Once you are addicted to something, time flies.

By the time Ange dragged Zheng Shu out of his laboratory, more than a month had passed.

"Principal, why did you suddenly find me?"

Zheng Shu sat in the principal's office with dull eyes, filling his mouth mechanically with desserts on the table with both hands, using a large amount of sugar to replenish the missing energy in his brain.

Ange looked at Zheng Shu and poured him a cup of tea helplessly.

"I'm afraid you'll get moldy in the lab, so I've assigned you a new task. You just need to go out for some exercise."

"What kind of mission is it? If you are not going to fight the dragon, then you can leave it to someone else." Zheng Shu took the tea that Ange poured for him and drank it in one gulp regardless of the temperature.

"Although I'm not slaying a dragon, but... sit down for me!"

Seeing Zheng Shu who was about to get up and leave as soon as he said a word, Anger felt dumbfounded and used time zero to move him back to the chair.

"The main task this time is for you to go back to your hometown and recruit a student."


Hearing this mission, Zheng Shu, who had just been filled with all kinds of alchemical formations and mathematical formulas, suddenly came to his senses and put aside those things he was thinking about. He felt as if he heard the words of the "main mission" sound.

"Now? Is Cassel College enrolling students so early?"

Ange silently took out the calendar from his desk and handed it to Zheng Shu: "It's already the end of May. In a few days, your country's college entrance examination will be completed. If not now, when can we enroll students?"

"Hiss..." Zheng Shu looked at the electronic calendar on the table and bared his teeth.

"It doesn't make sense. Did I stay in the laboratory for so long?"

"Although I very much agree with your spirit of hard research, you should at least pay attention to your personal image. You are now exactly the same as the guys in the equipment department. And even if I have agreed that you use tasks to replace your usual class study Grade points, but you must at least complete enough tasks to ensure that you do not fail. Judging from the fact that you have not attended classes at all this semester, you must complete at least one or two more tasks if you want to not fail the class."

Zheng Shu blinked when he heard Ange's words, then turned to look at the mirror hanging in the office.

"Damn it, who is this beggar!"

Looking at the unkempt figure in the mirror, full of eye mucus, bloodshot eyes, and various black marks on his clothes, Zheng Shu almost didn't recognize that person was himself.

In the way I am dressed now, even if I don't sing the American version of "Lotus Blossoms", I can earn at least a hamburger by squatting in front of any airport station all day long.

Seeing Zheng Shu finally return to normal, Ange also felt very relieved:

"We will set off the day after tomorrow. You clean yourself up today, and then go to Professor Guderian to report tomorrow. This time you will go with his students Ye Sheng and Ya Ji for the recruitment."

Hearing these two names, Zheng Shu's eyes lit up slightly and he asked calmly.

"I understand, who are the students to be interviewed and recruited this time? What is my task?"

"You are also very familiar with the student you are recruiting this time. He is your good friend in high school: Lu Mingfei. In addition, your main task this time is to protect him from reaching school safely."

"Old road?" Zheng Shu immediately came online and immediately put on an expression that was a little surprised but also somewhat expected.

"I knew that Lao Lu had the highest blood level among the three of us. Since we can join the school, he can definitely join. But he is just a new student. As for sending someone to escort him?"

"It's better to be careful. After all, it's the next S-class." Angers smiled.


Zheng Shu took in a sharp breath, which felt as if the air in the entire office was being sucked clean.

"Okay, stop inhaling. If you continue to inhale, there will be a lack of oxygen in my office. You should have known about this earlier."

Zheng Shu immediately stopped his performance, knowing that his performance was a bit too exaggerated. After all, not everyone is a born actor, and it is difficult to avoid such things as being too much and not as good as he is.

"After all, Lao Chu was already an A-level bloodline at the beginning, but now his bloodline is almost out of control. In terms of bloodline level alone, he still cannot compare to Lu Mingfei, so after a little thought, we can draw a conclusion."

"But I still have a question." After finding a reasonable excuse to defend himself, Zheng Shu immediately changed the topic.

"I remember that I should still be wanted by those mixed-race families in the country. If I were to go back now, wouldn't it intensify the conflict?"

Angers stared at him carefully for a while, and sighed helplessly after confirming that he was not joking this time.

"You'd better know more about your wealth and life." Angers brought up the display screen in his office, and after a few clicks, several pieces of information appeared.

"Since you captured a second generation alive in Bangkok last time, they have canceled the wanted order for you, and have invited you under the leadership of several families in the south. If you go there now, not only will you not encounter hostility, I will be well entertained by them.”

Zheng Shu looked at the information displayed on the screen and perfectly restored the mental journey of the mixed-race family in his mind.

"It seems that no matter what world we are in, our own strength is our greatest reliance."

"I'm glad you understand this truth at such a young age."

Listening to Anger's words, Zheng Shu smiled and knew that he didn't understand what he meant, but he had no idea of ​​refuting and just stood up and said goodbye to Angers.

"Well, principal, now that I know the general situation, I will go back and sort myself out now."

"Go, by the way, there is one more thing. You are not the only one who will go back this time. Chen Motong will also go back with you. I hope you don't mind this. After all, if you really want to go back according to your status, your current His status should have far surpassed hers."

"Uh..." Zheng Shu's eyes were dazed for a moment, and finally he remembered that he also had the character of an abandoned son of the Chen family. He glanced at Ange and shrugged.

"It's okay. I've forgotten these things a long time ago. If you hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have remembered them."

"I feel relieved to see you understand so well."

Seeing the happy smile on Ange's face, the corners of Zheng Shu's mouth twitched unconsciously.

"What? You could see through my disguise just now, but now I'm selectively blind, right?"

This sentence lingered in his heart for a long time, but Zheng Shu finally didn't say it out, sighed and left Ange's room.

Will update on time tomorrow

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