Silver Overlord

Chapter 902

For the people in the six northwestern states and many people who are concerned about the situation in the northwest, the situation in the northwest between April and May of the Great Han Empire can be described as puzzling, fickle, full of fantasy colors, completely difficult. fathom.

At the end of April, the provincial Provincial Governor gathered in Lan Prefecture City, and there was a fascination with the Pingxi King. During this period, the state’s state troops mobilized frequently, gathering at the borders of the states, and each one was an exercise and a beggar. The atmosphere of the noisy squadrons almost makes people think that there will be a civil war between the six states in the northwest. Especially at this time, the abnormal silence of the Pingxi Wangfu will be regarded as an ominous atmosphere by the outside world. Under this atmosphere, the northwest is six During the period from the end of April to the beginning of May, the state’s food prices have risen a lot. They went up to the giants, to the flat-headed people, and a personal heart. For various reasons, they were mammoth at that time. food.

In early May, a message from Lan Prefecture City shook the entire northwest and even the Great Han Empire, and countless people were stunned and hesitated to ride a roller coaster. The Northwest Fourth State Provincial Governor also voiced in the city of Lan Prefecture, announcing the Northwest Fourth. The state loyalty to the Jinzhou court, the four states military and political officially returned to the Pingxi Wangfu temperance, while the four Provincial Governor also urged Pingxi Wang Yan Liqiang to form the Northwest Generals, unified planning to control the six northwestern military, set up the Northwest Camp, the six northwestern state unified Edited as the Northwest Army, under the control of the northwest generals, the whole northwest is twisted into a rope. Under the leadership of King Pingxi, the place of Anjing, resisting foreign affairs, and calming the Great Han Empire…

When the news came from the city of Lan Prefecture, the whole northwest shook. For those giants and ordinary people, the shock of the news when they heard the news was no less than that of Yan Liqiang. The kind of surprise when trying to make Seven Shatu Tribes.

The atmosphere of the original Pingxi Wangfu and the four northwestern states can be described as arrogant. How suddenly, the four states have all turned to it?

This is a question in the hearts of countless people. It is only this question that I am afraid that no one but the party can answer.

On the second day after the sound of the four Provincial Governors in the city of Lan Prefecture, Gan Prefecture Provincial Governor Lei Sitong followed, and in Gancheng City, the same words were spoken to the representatives of Gansu’s civil and military officials and local giants. After doing the same thing, after three days of silence, the provincial governor Lin Zitong, who had been outside the scene, finally spoke in the Central City, the same as the four Provincial Governors in Lan Prefecture.

Two days after the Northwest Governor’s Provincial Governor made the remarks in Lan Prefecture, the latest issue of the Great Han Empire Times was published on the front page, and an article was signed directly by Ping Li Wang Yan Liqiang. The title of the article is called “Zhongzhi Chengcheng, Northwest One”. In that article, Yan Liqiang gave a high evaluation and praise to the Northwest Governor’s Provincial Governor. What kind of words are unselfish, high-spirited, and the words of the righteousness are simply not Too many, and in that article, Yan Liqiang also directly proposed his own plan for the future of the Northwest as Pingxi Wang. In summary, it is eight words, “the northwest is shared and built together”, and the northwest integration refers to the military and political forces in the northwest. Integration, political and political, unified the military and political command system of the northwestern states, and sharing and co-construction, the six western states will enjoy the dividends in the development of the ancient wave province and the black scorpion province, while the states will gradually cancel the states. Many internal checkpoints are in place to encourage the industrial and commercial industries of the states, to liberalize the circulation of personnel, and to enable all the people in the six western states to live and work in peace…

That is, at the end of this article, Yan Liqiang directly invited the Northwest Six-State Provincial Governor to discuss the future of the Northwest in Jinyun County on the 18th of this month.

After the publication of the newspaper of the Great Han Empire Times in this issue, the whole northwest was boiling. In just one day, the newspapers were all sold out of stock, and the newspaper had to urgently start printing with horsepower. Even so, this is the case. The newspapers in the period are still in short supply.

