Silver Overlord

Chapter 903

“Li Qiang, you are really too big this time. One person has 200,000 mu of grassland. This is a big number. The entire northwest, this giant who can have 200,000 mu of grassland on the Gulang grassland does not. Many, even the Great Han Empire has been in the country since the founding of the Great Han Empire, and there are no more than 50,000 acres at a time.”

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, in the study room of the Pingxi Wangfu, Lei Sitong was a little bit painful when he thought of the big hand that Yan Liqiang gave to several Provincial Governors during the day.

Yan Liqiang shook his head with a smile. “It’s all worthwhile. Lei Shu, you only see the grass field that I gave them, but I didn’t think they could give me something after getting the grass field. This transaction, count it. I am not a loss…”

“They have a hundred thousand acres of grassland, where can you give me something to strengthen?” Lei Sitong asked strangely.

“They of course have to give me something, and they still give a lot, at least three…”

“There are still three?”

“Of course, I propose to integrate the northwest. The first thing is to form a unified market in the northwest. This is the basis of the integration of the northwest…” After looking at the doubtful look on Lei Sitong’s face, Yan Liqiang remembered some of the nouns he said. Lei Sitong may have some hard work to understand. “Cough…Cough, maybe I said that the market is not understandable.” I can understand that the uncle and the foundation of the northwest integration must be the merchants of the six northwestern states. goods can circulate freely in the sixth northwest of the state, just as easy circulation within a county, so that everyone can easily do business to make money, the entire northwest become a big market to the status quo six Northwest states now The customs clearances in various states are as good as those in the country. The price of a car from Gan Prefecture to Yinzhou has to be paid several times. The price has increased a lot invisibly, which is not conducive to the development of industrial and commercial trade. Of course, I also It is possible to intervene and order them to cancel the checkpoints in the states. However, this kind of interception of the financial path is the most difficult thing to do. Even if I hold the army, it is impossible to cover everything. Yes, I have policies, they have countermeasures, and I am relying on one person and one order. This kind of thing cannot be fully implemented. In the end, it will only flow on the surface, but if they themselves become the interests of them. This is much simpler, Lei Shu, you think, they themselves become the landlords of the Gulang grassland, they themselves have to make a fortune on the wool, their wool and wool products are also transported to the counties and counties through Gan Prefecture. They will be willing to pay for the money they want to make…”

“Of course I don’t want to, even if I don’t want it myself!” Lei Sitong said straightforwardly.

“That’s it. We must let them feel the pain of the skin. They will have the motivation and determination to cancel the checkpoints of the counties and counties. Only then will they really solve the problem. The bureaucrats under the counties and counties will not dare.” The plucking of the head of the Provincial Governor can really be done. Now the wool-based processing industry and commerce in the six northwestern states are in the ascendant. Now the Gulang grassland has been occupied by us. The problem of the place of origin has been solved, and it is no longer subject to the Seven Shatu Tribes. At this time, once the six northwestern states form a unified large market, the cost of logistics will be greatly reduced, and the entire northwest trade of wool-based business will be welcomed in the future. The outbreak of spurt will drive the development of various industries in the northwest, attracting a large amount of labor, capital, and technology to precipitate in this industry. This is an opportunity for the rise of the whole northwest, with wool trade as the link, and later six states in the northwest. Up to the provincial governor of the Provincial Governor and the wealthy family, down to the pawn and the ordinary people, Hair on this matter, will be a prosperity or a loss for both sides, all the people to one, this is one of the foundation of the Northwest, with this foundation, six Northwest states also can be completely strandentwining, as I used to …… “

“It turned out to be a true northwestern one!” Lei Sitong sighed with a long breath after a while. “That’s the same, what about the other?”

