Levi smiled: This is the flavor that a good friend of mine likes. When I eat miso ramen, I feel like she is by my side.

Kinjosai Senya's hometown is Hokkaido, and Miso Ramen, a type of ramen that originated in Sapporo, Hokkaido, was originally not a favorite of Levi. He was mainly not used to the taste of miso. Under Ye's strong recommendation, he tried miso ramen and found out that it was just like snail noodles. It smelled weird and tasted delicious. It was similar to stinky tofu. In the past, he was put off by the smell. It's like missing out on something good.

Yue Hai said with some amazement: She is very special, she can make you think of her like this, Li Weijun.

Levi smiled and said: Well, she is indeed special. She is completely different from the people around her. She and I are like two monsters hugging each other for warmth. But now, we are no longer monsters.

Yue Hai said: I suddenly felt a little envious of her.

Li Wei smiled and said: Everyone has his own life. Instead of envying others, it is better to seize the present and seize your own happiness.

The boss pushed two extra-large bowls of ramen in front of the two of them and said with a smile: Guests, your ramen is ready.

Chapter 4. Confession

Both of them had ramen placed in front of them. The tonkotsu ramen was very fragrant, and the hot ramen was filled with white mist. If it was winter, it would be troublesome for people wearing glasses to eat ramen.

Levi looked at the miso ramen in front of him. There was nothing to say about the presentation. Ramen stalls that could operate for a long time all had their own skills.

In the real world of Tokyo, there are more than 30,000 registered ramen shops alone. This does not include those mobile ramen stalls. Just for fixed stores, there are such terrifying numbers.

Moreover, most of Neon's ramen shops are individually operated, and there are very few chain stores, so each ramen shop has its own characteristics, each ramen has a different taste, and has its own unique secret.

In the past two years of studying abroad in Neon, Levi has eaten at hundreds of ramen shops. Except for a few ramen shops that are very bad, other ramen shops have their own characteristics, making it difficult for Levi to comment on them. .

The reason why he eats a lot of ramen is because ramen is very cheap, affordable, and tastes good, so Levi often eats ramen. Now, although he is no longer short of money, he still likes to eat ramen very much.

This smell like stinky tofu is just a disguise, just like a soldier pretending to be dead on an ancient battlefield. If you are careless, it will be easy for him to suddenly get up and chop you with a knife. A sneak attack from delicious food is terrible. Here. Levi whispered to himself.

In addition to chopsticks, the store will also provide neon ramen with a spoon to facilitate customers to drink the soup. No matter which country's ramen you come from, eating only noodles without soup is a waste of resources.

Levi took the spoon and pressed it down gently. The soy sauce-colored soup quickly flowed into the spoon. Levi could clearly see the oil on the soup surface flickering, but the smell was really indescribable. The smell is just like the chive buns on the light rail, it can be called a biochemical weapon.

The hot soup enters the throat, and the weird smell is as delicious as an explosion on the taste buds. The hot soup is extremely smooth, and the hot soup makes Levi feel like his whole body has warmed up.

Levi picked up the ramen with chopsticks. The miso ramen uses thick noodles. When the boss ramens the noodles, he deliberately makes the noodles thicker, which can make the noodles more chewy and chewy. The tonkotsu ramen is in order to match the sweetness of the soup stock. , the ramen will be slightly thinner, and both have their own characteristics.

Levi looked at Yue Hai from the corner of his eyes. Yue Hai's face was bulging like a hamster. She was chewing noodles. Just watching her eating noodles made people feel like she was eating. It has to be said that as long as beautiful girls are not picking their noses, most things they do are pleasing to the eye. Even if they slur their noodles, they are still cute.

Yuehai's personality is a bit naive, a bit arrogant, and a bit strong. Although he always has a serious face, he pretends to be stubborn. This strong girl is still a little girl at heart, longing for someone to care about her and accompany her.

Yuehai noticed Levi's gaze and quickly swallowed the noodles in her mouth. She almost choked because she ate too fast. She quickly drank a big mouthful of soup to wash down the noodles stuck in her esophagus.

Yuehai gently wiped the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, and whispered with a red face: Li Weijun, why are you looking at me? I know my appearance is not very elegant, but I still won't get used to it when you look at me like this.

Levi smiled and said: I just think you are cute. After all, most girls are very concerned about their image when eating, but you are different. You are not pretending to be yourself. This kind of authenticity is very rare. .”

Yuehai was a little embarrassed by Li Wei's praise and said: Li Weijun, you are making me don't know how to eat.

Li Wei said: Yuehai, become my wagtail.

Eh?! Yue Hai's face turned red all of a sudden, and even the base of her ears began to feel hot.

Levi said: I am really saying this, and I am not joking. Yuehai, become my Wagtail.

Yuehai's whole body was about to turn into mosquito-repellent incense eyes, and he stammered: But...but...if you want to become feathered, you need...the mucous membranes are in contact...

Levi said: I know this kind of thing will make you find it difficult to accept, but I don't want to be rejected by you.

