Levi threw the oil lamp in his hand casually, fell into Oribara Xia's hand, and said: It won't take ten years to occupy your body. It only takes years. You are just used by him as a medium for resurrection. After all, Your physical fitness is pretty good.

Ori Madara looked at the oil lamp in his hand. He quickly checked the darkness he had made on the oil lamp and found that the oil lamp was indeed the one he had lost. This made him feel scared. Could everything Levi said be true?

Levi, who was murderous and heart-wrenching, began to destroy Oribara Xia's psychological defense step by step.

Falling from heaven to hell was probably how it felt now. Oribara Natsu looked at the oil lamp in his hand and wiped it. What appeared in front of him was a humanoid shape of twisted black smoke. Just looking at it made people shudder.

When the black smoke figure saw Oribara Natsu, its scarlet eyes were filled with cruelty, and it instantly rushed towards Oribara Natsu.

Ah! Ori Madara shouted in fright.

Levi slapped it, and the black smoke figure was smashed to pieces, and the broken smoke quickly slipped back into the oil lamp.

Chapter. Continue to punish

Levi said: Because of the vampire, the guy inside has recovered some strength in advance. It originally took ten years to occupy your body bit by bit, but now, within a year, he will be able to completely replace you.

Ori Madara was devastated. He couldn't believe that his hope for the future turned out to be deadly poison.

In the past, he had indeed unilaterally believed in the magic lamp's words. He would believe whatever the magic lamp said. However, he could not confirm what the magic lamp said. Moreover, he firmly believed that the magic lamp could realize wishes because of the Arabian Nights story. Regarding the story of the magic lamp and whether the magic lamp can really fulfill people's wishes, he was not sure about this kind of thing.

Levi said: Let you waste ten years, only to find that your hope is to fight with a bamboo basket and the moon in the well. What could be more desperate than this? And when you are most desperate, the evil spirit will If you can take advantage of the situation, I think you can understand it, right?

Ori Madara looked at the oil lamp that had fallen to the ground. His hands were still shaking from the fear in his heart. He didn't expect that he would escape behind closed doors. The trump card he relied on turned out to be such a ghost thing.

In Ori Madara's heart, was Levi lying to him? The real magic lamp can indeed make wishes come true. The current magic lamp was copied by Li Wei in order to deceive him. After this idea popped up in my mind, it grew like a wild weed and became completely out of control.

However, Oribara Xia knew that he was no match for Levi. Even if his conjecture was true, what could he do? Thinking this way, he became even more desperate.

Oribara Xia was so devastated that his eyes even lost the light. Now, after experiencing the ups and downs of life, he has opened his eyes to some things. On Li Wei's side, he received several system reminders in a row, and his points were harvested to the point where his hands were numb.

Li Wei knew that Oribara Xia was calm on the surface, but inside she was in turmoil.

Levi said: What are your plans next? The false hope brought by the magic lamp is shattered, but you still have to face the future.

Oribara Xia was silent for a moment, raised the oil lamp, placed it in front of Li Wei, and said: For the sake of my sister, can you help me get rid of this oil lamp? I am grateful. Before thinking about the future, , this hidden danger must be dealt with. As for the future... I want to leave the academy, no matter what I do, I can.

Levi said: If you need help, you can talk to me now, but things are going to change soon. It may not be a bad thing for you to leave the academy at this time.

Looking at Li Wei's emotional expression, Oribara Xia felt puzzled in her heart, and bravely asked: Will something big happen next?

Levi said: It is indeed a big event, and its influence will be greater than that of the White Knight incident. After a while, the academy will be disbanded.

Ori Madara's pupils were shocked, and she said in shock: What's going on? Isn't the academy well-run? Why should it be disbanded? With the force the academy possesses, who else can disband the academy? Dissolution means giving up force. !”

Levi smiled and said: Since you are Chifuyu Yui's younger brother, let me let you know some news that the outside world does not know. The feminist rule brought by the IS armor is about to end. The single species is strong. Compared with IS armor, the cost is only % of IS armor, and the production difficulty is less than % of IS armor. The new armor for men has been put into mass production. Soon, the whole world will change. The era of IS armor has passed, and it will continue to block the wheel of the times. , will only be crushed to pieces.

