Li Wei, who has the ability to read minds, can naturally see Ru Yue Yu Lu's inner thoughts clearly. As for Ru Yue Yu Lu's suspicion about him, Li Wei can only say that he is too naive. Does a demon deserve to compare with him? In the world of Devil High School, have he dealt with too few extraordinary beings? Not to mention demons, he captured even angels and gods as ingredients for refining medicine.

Levi does have his own purpose in controlling public opinion. In other words, such things are fun. After controlling public opinion, he can do what he wants to do and change the school to what he likes.

There are some things that cannot be done in the real world, so in other worlds, Levi would let himself go like this.

Levi said: There are still more than two weeks before the Flower Dance Festival. I have prepared some new content for this year's Flower Dance Festival.

Li Wei spoke out his thoughts, and the students below were stunned, because Li Wei's idea was very bold, and it was very expensive to listen to. It is not that no one has thought about changing it before, but after calculating the cost, I have no choice but to give up, and only wealthy people like Li Wei who are not short of money can do whatever they want.

After Li Wei finished speaking his thoughts, he said: My thoughts are roughly like this. There must be many imperfections. Everyone can brainstorm and put forward your own ideas. We can all discuss it and make it as good as possible. This year’s Flower Dance Festival will be the best, and it will leave a strong mark on the school’s history, letting future juniors and juniors know that there was once a very powerful senior who made big news in the school.”

Hearing Levi's words, everyone in the office showed knowing smiles. Who doesn't want to leave a name in the history of the school, but it is too difficult to achieve this level. But now, the plan proposed by Levi allows them to see a shortcut to achieve their goals. Maybe the junior students in the future will call their student union the Legendary Generation, and each of them will become a legend.

Akino Sakura smiled and said: There is no rush for this kind of thing. After you go back, you can list your ideas and submit them for review. Li Weijun and I will select the most feasible suggestions and add them to this session of flowers. Dance to worship it.”

Akino Sakura knew that the other girls were still waiting for her and Levi in ​​the lounge nearby. If the people below were to let go of suggestions at this time, it might be delayed for a long time, so she asked the people below to go back and think slowly. , Anyway, there is still plenty of time before the flower dance festival starts, so there is no rush for this kind of thing.

Levi, who has the ability to read minds, can see Akino Sakura's thoughts. Akino Sakura's tenderness is hidden in these details. If she doesn't say it herself, it will be difficult for others to detect it.

However, Levi will know these tendernesses, and he will know what kind of good girl Akino Sakura is, and that is enough.

Levi originally wanted to talk about school uniforms, but after looking at the time, he gave up his thoughts. Just like Akino Sakura said, there is still plenty of time, so there is no need to rush these things.

After Levi left the student union's office, enthusiastic cheers erupted in the office. Akino Sakura, who was walking next to him, sighed and said: `. I have led them for three years, and they have never cheered for me like this. It’s so jealous.”

Akino Sakura felt a little jealous in her heart. The members of the student council could be said to be her die-hard supporters. Three years of hard work had already made the student council feel like an iron rope. But Li Wei had just arrived, and her rule had already been disintegrated. It was because Li Wei was not interested in the position of student union president, otherwise, she could have announced her resignation today.

Akino Sakura also knows that for Levi, the student union is a tool used to achieve goals. She doesn't mind letting her students be tools, because Levi is really generous. Even if the students below are tools, then You can also get generous rewards, which is not a bad thing.

Chapter. A big deal

Akino Sakura is mentally prepared for the changes in the student union. After all, everything has a beginning and an end. She has been the president of the student union for more than two years, which is enough.

As far as she knows, there are too many student union presidents in other schools who have failed. Some student union presidents were dismissed after not even working for half a year. A student union president who can reach the third year like her can be said to be There are very few.

Akino Sakura said: Li Weijun, I really don't understand what you are thinking about making such a big splash for this Flower Dance Festival. I know that money is nothing to you, but what is the point of doing this?

Levi smiled and said: There is a saying that with great ability comes great responsibility. I personally don't completely agree with this saying, but I don't deny that it makes sense.

Akino Sakura smiled and said: Any sentence, once taken out of its original semantic environment, is like a little girl who can be dressed up as she wants, no matter how you interpret it. There are people who agree and there are people who disagree.

