Killer Nian's gun was pointed at Li Wei, but he didn't have the courage to shoot because the methods shown by Levi were really scary. Killer Nian was also a well-informed person, but with such extraordinary power, he This was the first time he really saw it, and he knew that for a being like Levi, the gun in his hand was not much different from a fire stick, and it could be used to strengthen his courage.

Levi had already seen the other party's heart through mind reading, and knew that even if he asked, he wouldn't be able to get anything out of it. The other party took over the business through an intermediary, and had no idea who the customer was who paid the money.

The fingers of Levi's hand placed in his trouser pocket were pinched together. Each finger was like a precise mystical calculation instrument, performing ultra-miniature ritual spells. In this way, he was going back to the past, using the mysterious killer as a clue to conduct divination calculations. The identity of the agent, and then through the identity of the intermediary, the customer who contacted him can be found.

In less than ten seconds, Levi had already obtained the final answer. This ability to peer into destiny consumes very little if you only look at the past, but if you look at the future, even if it is just a fragment of the future, the cost is huge. Yes, the further the future you see is from the present, the greater the consumption, even to the point where even a cultivation level like Li Wei cannot pay the price.

Of course, someone confuses the secrets. If Li Wei wants to see the past information, he also needs to pay extra mana, and even pays a huge price like peeking into the future. However, covering up the secrets is not an ordinary thing. That's all you can do.

The mastermind behind the scenes surprised Li Wei. It turned out to be Bing'equan from the eastern region. The other party asked a killer to assassinate him and had two plans. If he could be killed directly, that would be the best. Even if he didn't Killing him can also force out some of his trump cards. As long as he hides his identity, Bing'equan will make money anyway.

If it weren't for Levi's divination ability, which allowed him to peek into the past information very conveniently, and simply follow the killer's line, even if he could finally find the mastermind, it would still take a certain amount of time. However, now, it only took Levi less than ten seconds to know who he should look for if he wanted revenge.

But divination ability is Levi's secret, so he still has to pretend.

Li Wei said in a calm tone: Anyway, I will die. If I tell you to kill my buyer, I can give you a happy life.

Killer Nian said quickly: I'm just an executive who gets paid to do things. How could I know such a thing? Give me a chance and I'll ask my agent!

In order to survive, Killer Nian directly abandoned his professional bottom line and prepared to sell out his clients. But what he didn't know was that Levi already knew who his clients were.

Levi said: I almost forgot. I know your business rules fairly well. The intermediary will never sell customer information. Even if you are willing to ask, you can't get any answers, so you are still old Just go to hell and report to Satan.

Spare me! I am willing to be loyal to you! Killer Nian quickly threw away the pistol in his hand, jumped in front of Levi, and kissed Levi's shoes directly without feeling disgusted.

When Yue Hai next to her saw this scene, she had a huh expression on her face, and she quickly took two steps back, as if she wanted to stay away from the pervert.

Levi said calmly: Adults have to be responsible for what they do. You assassinated me out of your own responsibilities. I can understand this.

Hearing Levi's words, Killer Nian lowered his head lower. He could feel the aura of death lingering around Levi. Compared with Levi, the murderous aura he had trained by killing hundreds of people was just a joke.

Levi said: I will give you three minutes. You can use these three minutes to leave my sight. If you can escape, I will not pursue you. But if you are caught up by me, then you cannot It’s my fault that I didn’t give you a chance.”

Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir! Killer Nian got up and ran towards the entrance to the roof. He didn't bother to pick up the firearms thrown on the ground. Now, he just wanted to stay away from Levi.

Yuehai watched the figure of Killer Nian disappear at the entrance to the rooftop, and said to Li Wei: Li Weijun, are you going to let him go like this?

Li Wei smiled and said: I only let half go, the other half depends on his fate.

Li Wei took out a square piece of white paper from the Consciousness Sea Space and began to fold it slowly.

Yuehai said curiously: Li Weijun, you are really leisurely. Even if you have just been assassinated, you can still be leisurely doing crafts. But what are you folding? I can also fold paper.

Levi sat down cross-legged, folded the paper on his legs, and quickly completed the prototype. It was some kind of animal with four long legs.

Levi said: I was folding a hound. I told him to run for three minutes, and then the hound will be finished in three minutes. As for whether he can survive, it depends on which one runs between him and the hound. Hurry.

Yue Hai also squatted down and carefully looked at Levi's origami technique. Looking at Levi's origami was like appreciating art. Soon, a thin dog with a slender neck and long legs was completed. .

Yue Hai said: It's amazing! It can be folded with just a piece of paper. If it were me, I would use two or three pieces of paper to join it.

Levi said: It's so-so. I really like origami, so I studied it specifically.

