Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 116 Information on collecting alchemy materials

This is a man with a beard on his face. He is tall and tall and has a build of nearly 1.9 meters. His hair looks gray and shiny because it has not been washed much. The collar of his plaid shirt is even stained with ketchup. . By the way, Zheng Shu is familiar with this guy's look. When he first came here, all the homeless people near the airport had this look.

With this dear man's appearance, he squatted in front of the station with Zheng Shu, who had just left the room alone, and he would be able to debut as a beggar group immediately.

Among a group of handsome men and women like Kassel College, such a slovenly burly man suddenly appeared. Zheng Shu could figure out his identity as long as he didn't have a clue.

"Fingel? Oh...hey."

Looking at Fingel's figure, Zheng Shu's eyes suddenly lit up. If he remembered correctly, the other party should be in control of the paparazzi of the school forum, and he often used his position to open various illegal websites. of gambling.

Recalling the rumors about himself that had been circulated on the school forum some time ago, Zheng Shu grinned happily:

"Isn't this a coincidence? I happen to be a little bored right now. As a time traveler who meets celebrities in the original work, of course I have to get close to them."

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu immediately stood up and floated behind Fingel quietly like a ghost.


Fingel was suddenly slapped from behind, and Fingel was so frightened that the hair on his body stood up. He immediately turned his head and looked behind him. After seeing the face of the person behind him clearly, his heart suddenly twitched, but on the surface he still maintained a very cheerful smile.

"This junior fellow student, what is your name? What do you want from me? We don't seem to know each other, right?"

"Senior Fingel, I came to you to talk about the rumors about me on the forum."

Looking at Zheng Shu's "kind" smile, Fingel felt cold sweat starting to break out on his forehead and could barely maintain a smile on his face.

"What are you talking about, junior? Is there some misunderstanding? I don't know who spread those rumors."


A slap landed on Fingel's shoulder, and a strong force held down his body, making him give up the idea of ​​​​escape. Zheng Shu approached with a "smiling smile", but the words coming out of his mouth were as cold as winter.

"You've been exposed. I didn't say it was a rumor just now. Let's talk about compensation. Mr. administrator of the school forum, I remember you used my name to raise funds for the funeral online, right?"

Listening to what Zheng Shu said, the sweat on Fingel's forehead became more serious. Looking into the other person's eyes, he showed a wry smile. It seemed that he couldn't leave without some blood today.

"One hundred and twenty thousand dollars, that's just a little bit? Can you really do it, senior? You only made such a small amount of money in my name."

Zheng Shu looked at the transfer information on his phone with a somewhat disdainful expression. Beside him, Fingel collapsed on the ground as if he had been evacuated, his face ashen.

But soon, Fingel got up as if he had thought of something, and came to Zheng Shu's side with a smile on his face.

"Junior Zheng Shu, if you are short of money, would you like to cooperate with me to get a big one?"


Zheng Shu looked at Fingel, who was winking at him, and couldn't help but sigh at this man's strong mentality.

"Yes, get a big one, don't worry! I am absolutely honest in what I do. Even the vice-principal often plays tricks on me."

"Forget it, not interested."

Before Fingel could say anything more specific, Zheng Shu rejected him bluntly. He is indeed short of money, but according to Fingel's method, it is nothing more than setting up a gambling game or something, and even if he makes money, he won't make much. After all, if you earn too much, Professor Manstein, the director of the Disciplinary Committee, will come out to harvest.

But what Fingel said about the vice-principal made him suddenly think of a previous idea.

"Senior Fingel, if I want to sell some alchemy weapons, do you have any ideas?"

Hearing this, Fingel, who was still depressed just now, immediately jumped up and looked at Zheng Shu up and down with a face full of disbelief. After a long time, he said with full compliment:

"Junior Zheng Shu, I didn't expect you to have this skill. Do you have any samples?"

Zheng Shu thought for a moment, then put his hand in his pants pocket and pretended to dig through it. Using the cover of this action, he summoned a piece of instant noodle cake in his hand, and then used the power of material conversion to transform it into a bullet engraved with alchemical lines.

He took out the bullet from his pocket and handed it to Fingel. He watched the other person pull out a magnifying glass from nowhere and examine it carefully. Zheng Shu explained the function of the alchemy bullet.

"The enhanced alchemy bullet can be fired either with a pistol or a rifle. The alchemy patterns I carved on it are enough for it to penetrate the scales of the third generation species. There is also a little imitation of the Philosopher's Stone added in it. As long as it is fired by If it hits, even the third generation will be seriously injured.”

After carefully observing the bullet in his hand for a while, Fingel took a breath of air as he listened to Zheng Shu's description.

