The two of them arrived on the main road, and suddenly entered a very lively environment from a sparsely populated alley.

Yuehai said: As for ramen, I know there are a few here, but I don't know if they are successful now.

Generally speaking, most ramen stalls on the street open after four o'clock in the afternoon and stay open until two or three o'clock in the morning of the next day. If you go early, you may not be able to catch them.

Levi said: If you can find the best, if that doesn't work, isn't there a fixed ramen shop? If you want to eat ramen, there is always a place where you can get it, right?

Levi remembered that when he was in junior high school, there was a Lanzhou Ramen shop in front of the school. When he experienced ramen for the first time, Levi instantly felt the charm of noodles. It was a completely new feeling that was different from local beef noodles, especially the noodles of ramen. It is very strong in itself, tastes quite good, and leaves people with endless aftertaste.

After studying abroad in Neon, Levi would take care of the business of various ramen shops from time to time. He had tasted all kinds of ramen, including udon, a variant of ramen.

However, Levi is a picky person. There are many ramen shops that sell dog meat but he will never go there again because these ramen shops say they sell ramen, but in the end they sell ramen noodles with pressed noodles. The noodles made by the noodle machine have completely wrong texture. Therefore, Levi only likes to go to those shops whose bosses are honest people. If they say they sell ramen noodles, the noodles must be drawn by hand. The noodles that are finally pulled out by hand after beating the dough repeatedly are not pressed at all. It can be compared to the garbage noodles produced by the noodle machine.

Thinking of the taste of ramen, Levi's mouth was filled with saliva and his pace became faster.

Chapter. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

It seems we are pretty lucky. This ramen stall opened relatively early today. There are quite a few ramen stalls like this in Yokohama, but I can only move within the East Imperial Capital, so I’m not very clear about the situation over there,” Yue Hai said.

Yue Hai took Levi and stopped in front of the ramen stall where the stall was being set up at home. The core of this mobile ramen stall is a room-style trolley that can place various items.

The boss, who looked to be in his forties, was deftly supporting the wooden ceiling of the stall. The prototype of the entire stall had been made. The two of them could clearly see the various kitchen utensils used to make dishes, as well as the folding There are tall wooden stools stacked on top of each other.

Yuehai said: It seems that it will take some time to set up here. Do you want to change the place?

Levi shook his head and said: No need, the delicious food will be more delicious after waiting. And it was also the first time I saw how a ramen stall was set up. This satisfied my curiosity, sense of humanity and ritual, and was also part of the food. .”

Compared to current molecular cuisine, Levi prefers traditional cuisine.

The reason why Levi dislikes molecular cuisine is because molecular cuisine pursues the ultimate taste, but cannot truly reach the extreme. At the same time, it loses humanity and connotation. It is like salt and MSG, which can be seasoned, but nothing more.

Just like eating Beijing roast duck, Li Wei likes to brush the duck meat with sweet sauce and wrap it with chives in the dough. When he completes this step, he can imagine the duck being roasted in the oven until it is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. The appearance is an imagination related to food.

As for molecular cuisine, Levi has tried it several times, but the experience every time he tried it was not very good. Molecular cuisine made him feel like a low-level pariah in the cyberpunk world, nestling in his own shabby and dark shack. After all, I ate nutritional supplements that only tasted sweet.

Although the taste of these pastes is indeed very creative, the indescribable texture always makes people feel like they are eating toothpaste, but without the taste of toothpaste.

It was precisely because he failed to find anything worthy of boasting about molecular cuisine after several consecutive attempts that Levi gave up on this so-called gourmet food. Moreover, as far as he knew, some traditional chefs in China who were originally engaged in molecular cuisine returned to the traditional chef industry after working in molecular cuisine for several years. Li Wei had not carefully understood the inside story of this industry and could not say anything. Hard words, but from those high-end chefs giving up molecular cuisine and returning to the field of traditional cooking, it can be seen that molecular cuisine must have some fatal flaws, so they gave up this track.

Of course, molecular cuisine is not all garbage, at least in Levi's view. For example, tofu, which people in East Asia often eat, is actually a masterpiece of molecular cuisine, and it appeared very early, because People are exposed to tofu every day, so most people don't realize that tofu is actually the ancestor of modern molecular cuisine.

Therefore, molecular cuisine is not something fancy. It is just changing the shape of ingredients to deceive diners' vision and taste, thereby achieving a feeling of surprise. When you try it for the first time, you can indeed feel novel. However, after eating this kind of flashy food a few times, it will feel boring and not as solid as traditional food.