Levi threw the small paper dog out of his palm. The paper dog expanded rapidly in mid-air, and when it landed, it had become as big as a gray wolf. The paper dog barked and ran out like a gust of wind, disappearing instantly.

Yuehai said with a shocked face: What kind of ability is this?! Not even Wagtail can do such a thing!.

Chapter. Emergence of the Moon Sea

Three minutes is enough time to do many things, such as escape the building. As a killer, every time the young man performs a mission, he will habitually leave a way out for himself. Even if he is killing a powerless ordinary person, he will habitually do this, so he has long left a way out. With the escape channel in place, no matter whether the mission is successful or failed, it can ensure that he leaves the scene quickly.

Now, this escape passage was working. It was a ropeway inside the building. It only took him a little more than two minutes to use the ropeway from the top floor to the first floor, and then passed through the safety of the back door. passage, leaving the building.

The young man's inner fear reached the extreme. The other party could cross a distance of hundreds of meters and come up behind him from the bustling street in an instant. He was on the top of a building that was at least 140 meters above the ground. The other party could do such a terrifying thing. things, then what else is there that the other party can't do?

Therefore, even if he had three minutes to escape, he did not dare to relax at all. After leaving the building, he moved his motorcycle to get as far away from here as possible.

The motorcycle moved, and with a harsh roar, the young man pushed the accelerator to the maximum, and the front wheel of the motorcycle almost lifted up. The young man looked through the rearview mirror and saw the building getting farther and farther away from him, and he felt relieved. At his current speed, it would only take a few dozen seconds to run so far that the building could not be seen in the rearview mirror. .

I survived! I want to leave this damn place! It's so scary! Fuck! I want to go back to Amei's country and never come to this damn place again! The young man cursed all kinds of things. Such filthy swear words, after escaping death, he chose to use this method to vent his fear.

Soon, the motorcycle turned onto a main road and headed in the general direction away from the Eastern Imperial Capital.

At this moment, a white shadow appeared on the side of the motorcycle. The young man saw the running shadow out of the corner of his eye and looked away instantly, showing a shocked expression.

It was a pure white beast with sharp edges and corners, and it looked like a handicraft made from folded paper. The young man shook his head and opened his eyes hard. What frightened him was that it was a beast made of paper. The running beast turned its head and showed a strange smile to him~.

FU※K! FU※K! FU※K! What the hell is that! God, please save your faithful lamb!

In the desperate eyes of Killer Nian, this white paper beast jumped up high and instantly overturned his motorcycle. Killer Nian, who lost his balance, rolled on the ground like a pin knocked over by a bowling ball. He didn't stop until he hit the guardrail on the roadside and was covered in injuries.

Because he ran so suddenly, he was neither wearing a helmet nor any special protective gear for motorcycles. A fall like this would have killed half of his life.

Killer Nian looked at his twisted right leg and knew that he could no longer get up.

God! I am your faithful lamb, how can you bear to let me die at the hands of this monster! Killer Nian roared desperately.

The papier-mâché hound with a humanized smile on its face walked forward unhurriedly, came to the front of Nian Killer, circled around Nian Killer, and frightened Nian Killer so much that he crawled on the ground.

The hound opened its big mouth and bit down. Killer Nian's neck was instantly bitten off, and blood spurted out from the fracture, turning half of the hound's body red.

After doing all this, the hound spontaneously ignited without fire. In just a few seconds, it turned into ashes and disappeared completely, leaving only the miserable body separated from the body and the motorcycle that had been smashed into a piece of scrap metal not far away. The East Imperial Capital was again There are more unsolved cases that cannot be solved.


Levi stretched and said, The man was caught up by the hound. It's a pity that if he had moved faster, he would have been able to run out of the hound's maximum range of motion, and he would have been free.

This is a lie. Levi's origami puppet can be remotely controlled at an ultra-long distance without delay. This simple puppet with certain intelligence does not even require a special thinking circuit to control it. It is a battle of skills for mass production. The biggest use of cannon fodder is to delay the opponent's actions. If Li Wei really gets up to use cannon fodder like this, he can make hundreds of them in seconds, and he can raise an army in ten seconds.

Of course, Li Wei didn't want to reveal his true strength in front of Yue Hai yet, so he slowly spent three minutes to complete the entire origami steps honestly, and at the same time lied that this kind of origami puppet existed. Maximum activity distance. Now Li Wei does not want to expose his side as an immortal god.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Yue Hai didn't see the miserable death of Nian Killer, and she didn't realize how cruel Li Wei was when facing people who had offended him.

Yuehai said: It's great. You can fold paper into various small animals, and you can also control them.

Yue Hai is a little envious in her heart. She is an origami enthusiast. Her favorite things to fold are paper cranes and rabbits. If she can make paper cranes and rabbits come alive, just by watching these little guys move, she can She is a very contented person who enjoys herself all day long.