Ori Madara said in despair: Is the era of IS armor over...

The reason why Oribara Kasumi is so disappointed is because as the status of IS armor is shattered, his special status as a male IS armor pilot will be overturned. In the future, men will be able to control new weapons that have superior combat power to IS armor. Armor, which means that he can no longer use his special characteristics to enjoy privileges, which means that it will be difficult for him to live in the future.

One blow after another made Oribara realize that she was not the protagonist.

Levi said: In life, a person will go through three stages of growth. The first stage is when he realizes that he is not the heart of the world and is not the protagonist of fate. The third stage is when he realizes that no matter how hard he works, there is nothing he can do about some things. , cannot be accomplished simply by hard work. And the third stage is to know that you are an ordinary ordinary person, and learn to accept your own ordinaryness and ordinaryness.

On the surface, Li Wei was just giving him chicken soup, but in fact he was killing people to kill people and pursue the victory.

It's so fun to rub salt into the wound. Levi, who is so arrogant, is already very familiar with this. But because his expression was so sincere, Ori Madara hadn't felt Levi's deep malice yet.

Oribara Natsu said: Unlike me, you are the real protagonist. To be honest, I envy you. There are so many girls around you, and your daily life is very fulfilling. Even during lunch and dinner time, there are so many girls around you. Surrounded by girls, I envy this kind of life.

Levi said: I am just the protagonist of my own life. It is quite rude and arrogant to want the whole world to revolve around me. I am not arrogant to that extent.

Oribaraxia smiled and said: That's right. Now I have no illusions anymore. Next, without the academy to rely on, I have to find a way to survive alone. How long will it take for the academy to be disbanded?

Levi said: After the school festival, the top management of the college will announce the dissolution. This school festival is the college's last farewell gift to the students. Next comes a new era, the arrival of a new era, It also means a cleanup, and I can only say that you are lucky, at least you didn’t do anything you shouldn’t have done, and even if it is a cleanup, it won’t be able to catch you.”

Ori Madara was relieved that he would not become a victim of the changes of the times. For him now, that was enough.

Oribara Natsu said: Thank you for telling me this, at least let me have a certain amount of time to prepare. Although the academy will soon be retired, in the last period of time in the academy, I still want to really complete myself. After that, I plan to go back to ordinary high school and then strive for university.

Li Wei smiled and said: Then I wish you can be admitted to Dongda University.

Thank you...goodbye. Oribara Xia knew that the future situation was no longer something that a small person like him could participate in. He also understood that exiting in time was not necessarily a bad thing.

Li Wei looked at Oribori Xia's back and narrowed his eyes slightly. In his mind, the numbers on the points panel were growing gratifyingly. If he chose the right time, he would earn much more than before.

Chapter. Times have changed

Li Wei did not deceive Oribara Xia. The college was really going to be disbanded. Just a few days ago, Li Wei got news from the country and told him to prepare for the dissolution of the college. Otherwise, he would have to sacrifice the sword with the college. , kill a chicken of sufficient size to show to the monkeys.

Li Wei naturally would not put his confidante in danger, and he was also behind the domestic actions. He was able to achieve mass production of the Hundred Armed Crystals in China so quickly, and conquered one after another smoothly. The technical difficulties in mass production are due to his support.

Without Levi's green light, China would not have been able to launch a large-scale mass production plan in such a short period of time.

When Levi returned to the road, he saw Sarashi Zhenmu waiting for him.

Oh, it feels like we haven't seen you for a long time, Li Weijun. Gengzhi Zhenwu clasped his hands behind his back, standing in his refreshing school uniform under the sunset, with his light blue shorts blown up by the sea breeze, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Levi smiled and said: We are in the college every day, and we see each other from time to time. Is there anything we haven't seen in a long time?

Gengshi Zhenwu walked to Li Wei's side and walked side by side with Li Wei.

You don't mind my stinking sweat. Being so close makes me smell very bad. Levi said with a smile.

