But now, more than 3,000 crystal-armed warriors, under the absolute double suppression of quantity and quality, have successfully suppressed the chaos and brought the troublesome IS pilots to justice.

IS pilots who have become accustomed to being superior naturally cannot accept their privileges being banned. Therefore, when the official regular army arrived at various bases, resistance from various stars continued. However, these IS pilots who dared to resist , all have been educated by the iron fist of the people, and those who dare to resist, regardless of whether they have done various evil things before, have to go to prison to calm down. Those IS pilots who did not resist can at least get A relatively decent way to exit.

During the night, the entire Chongguo completed a major change in its armed forces. By the time it dawned, ordinary people still didn't know that something big had happened.

Because the weather was changing so fast, not only foreign countries could not react, but even ordinary people in the country could not react. Then, various official news channels began to announce official information to the outside world, and at the same time announced the Hundred Arms Crystal to the outside world. The presence.

When the official publicity began, the whole world became noisy like a gasoline barrel exploding. The Tu family, which had mastered the technology of Hundred Armed Crystals, suddenly took the absolute initiative, and the situation continued to develop in the direction that Li Wei had predicted. .

As for the college, the insiders are not panic at all about such things, and they have already made up their minds to leave with Li Wei, so they are not afraid of being liquidated later, and they are still singing and dancing. , enjoy the last joy of the world here.

Uninformed ordinary students and faculty expressed concern about what happened to Chong Guo. In order to appease them, the college also issued an internal announcement, but did not rush to announce that the college would be disbanded. If at this time If it is announced that the college will be disbanded, the students and faculty will not be in the mood to enjoy the school festival. In this regard, Levi is still very humane.

Moreover, even for students and faculty who are unwilling to leave, Levi has arranged an escape route for them. Because most of the students and faculty at the college have clean backgrounds, and because of the extremely high admission requirements, they basically do not engage in any Because of this experience, Levi signed a resettlement agreement with the country, using some of the additional technologies of the Armed Crystal in exchange for the proper resettlement of these personnel. They themselves have done nothing wrong, and even if they really need to be liquidated, it will not be blamed on them.

At this point, all the important puppet clones that Levi left in this world have completed their missions, recycling those that should be recycled and discarding those that should be discarded. For example, the researcher's clone died on the night of a large-scale domestic operation due to organ failure due to ineffective rescue efforts.

The officials, who did not know the true details of the researcher's clone, gave the researcher's clone the treatment of a state funeral and cremated it at the request of the researcher's clone.

After losing the researcher clone, the official seemed to have stacked the violent buff, and the mobility was directly maxed out, and this was how the previous night changed.

Chapter. End of journey

Because Levi used magic to change the weather in the sea area where the academy island is located, during the duration of the school festival, the entire sea area was calm and the sun was shining brightly, just like Hawaii.

Wearing only a pair of swimming trunks, Levi was lying on a beach chair, enjoying the coolness of the sea breeze in summer.

There were many lounge chairs placed around him, and even Chifuyu Orimadara and Shino Nobushi were beside him.

This beach can be described as an absolute land of girls. He was the only male present, and the rest were all girls wearing cool swimsuits.

Xiao Zhizhi looked at her sister not far away with some doubts in her heart. She was one of the few people who knew her sister's whereabouts. In her opinion, Xiao Zhizhu stayed in her own space station for a long time and was a homebody. They will come down to the earth, so the contact between the two of them is usually through special communication tools. It has been a long time since they were face to face like this.

Under Xiao Zhizhihan's gaze, Xiao Zhizhishu walked to Li Wei and sat down. Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhizhihan's eyelids jumped. She did not expect that her sister actually had a relationship with Li Wei. , she was very surprised when she saw her sister in the academy.

What Xiaozhizhihu didn't know was that Xiaozhizhu's original purpose of landing on the earth was to give her a new IS armor, but the situation changed later, so Xiaozhizhu did not rush to complete his goal, but waited until In the academy, I observed the changes in my sister during this time. Then the international situation changed dramatically, and Xiao Zhizhizhi also changed his mind. If he handed the armor to his sister at this time, he would not be helping her, but harming her.

Xiao Zhizhishu felt that it was good to be like this now. It was enough to stay away from conflicts and live his life with peace of mind. The only thing that made her feel a little regretful was that her roommate Sophia just said hello to her and left this world, saying that she would go back to her own world to do the things she had not finished yet. Regarding the other party's farewell, Xiaozhi said Zhi Shu was still a little sad in her heart, but she knew that there was no such thing as a feast that lasted forever. Sophia's departure would be a matter of time, and she accepted this reality.

