First, you must know which beauties appear in the plot, where they are, which forces they belong to, and how to attack them. After that, it is to ensure that the beauty he wants to capture will not die in the plot. The world of Naruto is cruel, and there are many beauties who die unexpectedly. If he is not careful and is late, Levi can only drag the body and hang it. He had a resurrection spell, and he didn't want this to happen.

To be honest, Levi has no desire for the ninjutsu in the world of Naruto. The path he has taken as a Qigator is not comparable to the ninjutsu in the world of Naruto, and can compete with him. This is the complete Otsutsuki clan, and Li Wei is confident that he can defeat the Otsutsuki clan.

It can be said that the upper limit of the power system in Naruto's world cannot keep up with his, and he doesn't like those power systems. His purpose is to pick up girls, it's that simple.

And to be honest, although Naruto is Levi's childhood memory, when Levi became an adult, he reviewed the comics and realized that he was betrayed by Naruto. All his efforts and courage in the early stage were gone in the later stage, leaving only In terms of bloodline, Neji's death really was in vain.

This made Levi feel like he was holding back a fire. He felt worthless for Kai, Xiao Li, Ningji and others. In this bullshit world where blood is paramount, if he didn't take care of things, Levi would always feel that I'm sorry for the powerful power I have now.

Therefore, while achieving your own goals, you can bring a deformed world like Naruto's world to the world of !;??! '::;,,,?!,!,!,;Alternate;.,...,.'Change is also what he wants to do.

However, before doing this, the anime must be completed first. This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

Levi looked at the time on his phone. It was still early, and he had nothing to do. Even if he went back to sleep, it wouldn't be a problem.

Hmm...I don't know what's going on with Qianye... Li Wei's only confidante in the real world, Jinchengzhai Qianye, he is very concerned about. After all, Jinchengzhai Qianye is the one he wants to take back to see him. Parents, don't be careless.

Chapter. See you later

Li Wei turned his attention to Jinchengzhai Qianye. At this time, Jinchengzhai Qianye had just gotten up and was brushing his teeth in a daze. His beautiful cheeks looked a little pale and there were obvious dark circles under his eyes. , Levi shifted his perspective and saw a neatly written plan on the small folding table next to him, which looked like a homework-type thing.

Levi knew how hard-working this girl was, and it had to be said that no one who could make a bloody path into Ocha Women's Academy on their own had an easy time.

The education here in Neon is tight. The knowledge that students can learn in school is limited. If they want to advance to higher education, they must rely on various education and training institutions. Jincheng Zhai Qianye does not rely on these external aids. Being able to be admitted to Ocha Women's Academy under such circumstances is already considered unbelievable to ordinary people.

However, college is just the beginning. It is not easy to graduate successfully and find a job that satisfies you. In order to increase the chips in their hands, even in universities that seem to be very easy, the exam masters will not relax their pace. They will try their best to plan for their future, obtain various certificates, and participate in various activities that can expand their network. activities so that you can enter a higher social level.

Of course, this is only something that ordinary people need to do. For those who are talented or have sufficient resources, there is no need to work so hard.

Li Wei thought for a while and dialed Jincheng Zhai Qianye's phone number. Jinchengzhai Qianye, who was brushing his teeth, heard the phone ringing. He quickly spit out the toothpaste foam in his mouth, took a sip to clean his mouth, and then quickly ran to the bedside and picked up the phone.

When she saw the call notification, Jinchengzhai Qianye breathed a sigh of relief. It was just that it was not a call from the school. She was already a little afraid of calls from the school due to her heavy academic load during this period.

After connecting the phone, Jinchengzhai Qianye heard the magnetic and reassuring voice.

Qianye, how have you been these two days?

It's still the same, but I've stopped some of my previous part-time jobs.

Jinchengzhai Qianye lay on the bed and stretched her body. Staying up late made her feel a little uncomfortable, so she could feel more comfortable when she lay down.

Because she had received a sum of money from Levi before, she stopped working part-time. If she saved the money, it would be enough for her to relax in the past two or three months and be able to face her studies more calmly. pressure.

The previous situation of having to work and be busy with studies put a lot of pressure on her. She couldn't have her cake and eat it too. She was not the kind of genius who could do I want it all.

