Yui and Akitsu took off their pajamas, showed their beautiful figures in front of Levi, and quickly put on the combat uniforms they usually wore. Akitsu lowered his head and checked that he had not forgotten to wear underwear. , she nodded with satisfaction.

Qiujin often forgot to wear underwear before. After Levi reminded her once, she firmly remembered this matter. Every time she put on clothes, she would check them to make sure that she was not going into battle in a vacuum.

Ten minutes later, when I turned over, my face hit the grass on the wall, and I woke up from the pain.

While eating breakfast, Xiaocao was still rubbing her nose. Although Levi had treated her with magic, the residual phantom pain after the severe pain still made her feel as if she had just hit her nose.

After the pedestrians were well prepared, they set off decisively and arrived outside the hut. Looking down from a high altitude, the appearance of the entire competition venue has been greatly changed. Due to various trap effects at night, the competition venue has been greatly damaged. Building debris is everywhere, making it look like the Eastern District that has just fought a war.

Yue said in a low voice: It's such a miserable scene. In just one night, it turned into this.

Levi said: There were a lot of restricted scenes last night. MBI officials must have received a lot of complaints now. Adults may not be able to bear those scenes.

Mulong lowered his height, and Akitsu began to use his own abilities to cool the ground. Most of the traps were touch-type. Akitsu created a large number of ice cubes and threw them downwards. The ice cubes were only the size of a fist, plus the height. It's not too high, and the falling power is not as powerful as ordinary hail, but this level of impact can already trigger most traps.

There were bursts of explosions below, and poisonous clouds of color filled the air. In an instant, the ground became as lively as the Chinese New Year.

Levi also wanted to complain in his heart. The density of traps down here was comparable to that of the Vietnam War forest, and the power of these traps was far beyond that of ordinary landmines. Now the other participating teams are setting traps to kill each other. The big melee last night has already made many people really angry.

In the MBI official live broadcast room, the two commentators responsible for the daytime commentary were online again. Not long after the two had just handed over their shifts, they cut the camera to Levi's side and saw Levi frantically clearing mines. Such a scene was not only The commentators were confused, and the viewers watching the live broadcast were also confused.

The commentator said excitedly: Good guys, I have just started working here, and I can encounter such a wonderful scene. I also learned about the situation last night carefully. Each participating team took advantage of the night to complete the entire competition. The area has become a dangerous minefield, with various deadly traps hiding it. If someone accidentally breaks into such a dangerous area, they will probably be blown to ashes before they can go far. However, this situation does not To stump the big devil, he directly uses the power of nature to clear mines!

Another commentator laughed: Using hailstones to clear mines is indeed an efficient method. However, this method can only clear various outdoor traps, but it cannot do anything about indoor traps. Let's see what the big devil will do next. How to deal with indoor traps!.

Chapter 4. Schemes against smart people

The sound of hail falling to the ground was very loud. Naturally, the movement here could not be hidden from other participating teams. Wagtail, who had the ability to travel, came to the sky and saw Team Levi who was pouring firepower on the ground.

But at this time, no one dared to touch the porcelain. After learning about the existence of special props, other participating teams determined that Li Wei's hand must also have special props. They were all prepared for the worst, and naturally they didn't want to Go be the one who stands out.

Team Levi doesn't care what others think of him. For him, all he needs to do is clear the obstacles on the road.

Wei Ya from other participating teams are not fools. After experiencing the bloody battle overnight, they also summed up various experiences. At the same time, they were just ordinary people at first. After experiencing the training of blood and fire, they all quickly matured, acted boldly and quickly, and became as resolute as soldiers.

At this time, Sanada Nishi was not far away from Levi. He was hiding on the top floor of a building, occupying a high place to observe the surrounding environment. Then, he saw the scene that raised his blood pressure. The various traps he had worked so hard to set were cracked by Levi using this cheating method.

Now, each participating team has learned to use traps for fishing. The rules of this game are to find objects. The participating teams need to constantly activate new coordinates and be guided to the next coordinate until the final stage begins.

No one knows the next coordinates, what they can find there, maybe supplies, maybe special props, maybe the final reward.