Now, Xiao Zhizhi feels a little too happy to miss Shu, and even doesn't bother to go back to the space station. In her opinion, compared to a solid harbor that can be relied on, the few things in the space station are nothing. If they are lost, they are lost. Moreover, she installed a rocket booster device at the bottom of the space station. With just a command, the space station will leave the earth's orbit and advance into the depths of the universe. And if the command is given, the space station will self-destruct after it leaves the earth's orbit. Don't worry. Space station information will be leaked to the outside world.

Xiao Zhizhishu sat next to Li Wei and said, Can you help me apply sunscreen? My joints are not very flexible, and there are many places on my back that cannot be applied.

Xiao Zhizhi twisted her body. With her plump figure and cool-style swimsuit, just standing there was enough to attract attention. Even other girls who were also women would have their eyes involuntarily when they passed by. Look this way.

Levi said: Okay, I just need to help you fix your back?

Xiao Zhizhishu smiled and said: I want to be lazy, can you help me wipe it off in front?

Hearing Xiao Zhizhishu's words, Xiao Zhizhihuan instantly became alert. She didn't expect that her sister had the same idea as her.

Xiao Zhizhihuan still respected her sister, but she didn't expect that even a picky person like her sister would have a good impression of Li Wei. Xiao Zhizhen didn't know about the first meeting between Li Wei and Xiao Zhizhu, so she didn't know how her sister met Li Wei, so that she was still a little confused now, and it seemed that someone had stolen her home again. .

Levi said: I really can't do anything to you, just lie down.

Seeing this scene, the blood pressure of several young girls instantly increased. However, the relatively older Chifuyu Oribara and Maya Yamada were used to such things. This was indeed Shino no Bunch. Things that weirdos can do. Both of them knew quite a bit about Xiao Zhizhi. After all, they were old friends who had known each other for who knows how long when they were studying in the same university.

Xiao Zhizhi lay down on the beach chair obediently, staring at Li Wei with his big eyes, looking well-behaved.

Xiao Zhizhi had been observing Li Wei during this period. She wanted to find out what kind of person Li Wei was and whether he was worthy of her entrustment. In the end, she got a satisfactory answer, although Li Wei also had some small problems. Shortcomings, but these small shortcomings are not a problem at all. In the key point, Levi is the best man she has ever seen, so that after meeting Levi, other men can no longer enter her eyes.

Levi is not a perfect god, but a human being of flesh and blood. But generally speaking, Levi is a combination of various positive things. Levi is not suitable for those who only ask for money but do not know anything in return. It is suitable for a giant baby princess who is spoiled by her elder family, and it is not suitable for a so-called queen who is so controlling that she is twisted. What Levi can do is to be fair.

This kind of fairness is a very rare characteristic in Xiao Zhizhi's view, because Li Wei must ensure that he can meet the requirements of every girl around him and integrate the entire harem, which is a very incredible ability in Xiao Zhizhi's view.

Li Wei skillfully applied sunscreen to Xiao Zhizhi, and the cold sunscreen fell on the snow-grey skin. The cool feeling made Xiao Zhizhi scream like a small animal.

Cecilia, not far away, whispered: This woman definitely did it on purpose!

Xiao Zhizhi said in a low voice: Isn't this a natural thing? She is very good at playing with people's hearts, and we can't play with her.

Cecilia said: I always feel a little unwilling. We were obviously the ones who arrived first, but we were still overtaken by the latecomers.

Xiao Zhizhihuan said: We can have such a result now, so let's have some fun. After all, the world is so big, but there is no place for us anymore.

Cecilia's breath was suffocating. Even she would be affected by this matter. She was someone who had been on the battlefield and had actual combat achievements, and she was the type who would definitely be liquidated. Now, the family has prepared her death certificate, just so that in the coming tide, the family's power will not be affected too much because of her incident.

After the Tu family made the public announcement, all countries aware of the changing situation have already begun to respond, but some have taken a tough stance, while others have just bowed their heads and lie down.

Like the Orcutt family, there is actually no difference between lying down. After all, as long as she dies, the debt will be wiped out.

Cecilia sighed and said: Oh, that's all it can do, but then again, your sister is really a vixen.

Xiao Zhizhen said: If she hears this, she will directly regard your words as a compliment..

Chapter. Return to reality

On the floating island, the girls from IS Academy looked at the surrounding environment curiously. They were also islands. The scale of the floating island was far beyond what the academy island could compare to.

Levi specially made a batch of female puppet clones. The purpose was to enable the new partners who joined the floating island to adapt to the environment of the island in the shortest possible time and get used to this daughter country artificially created by others.

As for the girls around him, Levi personally took them to familiarize themselves with the environment.

After the academy announced its dissolution, the impact on the outside world was huge. After all, the IS academy can be said to be the largest IS pilot training base in the world. The pilots trained here are all the elites of IS forces from various countries, and their combat effectiveness is quite strong. .

