Probably because everyone in Neon likes to gamble on the fate of the country, people in Yuguang also have a strong sense of gambler temperament.

MBI headquarters building, in the commander-in-chief's private office.

Mihiroto locked himself in the office, and no one could see him except Sahashi Takami, who gave him three meals a day.

Hahahaha!!! Hahahaha!!! The progress is gratifying! I didn't expect that after encountering so many unexpected situations, I finally got the good news. The plan can be commissioned in advance. It should be said that human beings are so hopeless. Are they stupid people? But I should also thank these stupid people. It is because of their efforts that I was able to enter the final stage so quickly!

Yu Guangren's smile was ferocious, and his whole face was distorted like a wild beast. Now, he feels that his condition has never been better. After all, he is only one step away from success.

The huge emotional energy brought by the live broadcast was much more than he expected, and he completely overfulfilled the task. A large number of extreme emotions have put emotional energy collection devices around the world into overload.

It was originally planned that this stage would take at least a month to complete, but now the task has been completed in less than a week.

This shows how terrible the extreme emotions of modern people have accumulated. Most people's hearts are filled with extreme and negative thoughts, which can be said to be a collapse of etiquette and happiness.

Yuguang people are very grateful for the world today. If it were an environment like ancient times with relatively simple folk customs, it would not be easy to collect so many negative and extreme emotions.

Yu Guangren sat on his office chair, kicked up his feet, and the office chair began to spin quickly. He enjoyed this dizzy feeling. Now, he felt that he was not spinning, but the whole world was surrounding him. He spins.

In order to complete this plan, he persisted for so many years, just like a diligent old farmer, waiting for the harvest of the land's crops. Now it was finally time to reap the rewards, and he felt that all his efforts over the years were worthwhile.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

I've been waiting for ten years, ten years! For this thing, I can finally change this fucking world to my heart's content! I will become a god above everything and make this shitty world a better place. The beauty! But before that, those who have hindered my plan must pay the price!

Yu Guangren thought of all the things that Li Wei had caused trouble for him before, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. That mysterious snake organization, Crow Feather was running all over the world before, and it has been wiped out by seventy-seven, and the opposite side is no longer relevant. After he becomes a god, he can slowly take care of the opposite side. But for Li Wei, he couldn't wait to start his revenge immediately.

At this moment, the sound of the door opening was heard, and Sahashi Takami walked in with food.

Why are you crazy there? It's time to eat. You haven't eaten well these days. Do you want me to pour something into your stomach? It's like stuffing a duck. Sahashi Takami took a pick. Mei said unceremoniously.

Yu Guangren pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, showed a pleasant smile, and said: Gaomei, tell me, if I build a country, what should this country be called?

Takami Sahashi said: Your illness is getting worse and worse. The development of MBI to this level is already the limit allowed by several big countries. If we continue to develop, those big countries will suffer heavy losses. Even if they suffer losses, they will stop at nothing to destroy us.

Yu Guangren smiled confidently: Don't worry! Our era is coming soon. At that time, I will formally propose to you in front of everyone in the world.

Sahashi Takami sighed, she didn't know what Mikoto was thinking in his mind.

Takami Sahashi is the only soft spot in Mihiroto's heart, and is also his last anchor of humanity. It is precisely because of Takami Sahashi that Mihiroto will not suffer a mental breakdown after experiencing a series of setbacks. A completely uncontrollable madman.

Once a genius like Yuhiroto starts to go crazy out of control and wants to destroy the world, it is a very simple matter.

Chapter 4. Wait and see what happens

Takami Sahashi came to the desk and started to tidy up the desk, which seemed a bit messy. Ayuto hadn't left his office these days. He had food and accommodation here. Housework idiots like Ohiroto only knew how to do it. Make a mess in the whole office.

Takami Sahashi turned his back to Mihiroto, cleaned up his desk, and said: During this period, I can't understand more and more what you are doing, especially that game, which is simply taking human life lightly. You have already You don’t look like the old you anymore.”