Precisely because they don’t know where the next coordinates will be, each participating team will use the power of the wagtail to create various insidious traps wherever they pass, waiting for unlucky people who don’t know to step in. .

If you are lucky enough to place the trap near the next coordinate point, then other participating teams looking for objects and props will most likely be tricked by these traps.

Now, each participating team was forced to maximize their trap making skills, and a hidden object competition was turned into a horror game.

Sanada Nishi wore a gray city camouflage cloth on his head. His wagtail quietly touched it and whispered: Nishi, what should we do next? That guy dismantled all the traps we set.

Sanada Nishi put down the telescope and whispered: Don't worry, we will wait for them to leave and rearrange the traps.

Sanada Nishi's wagtail showed a confused expression and said, Aren't you going to move your position?

Sanada Nishi said: After all the traps here are cleared, it will give people the illusion that this place is safe. We can use this to eliminate other participating teams. We can't defeat the big devil for the time being, but we can bring some trash fish It’s okay to be eliminated.”

Sanada Nishi wanted to take advantage of Levi passing by and make a fuss about such things.

Levi, who was staying on top of Mu Long, looked in the direction of Sanada Nishi with the corner of his eyes. Under his spiritual perception, Sanada Nishi and his wagtail exposed their existence in front of his eyes. But now, he does not intend to defeat Sanada Nishi head-on. After all, the special props in his hand are limited. If Sanada Nishi is forcibly eliminated here, he who is targeted may not be able to collect the special props he needs in the future, so there is no need to Important special props are wasted here, just catch a fish.

The keen knot watched Li Wei staring in a certain direction and said doubtfully: Li Weijun, is there something over there?

Levi turned back and said with a smile: It's nothing, I just feel that there should be more people in that direction. End, the next special trap will depend on you. Lay out all the areas where the explosion was just made.

Yue nodded, patted his astonishingly large headlights and smiled: No problem, I have done special training for times like this.

Knot himself could not make traps, but after Levi got the information in advance, Knot began to follow others around him to learn how to make traps, and how to use his special abilities to maximize the effect of traps.

Yue pretended to enter the wooden house, but actually quickly came to the edge of the wooden dragon's head. He kicked his feet on the wooden dragon's chin, and with the help of the reaction force, he fell to the ground in an instant.

After landing, Yu quickly looked for cover to hide her figure. She pressed her hand on the ground, and only a palm-sized seal appeared on the ground. This was the trap she learned from Mei Zai, using her own wagtail pattern. , compile a spell-like ability in advance, and when needed, inject energy on site and imprint it somewhere.

The control of energy in Tie Ping's body is relatively rough. She is the kind of person who takes the path of breaking through all methods and plays with extreme output. She is not good at such delicate tasks, so she only learned one kind of trap, which is blasting. Stone trap.

This kind of trap is an advanced version of the explosion trap. It can cause an explosion and at the same time solidify the earth and rocks in the surrounding environment and shoot them out as fragments. It is a very deadly trap.

The knotting speed was very fast, and she followed the footsteps of the wooden dragon in the sky and used the hail as a cover to quickly complete the knotting. After the wooden dragon advanced a certain distance in the sky, it swung its tail toward the ground. Yue took advantage of this opportunity to grab the wooden dragon's tail and returned to the wooden dragon's back.

Sanada Nishi in the distance did not notice such a thing. Only the drone located above Mu Long recorded what happened.

Levi looked at Knot who had returned to him, patted the girl on the shoulder, and said with a smile: `. It's been a hard trip. Let's see if any fish will take the bait.

Jie said: Although the trap I just set is relatively hidden, no one will come to this kind of place again, right?

Levi smiled and said: Some smart people will think that the most dangerous place is the safest place, such as this place where mine clearance has been completed, and some participating teams will re-mine mines in such places. We calculated , those smart people.”

Yu scratched his head, with a puzzled expression on his face, and said: I always feel that your brains are really good, so I won't be able to calculate these complicated things.

Li Wei smiled and said: Everyone has their own things they are good at and things they are not good at. You are not good at this, but in what you are good at, others cannot compare with you.

Levi noticed the girl's subtle emotional changes and used words to comfort her. Girls are all sensitive. Sometimes, even small things can put a girl into a depressed state. Levi cares about the girls around him, so naturally he will not allow such a thing to happen.

