MBI's record is really terrifying. This giant enterprise really has national-level strength. Ten years ago, several Western powers gathered their own underlings, entire fleets, and hundreds of thousands of troops. Heading to Kamizo Island, it was a behemoth that could be called a country-destroying fleet. However, when they attacked the small Kamizo Island, their entire army was tragically wiped out. They didn't even know how they lost.

MBI already possessed such terrifying strength ten years ago, so after ten years of development, no one dares to bet on the extent of MBI's strength now.

Mei Zai: (I didn’t expect that the other party actually had such an idea. I understand, I understand everything. How did that malicious power come from? It’s just for this moment.)

Uranium Girl: (Then what should we do? Today’s Yuguang people are no longer ordinary people, right?)

Li Wei: (Don’t worry. Although Yuguangren made a big fuss this time, the impact on ordinary people is limited. Meizai. I will investigate here. Your responsibility is to take care of other people. Yuguangren will take over. I will definitely find an opportunity to establish my authority when I come down, so there is no need to get in trouble with him at this time.)

Yue came to Li Wei's side and said worriedly: Li Weijun, what should we do next? Is the game over like this?

Li Wei nodded and said: From the beginning of this game, to Yu Guangren, the ending is not important. He has already achieved his goal. I am familiar with this method and I know how to deal with it. In the competition, we will abstain directly. Now, the artifact is no longer important. The danger that the artifact may cause is no longer as good as Yu Guangren himself¨.

This kind of result is what Li Wei wants, because he knows who Yu Guangren will attack next, and there is no one else besides Da Mei.

After all, in the Battle of Shenzuo Island back then, the beautiful girl took her cousin John Bull and her younger brothers from all over the world to the Shenzuo Island to show off their power, and even allowed the landing troops to land on the Shenzuo Island.

This kind of thing is equivalent to being ridiculed directly. Yu Guangren himself is a person with strong self-esteem and a special grudge. Being ridiculed in this way, he can remember it for the rest of his life.

Moreover, the beautiful girl is not particular about things. After the failure of the previous battle on Shenzuo Island, anyone with any brain will choose to repair the relationship between the two parties and avoid the deterioration of the situation as much as possible.

But I don’t know who the wise man came up with. Since frontal combat can’t achieve the goal, then steal is the way to do it. So a special force was sent out, sneaked into the Kamizo Island, and in this way abducted two young children who were adjusting. The wagtail also burned the base of the wagtail of a young wagtail.

Yuguang Ren was not the kind of person who cared about the life and death of wagtails, but to him at that time, every wagtail was an important experimental subject and an important prop related to the success or failure of his plan. This was more important than It's even more serious hatred to cut off people's wealth. They say that cutting off someone's path to wealth is like killing one's parents, so cutting off one's path to becoming a god is simply a hatred of the world.

The beauty repeatedly jumped on Yu Guangren's psychological bottom line, directly irritating him, and as a result, the hatred has continued to this day.

After gaining super human power, Yu Guangren wanted to establish his authority, and the first whetstone that came to mind was the beauty who almost broke the foundation of his becoming a god.

Yu Guangren planned to deal with Li Wei again after taking care of Da Mei.

Levi has no intention of getting involved in the various things that the beautiful girl will encounter next. After all, the beautiful girl is considered a cancer of mankind. He has not done many good things, but all kinds of bad things have never been done. The beauty will never be missing, so Yuguang people took this opportunity to clean up the beauty. Not only would Li Wei not interfere, but he would also bring out a small bench and melon seeds to eat melons and watch the show.

Li Wei's consciousness spread out, and his voice sounded in the minds of all Wei Ya who participated in the competition.

Can you hear me? I am Levi, who you call the Great Demon King of the North. Now there are some accidents in the game. I am going to withdraw from the game. This game has been a conspiracy from the beginning. The Yuguang people are taking advantage of you. Now you are We are still in danger, but I think with your strength, it is quite easy to escape from here. After escaping, find a safe place to hide with your wagtail. The whole world will fall into chaos next. If you don’t want to be involved, just hide away!”

Li Wei's words made all Wei Ya who heard this unable to recover.

I know you won't believe what I say, but there are some things that you would rather believe than not. If you only believe in your own eyes, then break out, leave the playing field, and go outside. You know what happened.

Li Wei sat on the nose of the wooden dragon and said to Xiaocao: `. Let the wooden dragon climb higher and increase its size at the same time. Send a message to all Wei Ya who are still competing. As for whether they want to believe it or not, that's all. It’s none of our business.”

