The dishes in the box are all beautifully styled neon-style traditional dishes. Although Levi prefers domestic cuisine, he will not force others to accept his preferences.

Levi said: I'm not familiar with your taste preferences, so I made some dishes according to Neon's traditional eating style, hoping to suit your taste. Considering that you will have to catch up on sleep later, I prepared all the food. It’s the type that’s easy to digest.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye looked at the sumptuous dishes and was extremely surprised. He did not expect that an artist like Li Wei could have such skill in food. From this exquisite cuisine, it can be seen that Li Wei is Life is definitely a very particular one.

Jinchengzhai Qianye wiped the corners of his eyes and whispered, Thank you.

This is the first time that Jinchengsai Qianye has been cared about like this since she left her hometown and went to a big city like Tokyo to study alone. Tokyo is a glamorous metropolis, but it is also an indifferent place. It is not as humane as the small cities in my hometown. The fast pace of life here leaves tired people with no extra energy to care about others.

Therefore, after coming to Tokyo, she could only communicate her emotions, whether she was happy or sad, with her family, and it was not that convenient to communicate on the phone, so she often missed home.

Levi was not the first person to help her, but he was the one who painted a rich and colorful picture of her life. Levi's existence made her realize that her life had gone awry, allowing her to adjust her mood in a timely manner. , be prepared to re-release.

Jinchengzhai Qianye felt her fatigue getting worse. She was not used to staying up late, so staying up late had a huge negative impact on her.

Levi said: You look very tired. You will probably sleep until the afternoon. You also need to rest.

Jinchengzhai Qianye picked up a piece of sushi with his chopsticks and put it into his mouth, chewed it carefully, and after swallowing it, he said: In the afternoon, I have to go to school to hand in my homework. The teacher does not accept faxes. I must Paper assignments have to be handed in.”

Levi said: I came here on a motorcycle. I will take you there directly in the afternoon. After eating, go to bed immediately. I will go to the police to deal with it later. By the way, remember to give me the door key, otherwise you will come back. I couldn’t get in the door after that.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: Thank you, but will this delay your work? You are also a college student. Didn't the teacher assign you a task?

Li Wei smiled and said: My final homework has been completed a long time ago. The paintings in the previous exhibition were my final homework. Now I just need to wait for the holiday with peace of mind.

Jinchengzhai Qianye showed an emotional expression and said: I really envy you Li Weijun. I have endless homework here, but the credits these homeworks bring are very valuable. I don't dare to do any homework every time. Let it go.”

Levi just smiled.

Neon University is different from Guohe High School and is more like Chongguo University in terms of holiday system. Most junior high schools and colleges have three semesters per year, while in universities it will become two semesters per year, from April to September and from October to March.

The New Year here in Neon is in month, while the Chinese New Year in Chongguo is in month. Some universities with late holidays are not very friendly to international students in Chongguo.

Of course, art schools like Dongyi University are quite special. At the end of the semester, most students have nothing to do. As long as they can pass the teacher's test, they can leave school early. Therefore, although Dongyi University has a late holiday, it does not It will affect Li Wei's return to China for the New Year.

Chapter. Quiet Life and Concerns

After Jinchengzhai Qianye had a delicious breakfast, the police slowly came to the door. Here in Neon, not only ordinary people can lie down, but also civil servants. Police, firefighters, doctors and other professions, for For Neon people, it's just a profession, not a belief, so they won't fight for someone who doesn't know them.

This can be regarded as Li Wei’s personal perception after staying with Neon for two years. Many people have been deceived by Neon TV series. There is no so-called enthusiasm and improvement in the Neon workplace. They are just an anesthetic for self-deception. , Neon people will not take the TV series seriously.

Levi followed the police and it didn't take long to finish the matter. Because it was a passive defense counterattack, Levi was not responsible for the drunken man's injuries. The drunkard would be sent to a rescue agency. While undergoing medical treatment, you can also receive monthly biological support.

However, that's all the relevant agencies can do. As for whether they can push this drunkard back into society and let him have the ability to survive as a normal person, it is not what they can do. Because Neon's society itself is very sick. Once you are seriously ill or bankrupt, you will easily lose everything and become a homeless person who can only wander around.