Li Wei smiled and said: Yeah, I think what he makes sense is that once a capable person wants to do something, the success rate is higher than that of ordinary people. If he doesn't do something, he will There will only be regrets left. But what I can’t do is that the problem is that there are some things that no one wants to do, so why should someone take the initiative to take responsibility. This is the contradiction in this sentence.”

And there is another version of this saying, that is, the greater the ability, the greater the power.

The two people came to the lounge next door. Levi knocked gently on the door and said, I'm in.

The girls inside the door heard Levi's voice and responded. Levi opened the door and saw the girls in the lounge playing Monopoly, but Hinata was not in the room now. Hinata was playing tennis. The main staff of the department, there is a competition that she needs to participate in recently, so she needs to spend a certain amount of time to prepare for the competition.

Sumireko Sansekiyuan, who was reading, closed the book in her hand, raised her head, looked at Li Wei and said with a smile: Is the work on the student union over?

No matter what time of day, Sanseiyuan Viola gives people a quiet and elegant feeling, like a beauty walking out of a book, with a feeling of being otherworldly.

Levi and Akino Sakura sat down, and Levi said: As for the student union, there is nothing that I need to do today. I am now the director of the external relations department of the student union. Next, all matters concerning external sponsorship will be handled by me. Tube.

Sumireko Sansekiyin smiled and said: If you don't light three fires in the student union, sir, are you thinking of taking a rest at this time?

Sansein Sumireko originally thought that Levi would stay next door for a longer time, express all the thoughts in his mind, and then ask the people below to do it immediately. Although she has never eaten pork, she has seen pigs run away at least. Those bureaucrats are like this. No matter how capable they are, after taking office, they will always make the people below busy first, and it will also appear that they are doing something.

Li Wei, who is not in a hurry to do things after taking the stage, cannot be found in a place like Neon.

Levi wanted to complain in his heart. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of this period to make such a fuss. At least he had to talk about the school uniforms. However, Akino Sakura reminded him not to waste time, so he ran away. coming.

Li Wei considers himself a common man, no different from the vulgar bureaucrats known to Sumireko of the Sanse Yuan. It should be said that as an ordinary person with seven passions, he is no different from ordinary people in many things.

Levi said: The rules of this Flower Dance Festival have completely changed. I have already said hello to the chairman. The auditorium and gymnasium can be used by us. I plan to change the venue to the gymnasium. In this way, we can To accommodate more people, have you thought about your dresses?

Akino Sakura said: Li Weijun, do you want to turn the Flower Dance Festival into a dance party?

Li Wei smiled and said: That's right, having fun alone is not as good as having fun with everyone. Since I have such ability, I naturally have to bring benefits to the students. The original rules are very unreasonable in my opinion. There are imperfections in the first version of the rules that I thought about, and the third version has not yet been finalized, and many details still require brainstorming by everyone in the student union.

It is said that the three cobblers are more powerful than Zhuge Liang. If there are many people, they can always have great wisdom and come up with some interesting ideas, and these ideas are very important to the festival.

It is precisely because of this that Levi does not intend to make a fuss about this kind of matter. Even if he is good at calculating, he cannot be comprehensive in a true sense. Accepting other people's excellent opinions is not only modest, but also kind. reason.

Sansekiin Sumireko said: If the Flower Dance Festival is held as a dance, then the problem arises again, what should we do with the students' dresses? Not every student in this school is from a wealthy family. , this kind of activity is a kind of spiritual torture for students whose families are not wealthy.

Levi smiled and said: This problem is very simple. For those boys and girls who want to attend the prom but do not have enough financial resources to buy a dress, I am willing to provide a special fund to solve this problem. I can't control what happens after that. But on that day, every one of them was a prince and a princess.”

Sansein Sumireko was shocked by Li Wei's words and said: No matter how many people want to participate, husband, you have to control it? You can't control so many people.

Li Wei smiled and said: The total number of students in the entire school is only more than 2,000. Even if every student prepares a uniform, for me, it is just a very small number. Compared with the cost, it can make people It is my wish that they spend a perfect day.”

Sumireko Sanseki could feel the tenderness and kindness in Li Wei's heart, but what she didn't know was that it was not pure kindness, but that Li Wei liked lively and grand scenes, so she was willing to do such a thing.

In this world, money is just a number to Levi. What he pursues now is only his inner happiness, which is simply to satisfy himself. As for how much manpower and material resources will be spent in the process of satisfying himself, this is not what he wants. Something to consider.