Chapter 4. Loss of fighting spirit

When Levi left, Sanada Nishi immediately sent his wagtails back to the previous minefield, and then his wagtails were blown to pieces.

When all the wagtails returned to their hiding place with injuries, Sanada Nishi's eyes were all red. He almost lost the important wagtail, and he became afraid of Levi in ​​his heart.

I'm so unlucky. I almost couldn't come back. The wagtail in cool clothes said with a bitter smile as his forehead turned red and he covered his forehead.

Sanada Nishi was silent for a while, showed a bitter expression, and said: Juju, our game is over. Next, I don't plan to continue looking for the artifact.

The three wagtails all showed shocked expressions.

Juju hurriedly said: If we give up here, won't all our previous efforts be in vain?! Moreover, the artifact can enhance our combat power. We are not the opponents of the Great Demon King in the first place. If we give up such an opportunity, we will not be able to do anything in the future. There’s no way to fight them!”

The other two wagtails nodded. Peace has always been fought for by oneself. Fight with punches to avoid hundreds of punches. Once the strength cannot keep up with the large army, you will be very passive when encountering problems in the future.

Sanada Nishi said: You are able to come back because the opponent showed mercy. With the strength of the opponent, they really wanted to play a big game. They could have destroyed us just now. However, the opponent let our horse go. I saw that I and I The difference in strength between the opponents.”

Sanada Nishi's words silenced the three wagtails.

Sanada Nishi said: I don't want to see anything happen to you. Your safety is more important than the outcome of the game. The big devil is probably going to start kicking people out. What happened last night will probably be seen during the day. Next, the most important thing for us is to ensure our own safety. At least we can leave the game safely.

Wagtail Owl, who was wearing the same cool clothes as Shizhong, said: Then why don't we just withdraw from the competition?

Sanada Nishi said: MBI will not allow us to leave easily. We are now beasts trapped in a cage. Outside is the Colosseum. As the administrator of the Colosseum, MBI will care about our life and death? Want to live? If we go down, we can’t rely on MBI’s charity. Next, we’ll just hang out and make soy sauce.”

Sanada Nishi is really scared. He is not the kind of person who uses wagtails as tools, so it is normal to be scared.

At this time, Levi felt that Sanada Nishi chose to give up the next game, the opponent had lost their fighting spirit, and he could no longer be interested. If Sanada Nishi was like he was at the beginning of the game, and still wanted to restrict him by combining vertical and horizontal lines, Sanada Nishi would be an interesting opponent. But now, Sanada Nishi is only thinking about self-preservation, which is boring. .

But Nishi Sanada guessed it right. In this game, even the dead will not be suspended. There is no way to abstain.

Li Wei knew Yu Guangren quite well. He saw something similar to him in Yu Guangren. Both parties were conspirators, and the elder brother did not laugh at the elder brother. If he were to sit in Yu Guangren's position, he would be even more ruthless than Yu Guangren. Yu Guangren couldn't afford to wait now. Not to mention that it was only this chance in his life, but the opportunity of trial and error was used less and less, and he could get it right. Nature is the best.

For the conspirators who have no way out, the bicycle becomes a motorcycle, and the sacrifice is other people's lives, not the conspirator's own, so why not do it.

The current competition venue is a large Colosseum. This hidden object competition has been a battle royale from the beginning. However, MBI maintains the most basic rules on the surface and does not let the participants and the audience notice the competition from the beginning. abnormal.

But after the bloody battle that night, not only the participants noticed something unusual, but even the spectators outside the venue felt that something was wrong. But it's too late now, the seeds of hatred have been sown. The participating teams can still do things such as getting along well with each other and not making mistakes when they are in the outside world. But now, even if these participating teams are released, they can fight to the death outside.

Knot, who was staying next to Li Wei, suddenly showed a surprised expression, and looked at Li Wei with admiration in his eyes.

Qiu Jin noticed something was wrong, turned around and said, What's wrong?

Jie said: The traps I just left were touched by others. The number of touches reached half. How did they touch those mines? I feel that I have buried them concealed enough. It is really unusual. Road guys.”