This is a deep social problem in Neon. Levi is very clear about his position as an outsider who lives here, so as long as the problem does not involve the people around him, he is in no mood to meddle.

After dealing with the problem, Levi rode his motorcycle back to Jinchengzhai Qianye's apartment, parked the car downstairs, and then cast a small anti-theft spell before Levi went upstairs.

An area like this where security is not very good can be considered a slum in a sense. All kinds of people live together here. It can be said that it is a mixed bag of good and bad. Car thieves are very common here. Downstairs of the apartment, there are only some shabby bicycles, motorcycles and small electric donkeys are not seen. The local residents also know what the security here is like, so they are not willing to spend money on luxury items such as transportation. After all, if you are not careful, your transportation baby will become someone else's.

Opening the door with the key, Li Wei heard soft snores. Jincheng Zhai Qianye slept very deeply. Li Wei looked at the girl lying on the tatami and covered her with the quilt.

The temperature has started to drop during this period, and catching a cold at this time is quite uncomfortable for ordinary people.

The real world is not as bright and beautiful as the anime world. Every ordinary person has his own troubles. Looking at the girl's peaceful sleeping face, Li Wei felt a little emotional in his heart. If he didn't have that adventure, he would be just an ordinary person. That's all, they will worry about marriage and career, and they will also fear birth, old age, illness and death.

But it is precisely because he knows that he comes from ordinary people that Levi cares more about his identity as an ordinary person, to a morbid level, like a hand-controlled gold office worker. However, salaryman Jin has been pursuing a peaceful life from the beginning, and Li Wei has more choices than him, because Li Wei can enjoy a peaceful life in the real world and go to other worlds from time to time to adjust his life. Feeling.

Levi turned on his phone and started to catch up. He had already decided to go to the world of Naruto. Naturally, he had to make preparations in advance. However, Naruto is a long series with more than 700 episodes after all, so each episode is ten minutes. Calculate, it will take 300 hours to complete without speeding up, which is close to thirteen days.

So, it's a huge amount of work. As for the comics, Levi has already finished them. After all, the speed of reading comics depends on the reader's own picture reading speed, so it only took Levi two days to finish reading the more than 700 chapters of Naruto comics. It is necessary to catch up and read them all in one breath. From Levi's point of view, it is quite refreshing. Although Naruto has various problems, the rhythm of the comic is indeed very good.

Before completing the animation, Levi estimates that he will go on adventures in other worlds, but his current strength can be said to be ceiling-breaking in most worlds. Such a journey is not suitable for him. It's just a trip. If you want him to experience adventure and scare him to the point of trembling with fear, you have to have a Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya-level combat power system.

Some people may wonder why, in Levi's mind, the status of Saint Seiya is on the same level as Dragon Ball. In fact, the system of Saint Seiya just doesn't look strong, but if you really calculate the strength, they are all weak and not at all. Weaker than Dragon Ball.

In the Saint Seiya system, ordinary bronze and silver are relatively weak, and their physical strength is only up to the speed of sound. They basically rely on special skills to make a living, and they can recruit all over the world. They are very powerful at crushing opponents and fighting each other at the same level, but If you encounter a gold-level existence, you will be killed instantly. Of course, the bronze and silver masters who have mastered the first sense are all the protagonists, and their real combat power is not worse than that of gold. It is just that because of the lack of gold holy clothes, their own defense ability is not as good as that of gold saints.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

At the level of the Golden Saint, that is, after everyone has mastered the first sense, the movement speed directly exceeds the speed of light. Just by relying on the ability to break through the speed of light, one can master huge destructive power. This does not include reaching the third sense. Those exaggerated combat skills he mastered later.

The Earth Exploding Star in Naruto seems awesome, but in the Saint Seiya system, after mastering the first sense, you have the ability to explode stars from the beginning. The Exploding Star here is literally an Exploding Star, just poke it with your finger. Explode the planet.

Even if all the Otsutsuki clan members in Naruto are brought together, and they encounter the Golden Saints, they will all be destroyed by the group. This is the absolute strength gap between the two sides. In the Naruto world view, Levi is the emperor who has absolute military superiority and goes to private servers to experience life privately. However, in the Saint world view, Levi estimates that he can only bully ordinary bronze and silver level saints. Whatever. If there were a Golden Saint, even the weakest one, he wouldn't be able to fight head-on.