At this moment, Sahashi Takami felt her neck was numb. Alert, she turned around and found that Mikoto's hand had a special-shaped firearm. She only felt that her eyelids were getting heavier. She knew, He should have been killed by the narcotic weapon.

Sahashi Takami said in a weak voice: What are you doing?!

With a playful smile on his face, Yu Guangren said: Gaomei, you will definitely stop me from what I am going to do next, so I can only let you sleep for a while. Don't worry, I will wait for you. When I wake up, I will apologize to you, and this time, you will definitely agree to my proposal.

Sahashi Takami's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

What on earth are you going to do... Sahashi Takami's eyelids slowly closed, and she fell to the ground, snoring slightly.

Mihiroto knelt down and hugged Sahashi Takami in a princess hug. Although he was a researcher, his physical fitness was far above that of ordinary people due to regular exercise.

Mikoto held his sweetheart in his arms and came to the wall. A hidden secret door opened. He held Sahashi Takami and entered the hidden laboratory.

MBI is a giant enterprise with a lot of secrets. As an absolute dictator, Mihiro naturally has many secrets that even his boss, Takami Sahashi, doesn't know about. This laboratory is one of them.

Mihiro put Sahashi Takami into a life-saving capsule, kissed her gently on the face, and said with a gentle smile: When you wake up, the whole world will send blessings to us, and I will Make you the happiest bride.”

Yu Guangren pressed the switch next to him, closed the hatch of the life-saving cabin, and began to infuse a special life-saving solution mixed with anesthetic drugs. Under the influence of this special solution, ordinary people can go without eating or drinking for half a year, and the body Nothing can go wrong.

If everything goes well, the ceremony will be completed within half a month. But now that we have reached this point, I have an unreal feeling. Yu Guangren whispered to himself.


On the competition field, Li Wei's team had been making soy sauce for several days. After using traps to send away several participating teams, he no longer took the initiative, but waited for Yu Guangren's actions.

The team channel was still as lively as usual. The girls used Hu Die's ability as a chat room. This convenient ability allowed them to contact Li Wei who was competing at any time.

Now that the competition has entered the final period, the MBI referee team has released information to the outside world. Next, the final reward artifact may be found at each coordinate point. The first team to find the artifact will be the first to find the artifact as long as it can guarantee the artifact. If you have more than ten minutes in your hand, you can win the final victory. At the same time, the final winning team will share the billion-dollar grand prize with the lucky viewers.

After the news was released, the conflicts between participating teams became more and more intense.

The referee's office staff made additional explanations. They will only remind each team that someone has obtained the artifact after the artifact falls into the hands of a participating team, but they will keep it confidential as to which team obtained the artifact.

In other words, if you are lucky, even if the overall strength of the team is very weak, as long as you are lucky enough to find the artifact and find a safe place to hide for more than ten minutes, you will be able to win the final victory. In such a situation, you can survive The participating teams have rekindled their hopes.

The participating teams were getting more and more frustrated as they played, and some teams were already starting to fail. However, after this news was announced, the intensity of the competition suddenly increased again, and there was no longer the garbage time that existed before.

So far, because each team still lacks the ability to counter-air, Levi's team still plays the role of the unwavering devil. No matter how chaotic the fight is, Levi's team can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

At this time, Li Wei was sitting on Mu Long's nose, watching from a high position as the unlucky ghosts below stepped on each other's traps. The end of this competition reminded him of the anime Blast Game that he once watched. The survival competition in that anime allowed contestants to use various bombs to kill their competitors. , in this competition, there are quite a lot of participating teams using explosive traps.

However, wagtails have various abilities, and so do the traps they make. After the explosion, they will produce acid and lightning, or special shock waves, or even viruses that can harm wagtails in a short period of time. Flower gates are everywhere. have.