“This is the second kind, naturally it is the heart of the people. Lei Shu, you and I have nothing to say about it, but Gu Tongan can listen to me before, but it is a last resort. Like Lin Zitong, it is also the Jinyun County that is forced by the situation. They can become a state’s Provincial Governor. No matter how the character, the means and ability are naturally not bad, and each country has its own roots. For the stability of the overall situation in the northwest, I can not only move them, but must also let They are doing things for me in a desperate way. The 200,000-mu field of grassland is the heart of their hearts. Under the enlightenment, they must be completely surrendered to me. There is no second heart. These people did not claim to be kings. Ambition, if not Great Han Empire The current situation is not good, and the big changes, these people are not afraid to jump up, I am now let them honestly do their Provincial Governor, let them know that under my hand, The more the thunder pool is, the broken body is broken and the family is broken. When you are in business, the wife and the wife are rich and boundless. They are all smart people, and naturally they will make choices!”

“Yes, this is the truth, what about the third?”

“Lee Shu, you also have 200,000 mu of Kanda field now. How are you going?”

Lei Sitong laughed at once. “Hahaha, you can’t cover me if you are strong. You are not a person who doesn’t eat fireworks on the world, and you don’t even want to give up your own hands. This wool business is so profitable.” In short supply, you have a large grassland in your hands. It is natural to hurry to find someone to take care of it. Set up a large ranch in Gulang grassland and raise hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep. Now I am still going to find so many people…”

“Lee, do you spend this money?”

Lei Sitong touched his beard. “Of course it costs money, and it costs a lot of money. If it weren’t for mine, I still have some savings. I might find a gift here to borrow money.”

“Since you are thinking about Lei Shu, the other five Provincial Governors must think about it at this time. This is the meat stuffed in the mouth. How can you eat the 200,000-mu grassland? It is not a small amount of money to recruit people to buy cattle, sheep and horses, but big money. You can spend a lot of money on the Gulang grassland, and many of these money will become the tax of Jinyun County, which will prosper the place, because Lei Shu, you are the Provincial Governor. Every move is very important. Many people are watching you. Those people have seen that you have a big grassland in the Gulang grassland. You will see that you are also preparing for the big wave on the grassland. After doing this, naturally there will be no more worries, but you can let go of your hands…”

“Fortunately, you are not doing business, or who can count you in this world, listen to you saying that it is obvious that you have given us so many pastures, it seems that you have made up for the big cheap… ”

“This is the reluctance, the big reason, the big thing, really want to do big things, just thinking that you can’t do it…”

“Today the Provincial Governors have agreed to establish the Northwest Army and the Northwest Camp. I don’t know where you are going to build the Northwest Camp. How to arrange the number of generals and generals, and whether the preparation is also the one that the Dragon Army is now adapting. set?”

“The northwestern battalion should be built on the east side of the six northwestern states, but it should not be too far east, or it would scare our neighbors!” Here, Yan Liqiang and Lei Sitong smiled, “As for the Northwest Army.” The number of people, my initial thought is that each state selects 50,000 state elites to join, Lei Shu you will be the deputy of the Northwest Army, I personally served as the commander of the Northwest Army, as for the preparation of the Northwest Army, of course, also to the Dragon The military is in line, and it needs to be re-divided and compiled. Except for a small number of positions, I will decide that the vast majority of the 300,000 Northwestern Army will be officially elected. All of them will be selected from the sergeants of the states regardless of their qualifications. Let the people who have the ability to fully show their ambitions in the Northwest Army…”

When I heard Yan Liqiang so arranged, Lei Sitong took a breath of cold air…


After the two discussed and discussed some things, Lei Sitong did not stay in the Pingxi Wangfu for a long time, but only left after an hour.

When Lei Sitong left, Yan Liqiang returned to his place from the study, but he just returned to his room, his nose moved, and after the guards around him left, he smiled at the empty room. Like snow, we met again…”

Yan Liqiang’s body flashed in a blue dress, and Hua Ruxue was standing in front of him. He looked at Yan Liqiang with an indescribable gaze and sighed softly. I should also call your Highness now…”

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