Levi said: It is because of this kind of human atmosphere that good food can soothe the tired and sleepy hearts of ordinary people. In my opinion, this kind of ordinary food that can be seen on the streets is the most humane.

Of course, this kind of cuisine also has limitations. How good it tastes is uncertain. Delicacies from mountains and seas naturally have their own advantages. The quality of the ingredients is there. As long as the chef is not a waste with superficial appearance, What comes out is not much different. To be able to overturn even when you have the best ingredients, that is really a waste to a new level, and can be regarded as a shame for a chef.

Yuehai said: I didn't expect you to be such a humane person. I can somewhat understand why so many wagtails are willing to follow you.

Yue Hai felt in her heart that Li Wei was very special. Just standing among others, he felt like he stood out. But with Li Wei, he does not feel superior. On the contrary, he can understand others. What he said just now is something that those powerful people who are superior can never say sincerely. Wagtail's perception is very keen, who is lying and who is lying. To be honest, Wagtails all know it well.

Yuehai didn't know that she had fallen into a strange circle of love. Because she had a good impression of Li Wei, Li Wei had been filtered in her mind. Anything related to Li Wei, then It's just good.

Without realizing this, she had already indulged in it, and now Levi's words and deeds had a charm-like effect on her.

Levi's own charm is extremely high. Without suppressing his charm, he only needs a look to make a nun who has become a nun be willing to return home and return to secular life for him. Just a smile. He asked a married woman who was already married to another man to cheat on him, and was even willing to elope with him.

This kind of extraordinary charm has reached the point where Li Wei is a little troubled. After all, this kind of charm is completely killing everyone, regardless of age, from a 20-year-old lolita to a ten-year-old old lady, everyone will be attracted by his charm. The influence, if the charm is not suppressed, will cause considerable chaos.

Fortunately, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, Levi has mastered the knack of how to control his charm. Now, he can only make himself extremely charming in the eyes of certain individuals, while making himself attractive in the eyes of other individuals. , but got a mediocre evaluation. This point-to-point display of charm provides considerable convenience for his target female characters in the anime world.

Levi said: Probably, I am willing to treat them as human beings. We are all the same, lonely individuals, looking for our own destination in the sea of ​​​​people. I am willing to be their destination. Well, there are also some girls They will hate my central air-conditioning approach, but to be honest, I can't give up on who they are as individuals. There is something wrong with the Wagtail game. If I give up on them, it will be equivalent to throwing them into a pit of fire.

Yuehai noticed the details of Li Wei's words and said in surprise: Is there something wrong with the Wagtail game? What's the problem?

Tsukiumi has long been aware of such things, including Sahashi Takami's anomalies, she has seen them all, but her intelligence channels have limits, so she only knows that there is a problem with this Wagtail game, but the specifics What kind of problem it was, she couldn't tell. It was precisely because of this that when Li Wei mentioned this matter, she suddenly became energetic.

Chapter.Information exchange

Yuehai's curiosity has been aroused. She didn't expect that Li Wei would know the inside story of the Wagtail game. After all, so far, except for a few very well-informed Wagtails and Wei Ya, most of them have participated in the game. Most people don't know what they are doing and are completely led by MBI.

Intelligence is valuable. Under certain special circumstances, intelligence can even determine life or death. Yuehai is a person who cares about intelligence very much. Unfortunately, she does not have the special abilities and technical skills like Song, so she cannot invade the server. Methods are used to obtain information, so she mostly summarizes the current situation through information available through various public channels, and then finds the information she needs from these fragmented information. To be honest, this was a disadvantage because of her lack of skills, but she had to use this stupid method. After all, she had no choice.

Li Wei said: This Wagtail Game is different from the games that have appeared in history. The rules are more complicated. Yu Guangren calls himself the game administrator. He has indeed achieved this and will fight The intensity and consequences are controlled within an acceptable range. From this point of view, this game is gentler than any game in history. Just like the current stage, you only need to hit To defeat your opponent, just erase the opponent's wagtail pattern. According to the information I found, in ancient games in the past, the battles were endless. The winner took all, and the loser lost everything. Life, freedom, dignity, and even one's own The body will become a bet in the battle. With the management of MBI, the possibility of negative events has been minimized, but Yuguang people also have their own purposes in doing this.

Yuehai said: What purpose? Since he held such a stupid game, why did he want to control the casualties of Wagtails?~

Levi said: What I want to tell you now, I hope you can keep it secret, especially people from MBI. No matter who it is in MBI, you can't tell it, otherwise it will cause death for you.

