Chapter 4. Relaxed mind

Levi didn't soak in the hot springs for too long. After all, there were all pretty and lovely girls around here, and they were all only wearing swimsuits. It was quite hard for him to endure it.

The first thing he did after coming out of the hot spring, Levi entered the floating island while the girls were not paying attention, and vented the evil fire in his heart.

After venting this evil fire, Levi returned to the outside world so as not to appear embarrassed in front of the girl around him.

After Levi changed his clothes, he came to the darkroom at the end of the corridor. After opening the hidden revolving door, he entered the darkroom. Because of his strong request, the lights in the darkroom are now bright. It is not as dark as before, like the command center of the mysterious base of an evil organization. The atmosphere has been completely reversed.

At this time, Song was sitting in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard with both hands quickly, sending emails.

In the past, Song always used the computer while sitting on his knees. This kind of sitting posture is not good for the body and can easily cause poor blood flow in the legs. Although Wagtail's physique does not have to worry about bow legs, over time, it will affect himself. athletic ability.

Because of Li Wei's strong request, Song Song has gradually become accustomed to the posture of normal people using computers. Sitting on a stool with a tall and straight posture, looking from behind, she only feels graceful and plump, with a kind of voluptuous beauty.

Although Song had already sat on a stool, she refused to make further progress. Using a chair with a backrest, the stool was already the limit she could accept. However, everyone has their own habits. It’s not a big deal if Song doesn’t accept the armchair. After all, she has already taken a step back and accepted the use of stools, so Levi will not overly force her to change. Of course, I have to change my previous bad habits. This is something that is not negotiable.

Levi came behind Song, hugged her from behind, and said softly: It's been really hard on you during this time. It's quite hard to be with sisters who are not so reliable.

Song felt the heat coming from behind her ears, and the itching feeling spread throughout her whole body. Her hands that were typing couldn't help but pause, and she typed several characters incorrectly.

Li Weijun, don't tease me. I still have business to do now. This is what you told me to do, but now you are making trouble for me. Song pouted slightly and said in a low voice.

Levi smiled and said: I'm just curious about hacking technology. After all, hackers usually feel very mysterious. Without actively revealing their identity, ordinary people have no idea what hackers usually do.

Song said with a blushing face: If you are just interested in the daily life of hackers, could you please Li Weijun to let go of your hands first? If you do this, I won't be able to concentrate on my work.

Song felt a strong male scent coming towards her face. It was a very special smell. She didn't know if this smell could be classified as a fragrance, but such a smell was not objectionable, at least to her. in order.

Moreover, Levi's breath brushed against her cheek, making her whole body feel hot, and the fire ignited in her heart made it impossible for her to concentrate.

Although this was not the first time she had such close contact with Levi, every time, her heartbeat would speed up and she could not control her emotions.

Levi said softly: But I don't want to let go now. After all, this is a rare time to be alone, and I won't be disturbed by other people.

Song opened her mouth and swallowed the words that came to her lips. Just like what Li Wei said, now is a rare time for the two of them to be alone. You know, there are so many girls in the family, and Li Wei has to take into account everyone's emotions, so he can't stay alone with a girl for too long. Time, so the time alone with Levi is precious.

She leaned on Levi's chest and stopped struggling. Now, she left the keyboard with her hands and gently grabbed Levi's hand, feeling Levi's strong pulse, which was full of energy. The vitality of male power.

Song said in a low voice: Indeed, now is a rare time to be alone. I can deal with work matters later, and they are emails anyway. Now most of the communications in the Eastern Imperial Capital have been supervised by MBI, and I can't call them one by one. them.

Levi said: It doesn't matter what happens to you. Song, you have done what you can do. As for the result, that kind of thing is not within my scope of consideration. I am really lucky to meet you.

Song whispered: Li Weijun, it's the same for me. Without you, I don't know what I would be like now. Maybe, I would still be like a rat in the gutter, living a life that never sees the light of day. .”

Before Song met Levi, her heart was very gloomy because she could not see hope.

As a former member of the punishment team and also a technician, Song was very aware of the power of MBI, especially after the opponent tampered with Wagtail's heart. She was even more cautious and did not dare to make too much trouble. She was afraid that MBI would The anger directed at her was spread on the other wagtails.