Li Wei smiled and said: Tomorrow, I will ask the people below to announce the news. Even if someone wants to buy the dress for free, it will be no problem, as long as they are willing to come to the Flower Dance Festival. How can a festival with four people be compared? It’s more exciting than a festival where everyone participates.”

The girls were all shocked by Levi's generosity. This kind of behavior has a much greater impact than just throwing money away.

Chapter. Needs and Satisfaction

Levi is very clear about his own character. Although there are huge differences between him in the real world and him in other worlds, they are only aspects of his overall character. After all, people are complex, and the human heart is even more so.

If someone like him had become emperor in ancient times, historians would definitely write it down harshly. Emperor Livi had great talents and great plans, and he conquered the north and south to expand the territory. However, he was extravagant and extravagant in his achievements, and had the evil habits of the Shang Dynasty. It is hoped that future generations will learn from this, and then it will be accompanied by a portrait of Li Wei with his hands holding scissors with a playful smile, and he will be called the Emperor of Joy by future generations.

Although it is good to be an ordinary person in the real world, after a long time, I always want to change my taste. So doing things in other worlds became the best way for him to change his mood.

Akino Sakura took out her mobile phone and started messaging. The student union's communication was not only offline, but also online.

Levi has been involved in the exchange, but he rarely talks. Most of the exchanges in the student union are about work, and there is basically no small talk.

As the president of the student union, Akino Sakura naturally has a lot of things to take care of. Levi can be a hands-off shopkeeper and just pay at critical moments. However, she must keep an eye on everything to prevent the people below from making mistakes.

The Flower Dance Festival turned into a large-scale dance, and the originally simple work suddenly became complicated. When Levi left, each student union member received a check of 100,000 yuan, so the student union members were very concerned about taking over. I am full of enthusiasm for the complex work I will face next. Akino Sakura sighed inwardly. Sure enough, money is the factor that most stimulates people's enthusiasm for work. The so-called big reward must have a brave man. This sentence makes sense whether it is ancient or modern.

People around only saw Akino Sakura's fingers tapping quickly on the virtual keyboard of her phone, as fast as an afterimage would appear, and the key sounds from the phone's keyboard were also very rhythmic, but she was usually I often type on my mobile phone.

Sumireko Sanseki came to Akino Sakura curiously and looked at the picture on the mobile phone screen. During the chat, the staff of the student union were exchanging work matters. Everyone was raising their own opinions and wanted to The effect of publicity is maximized.

Akino Sakura has developed the ability to multi-task after working in the student union for a long time. Although compared with Levi's multi-threaded thinking circuit, it seems very immature, but according to the standards of ordinary people, such ability, It can already be said to be cheating.

Akino Sakura didn't look up and said softly: Sumireko, are you interested in the work of the student union?

Sumireko Sansekiyuan nodded and said with a smile: Everyone in the student union seems to have a tacit understanding. I think they get along well with each other. This is really enviable.

Before Sansekiyuan Sumireko met Levi, she had always hidden herself in the library. Because she had no communication with the outside world, she had always been an individual. It was precisely because of this that she was attracted by the combined efforts of everyone in the student union. Collaboration is envious.

She had never experienced the power of this kind of team, so it was normal for her to be curious.

Akino Sakura smiled and said: If you are curious, Sumireko, you can also come and participate in the work of the student union. The current student union is lacking people everywhere.

After Levi changed the structure of the student union, most people have become propaganda personnel, and only a few people are still responsible for the logistics of the internal structure. But even so, the work of the student union is still heavy, and it should be said that it is more tiring. After all, most of the next work of officers involves dealing with people, and the interactions between people are the most tiring.

Sumireko Sansekiyuan said in surprise: Is there no threshold for people to join the student union now?

Akino Sakura's fingers were tapping the virtual keyboard quickly, and she was communicating with the officials below. The officials had already obtained the leaflets, and some of them had already gone to the school's publicity board, using large blackboards to attract students. Others went to the news agency to borrow the printing press of the news agency to print the color leaflets they would need next. There were also people from the student union posting posters on the bulletin board at the school entrance.

The student union's mobility has never been as powerful as it is now. Everyone is as excited as they can, hoping to finish everything as soon as possible and then continue with the rest of the work.

For the first time, Akino Sakura felt that these people in the student union were the kings of trouble, and she also knew that the work efficiency of the student union on weekdays was less than % of what it is now. It can only be said that active interests can induce everyone to move forward.

