The tables and vases were smashed due to the high-speed rotation, and a large number of fragments were suspended in the air. Then, like rewinding the screen, these fragments were re-glued back to their original positions and fell to their original positions.

Levi said: This is me, a visitor from another world who has mastered extraordinary power.

Levi did not hide the truth that he came from another world. After all, the girls would be taken to the floating island by him sooner or later, so he vaccinated them in advance to let them know that sooner or later he would say goodbye to this world.

Akino Sakura was shocked in her heart. She had all kinds of expectations about Levi's true identity. However, the real fact was that Levi was not an ordinary person at all, not even from this world.

This kind of unfolding, like a science fiction movie, directly shattered her three views. After all, the methods that Levi just showed have exceeded the limit that existing science can explain. In the era of prosperous science, She has grown up, but now she encounters the most unscientific situation in her life.

Akino Sakura pinched her face hard, forcing herself to calm down, and said: This is beyond my imagination. I need some time to straighten things out. Li Weijun, are you from a different world?

When Levi revealed his identity as a person from another world, Akino Sakura became more confused.

Levi smiled and said: Strictly speaking, I am a time traveler. I have a very special ability and can travel through different time and space, so I have been to many worlds and experienced many things. Now, I am The world repairs itself and adjusts its spirit.

Levi snapped his fingers, and a three-dimensional projection screen appeared in mid-air. The screen was the first world he had ever experienced, the end of the world with countless zombies.

A large number of zombies piled up and hit the high wall of the shelter. The suffocating feeling that rushed towards her face made Akino Sakura feel the despair that penetrated into her bones when she looked at the three-dimensional image. Ordinary people in this world had no way to survive. Survival of such an apocalypse.

The picture showed strange and gorgeous alien monsters destroying the city. The people wearing armored crystals were fighting for their lives with the alien monsters. The cruel battle scenes shocked Akino Sakura's nerves.

The scene once again showed countless gods and demons engaged in a huge melee on the battlefield. A large number of lives were sent to the battlefield as consumables. The all-out war that affected several divine systems completely crushed Akino Sakura's nerves.

That's enough, that's enough. I've tasted enough. If I continue reading, I'm afraid my spirit won't be able to bear it. Akino Sakura said quickly.

Levi turned off the projection screen and said: These are some of the worlds I have experienced on my journey. Not every world is as peaceful as this world. Most worlds are either on the verge of destruction or slipping into the abyss of destruction. Running wildly on the road, if I experience something like this every three days, I will feel tired.

Although Levi said these words in a very relaxed tone, both Akino Sakura and Sanshiki Sumireko could feel the heaviness of these words.

Levi smiled and said: I try to save the tragedy. Sometimes I succeed, but sometimes I fail. This kind of thing often depends on luck.

Akino Sakura felt that her brain was in chaos. She did not expect that Levi's experience would be so complicated. Therefore, it is normal for Levi to feel tired. If she were to experience these things, just those scenes of the end of the world. , it was enough to make her collapse inside.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko said: When I first learned about this kind of thing, just like you, senior, I was mentally prepared to leave with my husband. If I want to stay by my husband's side, I have to be ready at any time. They may leave this world and never see their relatives and friends again.”

Sumireko Sanseki has accepted such a thing, and she is also the first among the girls to accept the fact. Because of her own experience, Sumireko Sanseki feels alienated from the world and her relatives and friends. , this kind of thing may be difficult for others to accept, but for her, it is like relief.

Chapter. Refuse to show off

Akino Sakura came back to her senses and found that she and others had become Levi's safe haven. Outsiders who didn't know the inside story would not believe this kind of thing. In the eyes of outsiders, it was Levi who was a rich man who gave them a home, but now Akino Sakura understands that they are the anchor of Levi's sanity and the harbor that belongs to Levi.

Levi, who has the ability to read minds, can naturally see Akino Sakura's inner thoughts. He is naturally happy to see girls having such thoughts. After all, girls are already attacking themselves, so what else can he say.

Li Wei picked up the drawing book and continued to draw his own wedding dress design. He is now designing a wedding dress for Sanse Yuan Sumireko. Every girl has a different temperament, and when he designs, he follows this Temperament is the core and spreads outward.

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said: Sister, if you can accept your husband's true face, then this big family will open the door to you. If you feel that you cannot accept it and don't want to say goodbye to this world, then your husband can also Clear your memory. From now on, you will still be the same person you were before, and we will completely disappear from your life.