There are all kinds of dangerous traps. If it weren't for the fact that Levi's team had absolute air supremacy and they were traveling on the ground like other teams, they would not be able to maintain this level of dignity.

Song: (Everyone, I have a big discovery here. MBI seems to be up to some conspiracy. I found that the underground power grid has been very unstable during this period. I investigated further and found that there are buildings on the lower level of the underground system. I used wireless The man-machine went for reconnaissance. Below is a special energy storage system. I don’t understand the specifics, but I have a bad feeling.)

Mei Zai: (Don’t worry, I will go down and take a look. If there is any problem, I will destroy those messy facilities.)

Levi: (Beautiful, don’t act rashly. I have a hunch that something big will happen next. You have to protect your sisters at home, and we’ll wait and see what happens.)

Li Wei did not expect that Song would actually discover the underground facilities of the Eastern Imperial Capital. It was not the time to close the net now, and it was not in his personal interest to destroy Yu Guangren's plan at this time. To completely defeat a person's psychological defense, it is not advisable to hit him hard. If you want to hit him hard, you must first give the other party hope, and then when the other party feels that he has grasped the hope, give him a harsh blow. Only in this way can we destroy the opponent's mind to the greatest extent.

Li Wei found that it was getting harder and harder to gain points from Yu Guangren. The opponent's psychological endurance had been trained by him. It was difficult for ordinary blows to cause waves in the opponent's heart. In this case, then Earn the last big sum and mark the end of this score increase.

Chapter 44. Declaration to face the whole world

Li Wei knew that Yu Guangren had completed all preparations. The other party had been waiting for so many years and was already impatient. If anyone dared to disturb his plan at this time, he would fight to the death with him.

Yu Guangren's mental endurance has been trained. Simply interrupting his plan has made him numb and unable to achieve the best results.

Only by completely making him despair from the beginning, let him know that even if he becomes a so-called god, in Li Wei's eyes, he is still an ant-like existence that can be manipulated at will.

Simply destroying his plan would only make him feel unwilling, but it would still be a long way from making him completely despair. What Levi did was to really pull the trigger and tell him the cruel fact that you are just an ant. No matter how hard you struggle, you are still an ant.

The game is still going on,:;;.,.,.??:,,备:'USE.',!:;::!;, and at this moment, 『.;;,,: 』?!;!.?『.』,?''The live broadcast was interrupted.

The sudden black screen caused the viewers watching the live broadcast to curse. The viewers, who had already been aroused by various bloody contents, now habitually lashed out when faced with things that made them unhappy.

Yuguang people are collecting the extreme emotions of human beings all over the world. These extreme emotions are everywhere, and they will in turn affect ordinary people who were originally born, making ordinary people become more and more extreme.

Since the live broadcast of the game, the viewers watching the live broadcast have become easily excited, and the slightest thing can make them furious. This is the impact of extreme emotions on ordinary people around the world, even those who do not watch the live broadcast. There is no way to escape such an influence. How can the eggs be completed under the whole family? This is the current situation.

It was also from that time that the security of countries around the world began to plummet. Ordinary people often fought over minor disputes. Even the law enforcers were unable to stay calm and were themselves involved in the chaos.

The whole world is in a state of collapse of sub-order. Many people are not aware of this subtle change. They just feel that the world is declining and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be. They do not realize that ordinary people do not become like this voluntarily.

Fuck! Why cut off the live broadcast?! We want to watch the live broadcast, we want to see the explosion, we want to see the river of blood!!!

Why is the live broadcast interrupted? Are the officials making a fool of themselves?!

In the MBI official live broadcast room, which had already gone black, dissatisfied viewers flooded the screen with various dirty words and curses. Everyone was cursing, but no one realized that they didn’t know when their emotions started to change. Becoming so easily provoked.

The originally blacked-out picture appeared again, but this time, it was not a live game picture, but Yu Guangren's big face appeared in it.