Working is indeed troublesome, and working is not a long-term solution. If you delay your studies to work, it will be troublesome. Why do you sound so tired? Did you stay up late last night?

Li Wei pretended to be confused while pretending to understand. With his ability to find and locate people, he could clearly see the current situation of Jincheng Zhai Qianye.

I have been busy with homework these two days, just like I made a sample plan for you before. The teacher created a virtual customer and asked us to make a plan based on the characteristics of this virtual customer. The situation of this virtual customer is very complicated, so Making the plan was extremely troublesome, so I stayed up all night. I have to hand in my homework this afternoon.

It's really hard work, but university assignments are all kinds of things, and there are all kinds of situations. I've seen students from agricultural universities before, and their assignment is to work in the fields, which is really taxing on both the brain and the body.

Hahaha, it seems that compared to agricultural universities, studying finance only requires mental effort, which is not that hard.

After staying up all night, your condition will definitely not be much better. I'm making breakfast here. Tell me where you are and I'll take you there.

Hearing Li Wei's words, Jinchengzhai Qianye hesitated in her heart. There was a certain risk in letting a man know where she lived, but she chose to believe Li Wei. Whether Levi is a person worthy of deep friendship can be seen from what happens next. There is never love and hate for no reason in the world. She wants to know why Levi is so good to her. If she doesn't figure out such things , she will feel uneasy in her heart.

Then let me give you the address.

Okay, see you later, I need to make more breakfast here.

After hanging up the phone, Levi watched TV for a while, then packed the breakfast he made with a gourmet tablecloth into a beautiful small package and took it out the door.

Because it was already the morning rush hour, Levi did not choose to drive. Instead, he rode his heavy motorcycle and rushed out of the parking lot with the unique roar of the heavy motorcycle.

Men all have a hobby for machinery. Whether it is machines, tanks, or common everyday cars and motorcycles, there are a large number of male fans. In this regard, Levi is no different from ordinary men. Therefore, he After getting a car, you will also buy a motorcycle. In addition to the convenience of motorcycles, another reason is that motorcycles are handsome. Whether it's a Harley motorcycle, a road heavy machine, or a big off-road machine, he likes it all.

Unfortunately, the parking space attached to the apartment was not big enough and could only park a car and a motorcycle. He was thinking about how to buy a few more attached parking spaces so that he would have enough space to accommodate motorcycles. Although putting the motorcycle in his own consciousness space would solve the problem, he still wanted to buy a parking space. Mainly, the parking space allows him to show off his motorcycle collection.

Following the route planned by the mobile phone navigation, Levi bypassed the peak and congested roads and arrived at Jinchengzhai Qianye's apartment in only forty minutes.

Different from the high-end apartment in the wealthy area where Li Wei lives, the apartment where Jinchengzhai Qianye lives doesn’t look very good just by looking at it. It feels like a simplified version of Longcheng Walled City, chaotic and unsafe. It is really worrying for a girl's safety to live in such a place.

Different from high-rise apartments with complete supporting facilities in wealthy areas, the apartment in front of you has only three floors and is square. To put it bluntly, it is a wooden structure prefabricated house. It not only has poor sound insulation, but is also hot in summer and cold in winter, and is prone to fire. No one who has a choice would like to live in a place like this.

Levi saw a drunkard wandering around the corner of the street not far away, and he took it into consideration. Levi's eyes widened, and the eyes of the drunkard who was still peeing on the telephone pole were momentarily distracted, but his body straightened up, and his originally frivolous steps became steady.

This drunkard has been controlled by Levi's spell, and Levi wants to use this drunkard to perform a morning heroic rescue of the beauty.

Chapter. Finished with punch

The manipulated drunkard came to the door of Jinchengzhai Qianye's room, slammed his fist on the door, and shouted in a drunken voice: Open the door! I'm back!

In the room, Jinchengzhai Qianye, who was still dozing off, suddenly woke up vigilantly after hearing the violent banging on the door. The strange voice outside the door was not Li Wei's voice.

Open the door quickly! I'm back! You stinky bitch, you eat me, live in me, and you dare to lock me out!

Mixed with wine burps, the sound of drunkenness made Jinchengzhai Qianye understand what had happened. His current temporary residence was mistaken for his own residence by a drunken man, and he walked to the wrong door on the opposite side.