Yuehai quickly shut her mouth. She didn't know how to deal with the current situation. Her heart had already been shaken by Li Wei. Originally, she had no intention of looking for Wei Ya. After all, she didn't want to become a slave, but Now, her heart has fallen.

Looking at Li Wei's sincere eyes, Yue Hai was afraid that she had rejected Li Wei here, and the two of them would completely miss it. The more she thought about the consequences of this, the more she became afraid of it.

Yue Hai whispered: Eclosion means getting married...

Levi stretched out his hand and said with a smile: So, are you willing to be my bride? By the way, weddings, wedding dresses, and rings are all fine.

Eh?! Yue Hai's eyes completely turned into mosquito-repellent incense, and his whole person fell into a state of confusion.

I...I do! Yuehai spoke out his true inner thoughts amid the chaos.

With a victorious smile on Levi's face, the strategy was successful. His own high charisma, coupled with a series of small tricks, successfully completed the strategy. It was not like the original protagonist Minato Sahashi who completed the strategy in a miserable way, but he completed it smoothly and in a conventional way. Strategy, there is not so much trouble, and there are many less unstable factors.

When Yue Hai broke away from the chaos, her whole body began to turn red, and even her palms turned light pink. She whispered: Did I say something outrageous just now...

Levi said: Yuehai, you agreed to my proposal just now. Well, I have even thought about the style of your wedding dress.

Yue Hai has a high attack and low defense character. Faced with the current situation, she feels panicked and at the same time extremely sweet. She feels like she has fallen into a jar of honey, so sweet that she can hardly find it. North.

Levi said: After the wagtail game is over, how about we go to Hawaii for our honeymoon? You can also go to the hot spring resort, or go to Europe and go to Hetalia to see the Colosseum.

Yuehai's mind was filled with all kinds of chaotic scenes. She was already imagining her life after marriage, but she came back to her senses, pinched the soft flesh of Li Wei's waist with a fierce look on her face, and gritted her teeth and said: Almost You forgot that you have several girls with you!

Li Wei pretended to be in pain and said: Let go, let go, you have something to say.

Yuehai's voice became louder unconsciously, and she said: If we go on our honeymoon, it won't be with me alone, but with other people too! You even want to marry all of us at once!

Yuehai has already imagined the scene in her mind. In front of the church, Levi in ​​a black suit stands in the middle. On both sides are various girls wearing white wedding dresses, and she is just one of the girls.

Levi gave a thumbs up and said with a serious expression: This is a good idea.

Yue Hai was furious and said: You guy! How dare you!?

Let go, let go, the meat is going to fall off! Li Wei pretended to be in pain and cooperated with Yue Hai so as not to make her even more angry.

The elderly boss looked at Li Wei and Yue Hai who were setting the alarm clock, with an aunty smile on his face, and the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes were full of stories from people who had come before.

It's great to be young... the boss whispered to himself.


The noodles are getting cold, eat the noodles, eat the noodles. It's not a good thing to waste food. Although Li Wei is not afraid of Yue Hai's cat punch at all, there is a boss watching next to him. Spreading dog food in public is still a problem. Something inappropriate.

Hearing Li Wei's words and seeing the gesture in Li Wei's eyes, Yue Hai realized that there were others next to them. Yue Hai saw the smile on the boss's face, blushed and lowered his head, honestly Actually eating his own ramen.

Levi looked at the golden girl sitting next to him from the corner of his eyes. She had the luxury of an adult woman and the romance of an innocent girl. Beautiful, yet contradictory, it is a charm that is intertwined with maturity and immaturity. This is probably the environment in which the wagtails grew up, giving these individuals a unique temperament.

Yue Hai's side face is fair with a bit of healthy blush. Different from the relatively flat facial features of Asians, Yue Hai's side face gives people a slightly three-dimensional feeling, but it is not overly stiff like Europeans and Americans. Her profile is like a round figure in a portrait oil painting, with a natural maternal look.

Li Wei couldn't help but move her eyes downwards, and she saw Yue Hai's exquisite and white fingers, her healthy fair complexion, and she could vaguely see the cyan meridians under the skin, and her thin jade-like fingers. Like a pianist's hands. Li Weicheng himself was not a hand control person, but when he saw these hands, he somewhat understood Kira Yoshikage's thoughts. Some hands are really so beautiful that they cannot be described in words.

Li Wei sighed inwardly that his fate was so wonderful. If he hadn't had the adventure he had, would he have been able to meet these perfect girls? Maybe his fate will be very different. He just lives an ordinary life as a talented ordinary person. Levi sighed in his heart that the basis of all this is power. Only with strong power can he have what he wants. Everything you want. Ordinary people are simply too fragile to protect everything around them. It can even be said that a clay Buddha crossing a river cannot protect himself.

Li Wei didn't have too many emotions. He was a person who was accustomed to looking forward while nostalgic for the past. Only by looking forward could he go further, and his journey was still very long. He had a lot of money. Time to enjoy the scenery on the road.

There are all kinds of beauties waiting for him on this road. Now is not the time to feel sad about spring and autumn.