Having achieved this point, Levi felt that he had done his utmost to be benevolent and righteous. It was rare for a pure evil person like him to do such a good deed.

Xiaocao nodded and said with a smile: Leave it to me! I guarantee that everyone in the entire stadium can see us.

The wooden dragon currently controlled by Xiaocao is far from reaching the limit of her ability. She can enlarge the wooden dragon's size hundreds of times, making the wooden dragon a giant-sized existence even on the Ultraman set. In this way The body shape is conspicuous enough.

Xiaocao raised his right hand high and slapped the wooden dragon at his feet hard on the head. The dazzling emerald green light full of vitality began to shine, spreading the fluctuations of life around him. The wooden dragon shrouded in this green light was like a giant python shedding its skin. The wooden armor on its body began to fall off in large quantities. At the same time, its size also began to expand rapidly, becoming even larger and more powerful.

In just a few tens of seconds, the wooden dragon, which was originally only about thirty meters long, has exceeded three hundred meters in length. It is an exaggerated behemoth roaming in the air, and it can be seen even from a long distance away. it.

The high-pitched dragon roar resounded across the sky, and the huge wooden dragon stirred up the wind and clouds, heading towards the distant city.

At this time, all the Wei Ya who were still stranded on the field began to think about what Li Wei had just said. That sentence made them all shaken.

Before the formation was over, one after another, the Wei Ya and their own Wagtails began to make choices. With Li Wei taking the lead, many people chose to follow Li Wei. The cruel competition until now has made many Wei Ya feel tired. Li Wei's departure has completely broken the string of their hearts, like an avalanche. When the first person chooses to leave, the people behind him also Starting to leave, except for a few people who did not believe in evil, most of the participating teams used various methods to smash the drones in the sky, even knocking down the referee team and security personnel, and using violent means to leave the game.

Chapter 4. Return to Izumo Village

The huge wooden dragon disappeared without a trace after leaving the edge of the playing field. Levi took out the blanket in mid-air. After the wooden dragon disappeared, the four people landed on the blanket below.

Li Wei said calmly: Now we have to rush back to Izumo Village and prepare for defense. I am not worried about the strength of the Yuguang people. Even if the Yuguang people have become a existence beyond human beings, for me, That’s what happened, and it’s still within the scope of what I can handle. However, I don’t want to see you get hurt. The current Yuguang people are no longer something you can handle.”

Yu said curiously: The president is just an ordinary human being. How could he become so powerful in such a short period of time? He must have paid a price.

Levi said: The price was indeed paid, but with his means, he did not need to pay it himself.

Jie said: This is too cunning. Let others pay the price, but the ultimate benefit is yours.

Li Wei said: There are too many such things. As long as you have power and wealth, it is very simple to do such a thing. However, Yu Guangren's methods this time are relatively high-end, and even I He got rid of it, but he has already crossed that line and given up his dignity as a human being. I will not show mercy to non-human beings.

Although Levi is a pure villain, he still has to maintain his glorious image in front of the girls around him. For a truly evil person, when his evil reaches a certain level, from an ordinary person's perspective, it is difficult to detect his evil deeds.

Because Li Wei left all kinds of dirty work to the puppet clones, he could have as many puppet clones as he wanted. These things were originally consumables used to do dirty work, so he could maintain his fragrance and white lotus persona. You need to get your hands dirty to achieve your goal.

Yue showed a sigh and said: I used to think that the president was a pretty good person. Just now I watched the video Song shared on the channel, and he is completely different from the president I remember.

Levi said: People will change, and time will change many things. After all, I have seen righteous partners who, in order to have a longer lifespan, enforce justice and protect the weak, but forget their original intentions and eventually become A cold-blooded monster seeking longevity.

Levi thought of Master Chong Matou Zangyan. When Master Chong was young, he was a being who pursued justice and protection just like a certain giant hero. However, after repeated physical births, he forgot his original intention and became a human being. It is too easy to be changed, whether it is environment or time, it can make an individual change beyond recognition.

However, Li Wei, who had read Yu Guangren's inner thoughts, knew very well that the other party's goal from the beginning was to become a god above all living beings. The other party was the one who never forgot his original intention and was a commendable and competent careerist.

After all, these days, whitewashed villains are popular in various new series, and there are fewer and fewer pure villains like Diao Ye. After watching too many such whitewashed villains, Levi also suffered from aesthetic fatigue, so for Only a careerist like Yu Guangren who can persist in business for a long time for his own ambitions is worthy of praise. A careerist must look like a careerist.

