Li Wei smiled and said: Why is the senior sister sitting here? That's because the senior sister is just like you. They are all my partners.


is that a lie?!

Senior sister, this man is so troubled. You must have been deceived by him!

Akino Sakura was stunned. The expected accusation did not appear. Instead, the girls stood on her side and began to denounce Levi. Akino Sakura didn't expect that she could integrate into this body so easily without any obstacles.

Levi just smiled and said haha. No matter how the girls complained about him, he was always smiling. That warm smile made people feel good about him.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Levi looked at the girls laughing and laughing, and felt extremely satisfied. For him, watching the girls around him smile happily, this kind of thing can bring him a sense of satisfaction and pleasure that is comparable to Than the lottery.

After Akino Sakura joined the big family, she did not become arrogant because of her status as the president of the student council. Instead, she kept a low profile and hardly spoke, and was an honest listener, listening to other girls express their thoughts.

Akino Sakura had experienced this feeling for the first time. She was amazed in her heart that Levi could really make so many girls live in harmony without any barriers.

However, Akino Sakura still didn't know enough about Masama Camellia and others, so she had this misunderstanding. Masama Camellia's group was originally best friends, and everyone knew each other very well. Although Sumireko Sanshiki joined the family as an independent, her past experiences made the girls feel sympathy. Hinata Aoi and Hina Hatachi are both types who have a wide range of friends. The two of them had a good relationship with the human team before.

... ... ... ....

As for Akino Sakura, her initial worries were unnecessary. The girls actually respected her. This respect was not because she was the president of the student union, but because she had done many practical things for the students and solved many problems. There are few problems. It can even be said that every girl here has received help from Akino Sakura to some extent. Who would hate such a reliable and gentle senior?

The number of girls around Levi has reached the appropriate level. When the limousine stopped at the school gate, the girls got out of the car one after another. The students were not surprised by this scene. Now the whole school All students in the school already knew that Levi was a playboy with many girls around him.

Such information makes the boys jealous, but also makes the girls eager to give it a try. Since there are more than a few girls around Li Wei, why can't they be side rooms beside Li Wei? There are many people in the school who have this idea There are more and more girls, so that wherever Levi goes, he attracts the attention of a large number of girls.

When the students saw Akino Sakura getting out of the car, most of them, regardless of gender, had exaggerated expressions.

Chapter. Point brushing tool man

When Akino Sakura stepped out of the car, there was a moment of silence in the originally noisy school gate, and then a louder sound burst out, just like the rhythm of the music became more intense and high-pitched after a brief interruption. .

No way?! My eyes are right, that's Akino Sakura-senpai, the student council president. Why would she be with such a scumbag, my senior!

Ah ah, Li Weijun is so handsome. I envy them so much. It would be great if I could stay by Li Weijun's side.

The reactions of boys and girls were completely different. The boys were all envious of Levi, while the girls were all envious of the girls around Levi.

Akino Sakura was shocked by such a battle. She did not expect that Levi would face such a thing every morning at school.

Levi took Akino Sakura's hand and smiled softly: It's good to get used to this kind of thing. Look, aren't others adapting to it?

Akino Sakura looked at the other girls and found that the others looked normal. It seemed that such things were already a daily routine for them.

The pedestrians entered the school under the gaze of the students. When they were about to separate, Akino Sakura discovered that except for her, the other girls followed Levi into the classroom, which made her feel envious.

Akino Sakura said in a low voice: It's a pity that I'm not in the same grade as Li Weijun. If that were the case, I would have passed the class. Alas...

Akino Sakura shook her head and left, heading to a higher floor. The third grade and her grade were not on the same floor, so she still needed to move on.

When Li Wei entered the class, he immediately saw Ru Yue Yu Lu sitting in his seat, and Ru Yue Yu Lu also saw Li Wei. Their eyes met in mid-air, and then Ru Yue Yu Lu turned his head away in fear. He didn't dare to look directly into Levi's eyes, as that would bring back the most painful memories for him.