Akino Sakura said: Sumiko, now, because of the lack of people and the fact that the student union's funds are no longer tight, the threshold has been lowered a lot. Next, the student union will need to recruit more than ten more officers to specialize in publicity. .”

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

The rebellious nature of the student body also determines that various propaganda methods aimed at adults are not easy to use when facing students. Students believe in rumors spread by word of mouth. It is precisely because of this that the student union Only then will we face a shortage of manpower.

A school with more than 2,000 people can be said to be a relatively closed small society inside. This small society has rules of the game for students. Even if the student union wants to manage it, it must abide by the most basic rules of the game, otherwise , there is no way to convince the public.

Akino Sakura and Misaki Sumireko are both smart girls, but their experiences are different. Mitsurusa Sumireko chose to be autistic because of her experiences in the country, while Akino Sakura did not. This kind of misfortune, or her character could not allow herself to fall into such a dangerous situation. After a long period of hard work, she became the president of the student union.

... ....

Akino Sakura can understand the thoughts of Sumireko Sanshiki. Psychologist Malos divides people's needs into levels, which are the most basic physiological needs, that is, needs such as eating and sleeping, followed by safety needs, and there is no war. , a relatively stable social environment meets higher-level needs above physiological needs.

On top of safety needs, there are social needs. After Akino Sakura learned about Sansein Sumireko's experience through Levi, she knew that Sansein Sumireko suffered a big loss in social interaction.

On top of social needs, there is respect for needs. People are all about saving face, and even she is no exception. Her purpose of becoming the president of the student union was not that simple at the beginning. In addition to being a stepping stone to the university, she also served as a student. The student council president can also satisfy her face needs, and this means that her respect needs are satisfied.

As for the third level, the self-actualization needs above respect needs, this is a level that most people do not need to understand, because ordinary people are simply not as good as these people, such as those who are willing to endure difficult conditions and serve the country. People exist at this level. And existences at this level, even if they are not morally perfect, are still the most respectable.

Akino Sakura knows that Sumireko Sansekien must be interested in joining the student union now, and the purpose of doing so is to satisfy her social needs and respect needs, and to make up for the things she lost during her time in Japan.

Chapter. This man comes from another world

Akino Sakura felt that she had a tacit understanding with Sanseki Sumireko. This feeling was strange to her, because she had never dealt with Sanseki Sumireko before. If it weren't for Levi, the two would have never interacted at all. , maybe after she graduates, neither party will say a word.

Sumireko Sansekiin smiled and said, I always feel like you are thinking about something strange, senior, although it's not something rude.

Akino Sakura said in surprise: Sumireko, can you guess what I'm thinking roughly?

Sansekiyuan Sumireko smiled and said: Not only me, but other people here can also do such a thing. We can generally feel the emotional changes of others, and the malice of others is, compared to other emotions, It will be more sensitive.

Akino Sakura looked at the smile of Sumireko Sanshikiin and said, Does anyone else have this ability except me?

Sansekiin Sumireko nodded and said with a smile: Because you haven't passed the final step with your husband yet, I think senior sister you still don't know the specialness of your husband hidden under the appearance of an ordinary person.

Akino Sakura shook her head. She had already established a relationship with Levi, but to be honest, she felt that she was a little impulsive. Although she did not regret such a choice, from the perspective of others, her behavior could be said to be very sloppy.

Just like what Sumireko Sansekiyuan said, she didn't know much about Levi. Apart from knowing that Levi was a super rich man who didn't know what money was and that he had superhuman charm, in other respects, she didn't know much about Levi. She didn't know much, and all she could know were various things about Levi at school.

Sansekiin Sumireko grabbed Levi's hand who was drawing the wedding dress design, pulled Levi in ​​front of Akino Sakura, and said, Husband, shouldn't you be the one to explain this kind of thing yourself?

Because of his multi-threaded thinking ability, Levi was not interrupted. Looking at Akino Sakura with a curious look on his face, Levi said: I am indeed not an ordinary person. It should be said that I can have the level of intelligence I have now. Wealth is precisely because I am not an ordinary person.

Levi snapped his fingers, and the small table with vases not far away rose up and floated in mid-air. Then, the table and the vases began to spin in a chaotic and high-speed manner, just like a game. It's wrong and gives people a feeling of mental pollution.

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