Akino Sakura imagined such a scene, and she returned to her personal state again. She found that she could not accept such a thing at all. If she left with Levi, she would have to say goodbye to her relatives and friends, but if she completely forgot Levi, she would not be able to accept it. But it is something even more terrifying.

She could no longer accept her life without Levi.

Akino Sakura's eyes became firm, and she gently placed her hand on her heart, saying: I have made a decision in my heart. I want to leave with Li Weijun, and I also want to call Li Weijun my husband, just like you.

Sumireko Sansekiyuan showed a bright smile and said, Senior, welcome to join our big family. You will not regret your choice.

Akino Sakura said: Of course, I will not regret it, because I will regret it if I choose to stay in this world. Even if choosing to stay in this world will wash away this memory, I will not remember Li Weijun and you, my life It will return to its original state, but what’s the difference between that kind of life and the walking dead?”

Akino Sakura felt that her previous life was extremely boring, like a robot. She did everything to get into a good university. The ultimate goal of getting into a good university is to enter a large state-owned enterprise and become a lifelong employee with stability. Live this life steadily.

But after meeting Levi, Akino Sakura felt that her life had finally changed from black and white to color, and was freed from the mechanical and utilitarian repetition. Now she will finally look forward to what will happen tomorrow. She didn't want to lose such a change.

Sansekiin Sumireko nodded. She could feel Akino Sakura's determination. In terms of determination, Akino Sakura would not be weaker than her. She knew this very well.

Akino Sakura smiled and said: Although I will eventually leave this world, as long as I am still in this world, I will fulfill all my obligations and responsibilities. Whether it is as the president of the student union of my high school, or For my parents’ daughters, I will play the role I should play until the day I leave.”

Sansekiin Sumireko nodded. They also thought the same way. In this world, everything in this world must continue. It cannot be ruined just because they will leave here sooner or later.

Although Akino Sakura felt a little reluctant, she had already made a decision and would not deal with these matters again.

Levi said: Ying, I want to take you away from your relatives. I know this is a cruel thing for your relatives. I will compensate them as much as possible in other ways, whether it is wealth or wealth. , power, these things are all things that can be discarded by me who is destined to leave, and I know who will inherit these things when I leave.

Hearing Levi's words, Akino Sakura felt a lot better. Although she still has a younger brother, it won't mean that there will be no young people in the family after she leaves, but she can leave something for her family when she leaves. Good thing. After all, she is not a loner, and she always has to leave a way out for her family.

Li Wei is not the kind of person who is completely indifferent. As the old saying goes, when a person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. Although those people have no direct relationship with him, from the perspective of ethics and law, those people are his father-in-law. Mother-in-law, so it’s normal to pay more attention to her.

Akino Sakura patted her cheek and said with a smile: Let's leave it as it has been decided. As the president of the student union, the most important thing for me now is to organize all the following festivals and activities. I can't mess with it. It has gained the reputation I have accumulated over the past two years.”

A man leaves his name, and a flying goose leaves his voice. Akino Sakura also hopes that she can start well and end well as the student council president in Nishiki Tsutaka, and cannot let all her previous efforts go to waste when she is about to leave.


A few days passed by, and with the efforts of the student council members, the students in the school, even the pure reading parties who did not care about external affairs, also knew that this year’s Flower Dance Festival was particularly different, and about the flowers Various discussions about the dance festival are becoming more and more popular.

According to the form survey of the student council members, there are a lot of 4 students who are willing to go to the Flower Dance Festival and be spectators. The number of people who expressed their willingness to go has reached hundreds of people. The reason why the remaining people cannot get the data is because The other party didn't fill out the form at all, so there was no way to make statistics, but even so, the number was quite astonishing.

The Flower Dance Festival in previous years was just a small fight between a small group of people. There were only four protagonists on the stage, and the audience under the stage was only more than 300 people at most. Compared with this time, it was really... Too little.

The student union office has been moved. The original office was too narrow, so Li Wei went out privately to transform a large unused classroom into a new office. With the help of professionals, the entire renovation only required It lasted for days and was completed. When the members of the student union settled in the new office, Levi's reputation in the student union was immediately maxed out. Even if he now orders to overthrow Akino Sakura, the people below will Follow him and start lower and stronger.