The traps that Yue put down were not placed on the road, but in various relatively tricky places. Generally speaking, as long as the other party did not deliberately sneak into those places, they would not hit the traps. This was the reason why she was surprised.

Yue remembered what Li Wei had said before and said in surprise: Li Weijun really predicted that someone should have returned to the previous minefield after we left and wanted to rearrange the trap. Those people should be the ones who laid the trap before. People!

Although Yue gave people the impression of being unreasonable and unsophisticated, she was not stupid. After thinking about it, she figured out its joints.

Li Wei looked like he was possessed by the deputy prime minister, all he had to do was hold a feather fan in his hand, and said with a smile: This trick can only be used against smart people. If the other side doesn't think so much, the trap created by you will not be triggered so quickly. . Your trap has been put to great use.

Levi touched Knot's head. This behavior made Knot feel happy inside. To her, Levi was the mature and stable eldest brother in the family. She had always longed for Levi's approval, so she had such a big reaction when faced with Levi's praise.

Levi, who can see through people's hearts, has different ways of dealing with different girls around him. Yui looks like an adult and has a great figure, but on the inside, she is still a child.

What Levi wants to complain about is that MBI's research institutes only care about the wagtails' abilities and never care about the wagtails' mental health, so that most wagtails, even relatively normal individuals, There are also various psychological problems.

Yue is the kind of person who looks normal but actually has some problems. Compared with the normal human character, she is more stubborn and stubborn. If you don't know what she is thinking, with such an unreasonable character, you will be confused with her. It will be tiring to get along with them.

Akijin looked at Levi expressionlessly, and his micro-expression became serious, although for people who were not familiar with her, she had the same expression in any situation.

Levi could already smell the vinegar smell on the other party. He put his hand on Qiu Jin's head, gently rubbed the other party's silver-white hair, and said with a smile: Qiu Jin is also very capable. He destroyed the other party's thunder easily. field, I can already imagine how the people who arranged the minefield were in a furious meeting.

The corners of Akijin's mouth raised slightly. Although the amplitude was so small that it was difficult to detect, Levi knew that she was very happy after being praised.

Chapter 4. One step away

In the next few days, as the nature of the competition changed, the confrontation became more intense, and there were several incidents of Wei Ya's death.

These incidents also stimulated the viewers who watched the live broadcast. Now, the voices of protest are getting smaller and smaller. People who did not pay attention to this content originally were also attracted by these bloody pictures.

Yu Guangren's goal has been achieved. Now, because of the continuation of the live broadcast of the game, ordinary people have temporarily put down their hands on all kinds of entertainment and watched the live broadcast of the game with pornographic content. A lot of intense emotional power is constantly generated from this. , receivers located around the world transmitted this huge power to the Eastern Imperial Capital.

Li Wei could feel that malicious power was filling the ground of the Eastern Imperial Capital. This kind of behavior reminded Levi of the anime he once watched, Puella Magi Madoka Magica. The QB family in it used emotional power as energy, and their technology reached incredible levels.

To a certain extent, Yu Guangren has mastered the universe principle. Emotional power is an inanimate existence, which is somewhat similar to the magic power used by Li Wei. From the perspective of a bystander, Generally speaking, whether it is magic power or emotional power, they are all energies born out of thin air. Science and technology cannot find these energies at all. This is very different from the materialistic system - the power of idealism.

Just like the spiral power in Tian Yuan Breakthrough, in Levi's view, it is the ceiling of spiritual power. It is even more unreasonable than the magic power of a Qi Refiner. When it reaches a high level, star clusters the size of the Milky Way can directly become Throwing marbles and fighting can easily destroy the detectable universe.

Of course, the emotional power technology that the Yuguang people reversely cracked through the Wagtail technology was rough and unstable in Li Wei's view. The Wagtails chose to use the love of positive emotions as their energy. Why did the Wagtails need Wei Ya? It is because of the demand for energy. This is a win-win situation for Wagtail and Wei Ya.

Moreover, the energy brought by positive emotions is stable and clean, and at the same time has a powerful output that simple intense emotions do not have.

Yu Guangren himself is not Wei Ya, so he has to use this dangerous method to achieve his goal. As a bystander, Li Wei just wants to say that when he chooses to take a shortcut, he is actually starting to take a long way around. On the way.

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