Ruyue Yulu originally thought he could be stronger, but he overestimated his willpower. When he was tortured, he only lasted less than two minutes before wailing again and again.

The desperate and crazy torture also allowed him to see Levi's terrifying methods. Levi's usual good-natured appearance was a disguise that was even more terrifying than him. He was just hiding the dark side of his heart, and Levi hides his true darkness, gloom and darkness, and is not on the same level at all.

The girls all sat down in their seats. Now the girls are still spread out. But next, Levi will use his money ability to make other students in the class willingly switch seats so that the girls can all sit. It would be more convenient to come with him.

Levi came to Ruyue Yulu's side. Dahe Yangyang, who was sitting behind Ruyue Yulu, almost jumped up when he saw Li Wei approaching.

Ruyue Yulu shrank his neck and his body trembled slightly. He didn't have the courage to face Li Wei now. When Li Wei got close, he felt like he was facing a tiger and he might die at any time.

No, it should be said that Levi is much scarier than the tiger. After all, the tiger will eat him directly and give him a happy life, while Levi will torture him repeatedly, making him unable to survive or die.

In such comparison, tigers and other ferocious beasts look cute.

Levi gently patted Ru Yue Yu Lu's shoulder, and smiled softly: You must have slept quite comfortably in the luxury hotel. How about the video I gave you? I wonder if you have finished watching it.

Ruyue Yulu lowered her head, with a ferocious expression, and said in a low voice: Killing can only be done with a nod of the head. I don't know why you are targeting me like this. How have I offended you?

Levi smiled softly and said: I can't answer your question now. It's a secret. When the time is right, you will naturally know the answer. As for now, just keep your curiosity.

Ruyue Yulu said in a low voice: I do things as expected. I made a mistake and it has nothing to do with my family. I hope you can let them go.

Levi smiled and said: Don't worry, I won't hurt your family. After all, I know the difference in this aspect. You are you, and your family is your family.

Hearing Li Wei's words, Ruyue Yulu breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the disaster would not affect his family, he could accept it.

Li Wei patted Ruyue Yulu on the shoulder, then came to Dahe Yangyang behind him, and said with a smile: Dahe Yangyang, this should be the first time we say hello.

Dahe Yangyang's smile was a bit forced. It has been several days since Li Wei learned this. Through various rumors within the student body, he has a fairly good understanding of Li Wei. This is a ruthless person that he cannot afford to offend. In this way If a ruthless person takes the initiative to talk to him, he is afraid that the person coming is evil.

Levi laughed softly: Do you still remember that crucial game you lost years ago? There was a very beautiful girl cheering you on, so you had the courage to play the whole game.

The smile on Dahe Yangyang's face froze. He didn't understand why Levi knew such a thing.

Li Wei laughed softly and said: I know everything, and I know that the girl's name is Sansein Sumireko. You used to go to the library often just to see her. You and Ruyue Yulu-kun, in You are not very honest when it comes to relationships. You missed the best opportunity. There is no regret medicine in this world. I don’t know how you feel now, Mr. Dahe Taiyang.

Dahe Yangyang lowered his head, clenching his fists with a ferocious expression, but he could not do anything and did not dare to do anything.

Li Wei smiled and said: You two, see you later.

Levi looked at the points being recorded on the system panel and sighed inwardly. For people with a dark side in their hearts, with a little stimulation, the points would just keep coming. Before the other party is stimulated to the point of numbness, these are all live tools that can increase points repeatedly, which is very important to him. .

Levi returned to his seat. From last night to now, he had directly earned more than a thousand points. It must be said that he originally thought this was just a casual welfare world. Who knew that the efficiency of earning points was not bad at all.

Hinata looked at Li Wei who had returned to his seat and said curiously: Li Weijun, what did you say to them?

Levi smiled and said: It was just a few chats. Both of them are quite interesting.