Gengshi Zhenwu said: It seems that Li Weijun, you really don't understand. For girls, this kind of smell is simply irresistible. If I didn't know that you have never been in the habit of using incense, I would have thought that you did. It has a special fragrance, probably because of the smell of hormones.

Levi said: Whatever you say, but during this period, you are one of the busiest people. Preparing for the school festival must be very troublesome. Moreover, the rest of the matter will also depend on you. assist.

Geng Shizhenwu was one of the insiders who knew that the academy was about to be disbanded. Although she was shocked when she first learned the news, after learning the reason for the dissolution, it only took her a very short time to accept the reality. .

Gengshi Zhenwu sighed: You have to come here even if you are busy. After all, I am still waiting for your help.

Li Wei said: With the power of Gengzhijia, it would be difficult if someone wants to harm you.

Gengshi Zhenwu said: But the problem lies within. I relied on my personal strength to break free, but I couldn't pull the hairpin out of the mud pit. Now, those old guys have their thoughts on the hairpin. Does our previous agreement still count?

Levi said: Of course it counts. I have no habit of going back on my word. I will take care of the hairpin matter to the end. Even if the academy is gone, it is still not a problem for me to protect her.

What made her even more enlightened was Li Wei's words. Li Wei was a man of words. The situation had changed this time, and she was a little worried. That's why she came here to wait for Li Wei, wanting to know about Li Wei. Specific attitude and obtain Li Weixin's commitment.

Gengshi Zhenwu said: Things are about to change. Until now, I have always used the academy as a protective umbrella. Who knew that this protective umbrella would be gone at once? The world is so unpredictable.

Levi smiled and said: The White Knight Incident only lasted ten years, but in this era, let alone ten years, a year is enough time for many major events to happen. In this smoky world, turning around can be considered a good event.

Sarashi Tadamu sighed. As a beneficiary of the White Knight Incident, she had a crooked butt and her words were naturally unreasonable. However, she also understood that the era of extreme feminism was about to end, and revenge coming soon.

How rampant women's rights were in the past, how miserable women's bodies will be in the future, and even their personal rights will return directly to the 1900s, and they will be driven out of society and back into their families, with no room for improvement.

She is an ordinary woman who has a very long-term vision. It is precisely because she can see clearly that she understands the seriousness of the situation. For a loach like her, even if changes come, she can still get nourishment. , but her sister is more knowledgeable about hairpins than she is, so she is now trying to find a way out for her sister in advance.

From Li Wei's words, she had already learned some key information through the channel of the chairman. Although the chairman was vague, he let her know that by staying by Li Wei's side, she would not be affected by the chaos. This alone, Will suffice.

Times can eat people. It is better to be a dog in a prosperous age than a person in troubled times. This sentence has similar meanings in proverbs in various countries around the world. Geng Zhenwu has a very clear knowledge of such things.

Gengshi Zhenwu said: It is an overcorrection, but it is necessary and will inevitably be an overcorrection. Next, many innocent ordinary women will be accidentally injured. Men have been suppressing negative emotions for ten years, and once they are released, the consequences will be The destructive power will overturn the old structure of the entire world. To be honest, even a veteran like me will be scared. After all, I have personally experienced the crazy period after the White Knight incident.

Li Wei smiled and said: Tooth for tooth, eye for eye, it's human nature. If you don't let them out, holding them in will only cause more trouble. Anyway, in such a big environment, you can bring people around you Protection is enough.”

Gengshi Zhenwu nodded. Although the academy announced its dissolution, she estimated that the chairman would not give up the island where the academy is located easily. After all, this is the foundation of their lives. However, in the end, will they be able to do so? Whether it can be defended depends on whether Li Wei's face is big enough.

Gengshi Zhenwu said: When the chairman announces the dissolution of the college, the family will definitely let the hairpin go back. At that time, I will resist the pressure and keep her, and she will stay with you.

Li Wei said: If I know more about the family, I also know that there is a Black Glove family that specializes in doing dirty work. They used to be with the Rakshasa Kingdom and now they are with Neon. In the end, they are also a family that bullies the weak and fears the strong. With this pressure, I I'll help you carry it along the way. If Geng Shijia has any opinions, he can just come to me.