The most shocking thing is the various feminist organizations. The IS Academy can be said to be an important support and trump card for them to maintain their own privileges. Even if the Tu Family makes an official announcement, they still feel that they have absolute military superiority. As long as they IS Academy will not fall. When the hidden power of the academy is revealed, the world will still be decided by them.

Unexpectedly, the college surrendered without a fight and announced its dissolution. At the same time, the whereabouts of a large number of personnel were unknown. Now, the feminist organizations, which were originally confident and thought they had a chance to win, collectively became silent.

In Asia, because of the radiation from the Tu family, all the feminist forces in various countries have raised the white flag and surrendered. After all, it is very stupid to act like a mantis when facing the despairingly huge military power of the Tu family.

The Asian region quickly settled down, but the European region was still quite chaotic, because the Rabbit family did not intend to intervene in Europe so soon, especially since the European side had disgusted the Rabbit family many times, so the Rabbit family also had its own small Temper and small calculations, let those feminist organizations that have reached the end of the road go crazy in the end to consume the potential of the European region. When they beat themselves and beat themselves to a bloody head, the Tu family will not panic. Busy intervention can not only vent bad anger, but also maximize one's own interests.

On Li Wei's side, after completing the transfer of personnel, the remaining personnel who had not been transferred were all sent back to their respective places of origin. Those who were willing to go to Tu's house were arranged to go to Tu's house to atone.

At this point, the IS Academy has completely disappeared from under the eyes of all forces, leaving only an uninhabited island.

Li Wei directly gave the academy's island to the Tu family. All the equipment and objects on it were not moved and were left to the Tu family to deal with. This man-made island, with a little modification, can be used as a good military port, just right for construction. Overseas bases. If you build a base here, you can not only break through the original blockade, but also suppress Neon and bring Neon into your own economic prosperity circle.

After the major matters were dealt with, Li Wei also sorted out all his personal affairs. Sisters Xiao Zhizhi and Xiao Zhishu said goodbye to their families, and Li Wei also gave Xiao Zhizhi and his wife adequate compensation. , enough for them to enjoy their old age.

Xiao Zhizhi and his wife were still a little reluctant to leave Xiao Zhizhi's words, but when it was Xiao Zhizhi's turn, their attitude was as if they were sending off the plague, which made Xiao Zhizhi feel very hurt. However, her parents' attitude also made her no longer worried, and she could leave with Li Wei with peace of mind.

What happened to Xiao Zhizhi made Li Wei almost laugh out loud. Sure enough, the parents who could give birth to such a strange woman as Xiao Zhizhi were also strange people. He followed the two sisters Xiao Zhizhi and Xiao Zhizhi to visit his father-in-law and mother-in-law. After seeing the style of the two of them, overall, they are a pair of interesting people. It's a pity that they were cheated by the eldest daughter. No wonder they have such a big resentment.

After everything was settled, Levi took his beauties and left the IS world and returned to the real world.


Two days have passed since he returned to the real world, and Levi has returned to his peaceful life like Yoshikage Kira.

Before it was completely dark, Levi had already turned on the TV. He had the habit of watching the morning news, because in the real world, he lived alone, and if he didn't make some noise in his residence, it would always feel too quiet. And he is not a person who likes to keep cats and dogs, so he is used to playing TV or music. Anyway, the soundproofing of the apartment is very good, and he also made a soundproof barrier. Even if there is a concert in the apartment, the neighbors next door will not hear the slightest sound.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Listening to the economic news on the TV about the stock market and employment, Levi wanted to complain in his heart. Neon's local economy really has nothing to complain about. It has been so many years, there is not even mild inflation, it is all deflation. This There is also an economic exhibition organized by Mao Zedong. However, considering that this is neon, and neon is a mess, for him, it is just something he can watch for fun, and it will not affect him anyway.

After taking out the toast bread from the toaster and putting the mixed vegetable and fruit salad on the table, Levi opened the JUMP APP. Recently, JUMP comics have been reformed and a mobile APP has been launched to digitize comics.

This reminded Li Wei of Bizhan in China. Originally, Bizhan was mainly on the web page, but with the development of smartphones and 4G networks, Bizhan now has more active users on the mobile APP than on the web page. It has to be said, Mobile is indeed the mainstream trend in the future.

Hmm... This programmer should add chicken legs. The mobile APP here in Neon is always very bad. They are all barely usable. I didn't expect this APP to be quite smooth. Li Wei moved his hands on the screen of his mobile phone, because Since he was not short of money, he directly became a member of the annual meeting, so past journals and separate volumes can be viewed on the APP.

Unlike Beep Comics on Beep Station, where you have to buy individual chapters to read comics, on JUMP’s mobile version, annual meeting members can directly unlock all comics. Although the annual meeting membership costs 2,000 neon dollars a year, which is a bit expensive for ordinary people, the fact that all comics can be read at will is particularly friendly to rich people like Li Wei, who is too lazy to order individual chapters to buy. ? What the hell is that?