Levi said: If you want to learn, I can teach you.

Yuehai said in surprise: This special ability should be Li Weijun's unique skill. Is it okay to teach it to me?


Li Wei smiled and said: It's just a trivial trick for entertainment. Making yourself happy is the biggest use of this ability. If you want to learn it, I am naturally willing to teach it, but in your current state, can you learn it? I can’t guarantee it. If you are willing to become an adult, the probability of success will be higher.”

Yuehai came to Li Wei, her face was blushing, her face was very close to Li Wei's face, and she whispered: Let's talk about it first, I am willing to be your wagtail in order to pay off your debt. , after all, if you want to get something, you have to pay something, right?”

Li Wei knew very well that Yuehai was a very conservative tsundere at heart, and unlike those who were extremely arrogant, Yuehai was an arrogant person with high attack and low defense. Once she became an individual, she would become like Xiaojiabiyu. So shy.

Levi smiled and said: Yes, yes, I know. However, no matter what reason you came to me, you have become my wagtail. This is a fact. I will treat you the same way I treat my wife. .”

Hearing Li Wei's words, Yue Hai turned his head slightly.

The ceremony is concluded and the emergence is completed...

Huge light wings extended from behind Yue Hai. The limiter in Yue Hai's body became loose, and she was able to use more powerful power.

Levi looked at the girl leaning on his arms and said, Now, the probability of you learning the paper control technique has increased.

Yuehai hummed softly and buried her face in Levi's chest.

Chapter. Allowance Account

Two days later.

Naturally, the fact that Yuehai completed his emergence could not be hidden from MBI. When Yuehai was on the phone with his grandmother, he explained his situation. Therefore, the fact that she had emerged was recorded in MBI's database, and she logged in to the server. Anyone who could hack into the MBI server could see the information about her and Li Wei.

In the eastern area of ​​the Eastern Imperial Capital, within the AGN headquarters building, Bing'equan was staying in his office. Sitting on a chair, he looked at the materials sent by the people below, but he felt indescribably irritable inside.

The door knocked twice before being pushed open, and a man wearing glasses walked in.

Kakizaki, you are still the same. When you are anxious, you knock on the door in a hurry. What makes you like this? Bing'equan, as the leader of the entire force, must remain calm under any circumstances, otherwise, he will Panic would make the entire lower echelons of the force panic, so many times, he envied his secretary Kakizaki.

Kakizaki and him have been companions since childhood, and it is precisely because he trusts Kakizaki that he makes Kakizaki his personal secretary. Kakizaki handles all important matters.

Kakizaki said: According to the information from the MBI informant, the disappearance of the previous killer has been clarified. The assassination operation failed, and the killer's death was very miserable.

Bing'equan frowned. He had been uneasy for the past two days. He had people go to the vicinity of Izumo Village for surveillance and saw that the assassination target Li Wei was intact, but the killer was missing. This made him feel guilty. He felt uneasy. Now that MBI had found the killer's whereabouts, he finally felt less uneasy.

Bing'equan leaned on the back of his chair. The killer's whereabouts had been found. No matter what the fate of the killer was, it didn't matter. Anyway, all he wanted was the result.

Bing'equan said with a cold expression: I'm a little curious about how he died. Anyway, we handed over the task to the killer through layer-by-layer methods. The person on the other side probably doesn't know who assigned the task. it's me.

Kakizaki opened the folder he kept under his arm, pulled out a few printouts from it, took a few steps forward, turned the printouts in a different direction, and pushed them in front of Hing'equan.

Kakizaki said: The way of death was quite miserable. It was like being attacked by a wild beast.

Bing'equan looked at the picture on the printed picture, narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt a little nauseous.

It was a headless corpse. The head fell not far from the body, and blood flowed to the ground along the broken neck, as if a strange painting was drawn on the ground. The most bizarre thing is that the fracture of the neck is very rough, as if it was forcibly twisted by someone. No, it should be said that it was bitten by some beast.

Bing'equan turned over the printed picture. He didn't want to see such a disgusting picture again. If he continued to look at it, his appetite for dinner would be affected.

Bing'equan said: The other side is warning us. This method is completely a deterrent.


At the entrance of Izumo Villa, Levi was sitting at the entrance, making preparations for the trip.

Wearing a swimsuit, Song stood behind Levi and said, It's already past four in the afternoon. Do you still want to go out at this time?

Levi said: There is an account that should have been recovered two days ago. It has been delayed until now, and it is time to recover it.

Song said: Already know who did it?

Song has been investigating this matter for the past two days, but the Internet has limitations. Although all kinds of important information can be collected on the Internet, not all information can appear on the Internet, like some traditional The method of transmitting information can well avoid the prying eyes of hackers.

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