It is precisely because of this that she can only disappear and want to save her compatriots in her own way, but her power is too weak. No matter how hard she tries, she cannot change the situation. The harder she tries, the more desperate she becomes. .

Then Li Wei appeared, and Li Wei used his own way to save Wagtail little by little. Unlike her who was always doing useless work, every move Li Wei made could frustrate the Yuguang people and gain various advantages for their own side. Moreover, Levi also rescued the wagtails with great potential, turned them into allies, and prevented these wagtails from being used as tools by others. This kind of thing moved her heart.

Everything Levi did was something she wanted to do but couldn't do. As long as she could achieve her goal, it didn't matter who did it. But if this person was Levi, it would be even better. .

Li Wei said softly: As a person, the thing I hate the most is seeing cute girls suffering and being wronged. What Yu Guangren did is completely violating my taboo. Song, just watch next. , see how I deal with the Yuguang people and seek justice for the Wagtails.

Song nodded and smiled. She turned her face, kissed Li Wei hard on the face, and said with a smile: I believe Li Weijun, you will be able to do it. At that time, you have to take care of Yu Guang for me. Man, let him know that doing evil will pay the price.”.

Chapter 4. Big news

After Levi and the girl had a warm conversation, he asked the other party to finish what he was doing. He quickly typed on the keyboard and quickly finished writing the email. After checking the emails that needed to be sent, she clicked the key.

The email has been sent out, and the other party only has two hours to respond. This kind of thing is explained in the email. After all, MBI has monitored a large number of public communications now, and email is not considered safe, so it must be Make a quick decision before MBI reacts.

Therefore, Li Wei will only give other Wei Ya two hours, and will not wait until after this incident, because after this incident, the safe house that has been exposed can no longer be used, and it will be very difficult to stay there for a long time. Easily discovered by MBI.

Just after Levi left Song's room, his phone rang. He picked it up and saw that the caller notification showed Crow Feather.

Li Wei answered the phone. Crow Feather is one of the senior personnel within MBI and has a special communication line. She doesn't have to worry about monitoring, so she can call directly, as long as she can ensure that no one else is around to listen.

It's been a while since we've had any contact, Crowfeather.

Before you were competing, I could only call Meiya. I'm sorry about Yuhiroto. All our teams were sent out to perform tasks before. When I realized it, he had already completed his plan. , I lost my last chance to make a move.

It doesn't matter, leave this kind of matter to me. Now what you have to do, Crow Feather, is to ensure your own safety. You can come directly to Izumo Manor. I have a way to wash off your wagtail. Pattern.

Whenever I hear something like this, I feel incredible. Only a weirdo like you can do this kind of thing.

The power I control is far beyond your imagination. If it weren't for the fact that the Wagtails were all controlled by MBI, and my rash actions could easily implicate them, I would have already taken action.

But now, the difficulty of attacking has suddenly increased too much. I have been in close contact with Yu Guangren. Even from a distance of several meters, the terrifying pressure almost made me kneel down. He Are you really still human?”

It was true before, but now, according to academic classification, he has become a belief-based god. After becoming a god, he naturally has power that humans cannot match. This is normal.

God? Does that kind of thing really exist?

Haven't you already seen it?

That kind of power can indeed be regarded as a god. Do you have a way to deal with him? Don't involve yourself in it. I plan to continue to lurk. If I come here now, it will cause more trouble for you and draw firepower to you. Came from the body.

Yume is now at Izumo Village, and she naturally doesn't want to bring trouble here. Although Li Wei is full of confidence, she still can't believe it, so she is cautious and also for Yume's sake. It was safe. She was going to lurk for a while longer, at least to get more information.

Now Crow Feather has concerns, and also has weaknesses, so now she no longer has the madness in the past, and all she can think about is how to get close to Yume, if she didn't have her own job to deal with her Without restraint, it is estimated that the whole person will soon become useless.

You have to have some basic confidence in me. You haven't seen me actually do anything, so how do you know my true strength?