Yue Hai nodded and her expression became serious. She was an adult after all and knew that there were some things she could say and some things she couldn't say. Knowing too much about some things would get her into trouble.

Yuehai said: Don't worry, I don't want to cause trouble for myself. However, even if I know that this kind of thing will cause trouble for me, I still want to know. The feeling of being kept in the dark is really terrible. ”

Li Wei said: This time the wagtail game is the basis for becoming a god. In this way, the Yuguang people want to use the huge emotional power generated by the wagtail game to ignite their own divine fire and become superior to humans. and the god above the wagtail.”

Yuehai had a shocked expression of You're kidding me on his face. He was stunned for a moment and said, This is too ridiculous! Becoming a god is like an April Fool's Day joke.

Levi said: Because I had seen similar things before, when I learned the rules of this game, I felt something was wrong. Then I sneaked into the MBI headquarters building secretly and checked some files that had not been uploaded to Only the top-secret paper documents from the internal server confirmed this matter. Yu Guangren really wants to use this opportunity to become a god.

Yue Hai said: Wagtail's power has its limits, why does he become a god?

Yuehai herself is a wagtail, and she is also a single-digit individual in the sequence. She knows that a limiter is installed in her body, but even without a limiter, there is still a limit to the wagtail's power, and there is no human being. It can suppress the situation all over the world, especially since humans have mastered the power of nuclear weapons. Wagtails are not absolutely invincible.

Li Wei said: The Wagtail's power is indeed somewhat insufficient, but what if we also include the power of Shenzuo Island and Haotian?

Yuehai said: I do know about Shenzuo Island. As for Haotian, is that the place where the Wagtails have their final battle?

Li Wei said: That's right, after completing all the previous stages of the game, the Wei Ya who wins in the end will take the wagtail he selected to the Haotian sky to duel with the wagtail queen and win. The one who can gain control of Haotian and at the same time become the new Wagtail Queen and gain power that is close to that of a god.

Yuehai said: But this is only close to a god, not a real god. Moreover, Queen Wagtail must be very powerful, so powerful that challengers cannot shake her status.

Li Wei said: Yuguang people only need someone to climb to Haotian. What he needs is someone to complete the established procedures for him to ascend to the gods. What he has to do is to occupy the magpie's nest in the final step and ascend by himself. Ascend to the throne of God.”

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Yuehai clenched his fists and said: Sure enough, that weirdo is having such a hateful idea. I thought something was wrong with him before, but I didn't expect it to be like this! We must never let him succeed, but then again , Li Weijun, you have already entered the MBI headquarters building, why don't you just kill him?

Levi clicked on his heart and said: That guy made an insurance. When all the wagtails adjust, they will put a poison sac under the heart. This poison sac has a special linkage mechanism. If he dies in Yu Guangren's body, those wagtails that haven't taken out the poison sacs won't survive.

Yue Hai shuddered. She didn't expect that there would be such a dangerous thing in her body.


Levi said: This kind of surgery is performed when wagtails are two to three years old, because the memory of wagtails at this age is about the same as that of human children of the same age, and they will never know that they have undergone surgery. Such dangerous things are buried.”

Tsukimi thought for a while. She entered the research institute run by her grandma when she was four years old. This means that only a very few people know about this kind of thing. Even Sahashi Takami and her grandma were kept in the dark. people inside.

Tsukiumi didn't want to guess whether Sahashi Takami and her grandmother were involved in such a thing. She was afraid of knowing the truth of the matter.

Levi said: There are no more than ten people in the entire MBI who know about this kind of surgery. Sahashi Takami probably doesn't know about it. Otherwise, with her character, she would have fallen out with Yuhiro.

Tsukimi breathed a sigh of relief. If Sahashi Takami didn't know, then her grandmother, as the manager of an independent research institute, had less authority than Sahashi Takami, so she didn't even know about such a thing.

Yuehai said: Li Weijun, has the poison sac in your wagtail been disposed of?

Levi said: Of course, I will not allow any danger to threaten the girls around me. Such an operation is very simple for me. The reason why I don't kill Yu Guangren now is because I don't know him. There are many other back-up plans against Wagtail. After I figure out this kind of thing, I will crush his ambitions. Shi.

Chapter.Ramen and happiness

Yuehai was a little envious of the Wagtails around Li Wei for having such a reliable Wei Ya. While others were still being fooled by Yu Guangren, Li Wei had already seen through Yu Guangren's conspiracy. And are already prepared to deal with it.

This kind of reliability is hard for others to match.

Levi said: The stall has finally been set up. Our wait has finally come to fruition. I'm hungry. What a wonderful coincidence.