In the animation, the Saint Seiyas and the fighters of other gods fight around on the earth without causing much damage. It is this superficial performance that makes people think that the power system of the Saint Seiyas is not strong. In fact, this How wrong.

Because the earth in the Saint Seiya world view has a very special status. It is a prison of gods that has sealed a large number of gods and demons. According to the information that Levi can find, it is conservatively estimated that more than a thousand gods and demons have been sealed in the earth in the Saint Seiya world view. Each god and demon has been sealed. Heavy seals must be added, which means that there are at least a thousand seals on the earth. Under such exaggerated suppression, the damage that the fighters under various gods can cause to the environment is naturally limited.

However, in the cosmic space or other space that is not suppressed by the seal, the fighters with full firepower will directly rub the planet with their hands and hit people, or use their telekinesis to drag the gravel belt of the entire galaxy to hit people, or else they will directly play with the space and Time, even concept.

In a world like this where strong men roam the land, Levi would never commit suicide before he had enough force to protect himself. In the Saint Seiya power system, there are those who can infinitely jump world lines, infinite timelines, and even counter-universe causality. In such a ghost place, even if other time travelers pass by, the gods will be destroyed the moment they land. Now, if there is no special ability to hide one's fate, it will really be a box in the air, and it will even be reversely tracked.

Chapter. Girl’s Vision

Chapter.Land Price

Li Wei didn't take Jinchengzhai Qianye's words to heart. To be honest, he never thought about getting married in the real world. Having two confidantes is enough. If not, it doesn't matter. Confidante is even more interesting.

For Levi, friends who can play black with him in World of Tanks can be said to be his rare friends, and some of the old buddies in Shenfei Mansion are ruthless people. Last time At the meeting, Levi finally saw how homely these old buddies were, and he felt ashamed of himself anyway.

Jinchengzhai Qianye has just entered his life, and both parties need a certain amount of time to get along. He cannot pay unilaterally. If Jinchengzhai Qianye cannot meet his inner requirements, Then he will separate without hesitation, so as not to fall out of the belt and suffer chaos.

But so far, Jinchengzhai Qianye has performed well. Although it is not interesting enough, compared to ordinary girls, she has a higher moral bottom line and further pursuits.

As for fun, this kind of thing can be cultivated slowly, and Levi still has plenty of time to do such things.

Li Wei said: Here in Neon, marriage is a deep pit for the weak, but for the strong, it is a marriage-style combination of strong alliances. In fact, on the Chongguo side, young people are not very Get married, after all, the economy is not good these days, young people can’t even see hope for tomorrow, and it is difficult to support themselves, let alone support a small child.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye showed a surprised expression and said, The superpower across the sea also has such troubles?

Li Wei said: Of course, the wealth of a country does not determine the strength of its people. If you are studying social sciences, you should know more about this aspect. Let's have lunch first. The food I made is almost cold. Fortunately, all I cook is cold food.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye nodded, and the two of them put two small tables together, put all the food on them, and then sat down opposite each other.

To be honest, I still prefer Chongguo's way of eating on a chair. Although I have been coming to Neon for two years, I am still not used to sitting down to eat. Li Wei said.

The so-called sitting upright here in Neon is actually a leftover from ancient Chongguo games. Before the Tang Dynasty, sitting upright was actually popular in Chongguo. Both nobles and commoners were used to this way. Chairs were introduced from the western grasslands and were first called Hu Beds. Then the ancients discovered that sitting on a chair was much more comfortable than sitting cross-legged or sitting upright, so sitting upright was gradually replaced and eventually disappeared. In the long history.

Flowers bloom inside the walls and fragrant outside the walls. Neon itself lacks history. Before the Bird Age, neon had almost no cultural system of its own. And the Bird Age of neon corresponds to the early Tang and the prosperous Tang Dynasties in China. In other words, Before the Tang Dynasty, most people in Neon lived like savages in the mountains and forests, but the country already had the splendid history of the Qin and Han Dynasties. This was a place that people in Neon envied and hated. The history of Chongguo was really too rich. , and Neon was still pretty good in the Warring States Period.