In the rest area of ​​the office, Levi was slumped on the sand like a bug, with his legs crossed and a neon-specific photo of a beautiful girl in a swimsuit in his hand. From time to time, he would grab pieces from the potato chip bag with his other hand. He stuffed potato chips into his mouth, looking like an idle person, but no one came out to say anything wrong. This is his current prestige in the student union, and this is the power of Qian's ability.

Chapter. When people pass by, they leave their names, and when geese pass by, they leave their voices.

Not far from the rest area is Ruyue Yulu's office. Because Ruyue Yulu had been fighting on the front line before, he was at the forefront of all kinds of difficult things, so after new members joined, he He was transferred to the logistics team for retirement care. At the same time, his personal welfare benefits were also improved, which made other student union members envious.

However, only Ruyue Yulu himself knew how dangerous it was, because the office was not far from the rest area, so as long as he raised his head, he could see Levi leaning on the sand, which made him frightened. .

In particular, Levi would look at him from time to time. When the eyes of the two people met in mid-air, it was the most embarrassing, and at the same time, it also aroused the fear in his heart.

Although Li Wei has never caused trouble to him in the past few days, Ruyue Yulu has now become a frightened bird. Even just a look from Li Wei makes him feel that he is about to be punished again. This state makes him feel like The man in the bag Belikov, if there is any slight disturbance in the outside world, he can be frightened to the point of sweating on his back.

What Ruyue Yulu didn't know was that it was Levi's idea that his office would be directly opposite the rest area.

This method of using psychological pressure to mentally torture Li Wei can be said to be very skilled. As long as he gives a little hint, Ruyue Yulu can be frightened to the point where his legs tremble, and violent mental fluctuations can also be squeezed out. Points are collected to achieve the effect of perpetual motion. Although the points that can be squeezed out at a time are very few, only a few points, under the slender flow, the income is still good.

Levi stood up and left the rest area. He also had to leave some breathing room for the people below. When he was in the office, everyone looked like they were possessed by the deputy king, for fear that they would be in Li Wei's office. Acting lazy in front of others lowered his own evaluation in Levi's heart.

It is precisely because of this that as long as he is in the office, he will be alone in the rest area. Occasionally Akino Sakura will come over, but that's it. As long as he is in the office, the atmosphere in the office is tense.

Levi came outside the office and stopped in the corridor near the window. This was the top floor of the teaching building. The rooftop above his head was his personal rest area, so there was no need for him to compete with other members of the student union for the rest area.

Standing here, you can see the sports field located behind the teaching building. There is no standard football stadium built in Nishiki Tsutaka. There is a standard baseball field behind the teaching building, and the running track is built around the baseball field.

Although Neon is good at football, the sport of football is not particularly popular in Neon. The two favorite balls of Neon people are golf and baseball. Golf is the favorite of adults, while baseball is the favorite. Young people have a good heart. For most young people, things like reaching Koshien are extremely exciting.

Levi, who was leaning against the window, saw the situation on the baseball field. Dahe Taiyang was struggling to hit the ball. Among his peers, his skills were already relatively good. In addition, his skills were relatively good. Physical fitness is also a foundation for becoming a sports star in the school.

Levi sighed and said: It's a pity that we are better than the inferiors but not inferior to the superiors. It is not easy to lead the team to Jiaziyuan at this level.

Baseball has never been an individual sport. Dahe Taiyang is not a top player among his peers, and he has to help teammates with poor overall quality to move forward. If he can reach Koshien, what will happen to other teams? Effort becomes a joke.

Levi's eyes moved to the side. Over there was the direction of the tennis court. On the tennis court, Hinata was doing confrontation exercises. Her situation was much better than that on the baseball field.

Hinata's physical fitness and skills are not top-notch. Her petite body makes her more flexible, but her explosive power and endurance are insufficient. It is not easy to achieve good results in high leagues.

But things are different now. After passing through fellow practitioners, Hinata's shortcomings in physical fitness have been made up for. Now on the surface, Hinata seems to be the same as before. She is still petite and can't be seen on her body. The traces of muscles, just from the appearance, give people an amateurish feeling.

But now, hidden under this petite body, is a physical fitness that far exceeds that of an adult. Not to mention skills, this physical fitness alone is enough for her to be a random killer in high-level leagues, let alone follow along. The improvement of physical fitness, especially the strengthening of flexibility, allows her to make a variety of movements that are incredible to ordinary people, just like a gymnast playing tennis across borders. This strengthening of flexibility is very obvious for the improvement of technology. of.