By the way, Yu Guangren told me before that I should pay attention to MBI's official news channel for a while. He said that something big will happen next, but I don't know what the big thing is.

Okay, then I'll take a look here and see what big news that guy can make.

Crow Feather hung up the phone, and Levi put the phone in his bag. Arriving at the living room upstairs, Levi turned on the TV and switched the channel to the MBI official news channel. Before he could sit down on the sofa, he heard the sound of an explosion coming from the TV. At the same time, the originally dark environment was burned by flames. It must be like daylight.

A large number of fireballs continued to fall to the ground, and the ground was full of people screaming and wailing.

Li Wei knew what was going to happen, but he didn't want to stop it. After all, it wasn't a bad thing to let the big beauty suffer a little loss. Who told him to always light fires in other people's homes? Now someone can finally throw the firecrackers into the big house. In a beautiful home, the melon-eating crowd watching the excitement will only take pleasure in others' misfortunes. pity? Instead of sympathizing with the big beauty, it is better to sympathize with the innocent people who have been harmed by the big beauty.

Levi also had to pay attention to his image and didn't want to expose himself as a cold and heartless person in front of the girls. Otherwise, he really wanted to use the gourmet tablecloth to cut half of the watermelon out and eat it with a spoon.

At this time, Uranium Girl came down from upstairs. She came to the TV, saw the TV picture, and said: The special effects in this movie are really getting more and more powerful. I don't know how much money this picture will cost. Only if you can do it, it has a bit of a documentary style.

Levi's expression was serious, but he almost laughed out loud inside.

Levi said: This is not a movie, but the official news channel of MBI. Now it is a live news broadcast. This is a real disaster somewhere, and it is not an ordinary disaster.

The uranium girl also saw the station logo in the upper right corner clearly, with a surprised expression on her face. The TV picture showed a large number of fireballs falling from the sky and hitting the city. The huge impact shattered the building, and the splashed lava shattered the city. Everything that can be ignited is ignited.

The uranium girl swallowed and said, Is this Red Alert's super weapon? Such an exaggeration?!

Levi said: I probably understand what happened. This is Yu Guangren's revenge. This guy is quite vindictive. Now that he has mastered the power, the first thing he does is to take revenge. Remember the battle of Shenzuo Island? Well, after that, Da Mei sent a special force to sneak into the God's Island and kidnapped Yui and Lu Huo.

The uranium girl heard the screams, which were in English, and she realized that what Levi said was true.

At this time, the screen cut to the big face of Yu Guangren. His face was distorted and with a strange smile, he said: There is a saying that when an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent. Maybe, you I don’t have any grudge against me, but you and the guys who have offended me are compatriots, so I don’t feel embarrassed if I involve you. Hahahaha!!!”

The screen cut back again, but this time, it was another city in flames.

Li Wei said: That guy Yu Guangren is using this method to establish his authority, get rid of a few thorns that are difficult to manage, kill the chicken to show the monkey, and make more people be honest and obedient.

Chapter. Killing chickens to scare monkeys

Li Wei sighed and said: This is really big news. Tomorrow, when the whole world knows what happened, Yu Guangren's power will rise to its peak.

Fear can also bring faith. If no one checks and balances the power that Yu Guangren currently controls, the emotion brought by fear alone can win over his followers. After all, the belief in the evil god is more stable than the good god, because if you don’t worship the good god, he will not harm you, but the evil god will be punished even if you offend him even slightly. Tier tends to believe in dark and negative gods, but it is easier to have a stable body of believers.

The uranium girl said: Didn't he claim to be a god? The people below who were affected by the disaster are also his potential believers. Isn't he afraid that his actions will be unpopular?

Levi said: Because he has settled the account, and from his standpoint, I can also calculate the account clearly. Although it is a bit inhumane to say this, but the renovation is beautiful, it can exchange for more believers. After all, Great Beauty only has a population of over 200 million, which is just a small number and a small area compared to the total population of the world. Even if they all die, it will not be a loss to him.

The girl said: It's a cruel account. That's more than 200 million living people.

