Silver Overlord

Chapter 901

Pingxi Wangfu naturally has no reaction, and it is Yan Liqiang!

Great Han Empire On April 27th, Tongan, on the other hand, except for the Provincial Governor and the Gan Prefecture Provincial Governor, the other three Provincial Governors of the Six States in the Northwest were on this day and went to Lan Prefecture. For a time, the small Lan Prefecture city gathered in the four Provincial Governors and the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses brought by the four Provincial Governors.

At this time, Yan Liqiang didn’t have to do anything. He just had to wait in the Provincial Governorate, and then watched Gu Tong set up a good office and introduced the other three Provincial Governors into the bureau.

Because Gu Tongan’s opposition to Yan Liqiang’s position was clear and clear, and he was the leader and pioneer of the “Anti-Severe Alliance”, he did not think of several Provincial Governors who came to Lan Prefecture. At this time, Gu Tong’an had changed color. There was not much defense at all. After arriving at Lan Prefecture, several Provincial Governors fell to the place where Gu Tongan prepared for them. In the evening, they came to Gu Tongan’s Provincial Governor’s Palace to visit Gu Tong’an.

Of course, the visit is superficial. In fact, several Provincial Governors are looking for opportunities to meet and discuss big things.

Several Provincial Governors met together in the Provincial Governor’s House. After dinner, Gu Tongan excused several Nationalist Governors to appreciate some of the weapons he had collected in the past few years. Several people came directly from the dining room to the Provincial Governor. The underground secret room of the government.

Because the things to be discussed involved in the assassination of Yan Liqiang’s “shocking” events, once the leaks were unimaginable, several provincial Governors left their guards outside the secret room and then followed Gu Tongan to the underground chamber. Among them.

The Provincial Chamber of Secrets has more than two hundred square meters. The entire chamber is made of granite. It is very secretive and sturdy. The lights in the chamber are arranged like a living room. The tables and chairs are used to discuss things. It is a good fit.

“Ha ha ha, Gu Elder really considers thoughtful, it is best to talk about big things in such a place!” Wang Yushu, the financial Governor of Yinzhou, came here to look at the environment and nodded with satisfaction.

“Well, Wang Elder said that this is what I used to occasionally retreat, secret security, and secret passages for escape. There will be no outsiders to disturb. Today, we discuss the big things, once the walls are leaking, the consequences are unimaginable, so Come here for the most insurance!” Gu Tongan smiled, in the sound of the squeaking, quietly closed the heavy iron door of the secret room, and then gathered several people to sit around the table in the secret room.

I saw that there was no other person around Gu Tongan. He only had one of himself. The other three Provincial Governors also had cultivation, and their guards were on it. Their accompanying escorts were now in Lan. Prefecture In the city, so a few people simply do not worry that Gu Tongan will be unfavorable to them. After sitting down one by one, they begin to talk about business.

Gu Tongan was a serious man who told me in detail about the need to find Yan Liqiang in Nether. Nether had already taken over the errand. After finishing this, he began to talk about the future plans to divide the Jinyun County and Gulang Grassland. With that, time is almost half a quarter of an hour without knowing it…

“The Black Skull tribe estimates that we can’t move for the time being. Those Black-Ox Tribe only recognize Yan Liqiang, but as long as we take the Gulang grassland and have the wool, then the money will roll, and how many troops will be formed, Yan Liqiang can Packed up those Black-Ox Tribe, we can also…” Gu Tongan said, his eyes unconsciously detached from several Provincial Governors, seemingly a little erratic, but only a few people in the room did not find Gu Tongan The look was slightly changed, one by one, still frowning, and his face was serious. “The most important thing now is actually Gan Prefecture Provincial Governor Lei Sitong. Once I succeed, the reaction of Lei Sitong is hard to predict. From the current situation, he will definitely become the biggest obstacle to our occupation of Gulang grassland…”

“Lei Sitong is awesome, it’s just one person. As long as we are united together, how can he be a Gan Prefecture? When the four states are united together, they will organize a million army and they will not be able to get his Gan Prefecture. Army?” Gu Tongan’s Dingzhou Provincial Governor Lu Qing’s face very ruthless said, “He, Lei Sitong, if you know each other, we can talk to him. If he doesn’t know each other, let’s just do it. Gan Prefecture, whoever took it, can manage us…”

Wangzhou, the provincial governor of Yinzhou, just wanted to open his mouth, but suddenly his brow wrinkled. The body he was sitting on suddenly shook a bit. He licked his chest and gasped for a big breath. “How do I… I suddenly feel suddenly It’s a bit soft…”

“Wang elder just arrived in Lan Prefecture City today, is it not a bit of acclimatization…” Gu Tongan’s eyes stared at the Financial Governor of Silver State, his eyes flashing a look of concern.