Levi opened the Naruto comic and found that the APP also supported the barrage function, which surprised him. Is this really an APP made by Neon people? Isn't it outsourced to the technical experts from Chongguo? Neon's software has always been known for being difficult to use and extremely unstable. It has its own characteristics. Levi really can't believe that this is the JUMP client.

Let's take a look at the comment section first. With this new software, the comment section should be less lively. Levi opened the comment section of the Naruto manga.

Chapter. Side Effects of Too High Concentrations

I remember this thing has been online for less than half a month, and the comment area is already so busy? Or is this the treatment that classic works deserve? Even if they have collected physical comics, there are still many people here. Take a dip and make your presence felt. After all, Neon people are no less dependent on the Internet than the Chinese people. Li Wei sighed.

Opening the comment area, in more than half a month, there have been more than 3,000 comments and more than 200 long comments. As a bit of a nerd, Levi likes this nerdy atmosphere very much. The old friends in the comment area are very concentrated.

Levi browsed through the comments with high likes according to the number of likes. Many of them criticized Boruto. This is an old tradition of Naruto fans. If it were him, he would also scold Boruto. Boruto is garbage and does not accept refutation. Who can Retort, who will he beat to death?

Among the large number of favorable comments, his curiosity aroused.

(I have seen many friends praise and disparage the animated version before. Here, as a loyal fan, I have to say something fair. Because the production speed of the animated version exceeded the original schedule during the period, a lot of original content had to be created to fill the gap left by Kishimoto. These original contents have good and bad qualities, but overall, the benefits of enriching Naruto's world view outweigh the disadvantages. After all, in the later stages of the comics, the main line is crazily promoted, which is considered a limitation of comic works. Sex, for the sake of rhythm and fun, we have to give up some things. Therefore, compared with the animated version, the comic version is like ramen without soup and ramen with soup. The ramen with soup may not be more delicious, but the content is more Rich. I personally recommend everyone to watch the animated version. Without colored glasses, the animated version is also a pretty good work. By the way, the original Nadeshiko Village in the animated version, Nadeshiko Shizuka is really top!)

Levi saw this comment, which had more than 4,000 likes, and held his chin with one hand, thinking about what the commenter said.

Sure enough, if the concentration is too high, you will miss something. Nadeshiko Shizuka? Let me Google it first...

Open the mobile webpage, enter Nadeshiko Shizuka, and then the encyclopedia pops up.

Levi's eyes became sharp as he looked at the beautiful girl with a proud figure in the encyclopedia picture.

Damn! The old guys on the forum misunderstood me. Who knew there was such a powerful original character in the animated version? Hey, you can go to the world of Kagakure Ninja in the future. Nadeshiko Shizuka is a girl who is not inferior to Hinata at all. This car The lamp is no worse than Tsunade, what did you eat when you grew up? Levi sighed.

The world view of Naruto is very thick. After all, it is a long novel. Especially after the animated version has been expanded, the world view has been progressively completed. There are many characters on the scene, the characters have distinct personalities, and the power system is rich. The Naruto series can be said to be the best among many anime. The first echelon in the world.

In comparison, the world view of the IS world that Levi had visited before was actually quite simple and crude, and the only power system was the IS armor. However, Levi does not expect his world view to be established in this kind of meat show, because his goal has been very clear from the beginning, which is to pick up girls.

Levi does not have a bitter past, nor does he have any special goals. His goal is very simple, which is to become stronger, hang out with more beauties, and do pleasant things.

Should we say that he has no ambition? Perhaps, this is indeed considered a lack of ambition, but relying on this salty attitude, Li Wei is getting stronger and stronger, and his character is getting better and better. At least when facing girls, Li Wei He is truly a gentleman to the core.

Levi's goal in going to a world is very simple, that is, to see if there are beauties in this world. If there are beauties, it's easy to say. Without beauties, he won't bother to move, no matter how many benefits he gets.

Levi felt that he could catch up on Naruto's animation. This could be regarded as his childhood memory. Besides, isn't Tsunade delicious? Doesn't Hinata smell good? Doesn’t Nadeshiko Shizuka smell good? Doesn’t it smell good every day? Don’t Anko and Terumi Mei smell good?

It smells good and deserves praise, but how can the winner take all? The world of Naruto is a world where power is paramount, but that does not mean that it is completely unreasonable. It is not a simple matter to achieve collection of all achievements. At least, you still have to do the preparations that need to be done. The initial preparations , that is a supplement. With more than 700 episodes, you have to finish it bit by bit. At least you have to understand the plot of the entire animation before you can ensure that the situation is under your control.

Although Naruto Levi himself has not finished reading it, he has read a lot of various random fan novels. He knows the general plot, but if he wants to travel to that world to pick up girls, he can't So rough.

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