Yue Hai sighed inwardly, Li Wei's psychological quality is indeed beyond words. Even after knowing such a terrible conspiracy, he still remained calm and actively tried to find ways to solve the problem from the root. Such a reliable man can really fight. It's hard to find even a lantern.

Yuehai looked at Levi's side face and felt that he was getting more and more handsome as he looked at it. That confident smile was like poison, making her addicted.

The owner of the ramen stall had long seen the two people waiting. After completing all the preparations, he wiped the sweat from his face with the towel around his neck. With a craftsman's honest smile on his face, he said: The two guests have been waiting for a long time. I didn't expect you two to be willing to wait for so long. I'm really sorry.

Levi smiled and said: It doesn't matter. Waiting for food is also a part of enjoying food. Moreover, waiting like this makes ramen even more exciting.

The two of them sat down, Yuehai raised his head and looked at the wooden signs hanging above his head, which said all kinds of ramen, but they were all very affordable, even the so-called luxury enhanced version , the price is not higher than a thousand yen, and the average price is only about 7 to 100 yen. Calculated based on the average price in the Eastern Imperial Capital, it can be said to be very affordable.

In the real world, Levi often goes to Yokohama to patronize various ramen stalls. If the ramen stalls in the real world are those run by elderly people, the prices will be lower. On the premise that the taste is good, even Being able to keep the price down to 100 yuan per bowl, it can be said that it is really just hard-earned money. The working people who work from dawn to dusk are always hardworking, no matter which country they are in. Neon is also shiny on the surface, but in fact, there are many ordinary people struggling for life in places that cannot be seen by the camera.

Levi looked at the wooden sign, and his inner tangle was just like that of Inokashira. However, the biggest difference between Levi and Inokashira was that he did not object to eating with other people. Although he was extremely free to eat alone, two more people Personally speaking, eating while chatting is also a kind of enjoyment.

Yuehai said: I usually don't pay attention to it, but I didn't expect that there are so many types. It's almost difficult to choose.

Levi crossed his hands and said, Yes, I really want to try each one.

After all, Levi has stayed in Neon in the real world for such a long time. Although he rarely goes out to eat, he often goes out to find ramen stalls to supplement his meal. Although he is not from the north, he loves pasta. , will not lose to the northerners. Most importantly, ramen is affordable.

Levi said: Tonkotsu ramen... no, no, now is not the best time to choose tonkotsu ramen. If you don't run out to eat tonkotsu ramen when you are hungry in the middle of the night, you will have no soul.

Tsukumi said: Why do you have to run out to eat tonkotsu ramen in the middle of the night?

Levi raised his finger and said: Because tonkotsu ramen is the easiest ramen to warm up. Think about it, on a cold and windy night, a tired office worker is walking on the way home and has just finished working overtime. He was so tired and hungry that he was about to faint. But at this moment, he saw a ramen stall in front of him, and the aroma of tonkotsu ramen broth wafted over from a long distance. At that moment, he felt He was like a person about to die of thirst in the desert who saw an oasis, like a man who was floating on the sea due to a shipwreck and saw a lighthouse. It was a desperate hope and a god-given delicacy to save his stomach. He came to the ramen stall, He ordered a large bowl of tonkotsu ramen, drank the soup vigorously, and took big bites of the ramen. The rich aroma exploded in his mouth. He felt like he was resurrected and had the courage to face the boring work day after day. Have the courage to face the ugly face of tomorrow’s boss. This is healing!”

Yue Hai swallowed. She was not hungry originally, but at this time, her stomach made a growling sound. The boss opened the lid of the tall pot, and the rich aroma of pork bone broth overflowed. A storm of aroma hit the two of them. The rich aroma of oil made people energetic.

Yue Hai raised his hand and said with a serious expression: Boss, I want a super large tonkotsu ramen!

The boss looked at Yue Hai in surprise and said, Guest, the super large portion is a very big portion. Can you finish it?

Yuehai gave a thumbs up and said: No problem at all. Now I feel like I can eat a cow.

The boss was ashamed, but looking at Yue Hai's determined expression, he stopped saying anything, took out the already prepared dough, and started ramen on the spot.

Yuehai gently touched Li Wei with her elbow and said, Li Weijun, have you decided what you want to eat?

Levi said: Get the extra large miso ramen and add more oil to the tofu.

The boss responded cheerfully and opened another tall pot to prepare the miso ramen ordered by Levi.

Tsukiumi said: You just recommended the tonkotsu ramen, so why are you ordering miso ramen now?

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