Hinata Aoi wanted to ask Li Wei what kind of punishment Ruyue Yulu had received. Just when Li Wei walked over there, Ruyue Yulu was scared like a quail, but looking at Ruyue Yulu's intact appearance, it looked like this Punishment is not physical punishment, but mental shock.

But now, even if she asked, Levi might not tell him, so she didn't bother to ask.

Chapter 4. Big Daddy Returns

Before class started, Li Wei began to discuss with the surrounding students to spend money to buy seats. The students who exchanged seats were very satisfied with this, because Li Wei offered a million yuan for each seat. huge sum of money.

This is equivalent to the income of many ordinary people for several months. For students who have no formal income and can only work part-time, it is a huge sum of money that is difficult to save throughout their high school career. It is precisely because of this that The students who were called to exchange seats had expressions of surprise on their faces and happily took the check that Levi gave them.

This scene made many people feel sad, and they also envied those who were asked to change seats. One million yuan, for students like them, as long as they don't use it randomly, they will not be able to use up this money throughout their high school career. .

After school in the afternoon, the girls did not rush to leave the school. Instead, they followed Levi to the student union office. Of course, Sumireko Sansekiyuan and others did not go in, but waited in the rest area outside.

In the student union office, because Akino Sakura had greeted her in advance, all the student union members were already present, including several main persons in charge and down to the line officers, a total of more than ten people.

The members of the student union already knew that Li Wei was going to join the student union, and he also brought a large amount of money, as well as benefits for each member. Naturally, they attach great importance to such a golden thigh, so after receiving the news of Akino Sakura's appearance, except for one member who was unwell and took sick leave and could not come, all the others were present.

The student union office is not very big. On weekdays, since everyone is rarely present, it feels adequate. However, now that almost everyone is present, the office seems a bit crowded.

The vast majority of student union members welcome Li Wei, but there are a few exceptions, such as Ruyue Yulu. When he saw Li Wei appear in the office, he was completely confused because yesterday After what he had experienced, he did not see the news of Akino Sakura coming out, so everyone else already knew that Levi was coming, and he was the last one to know the news.

Li Wei came to Akino Sakura's side, and Akino Sakura stepped aside and said: Everyone, this international student Li Weijun from Chongguo, from today on, he will be the minister of our external relations department. Let us welcome Li Weijun.

The students below clapped their hands and were a little excited. After all, the benefits promised by Li Wei were so attractive to them. It was just like working as an adult. It should be said that most adults took it. Less than this kind of income. Such benefits are already considered extraordinary treatment for students.

Li Wei raised his hand and laid it down gently, like a wise king. After thinking for a while, he said unhurriedly: Ximu Tsugao is a high school with a long history, and this high school The same is true for the student union. I am honored to join this glorious team, contribute my own strength to this team, and work hard with everyone here. Of course, what I bring is not just a mouth, but the money that the student union needs most now. There is an old saying in Chongguo, which is that before the three armies are moved, food and grass must come first. Nothing can be accomplished with enthusiasm and blood alone. Everyone has to eat.

Li Wei looked around. The people sitting below, except Ruyue Yulu who wished he could find a place to hide himself, all had excited expressions on their faces. His money-making ability was useful most of the time. .

Levi continued: In the next period of time, there will be more and more activities in the school, which will put pressure on everyone here. Therefore, for your enthusiasm and health, I I have personally provided a special fund specifically for the welfare of everyone here, and the welfare mark has been prepared by the president, and everyone can check their own welfare through the form.

After Li Wei finished speaking, there was warm applause. The work of the student union is indeed very heavy. Many people use electricity and do thankless things. But now with the addition of Li Wei, the members of the student union have With the establishment of their own welfare system, their enthusiasm was also aroused.

Akino Sakura took out the stack of forms and said to the officer sitting in front: Okawa-kun, please give this form to everyone.

The boy named Okawa-kun took the form and put it down. Everyone got a sheet. After finishing the form, he took his own form and returned to his seat.