It is precisely because of this that Neon has been consciously absorbing and stealing the history of Chongguo, and even came up with the concept of Wu Chongguo after Yashan. In order to obtain the cultural history of Chongguo, it secretly changed the concept to make itself a The inheritor of Yanhuang civilization.

It's a pity that Neon's little calculation didn't work at all. Chongguo has now embarked on the road of rejuvenation. Both hard and soft power are getting bigger and bigger, and Neon is now sandwiched between relatives and friends. Between my father and my adoptive father, they were just trembling chickens.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: Actually, I don't like to sit upright, and so do my family members. Sitting upright can easily lead to bow-legged legs. But because this place is relatively narrow, I didn't buy a stool.

Jinchengzhai Qianye didn't want to buy a stool. Another reason was that moving was very troublesome, so she tried her best to use the furniture left by the people who rented here before. After all, it was not her own house, so she would have to move it sooner or later. If you move out, you can't take the furniture with you, which is not cost-effective.

Levi said: If it is your own house, you can buy the furniture you like.

Jinchengsai Qianye said: That's why I want to buy land. Only when I have my own house can I do whatever I want. But I did the math. Taking Nerima District as an example, I want to buy a piece of land worth 70 yuan. A square of land requires 14 million yen, plus the cost of building a house. If you want to take root in Tokyo, you will need at least 22 million yen. For ordinary people, this is indeed a lot of money. It’s a huge amount of money, but I believe in myself. As long as I can continue step by step, this will only be my income for a few years.”

Li Wei just smiled. The girl in front of him was still too idealistic and had not been really beaten by life. These days, employment difficulties have spread to prestigious schools. Even if you have a diploma from a prestigious school, you want to find a suitable job. The job is not easy either.

However, he would not break the other person's fantasy in a disgraceful way. After all, if a person has no ideals at all, he is no different from a salted fish, so he can just let her continue to have sweet dreams. Anyway, even if her dream is shattered, he will be the one to take care of it, but he doesn’t want her to become a full-time wife. Although Li Wei is not short of money, he doesn’t want her to lose her eyesight and become a full-time wife. Even if a man is good to her, it is easy for him to destroy his own will. Therefore, even if Li Wei gets together with Jinchengzhai Qianye, he will support his career so that she can have something of her own to do. This is real love.

Jinchengsai Qianye said: I checked the land prices in the thirteen districts in Tokyo before. After excluding a few core areas and some relatively remote areas, the land prices were still within the range that I could afford. Although the land prices in these places are still much higher than those in my hometown.

As for Sapporo, it is a city in Hokkaido after all. The overall land price in Hokkaido is very cheap. If you just want to buy a piece of land and build a house, the total price is indeed not expensive. However, the overall income level in Sapporo is far behind that of Tokyo, so if you want to buy land and build a house, the time it takes will not be worse than in Tokyo, unless your family has a relatively rich local industry. , For example, in the fishing industry and high-end handicrafts, an ordinary person can have an annual income of three million yen, which is considered good, and this standard of well-off income will be doubled in Tokyo.

However, the survival pressure in Sapporo is much lower than that in Tokyo. If you are not looking for prosperity and convenience, there are actually many suitable places to live in various small cities outside of Tokyo.

Chapter 4. Peers

After lunch, Jinchengzhai Qianye checked his homework, and after confirming that there were no problems, he put it in the document bag.

After confirming that there was no problem, the two people left the apartment and walked downstairs.

Jinchengzhai Qianye looked at Li Wei's cool heavy-duty motorcycle, sighed and said: Li Weijun, it's best not to bring your own car or motorcycle here in the future. There are a lot of car thieves here. , it can be said that it was lucky that it was not stolen this time, but personal luck cannot always be so good.

Levi smiled and said: Okay, I understand. But my car and motorcycle are equipped with positioning systems, and there are also special anti-theft devices. If there is really a hairy thief who dares to steal my car, then he will Learn a lesson you will never forget.

