"Huh? You're back?"

When Zheng Shu just wiped his head and walked out of the bathroom, he happened to meet Chu Zihang who had returned.

As early as two months ago, Chu Tianjiao passed various tests at Kassel College. Although he will still be subject to certain surveillance in daily life, he can at least live a normal life. Therefore, Chu Zihang no longer cares about himself. My father ran around and returned to the dormitory again.

Unfortunately, Zheng Shu was obsessed with making bone bottles at that time, so the two of them still couldn't see each other often.

"Yes, the principal just gave me a task to go to my hometown to recruit Lao Lu."

Chu Zihang's eyes lit up when he heard this. Although there was no expression on his face, one could feel his happiness.

"Lu Mingfei wants to come to school too? That would be great."

Zheng Shu glanced at Chu Zihang's still paralyzed expression, and felt that the child was hopeless. His emotions obviously became more intense after his father came back, but his face was still as expressionless as before. Now It looks like he was born with facial paralysis.

"That's good, but there will be a lot of trouble when he comes. The principal said that this kid's bloodline is S-level."

"That will indeed cause a lot of trouble."

Chu Zihang's eyes narrowed. He had been at Kassel College for almost a year. He certainly knew what kind of temperament these mixed-races were like.

Although he didn't know why Lu Mingfei was evaluated as an S-class hybrid, according to his understanding of Lu Mingfei, let alone S-class, except for his appearance, the opponent did not meet the minimum limit of ordinary hybrids in all aspects.

Once such a person enters a place like Cassel Academy, the group of hybrids will surround him like hungry sharks.

Chu Zihang stopped talking and sat on his bed, closing his eyes and thinking about how to help Lu Mingfei overcome the difficulties after he entered school. Zheng Shu glanced at Chu Zihang, put on his clothes silently and left the dormitory.

Returning to his alchemy laboratory, Zheng Shu planned to clean up the place a little. After all, it was really hard to see anyone.

He came to a pile of discarded ore nearby and snapped his fingers. The pile of ore automatically split open, revealing the bone bottle inside.

After a cursory glance, there are at least hundreds of bone bottles in this pile. This is because Zheng Shu has been studying other things during this period of time. After studying how to make the highest quality bone bottle, he didn't pay too much attention to it.

Aiming at the pile of "resurrection coins" and opening his hand, Zheng Shu's thoughts continued to move along a certain "code". After waiting for two or three seconds, a golden portal appeared on the pile of bone bottles, sucking these bone bottles up.

This is what Zheng Shu researched during this period - a portable Nibelung root.

To be honest, it cost him half his life to make this thing. The Nibelungs are worthy of being called the pinnacle of alchemy. Even with the complete control of the Dragon King, Zheng Shu was still tortured to death.

The most uncomfortable thing is that if something like Nibelung is to be formed, the amount of material that needs to be consumed is there. Even if it can be produced, tens of billions of tons of material will be consumed to create enough dead elements.

Fortunately, Zheng Shu has the help of instant noodles and material conversion power to create unlimited amounts of matter. Otherwise, he would not have enough funds to conduct experiments.

After creating the Nibelung, Zheng Shu was troubled with how to miniaturize it.

After several attempts, he discovered that the Nibelungen would quickly dissipate once its overall mass was smaller than a certain limit.

After various attempts, he finally found a solution that was barely considered a solution. Zheng Shu called it - rushing out of the door.

As the name suggests, the Nibelung's exit is carried with you in some way. In this way, although the Nibelung's body is fixed in its original position, the exit can span time and space.

However, the disadvantage of this is that because the location of the exit is not stable enough, the material in the Nibelungen will continue to dissipate. Zheng Shu can only maintain it by constantly adding new material elements into it.

Fortunately, for Zheng Shu, who has panel skills, such things that can kill others are just a piece of cake for him.

After solving these problems, he had a super giant space that could store living creatures.

When he was finally able to use the Nibelung portal to access items at will, Zheng Shu almost burst into tears. It's not easy. After traveling to this world for more than 20 years, he finally obtained most of the protagonist's theoretical novice equipment-the space ring.

After collecting most of the bone bottles, Zheng Shu looked at the last remaining bone bottle and pressed it on the floor of the laboratory.

As his thoughts fluctuated, a golden portal appeared on the floor of the laboratory. He threw the bone bottle into it, and Zheng Shu closed the portal and completely cut off its opening path.

This was a defective product he made when he tried to create a Nibelung. Because the structure was not complete enough, the balance of elements was skewed, causing the overall mass of the Nibelung to continue to dissipate.

According to Zheng Shu's calculations, this thing will reach the critical point of disappearing in about a hundred years. Although it is a defective product, Zheng Shu now uses it as a hidden place to store bone bottles.

After he finished all this, the sky turned dark unconsciously. Zheng Shu patted the dust on his hands. After walking out of the alchemy laboratory, he looked at the dark sky outside and suddenly found that he seemed to be free for a while.

It was said that he needed to prepare an enrollment plan for the day after tomorrow, but Zheng Shu felt that he didn't have anything to prepare. He would go to Professor Guderian to report tomorrow and basically everything would be over. Nothing would happen to Lu Mingfei's side. Accident...probably.

Recalling Lu Mingze who had been staying behind the scenes in the original work, Zheng Shu scratched his head with some uncertainty. With his current state of existence, it is not impossible that the little devil suddenly goes crazy and wants to fight him desperately.

After all, in the original book, before the Jiangnan old thief ate the book, the little devil was shouting something like "The day I return to the world, all the rebels will die" and the like. If he was allowed to discover the nature of his Hela, it would be impossible. On the spot, he emerged from the spiritual world to settle accounts with him.

Sitting on the lawn by the lake, Zheng Shu was suddenly stunned when he was thinking about these messy things. He saw a strange and familiar figure in the dark.

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