The blanket entered a state of invisibility, and with the help of such a vehicle, pedestrians returned to Izumo Village without anyone noticing. The blanket landed in the courtyard, and the remaining girls were already waiting in the courtyard.

When Mei Zai saw Li Wei coming back, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, Li Weijun, you are finally back. When you were away, the family lost its backbone. When big things happen, there is no one who can make decisions.

Mei Zai has become accustomed to Levi's existence. When Levi is here, she doesn't need to think about those complicated things. She will do whatever Levi says. Even if there is any problem, Levi can handle it.

When Li Wei was not at home, she felt that the sisters below had become more difficult to control. Although she could still manage them, it was not as easy as when Li Wei was around.

Levi jumped off the blanket, hugged Mei Zai, and gave her a warm and missing hug.

Levi put his chin on Mei Zai's shoulder and said softly: You have been staring at home for a long time. Now that I'm back, everything will be fine. Next, I need to deal with the heart of the wagtails. Only after the problem of the poison sac below is resolved, can I sanction Yu Guangren without any scruples.

Seeing Mei Zai being hugged by Levi, all the girls were a little envious, but they also knew how hard Mei Zai had been working during this period, so they were just envious.

Li Wei kissed Mei Zai gently on the face, then let go of the other party, and said: Song, you are better at hacking technology. I think you should be able to contact other Wei Ya. Next, I will collect All the wagtails need surgery. Now the plan cannot keep up with the changes. I must solve this hidden danger as soon as possible. Once Yu Guangren is free, he will definitely deal with the wagtails.

Song said with a somewhat nervous expression: I still don't understand what happened, and why Yuguang became like this and proclaimed himself a god.

Li Wei said with a serious expression: According to normal people's knowledge, Yu Guangren has become a god now. I was also told that he is attracting the whole world by exposing the existence of wagtails and using wagtail competitions. Attention, so that ordinary people can have emotions related to wagtails, and then use these emotions as beliefs, forcibly ignite the divine fire, and become a god of faith.

Levi's words made the girls around him look shocked.

Li Wei continued: Such technology should come from Wagtails. After all, Wagtails need to be combined with Wei Ya to exert their true strength. Such an emotion is love. In essence, Wagtails are indeed like She is a goddess, as Yuguo Ren said. When extreme positive emotions are amplified, Wagtail can do all kinds of incredible things, which are considered miracles in the eyes of ordinary people.

Emotional power, whether positive or negative, possesses unimaginable power. In particular, Wagtail himself is able to ignite extreme positive emotions. Relying on his own emotions, he can be worth thousands of people. , even the emotional energy that millions of ordinary people can provide.

When the wagtails are sailing in the starry sky, they may be using emotions as energy. This can be regarded as an alternative pseudo-perpetual motion machine. As long as they can maintain positive emotions for a long time, they will have continuous energy output, and they are still using fossil energy. People on Earth don’t know how many years of struggle it will take to close this technological gap.

Li Wei could imagine that the home planet of the Wagtails was definitely an advanced civilization with technology as high as that of gods.

Chapter 4. Be in a good mood and be a good person

Song said: Will the Yuguang people really carry out a large-scale purge of Wagtails? Why would he do this?

Levi said: Because Wagtail will compete with him for faith next, maybe he originally planned to use Wagtail as a tool man, but when this happens, he will have to make a choice. It's Ren If one's own beliefs are shared by others, it is better to get rid of the people who share the beliefs with oneself. Because when Yuguang people were publicizing to the outside world, they said that Wagtail was a goddess. Even if only some people took it seriously, they would be embarrassed by Wagtail. The owl provides considerable faith power.

Song Song showed a surprised expression and said: So that's it. I didn't expect you, Li Weijun, to know this knowledge.

Levi said: I have just been to a little more places than ordinary people, and I have seen a little more customs and customs than ordinary people. I have dealt with people who believe in gods before, so I am most afraid of such beings. What's going on.

The uranium girl said: For a person who believes in a god, what he fears most is that others will rob him of his faith?

Levi nodded and said: That's more or less it. Generally speaking, a person who believes in a god will only allow his followers to believe in him personally. It is a typical divine religion and does not allow any existence to share the profits that belong to him. Belief. Because this will weaken the existence of belief in God, and even the authority will be divided by others.