But she knows that you should never reason with a drunkard, because a drunkard has lost his mind and will not listen to anything the outside world says. If you reason with a drunkard, you will only suffer in the end.

Jinchengzhai Qianye was frightened in her heart, but she did not lose her mind. Instead, she quickly blocked the door with various furniture. Even if the other party forced the door open, they would not be able to rush directly in front of her. She quickly blocked the door with furniture. Fear and fatigue made her break into a cold sweat. She quickly ran to the kitchen, picked up a kitchen knife, and was ready to fight. Listening to the sound of the door being constantly banged, she forced Calm down yourself.

Drunk people are less able to respond to the outside world. If the other person dares to do something irrational, then I will make him regret it for the rest of his life! Jinchengzhai Qianye took a deep breath and tried his best to keep his hands as clear as possible. Shaking, she wanted to end the fight the moment the opponent broke through. After all, most women do not have an advantage in strength and physical fitness when fighting men, so she must fight quickly and end the fight before the opponent can react.

Jinchengzhai Qianye never thought of calling the police. After all, the Neon police were famous for their crotch-stretching. It was she who called the police at this time. By the time those slow police officers arrived, half an hour had passed. She was expecting the police Come to save her, it is better to actively save yourself.

Even if she does this, it is very likely to hurt the other party, or even kill the other party, but she knows one thing, that is, prison food is better than tribute, and she is the victim of a broken door attack. As long as the lawyer does not pull her crotch , she won't have much responsibility.

If it is an ordinary woman, encountering such a situation, most of them will be panicked and confused. It can be said that there are very few people who are not afraid of danger and decisively launch a counterattack like Jinchengzhai Qianye.

At this moment, a voice she was very familiar with came from outside the wooden door, which was not very soundproof. It was Levi's voice.

Hey, what are you doing here, a drunkard? This is not the place you should be.

You bastard! You dare to interfere with my business. I'll kill you!


There was a heartbreaking sound, and then there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and the drunken man's voice disappeared.

Jinchengzhai Qianye, who heard this inside the door, breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she was a little scared. If Li Wei hadn't arrived in time, she would have had to fight the drunk man.

Qianye, open the door, this guy has been knocked unconscious. Levi knocked on the door gently and said in a soft tone.

Jinchengzhai Qianye put the knife back on the cutting board, quickly moved the furniture hidden behind the door, and opened the wooden door.

Outside the door, there was the tall Levi. His tall figure almost occupied the entire door frame.

Jinchengzhai Qianye saw that Li Wei was holding a beautifully wrapped small package in his hand, and his free hand was still stained with blood, but it seemed that it should be the blood of the drunkard.

Levi walked into the room, put down the breakfast box he had made, and said, Do you know the drunk guy at the door? He knocks on other people's doors early in the morning. He is really a bad guy.

Jinchengzhai Qianye stuck his head out, looked at the drunkard lying on the ground, his whole face was beaten and deformed, and said: I don't know this guy, he shouldn't live here. However, he was Won't fighting like this cause you any trouble?

Levi said: I recorded the video with my mobile phone before taking action. It was the guy who attacked me first. I was defending myself and only punched. I didn't pursue him after that. Even if the police asked me, I wouldn't be afraid. .”

The laws here in Neon are more complete than those in China in terms of fighting. The domestic self-defense judgment is very harsh. If you are not careful, it will be an excessive defense or even a fight. Therefore, ordinary people in the country are at a great disadvantage when facing conflicts, because no matter whether they take action or not, they will face disaster.

On Neon's side, the punishment for a fight is very simple. The one who strikes first is at fault, and the party who strikes later is considered legitimate defense even if the party who strikes first is seriously injured, as long as no one is killed.

In Li Wei's view, this looser judgment limit is more suitable for ordinary people to respond to dangerous situations. If it were not for the Long Ge incident in China, the penalty mark for self-defense would have been higher, but even the current penalty mark would be higher in China. Levi seems to be unreasonably high. In China, it is too difficult for ordinary people to protect themselves.