Geng Shizhenwu cannot dislike Levi's masculinity, because it is different from the masculinity of ordinary men in some strange places. The place where Levi's masculinity appears is the key point, and it is important that people need to support it. Only with this kind of male chauvinism can he become the backbone of the family, or even the family. No woman in her right mind would hate this kind of male chauvinism that can provide shelter for her family.

Gengshi Zhenwu said: Thank you.

Li Wei smiled and said: Then what can you do to thank me, President?

Gengshi Zhenwu blinked his eyes and said: My sister and I will be kicked out of Gengshi's family soon, and we have nothing to repay you with. What do you think of me? As a thank you gift, it shouldn't be shabby, right?

Knowing that Zhenwu was an experienced person, he quickly started to find a suitable supporter for himself and his sister.

Chapter 4. Night changes to sky

A few days later, the school festival came as scheduled, and the entire academy fell into a festive atmosphere. Except for the security department and the intelligence department, other departments rarely relaxed.

Even Li Wei himself enjoys this kind of atmosphere. The school festivals of each school are different. Li Wei has participated in many school festivals. In the real world, the school festival of Donggei University is different. The big school festival, the school festival of Toyosaki Academy in the Passer-by Heroine World, the school festivals of different schools have their own characteristics, just like every natural beauty has her own beauty.

In the chairman's office, Levi stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, looking down at the campus. Because of the school festival, students and faculty were now gathered in the main square and the beach. On the main square, the chairman The office can clearly see it, but on the beach side, it can only be seen partially.

The chairman was wearing a close-fitting and cool evening dress, or a sexy dress that looked like an evening dress.

The young beauty came in a hurry and came behind Li Wei. She put her hands around Li Wei's neck from behind and pressed her cheek against Li Wei's back. With her tall figure, she would not look like a slut when facing Li Wei. It's the other girls who look too petite.

It's all coming to an end. Although it's a pity, there's no such thing as a feast that lasts forever. Fate that isn't deep will end as soon as it begins. I don't know how many people can keep up with us. The chairman said softly.

Levi never thought of taking everyone away. Although there is a saying that a melon that is twisted is not sweet, but it can quench thirst, but Levi is not interested in such things. He has never lacked women around him, so he will not It's boring enough to force a result. Anyway, a few important girls around him will follow him, and that's enough.

Levi felt the soft touch behind him. Although he was a philanthropic person and could find beauty in all kinds of beauties, his favorites were still fully grown and mature beauties, such as the Chairman and Maya Yamada. The style is what touches the soft spot in his heart the most. A mature and considerate big sister is always more attractive than those girls who still need someone to take care of them.

After all, although girls are lively, their emotions are not stable enough. Sometimes they need to be coaxed and supported. But as big sisters become familiar with sex, they can understand other people's difficulties and feel more comfortable when getting along with them.

The chairman said: Now, let's do something meaningful, here.

Li Wei came over, hugged the chairman like a princess, and said with a smile: As you wish, in a few days, this place will no longer belong to us, but I will return to the floating island. Looking at the buildings here in the academy, I think the relatively familiar environment should allow you to adapt there faster.

Although doing that in broad daylight is not a proper job in the eyes of the elders, Levi has never been a person who follows rules. When it comes to enjoying happiness, he is a very free individual.


The school festival is still going on. As the last school festival of the college, the college has extended the time of the school festival. It is the last time anyway. It doesn’t matter if it is longer. Just treat it as a memory for the students and faculty. A wonderful memory.

While the school festival was being held, domestic officials announced the existence of hundreds of armed crystals. At the same time, more than 3,000 regular troops using crystal weapons had completed their control of IS armored pilots in various regions, and finally in More than ten years after the White Knight incident, he successfully restored absolute control over the country.

In the previous Chongguo, although there were warriors like Huang Lingyin who were absolutely loyal to the motherland, most of them were IS pilots who abused their power for their own selfish purposes. Previously, the official was limited by the lack of power at its disposal, and there was no The only way to manage these things is to be patient.

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