“It shouldn’t be…”

“Ah, it seems that my feelings are a bit wrong…” The face of the Dingzhou Provincial Governor suddenly changed slightly, and his hands were on the table.

“Oh…”, the table around the four Provincial Governors suddenly shattered, and the Provincial Governor, the Great Governor, screamed and kicked the table, and all of a sudden face rushed toward Gu Tongan. Gu Tongan, you are poisoned…”

Seeing Bo Rui who came over, Gu Tongan was somewhat surprised, but he had already prepared, and after a bang with Bo Rui, he suddenly flew backwards and looked at Bo Rui strangely. Hahaha, are you not poisoned?”

The Financial Governor of Dingzhou and the Provincial Governor of Dingzhou originally wanted to jump, but just stood up, the body of the two people was soft, and they suddenly fell to the ground, only to look at Gu Tongan and Bo Rui in the room. I started to move.

“I have anti-virus beads on my body…” Bo Rui gasped, leaning against a wall in the Chamber of Secrets, pointing to Gu Tongan, and his face was furious. “Why, why are you doing this?”

Gu Tongan looked at the other three people in the room with a smug look. It was a few faces that made the other Provincial Governors want to pounce on the skin on his face. “Ha ha ha, with a few of you still want to go with your Highness.” Right, it is simply not self-sufficient. His Highness started from scratch in the northwest. In a few years, he decided to make Seven Shatu Tribes and Black-Ox Tribe. He made great contributions to the Great Han Empire, and he was able to compare the world. Where are you? Can you shake it?”

“You…you are the king of Pingxi?” When you heard Gu Tongan, the feelings of the three people in the room were even more shocking than the discovery of their poisoning. The faces of each one were tragically changing.

Gu Tongan is more proud. “Ha ha ha, of course, I just gave a little subtotal, I will give you some idiots to fish, and vote for yourself!”

“How do you get poison?”

Gu Tongan pointed to the stools in the secret room. “The poison is on the stool. It is the world’s strange poison. The five elements of cartilage are scattered. These five lines of cartilage can be attached to the five elements. As long as you sit down, It is difficult to escape, your anti-virus beads, it is estimated that it can only temporarily suppress the role of the five elements of cartilage scattered …”

“You…” Bo Rui wanted to say something. I saw a wall in the room suddenly moving. Yan Liqiang had calmly walked out and looked at the people in the room or standing or down, shaking his head.

“Gu Tongan sees His Highness…” Gu Tongan quickly gave Yan Liqiang a big gift.

Yan Liqiang reached out and opened the mask of his face across the mountain, revealing his true colors, glanced at a few people, sighed and said calmly, “Several are the seals of the Great Han Empire.” Oh, our original meeting should not be such an occasion. Why do you get to where you are today?”

The Governor of Fengzhou suddenly screamed and then rushed toward the entrance of the secret room. Only when he moved, Yan Liqiang moved. Yan Liqiang was faster than him, but his body flashed. In front of the Fengzhou Provincial Governor, and then a punch, the entire chamber was suddenly stirred by Yan Liqiang’s boxing style.

“Boom…”, Fengzhou Provincial Governor Bo Rui was slammed out, and there was a scream in his mouth, but he just had a mouth, and Yan Liqiang’s figure had been affixed to the ghost, not yet. When Feng Li, the provincial governor, saw clearly, Yan Liqiang immediately put a broken brain into his mouth. In the next second, Yan Liqiang’s figure flashed and came to the two provincials lying on the ground. At the side of the Governor, they squeezed their mouths and then stuffed a broken brain into their mouths…

Three broken bones, one of them entered the mouth of three provincial Governors and instantly slipped into their stomachs.

The next second, what happened to Gu Tongan, happened to the three Provincial Governors…

Yan Liqiang walked slowly to the soft collapse of the room and sat down.

Gu Tongan looked at the three Provincial Governors who were on the floor and began to wiggle and couldn’t speak. The light in their eyes was very excited, full of excitement, and their faces were red, just like a person alone in the desert. The lonely traveler who has been away for a long time, suddenly found the same companion, and all of a sudden is three, this time, he is no longer lonely, not only not alone, but also has an inexplicable sense of superiority……

Yan Liqiang, look at the three Provincial Governors on the ground, and look at Gu Tongan, with a smile on his face. When the snake in his body conveys the feelings of Gu Tong’s feelings, Yan Liqiang can only sigh in his heart. In this world, it is really the most difficult to measure and the most terrible…

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