Li Wei shrugged, spread his hands and said: After all, Da Meili has enmity with the Yuguang people. He will retaliate at the first opportunity. I can understand it. Moreover, although Da Meili is a religious country, most people are lawless. Thorny Head, even if it is really incorporated into the belief system, is very difficult to manage.”

Uranium Girl showed a solemn expression and said: It's crazy that so many people have to be dealt with for such reasons.

Levi said nothing because he knew very well that no snowflake was innocent during an avalanche. Beautiful citizens usually enjoy the benefits brought by a strong national power, and this so-called strong national power is often maintained through dishonorable means. Therefore, although they do not directly do evil, their daily lives are In providing fuel for this evil machine, even if they appear to be doing nothing on the surface, their existence is adding fuel to evil.

It is precisely because of this that Li Wei does not have the slightest sympathy in his heart for the suffering of the beautiful citizens. On the contrary, he is quite happy to watch the excitement. After all, such big fireworks cannot be seen at any time. owned.

Of course, it is impossible for Levi to reveal his gloating thoughts on the surface, which would damage his image.

As a villain and a conspirator, Li Wei naturally knows how to settle this score. Even if he were in Yu Guangren's current position, he would make the same choice as Yu Guangren and shoot out. The principle of the head bird is also suitable here.

After all, the United States is the most powerful country on the entire earth. Without it, it has always regarded itself as a beacon of human civilization. At the same time, its powerful weapons are proud of the entire human society. It can be said that the United States can control most of the world. Beating, it is precisely because he is the eldest brother that Yuguang people will attack him. After beating the one who can hit the most, the remaining people will have to weigh whether they can withstand the punch.

If you just operate on two soft persimmons, you won't be able to achieve this effect.

Just by wiping out more than 200 million people, you can gain the loyalty and belief of more than a billion people. This kind of business is really a bargain.

However, through in-depth research on faith, Levi has also come up with something new. The power of faith is, in the final analysis, the power of emotions. And he has developed a technology that can replace ordinary people, that is, highly intelligent AI. .

Levi tried to give a highly intelligent AI faith, and then let it pray 4 hours a day. Unexpectedly, this thing worked better than a true believer, and really produced a lot of faith energy. The most important thing is that , this thing is stable enough, and will not do anything else except pray all day long. He put hundreds of such AIs on the server, and produced a faith that requires thousands of fanatical believers to be born. energy. As long as the number of AIs is large enough, it can completely simulate the existence of a large number of believers, continuously provide stable faith energy, and will not ask for rewards or rest.

After discovering that there was such a shortcut, Levi developed a more stable technology on this basis, but from an AI perspective, it was quite inhumane. However, Levi is a human supremacist, and he will not risk his own life to give AI the ability to think emotionally, nor will he release these AIs that can only pray into closed servers, so there is no need to worry about AI losing control in movies like this. The plot occurs in half reality.

However, compared with the real mana, the power of faith is still too weak and has too many limitations. It can only be used as a low-level substitute for mana. Therefore, after Li Wei fully understood this power, he used it It is on the shelf and is not intended to be widely used.

Levi turned off the TV and said: '. Things have happened, and now it's too late to rescue. The only thing I can do is to stop him in advance before he kills the chicken to scare the monkey next time.

The uranium girl nodded. She had very mixed feelings about the beauty, but generally speaking, the most bad aspects were the most, whether it was the initial battle on Kamizo Island or the later dispatch of special forces to sneak into the island to kidnap Yui and Lu. Fire, for her, is a disgusting thing.

Therefore, she doesn't have much sympathy in her heart. From Wagtail's point of view, Da Meili really has Wagtail in her hands, and what she can do will definitely not be any better than the current MBI.

The beautiful girls have a bad record in biological research. If they fall into the hands of the beautiful girls, they may end up even more miserable. They will either be dragged to do virus experiments or various dissections. At least MBI allows them to live until adulthood. In the beautiful hands, whether it can survive three years is still a question.

Levi said: Let's go to bed early today. We originally planned to have a dinner party in the evening, but with the current situation, I don't know if everyone is still in that mood.

The uranium girl put her hands behind her head and said, I don't care. Anyway, the unlucky one is the beautiful person. She is so far away from me, so I won't be upset if I can't see her.

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