Hey, everyone, long time no see. I wonder if you like the wonderful program we have prepared for you during this period? I think you should like it. After all, the ratings of the live broadcast have surpassed the ratings of most TV programs. I am very happy that everyone is so supportive of me.

Seeing that the face of MBI's commander-in-chief Yu Guangren appeared on the screen, the audience stopped the barrage of abuse and began to post all kinds of messy content.

Here, I want to announce something important to everyone. This matter is closely related to everyone. I hope everyone can calm down and listen to my speech.

A giant enterprise like MBI can, to a certain extent, rival the country. Yu Guangren is also a ruthless person who can make the earth tremble when he sneezes. He is a big shot on the same level as the commander-in-chief of a big country. He is both Having said this, the ordinary people watching the live broadcast also calmed down and wanted to hear what this big man would say.

Not only ordinary people are concerned about the situation at this time, but the intelligence departments of various major countries are also nervous, because every speech made by Yu Guangren will have a profound impact on the entire world, whether it is the release of new technology or the announcement of acquisitions He has joined a large company, and every time he speaks in person, instead of using a spokesperson, it will be explosive news.

Everyone, I told you before that the age of mythology is about to return. Now I want to announce the good news to you. The age of mythology has returned! I am your supreme Lord, your God! Now, kneel down and worship me! I will lead you to the stars, instead of curling up on the small earth in embarrassment like now, fighting for petty profits, which is neither decent nor worry-free.

I will lead you to the stars. The future of mankind should be the sea of ​​stars. All mankind will be united under my wings. Under my leadership, all people can eliminate disputes and all people can achieve common health and prosperity. , and all you have to do is offer your loyalty to me.

When Yu Guangren talked about something exciting, he danced with joy, like a failed art student during the war. Although his speech was very simple and crude, it was full of magic and made people feel dizzy. As if what he said was the truth.

Yu Guangren's words made everyone who was listening to him fall into a state of shock, because no one has ever dared to say such outrageous words. After all, a big country sitting there can't get a chance to turn around. People of human origin come to dictate the whole world.

Although Li Wei was still at the game, his puppet clones and other surveillance methods were always staring at Yu Guangren, so when Yu Guangren delivered this speech, he remained extremely calm.

I know that many people will not believe what I say, and may even think that I am a lunatic. However, please stay tuned to see what will happen next.

The smile on Yu Guangren's face was twisted, especially the deep pupils, which were like two whirlpools, seeming to suck people in.

Li Wei knew that Yu Guangren's ritual had been completed, and he had gained huge power. This power was beyond the existing technology of mankind, and coupled with a large number of emotion collectors, he had constant power to use. As long as human beings still have various extreme emotions, they can survive. Of course, if you want to become stronger and achieve true immortality, you must let the providers of these emotional energy devote their loyal faith to him.

The team channel immediately exploded. Li Wei and others were at the competition. Except for Li Wei, the other three girls did not know what was happening now.

The other girls who stayed behind at Izumo Village have already posted relevant things in the chat channel.

Song: (Look at this, Li Weijun, something big has happened!)

Uranium Girl: (How dare he? Does he want to be the enemy of the whole world?)

Levi: (Don’t worry, I will take action. Now he is indeed above human beings, but he has forgotten one thing. There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. On the road of exploring extraordinary power, there is also my experience. The person whose strength completely crushed him is still here.).

Chapter 4. Letter to Wei Ya

Yu Guangren's speech not only caused ordinary people to explode, but also the top leaders of various countries have been mobilized urgently. Various meetings have started urgently, even if it is still late at night in some places, the top leaders People had to get up and discuss how to deal with Yu Guangren's declaration.

In this case, if it were just ordinary people, it would only be regarded as the ravings of a madman. However, if it were Yu Guangren, the nature would be different, because he has really done such a thing. Ability.

Just like the joke, when the big beauty says you have weapons of mass destruction, you'd better really have them. MBI is such a special case.

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