Levi took the girls to the hot spring area behind the courtyard. After changing into yukata, he found a hot spring pool and sat down. The girls did not shy away from sitting next to Li Wei. In an instant, they were all fat and thin, giving Li Wei the illusion that he had returned to the floating island.

Li Wei continued: Existences that believe in becoming gods can be said to be at odds with other existences of the same type. Wagtails themselves have the ability to use positive emotions to love, and their starting point is higher than that of Yuguang people. There are many, and the same is true for persons. Therefore, once there is a large amount of faith waiting to be divided, then the wagtails can get the biggest piece of the cake as long as they use their brains a little. Do you think Yuguang people can tolerate such a thing? ?”

The girls all shook their heads. From Yu Guangren's point of view, anyone with a normal mind would know how to choose. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the Yuguang people take action against the wagtails.

Li Wei said: Yu Guangren is still a complete novice on the road of becoming a god, so he made such a mistake. If he is an old bird who has lit the divine fire before, after waking up from his slumber, he is ready to If you ascend the throne of God again, then when you light the divine fire, you will definitely kill all the tool men first to prevent your own faith from being divided by others.

When Levi was in the world of Devil High School, he had a good understanding of the system of belief in becoming a god. Belief in becoming a god can be said to be the fastest way to master extraordinary power. It does not require blood or training, as long as you have enough A believer, even a pig, can ascend to the throne of God. This is the tyranny of belief in the road to becoming a god.

But there is never anything absolutely perfect in the world. A path that has an absolute advantage in a certain aspect means that there must be shortcomings that others are unaware of. This is the case with the path of belief in becoming a god.

This road can be said to be the quickest, but it is also the most unstable and the most fearful of twists and turns. Once the faith provided by believers cannot keep up with consumption, belief in God will fall into a vicious cycle of making ends meet. If the decline cannot be reversed, They will fall asleep due to a vicious cycle, or even die directly.

Although Yu Guangren's previous plan allowed him to ignite the divine fire, it also dug a big hole for himself. Soon, he will find that his faith has been divided. Now Li Wei has to make a time difference and take out the poison sacs under the hearts of most of the wagtails before Yu Guangren discovers this matter.

A person like Li Wei, who has no profit and cannot afford to go early, will occasionally do good things when he is in a good mood, and such things are not completely useless to him. Such things can directly affect the favor of the girls around him. Maxing out, emotional gains, those are also gains.

Girls always have to pay something, maybe it's money, maybe it's energy, maybe it's feelings. However, it is most uneconomical to sacrifice your dignity to conquer girls.

Song, who was wearing a swimsuit, leaned on Levi's shoulder, a little reluctant to leave, but she told herself in her heart that there were still important things to do, which made her feel entangled and hesitant.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Song stood up, walked to the edge of the warm pool, picked up a bath towel and wrapped it around him, saying, I'm going to contact those Wei Ya now, but where should I ask them to gather?

Li Wei said: I have also arranged a hidden safe house here in the Eastern Imperial Capital. I will give you the address through Hu Die's team channel, and let you let those Wei Ya who are willing to believe you gather at the safe house. I used a special spell to disguise it there, so even Yuguang people can't find it there.

Song was a little surprised and said: Li Weijun, when did you arrange the safe house? Why didn't I know?

Li Wei smiled and said: You three cunning rabbits, for your safety, I have to make more preparations.

.. ........

Levi always asked his puppet clone to prepare the safe house, and it had nothing to do with him on the surface. Even if someone deliberately investigated, there was no way to find out where it came from.

Song said: As long as the location is decided, leave this matter to me. I will convey the news to them, but whether they are willing to believe it or how many people will come in the end cannot be said.

Levi smiled and said: Just do your best. I don't expect all of them to believe my words and save them all.

Levi is not the kind of good old guy who likes to be hot-faced and cold-hearted. Even if he wants to do good things, he has his own bottom line and will not wrong himself. He wants to be like those anime male protagonists, who can be the deputy Asasi at all times. This is making things difficult for him.

Song nodded, wrapped in a bath towel and went to the shore. This was what Li Wei asked her to do, and she wanted to do it as well as possible. Although Li Wei has said that as many people as possible can come, she still hopes that more people can come if conditions permit. After all, those girls were just like her, they were all wagtails born for love. She didn't want to see her kind end up miserable, so she saved them all.

Levi smiled and said: No matter what the final result is, I will prepare a special gift for you. Although I don't know if you will like it, at least it is my appreciation.

After hearing Li Wei's words, he felt a little relaxed at first, but suddenly he became more motivated.

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