On May 18th, Pingxi City was full of joy, and the official road was full of people watching the lively. On this day, Yan Liqiang took the county Chinese military officer and went out of the city for ten miles to greet the six-year-old Provincial Governor of Jinyun County. .

The teams on both sides have not met yet. Far away, Yan Liqiang has seen the banner on the opposite side of the road. The Six-State Provincial Governor has already arrived on the front of the official road, the county guard of the six northwestern states, except the provincial governor Lin Zitong. In addition, the other person, Yan Liqiang, is already “very familiar”. The provincial governor Lin Zitong looks like he is in his fifties, wearing a purple-red Provincial Governor gown, temperament and elegance, riding a white rhinosteed. By the side of Lei Sitong, the whole person is in sharp contrast with Lei Sitong from the gas field.

Six states’ Provincial Governor is riding the rhinosteed in front, accompanied by the six provincial Governors, the new guest of the Pingxi Palace, Lu Pei’en, the six Provincial Governor’s team guards, all followed by the line, playing The banner is methodical.

The Provincial Governors of the six states certainly did not arrive at the same time. Like Lei Sitong arrived yesterday, but did not enter the city, so that they can accept Yan Liqiang’s greetings with the Provincial Governors of other states today, and then enter the city together. Such a ritual, although somewhat formalized, is indispensable at this time.

The two hairs also gathered 50 meters, and Yan Liqiang jumped off the clouds to chase the moon, and strode straight to the six Provincial Governors. The six Provincial Governors also went down at the same time, heading towards Yan Liqiang, both sides were in official Among the road, met under the watchful eyes of countless people.

“Greetings His Royal Highness King West!” The six Provincial Governors saw Yan Liqiang coming and stopped, then yelled at Yan Liqiang.

“Elder elder loyalty to the public, can lay down private opinions and personal interests, to the future of hundreds of millions of people in the northwestern region, with the great Han Empire Jiangshan community as the most important, to work hard to come to Jinyun County to discuss with me, please Thanks to Yan Liqiang!” Yan Liqiang’s face is solemn, and under the watchful eyes of countless people, he is also paying attention to the six people.

Among them, Gu Tongan and others, although they were in different moods, may not be happy, but at this moment, seeing Yan Liqiang so solemnly, he has once again raised the behavior of several people, and his heart is mixed. They quickly returned to the ceremony and even said that they did not dare to act.

The two sides greeted each other for a while, only to be the guest and the host.

“This must be the provincial governor Lin Zitong forest elder!” Yan Liqiang’s eyes fell on Lin Zitong’s face. “I heard that Lin Elder manages the continent and has outstanding achievements. Today, I saw Lin Elder. Disappointed”

“Don’t dare, compared to the power of a county to settle the Seven Shatu Tribes and the Heihe tribe’s heroic merits, I am already mediocre in the Central Plains!” Lin Zitong said cautiously, there is no half-satisfied look on his face. .

Among the six Provincial Governors, although Lin Zitong’s surface is still calm, he is actually the most uneasy of the people, because he has no idea what numeracy and compromise between Yan Liqiang and other provincial provincial Governors can make The Provincial Governor suddenly fell to Yan Liqiang. It was because I didn’t know, I didn’t understand the interests and joints. I felt that I became an outsider at once. Lin Zitong was nervous. In the eyes of outsiders, the scene is a Pingxi Wang and they are six. The state’s Provincial Governor met, but in the feeling of Lin Zitong, the scene here is a Pingxi King and the Northwest Governor’s Provincial Governor. He is alone. Apart from him, the rest of the people are all a group. This kind of power is combined, and he can’t be contend with him in the five ring states, so this time he can only come, and before he came, he left his family’s will and arranged the aftermath.

Lin Zitong thought in his heart. Under the influence of the snake, Yan Liqiang knew it instantly. He just laughed and laughed. Then he looked around and said to everyone. “I heard that the elders from the states came to Jinyun County along the way. Are the people happy and eager to escort?”