Levi has performed magic anti-theft treatment on his vehicle. If someone wants to steal the car, they will be punished with acupuncture, electric shock, severe burns and neuralgia all over the body. The intensity of the punishment ensures that it will not leave any scars on the car thief's body and at the same time, it can make the other party experience the greatest pain. If these punishments are carried out in a physical way, then ten lives of the car thief will not be enough to die.

Levi put the document into the side trunk of the motorcycle and started the motorcycle. The low but not harsh roar gave off a unique mechanical beauty. Levi is not a person who likes to bombard the streets in a high-profile manner, so his heavy-duty motorcycles have been modified to have noise reduction. The sound of the engines has been suppressed to a range that ordinary people can accept, and at the same time, the vibrations when traveling are also reduced to a minimum.

Jinchengzhai Qianye seemed a little cautious, but she still straddled the rear seat of the motorcycle. She took the helmet handed over by Li Wei and put it on her head.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: I have ridden an electric donkey before in my hometown, but this is my first time riding a motorcycle.

When Jinchengzhai Qianye was in his hometown, he practiced on his own electric donkey. Although his skills were not very good, at least he would not crash. And a big thing like a heavy motorcycle is difficult for even most men to control. There are very few women who can control a heavy motorcycle. She just watched others ride it. After all, heavy motorcycles generally weigh more than 200 kilograms. Once the motorcycle falls over, it is impossible to right it without any strength.

Levi said: So this is your first time riding a heavy motorcycle. Don't be nervous. I'm not used to speeding when riding. And to be honest, the road conditions in Neon are far different from those in Chongguo, and the conditions are not that good. Let the rider race ¨ .

Distance brings beauty. Many Chinese people who have never been to neon will be confused by various propaganda campaigns about neon and develop a strange fondness for neon. But people like Li Wei, who have lived in Neon for a period of time, know that under the veil of the propaganda offensive, the real face of Neon is far from being as beautiful as the propaganda.

Chinese people are accustomed to the four-way traffic in the country. There are always four lanes, or various spectacular cross-sea bridges, and overpasses that can perfectly divert traffic. Here in Neon, the transportation system is rotten to the core. The highways in many places are even two-lane, and they are still very narrow two-lanes. It is very difficult to overtake another car, plus the emergency lane It is also very narrow, and the slightest mistake can easily lead to a series of car accidents. However, over the years, the relevant departments have bowed countless times, but they have never thought of solving the root cause of the problem.

Even in a core city like Tokyo, road traffic is still not comparable to that in China. Traffic jams can be said to be a major feature of Tokyo, and foreign tourists must try it.

Levi said: Considering that some sections of the road are very prone to traffic jams, and there is relatively plenty of time now, I plan to take a detour.

Jinchengzhai Qianye patted Li Wei's shoulder gently and said softly: It's okay, I have never been on a motorcycle for a ride. It would be good to appreciate more of Tokyo's scenery.

The engine roared, and the motorcycle carried the two people away from the dilapidated apartment. Li Wei's speed was not too fast. Jincheng Zhai Qianye felt that the scenery around him was driving backwards at the right speed. She put her hands around Li Wei Wei's waist, riding a motorcycle for the first time, she was still a little nervous.

However, with Li Wei's driving skills and the mental cues he released to the drivers on the road around him, the motorcycle traveled smoothly on the road, and Jincheng Zhai Qianye could not feel the lag of deceleration at all.

Jinchengsai Qianye said: This is the first time I have observed the city of Tokyo from this perspective. My parents told me before that Tokyo is a city without warmth and impersonality, but now it seems that it is also That’s not what happened.”

Levi said: Then my uncle and aunt should have come to Tokyo to work hard when they were young, right?

Jincheng Zhai Qianye said: Well, but they couldn't take root here, so they returned to their hometown. Now they live a good life there and don't lack anything. They used to live here in Tokyo. I went to college, and it was precisely because I heard them talking about things here in Tokyo when I was a child that I wanted to come and have a look, try to put down roots here, and do what they had not been able to do before.

Levi said: '. When it comes to life, the more prosperous the place, the better. In a place like Tokyo, if you don't have enough capabilities, you will just struggle to survive. You can enjoy it in other places outside Tokyo. Life is not a bad thing.

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