The two of them finished their ramen, not even leaving the broth in the bowl. The boss looked at the empty noodle bowls in front of them with a surprised expression. Levi is a strong man who is several meters tall, and his appetite is understandable. However, although Yuehai is close to three meters tall and has a tall and plump figure, girls always have smaller appetites. However, Yuehai actually eats the extra-large ramen noodles. After all the soup and noodles were settled, he had run a ramen stall for decades, and this was the first time he saw a strange girl with a big appetite like Tsukiumi.

Yue Hai took out the money from his wallet, put it on the counter, then took Levi's hand and left the ramen stall.

The two of them were just like a couple, wandering aimlessly on the street. However, before the two of them had gone very far, they noticed something unusual.

Yuehai said in a low voice: I feel like someone is watching us secretly, and with malice. It's a malice that wants to kill the other person, but I don't know which one of us is coming. .”

Levi said: No need to guess, the other side is coming for me. It is estimated that the scope of the other side's gun has already been set on my chest. It seems that the other side's intelligence is quite lagging behind, and it is not enough for my strength. I understand, and the killer we are looking for is also good, a truly elite killer, even at the moment of taking action, there will be no trace of murderous intent.

At the top of the building, a young killer with a resolute face held his breath and tried his best to keep his hands from shaking. He received an assassination order through an intermediary to kill an ordinary person named Levi. Even after the intermediary charged a handling fee, he could still get $100,000.

In the past, he has carried out various assassination missions. He has even killed dignitaries from certain small countries, as well as famous figures from European and American wealthy people. It can be said that he is a living legend in the world of killers, an unprecedented figure. The legendary killer who failed.

(Southeast Wind Level 3, size adjustment is correct, very good. The opponent's traveling speed is constant, the hit rate can reach above %, and there is enough time. Even if the first shot fails to hit the vital point, the second shot can still finish the opponent. It's just that Kill:!'.???:.?!?!;!Alternate:?;!,..?,!. An ordinary person has one hundred thousand dollars, which is simply 『:::』,;.:' :,;:,';,『!!,!,』.!'::' is too easy.)

Killer Nian thought to himself that after completing this order, he would go to Custom Street to have a good orgasm.

(Tsk tsk, the woman next to the target is also the best. Seeing her male partner die in front of me may leave a lifelong psychological shadow. I am really a wicked person, hahaha.)

The young killer had a wicked smile on his face, and his finger pulled the trigger. With a slight roar, the bullet spun out of the chamber and struck Levi on the street.

Levi, who was chatting with Yue Hai at this time, raised his hand, holding a slender warhead between his two fingers.

Yuehai looked in the direction where the bullet came from. Although her eyesight was very good, the distance between the two sides was too far. Coupled with the interference of the sun, she was unable to see the other side clearly.

. Damn it! I can't see where the other side is. Yue Hai gritted his teeth and said.

Levi held the warhead in his hand without hesitation and said: I have locked the opposite position through ballistics. What happens next may surprise you, so hold on to my hand first.

Yuehai didn't know what Levi was going to do, but she nodded anyway.

Levi took Yuehai's hand and bumped forward, as if he had crashed into the curtain. The two people's figures disappeared above the street in an instant.

On the roof of the building, two figures suddenly appeared. Just in front of them, a young man was lying on the roof, holding a sniper rifle in his hand, sticking his head out to look down, while cursing in English. What are you talking about.

Yuehai said: This is space movement?!

Levi said: Well, as a traveler who loves traveling, it is normal for me to learn some special mountaineering skills in order to climb those dangerous mountains.

Yue Hai said: This kind of thing is not normal no matter how you look at it, right! Speaking of which, was it the guy in front who shot just now?

Levi said: That's right, if I were just an ordinary person, I wouldn't be able to dodge the attack just now. I just don't know who has such a deep grudge against me, and would actually pay someone to kill someone.

Chapter. Let you run for three minutes first

Killer Nian didn't know that two people had come behind him. Killer Nian was just an ordinary person with superb marksmanship. When faced with an existence beyond human common sense, he was no different from other fragile ordinary people.

The two of them did not suppress the sound of their footsteps, especially Yuehai's thick-heeled high-heeled shoes, which would make a crisp clicking sound when they stepped on the ground. The moment Killer Nian heard the sound, he turned over in alarm and pulled out his shoes at the same time. He picked up his secondary weapon pistol for self-defense and pointed the gun in the direction of the two people.

When the serial killer saw the face of the visitor clearly, his face showed a shocked expression as if he had seen a ghost.

Killer Nian said loudly: How did you get up here? You were obviously down there just now!

Although Yue Hai can understand English, her spoken English is not up to par, so Killer Nian's rapid-fire words sounded to her like a chicken strangled by the neck, and she could barely understand a few words.

Yuehai said in a low voice: What is this guy crowing about? I don't understand it at all.

Levi said: Leave it to me. I have to travel around when I am away from home. I have also done some research on language. Although I am not proficient in spoken English, I can still speak a few sentences without any problem.

Killer Nian quickly retreated, but when he realized that there was a cliff behind him, he did not dare to retreat any further. If he retreated any further, he would fall into a puddle of mud.

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