“I didn’t expect elder to know this even!” Gu Tongan sighed for a long time and said with a few true feelings. “I have been doing the Provincial Governor for so many years. I usually go out and go there, but this time I went out. Above this thousand miles, I really felt what it was like to welcome the guards. I went all the way along the way and the people took the initiative to send the meat and meat. The local giants and the people in the front of the government gave us a welcoming ritual. It’s unheard of, and several other elder encounters on the road, it’s all so, it’s really sigh…”

“Guelel said well, let the northwest prosperity and stability, avoid internal friction, is the responsibility of my generation, but also the interests of hundreds of millions of people in the northwest. Several elders are doing this today, and they are willing to go to the people and avoid a catastrophe. The merits are infinite, and the future will be remembered by the world!”

“His Royal Highness, if there is no Highness, this six-southwestern state is also a group of scattered sand, it is difficult to have today’s grand occasion, really want to say, this is the merit of His Royal Highness…” Wang Yushu also smiled and patted Yan Liqiang’s horses. .

“That’s it!” The two Provincial Governors next to it are also polite.

After a group of people met on the official road, Yan Liqiang took the six Provincial Governors and rode rhinosteed. He walked and talked back to Pingxi City.

Compared with the city, Pingxi City is more heated, seven people enter the city, along the way are clean water channels, flowers paving, people cheer, more lively.

The people came directly to the guest house hall of the palace. After the guest host was seated, Yan Liqiang clap his hands. The guards in the six houses each came to the table in front of the six Provincial Governors with a silver-covered tray. On, then back down.

Several Provincial Governors looked at each other, and even Lei Sitong did not know what arrangements Yan Liqiang had.

“elder, this is…” Gu Tongan asked carefully.

“You know when you open the elder…”

The six Provincial Governors glanced at each other, opened the silver-covered tray, and found that the tray seemed to be a paper contract.

Lin Zitong carefully opened the paper contract in front of him, and after seeing the contents above, he suddenly stopped.

The paper contract is a title deed. The 200,000-acre field of grassland was planted in the Gulang grassland, and it fell under the name of several Provincial Governors. On the contract, the 200,000 mu farmland was a death deed. It is not tradeable and can only be inherited by several families and descendants of the Provincial Governor.

200,000 mu of power field grassland? Even if people like Gu Tongan saw the writings and patterns on the land, they couldn’t help but feel a dizzy feeling in their heads. They couldn’t help but swallow a spit. This is really a fortune. With the current market of wool, the income of this 200,000-mu grassland field is definitely a huge number. If there is such a legacy in a family, then the descendants of the children will have a real guarantee…

On the contract, the blood red seal of Pingxi Wangfu and the signature of Yan Liqiang are particularly eye-catching.

“I have said before that several elders are doing this today, and they are willing to go to the people’s minds and avoid the catastrophe in the northwest. It can be said that the merits are worthless. This 200,000 mu farmland is the one hundred million people in the northwest. The gift to your elder, as long as I have the richness of my Yan Liqiang and Yan family, there are several elders and a few elder descendants of the day…” Yan Liqiang looked at several Provincial Governors, said the right color.

Gu Tongan and his several brothers and sisters looked at each other and looked at each other. They were already familiar with the fish on Yan Liqiang’s chopping board. They couldn’t move. Yan Liqiang said what it was. They only nodded, where did they think? Yan Liqiang actually prepared for them a gift that would benefit the descendants of the family. Such a gift, if it is an official in the court, even if it is the ten years of the Provincial Governor, it is impossible to get so many rewards. If you want to talk about it, Yan Liqiang is ten times more than the court.

Those who are more than ten times as strong as the courts, who dare to have dissent, surrender to the court itself is also the Provincial Governor, head to the emperor, surrender to Pingxi Wang himself is also the Provincial Governor, headed with Pingxi Wang Is there any difference, so in such a troubled world, perhaps under such a person, your own results may be better!

At this time, the distractions in the hearts of several Provincial Governors all went out at once. Gu Tongan stood up from the chair and sighed with tears. He was very convinced by Yan Liqiang. After the Tongan, the only head of the temple is the vision…”

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