Levi took off his mobile phone that was placed at the window, turned off the video, and said: The whole process of taking action is here. He punched me several times, and he was the one who took the initiative to provoke me. In this situation, I don’t even have to pay for medical expenses. Now, let’s call the police and let professionals handle such matters.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye looked at Li Wei who was taking pictures of the drunk man with his mobile phone and said, Then he just leaves it here like this?

Levi said: Just let him stay here. My punch is still powerful. At most, his mandible will be shattered and he will not be killed.

Before taking control of this drunkard, Levi read his deep memory. This guy was an unemployed vagrant, and he was not the kind of person who had no choice but to wander outside, but a rotten person who had fallen to this point because he was lazy and lazy, so Levi There is no psychological burden in taking advantage of such a rotten person. Sending him to prison to eat pork chops and rice can be regarded as giving him a solution in life. To a certain extent, it is also for his own good.

Levi called the police station and explained the situation in detail but quickly. After hanging up the phone, Levi closed the door and locked the unconscious drunk man outside. No one in the surrounding neighbors would pay attention to what was going on here. After all, Neon people are famous for their indifference. It is a person who sweeps the snow in front of his own door and does not care about the frost on other people's tiles.

Just when the conflict occurred, Li Wei's perception saw many people casting curious glances, but no one was willing to stand up. The neon people's indifference towards strangers was vividly displayed here. .

Chapter. Timely rain

Levi kept the door open and did not intend to close it. After all, this drunkard was lying here. If he was beaten by others and caused injuries, it was very likely that the result would be blamed on him. If the door was open, , and can also be a deterrent to other people around you.

There's no need to close the door. This guy won't wake up for a while, but I have to watch him so he doesn't get stepped on. After all, the corridor here is quite narrow. Levi said with a smile.

The rooms in this old-fashioned apartment are all square strip-shaped rooms. The exits of all rooms are facing the same direction and connected to the traditional external corridor. This type of building is the architectural style of the late Showa era after the war. Originally, this place It should have been a dormitory for construction workers, but now it has become private property and is used for rent.

Jinchengzhai Qianye looked at the drunk man lying on the ground, sighed, and said: Although he wanted to hurt me, he failed after all, and I don't want to hold him accountable. I will let the police deal with him later. Okay. But he did jump on me, and I’m still sweating on my back.”

Levi looked at the signs of turmoil in the room and said, You should have blocked the door with debris just now, right? The room is a little messy, and there are obvious signs of furniture being moved.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: There is no way. This is the third floor. If I jump out of the window and escape, I will be crippled even if I don't fall to death. So I can only be prepared to fight back. I blocked the door with furniture, and then took I picked up a sharp-edged kitchen knife, and I thought about stabbing it out the moment he broke the door. Even if doing so would be considered intentional injury, or even go to jail, I would do it.

Jinchengzhai Qianye always warned himself in his heart that when facing evil people, if there is no way to avoid or escape, he must have the courage to use force to protect himself.

Moreover, she also occupies the home court advantage here. There are several kitchen knives in the kitchen area, sharp and pointed kitchen knives, which are enough to seriously injure an unsuspecting intruder.

Levi said: Fortunately, I arrived in time. After all, you are not familiar with the regulations in this area. If you are not careful, you will be overly defensive. If you use a knife, it is easy to cause death, especially if you intend to use a stab. 10 It's better to stab than to chop, this drunkard won't feel good if the knife goes down.

Levi opened the package placed on the small table. Inside was a beautifully shaped wooden lacquer lunch box. The moment Levi opened the lunch box, the rich fragrance wafted out, and Jincheng Zhai Qianye, who was still a little tired, instantly became energetic.

Jinchengzhai Qianye's stomach made a growling sound, and her face instantly turned red.


I know, you are waiting for my breakfast, and you must be very tired after being frightened like that just now. It's uncomfortable to be tired and hungry. Come and try my craftsmanship. Levi said with a smile.

The two sat down facing the small table. Li Wei sat cross-legged in a carefree manner, while Jincheng Zhai Qianye sat upright in a very formal manner. Although the cotton pajamas she was wearing were not in danger of being exposed, she still maintained reserved.

Li Wei handed the chopsticks to the other party, Jinchengzhai Qianye thanked him quietly, and then his attention was attracted by the various dishes in the food box.

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