Everyone is looking at the content on the form, and the more they look at it, the more excited they become. Because Levi gave them very complete benefits, not only financial subsidies, but also holiday subsidies, travel and boat subsidies when going out to work, it can be said that even employees of well-known large companies do not have such benefits.

Everyone became more and more excited as they read it, because the content on this benefit form was so complete. There were types of subsidies that they had thought of, and there were also types of subsidies that they had not thought of. The person who made this form was very professional.

Regarding everyone's reaction, Li Wei understood in his heart that people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Although the members of the student union are more dedicated than ordinary students, they are not saints who do not ask for anything in return. They also need benefits to guide and guide them. Soothing.

In the past, the operation of the student union relied entirely on Akino Sakura's personal charm to drive everyone and make people use their love. However, after such a thing happened for a long time, the people below would also complain in their hearts. Although they would not say it out loud, they would still complain when doing things. Lack of passion and procrastination4 are also normal things.

Such benefits not only saved the morale of the student union, but also established Levi's status in the student union. As the big daddy who gives everyone money, it is normal to have some privileges.

Levi said: Next, the school will have many celebrations and activities. For ordinary students, such days only need to be enjoyed, but for our student union, every large-scale celebration and activity is This test for everyone in the student union consumes both physical energy and energy. I know everyone is very tired. Now as the director of the external relations department of the student union, I naturally have to introduce assistance from external forces, such as various stages and speakers, and There are professionals responsible for the construction of temporary buildings, so you no longer need to do such high-intensity physical work.

Hearing Levi's words, the members of the student union cheered. Although the student union is quite beautiful in the eyes of ordinary students, it only has a bright face. The situation here is far worse than imagined outside. It is completely dominated by women. It is used by men, and men are used as livestock. Even Akino Sakura, as the president of the student council, needs to roll up her sleeves and work.

Now, this situation that makes everyone feel tired can finally change, and because of this, everyone can cheer so enthusiastically.

Chapter. Welfare is heart-warming

The members of the student union, except Ruyue Yulu, others have become Levi's die-hard supporters. They are all realistic people. They have followed Akino Sakura until now, and it cannot be said that there is no benefit at all. After all, the school also provides the student union with There is a certain running fee, but the little money provided by the school is divided among everyone, and you will find that the money everyone gets is actually not much.

Now with the arrival of Li Wei, the shortage of money has been solved. Now the members of the student union not only have face in front of ordinary students, but also have their pockets. This is very beneficial to them. things.

Someone raised a hand.

Levi saw that it was a very capable-looking boy and said with a smile, This classmate can tell you anything.

The boy stood up and said: Minister, I am a line officer. Your suggestion is very good. However, after we are no longer required to do physical work, what can we do?

This boy also represents the thoughts of some officers, which is uneasiness, because the benefits provided by Levi are so high that they feel like they are dreaming. It is precisely because of this that they are a little uneasy.

They feel that they cannot get such benefits for free and must do something within their ability. This boy's question is a reflection of this idea.

Li Wei smiled and said: Of course you don't need to work hard for physical work. I always believe that professional things should be left to professionals. As for you, the next thing you have to do is all kinds of publicity work. .Public opinion is an important position. The student union must control the trends of the student body and guide them correctly. Therefore, the next propaganda work will require more manpower. We must subtly influence all students and change them for the better. direction guidance.”

Levi's words made everyone nod. No one expected that Levi's plan was so big. It was not easy to use public opinion to guide students to develop in a good direction. It was not easy to rely on the former Propaganda Department alone. , two or three people can't accomplish such a thing. Now that everyone is working together, the probability of success is much greater than before.

Hiding in the corner, Ruyue Yulu felt a chill run down her spine when she listened to Li Wei's words. Was Li Wei really trying to control the public opinion in the school to guide the students in a better direction? If he hadn't experienced something like yesterday, Ruyue Yulu would believe this, but now, he only saw a devil, who was about to extend his claws to the ignorant students.

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