"How much does it cost?"

"Excluding processing fees, the raw materials cost US$100,000."

Zheng Shu opened his mouth rudely. Anyway, with the power of his bullet, it was definitely worth the money.


Fingel took a breath when he heard the quotation, but after thinking for a long time, he felt that if this thing could really reach the level Zheng Shu said, there should be many people who want to buy it.

"Junior, this thing is good, but the cost is a bit too high. You might as well lower the price."

"If someone can bring his own Philosopher's Stone, I can help him make it for free."


Fingel was choked by Zheng Shu and couldn't speak. He was joking, is the Philosopher's Stone so easy to get?

Before obtaining the Dragon Bone Cross, the vice-principal's lineage had been passed down for hundreds of years before they could save a piece of Philosopher's Stone that could be used to make a sniper rifle bullet-sized stone.

"Let's do this." Fingel rolled his eyes and stretched out five fingers.

"In addition to the cost, how about I give you five thousand dollars for every bullet you make?"

"Well..." Zheng Shu pondered for a while, and then nodded under Fingel's surprised eyes.

"Then I'll go find the principal and ask."


The surprise on Fingel's face turned into fright. Regardless of his image, he immediately knelt down and grabbed Zheng Shu's thigh.

"It's not appropriate for me, my junior, to disturb the principal so late. How about this? I'll raise the price for you! Raise the price! How about fifty thousand dollars for one bullet?"

"F*ck! Just be a human being and offer ten times the reward. How much do you want to cheat me?! No, I have to ask the principal again."

"No! Junior brother, if you have something to talk about, let's talk!"

Seeing that his price could not persuade Zheng Shu, Fingel actually hugged his body completely on Zheng Shu's lap.

Such a huge and strong man actually hugged his lap like a koala. Zheng Shu raised his leg and shook it with some disgust. As a result, Fingel not only did not let go, but also hugged him tighter. His body was like a The huge lump of plasticine swayed back and forth with Zheng Shu's legs.

Seeing that Finger was actually planning to blow his nose with his pants, Zheng Shu could only say helplessly:

"Stop! If you dare to blow your nose with my pants, you will die. I will give you another chance and tell you a price."

"Eighty thousand! How about the labor fee of 80,000 US dollars, and I can also use my resources to help you promote it. Junior fellow, this is really the maximum price, and I will make hard money. If you go to the principal Bian, that black-hearted old guy in Angers will never give you so much money, he will even use you as free labor."

Zheng Shu looked at Fingel hanging on his lap, then looked up at the woods and blinked:

"Okay, this price is pretty good, I agree."

"Really!" After hearing Zheng Shu's agreement, Fingel changed his desperate attitude and climbed up from the ground.

"Then let's sign the contract now, junior. I'm afraid there will be many long nights and dreams... ah, no, I mean I have to go back quickly to promote."

Zheng Shu was not as excited as him, but patted Fingel on the shoulder with pity.

"As for signing the contract, let's wait until you are alive to see me."


After listening to Zheng Shu's words, Fingel's face was full of questions, and then he turned his head and looked back at his signal. Then he saw a crisp suit and a face with gray hair and a monocle.

"Fuck! Principal! When were you behind me?"

"Probably starting from the previous paragraph of 'That black-hearted old guy in Angers'. Fingel, it seems that you have a big misunderstanding of me. Although it is relatively late now, I still want to invite you to my office. Let’s talk.”

Angers still maintained the gentlemanly smile on his face. After agreeing on the next itinerary with Fingel, he nodded towards Zheng Shu again.

"Please rest assured Zheng Shu, don't be fooled by some people's remarks. Our Kassel College will not let our students do free labor. I will let them test your bullet. If it can really reach the As for the potency you mentioned, we will purchase it at a price of 300,000 US dollars each."

"No problem, principal, but I hope the money can be exchanged for various unique alchemy materials."

Glancing at Fingel, who looked like he was mourning for his heir, Zheng Shu raised his hand and shook hands with Ange with a smile, revealing his true purpose at the same time.

"Unique alchemy materials? This range is a bit broad, but...yes, you can contact Flamel (Vice Principal) directly, and I will explain it to him in advance."

"Thank you very much. Then I won't interrupt your conversation and education. Please walk slowly."

Having achieved his goal, Zheng Shu waved goodbye to Ange and watched as he left with one of Fingel's legs. Fengel's fierce struggle also left two deep marks on the grass.

The protagonist's purpose is the name of this chapter. By collecting various alchemical materials and recording their physical properties, he can use the power of material conversion to reproduce them.

There is another purpose, but it’s considered a foreshadowing so I won’t talk about it for now.

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