Therefore, the training teammates who were originally able to compete with Hinata Aoi were now suppressed by her.

Levi knew that Hinata had restrained her strength. If she exploded with all her strength, her sparring teammates would be completely defeated. There was already a gap in strength between the two sides.

The start time of the Tennis High League is before the Flower Dance Festival, so Hinata Aoi will be quite busy during this period. She can only take advantage of the free time of the competition to participate in the festival, and naturally there is no way to practice dancing for a long time.

However, Hinata's foundation as an athlete is there, and coupled with her physical flexibility and coordination advantages, she needs to practice in a shorter time than others, and she is a minister who can do both.

Sumireko Sanseki and Sakura Akino appeared behind Li Wei. They stood like lotus flowers side by side, giving people the feeling of sisters.

Levi turned around and said with a smile: `.Are you going out?

Akino Sakura said: Sumiko wants to add some new books to the library, and the school's funds have been approved, so we are going to go out for a walk.

Levi nodded. The girls all have their own things to do, and they can't just hang around him every day, so they get together most of the time during lunch break.

After knowing that they and others are leaving this world, the girls also consciously want to spend more time with their families. After all, this farewell is truly a farewell.

Li Wei naturally doesn't mind this kind of thing. It's human nature to want to spend more time with his family before leaving. In other words, only those lonely people with only one page of household registration can completely ignore their family ties.

Li Wei smiled and said: If the school's funds are not enough, I can make up for it here. The library is relatively old now. It can be renovated in a few days. It can also be regarded as leaving some benefits for the future juniors and girls.

Akino Sakura smiled and said: Our junior students are really blessed to be able to enjoy all the conditions created by your husband.

Li Wei smiled and said: When people pass by, they leave their names, and when geese pass by, they leave their voices. We have existed in this world, and we have to leave some traces to prove our existence, right? In the future, junior students will know about us when they mention us. , the seniors and sisters of this student union are all legends.”

Chapter. On a whim

Looking at the retreating figures of the two girls, Levi made a sudden impulse and took his fingerprints like a fortune teller setting up a street stall. Then, he showed a cheerful smile. This kind of world where the secrets are not hidden, for him For an existence of this level, everyone's destiny is traceable. As long as he is willing to calculate, he can completely understand his personal destiny.

Of course, if you want to get a glimpse of the fate of a country in this way, because the amount of calculation is too large, even for a being like Li Wei, it is very troublesome to do it. In contrast, it is more convenient to directly send intelligence personnel to collect various intelligence, and then conduct deductions based on the intelligence, than to directly conduct divination.

Divining on a whim, Levi saw that the two girls would face some interesting things next. If the development of the situation was not interfered by external forces, he would probably have two more girls by his side.

For things like this, Levi just goes with the flow. He can just keep an eye on it secretly anyway. As long as the situation doesn't get out of control, he doesn't have to take action secretly.

Li Wei felt that as the person behind the scenes, he had to take action on everything, which was really a price drop. So sometimes, being a spectator is not necessarily a bad thing. At least, you can get fun similar to running a group.

After Sansekien Sumireko and Akino Sakura left school, they went to the nearest tram stop and took the tram to the relatively prosperous central area. Neon's large bookstores would purchase properties in relatively prosperous areas, and they were located in Bookstores in these locations often have more complete books than other branches, and it is more convenient to purchase books.

Because it was not the rush hour after get off work, the train was not crowded and there was no delay. The two of them successfully arrived at the commercial center of Shinjuku District. There are many bookstores here, which is perfect for book lovers like Sumireko Sansekien. She said it was like an ordinary person entering an amusement park. Whether reading or buying books, it was all fun for her.

The two of them were walking on the street. Akino Sakura asked curiously: Sumireko, how many books do you plan to purchase?

Sumireko Sansekiyuan smiled and said: About forty books. The funding provided by the school this time is quite sufficient. In the past, the funding provided by the school was not sufficient, so each book had to be carefully selected. Now, the threshold can be relaxed, and some interesting books can be added to the library.

What Sumireko Sansekiyuan doesn't know is that the reason why the library's current funding is so sufficient is because the principal knew about her relationship with Li Wei, so he approved so much funding. Otherwise, who would give the library money? An unpopular place like the Office of Human Resources and Social Security can only grant such funds.

In Neon, physical books are expensive, and it is considered good to have a few books at a time. Many books in the library are donated by the public. The books purchased by the school only account for less than the total number. of%.

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