Chapter 230 Judgment Handed Down.

“Then I’ll just wait and see, shall I?”

Zhang Shengli’s eyes bent with a smile, and he asked again: “Then when will the public trial begin?” I used to take a seat! ”

“Just this afternoon, you come with me!” The director of the plant has already taken the car over! ”

The ponytailed girl muttered again.

Zhang Shengli did not talk nonsense, and after temporarily handing over the task at hand to others, he directly rode his small bicycle and followed the ponytailed girl to the court.

As soon as they arrived at the courthouse, Zhang Shengli and the ponytail 06 girl showed their certificates, and the security guards over there, after recognizing that they were indeed employees of the factory, put them in, and also told them a few rules in court.

Zhang Shengli and the ponytailed girl both nodded like pounding garlic, remembering everything very well.

After all, no one wants to have problems in the court, even if they just don’t know the situation and make a little mistake, they will make Zisan a laughing stock for everyone!

After Zhang Shengli and the ponytailed girl entered, they came to a lobby under the guidance of a staff member. This is actually the place where the public trial will be held.

As soon as Zhang Shengli entered, he saw Yi Zhonghai who was placed in the defendant’s seat.

Yi Zhonghai was really weak or something at this time, but he should have eaten something at noon and recovered a little physical strength, but he was not as miserable and helpless as before.

It’s just that his eyes are still cold and deadly, like a pool of stagnant water or the eyes of a dead person, without a bit of life.

Zhang Shengli didn’t have any mercy, even the ponytailed girl was the same: “Yi Zhonghai, this guy is really!” I just felt that he deserved to be shot, and he didn’t deserve to stand here! ”

“He is guilty of committing a mortal crime by stealing the project book of our steel mill and selling it to others!”

Zhang Shengli actually recognized this matter, and he nodded: “Yi Zhonghai is like this, it is indeed his own doing, and no one else is to blame!” ”

“We’ll just wait and see! In fact, we can also serve as witnesses to help them identify Yi Zhonghai! ”

The ponytailed girl muttered a few words.

In fact, Zhang Shengli didn’t recognize this ponytailed girl, just thought she was a little familiar, but this girl seemed to be crazy personally, and chatting with Zhang Shengli was relatively relaxed.

Zhang Shengli also knew that she had no malice, so he simply relaxed and chatted with her. It didn’t take long for the trial to officially begin!

The judge and others came to their seats and opened the trial.

To be honest, this time is really very easy, because Yi Zhonghai’s theft of the project book is full of evidence. So judges don’t even need to spend a lot of 937 time gathering evidence and listening to witnesses.

It didn’t take long for the judge to make the first step: “Suspect Yi Zhonghai, suspected of stealing secrets of state-owned enterprises, suspected of beating law enforcement personnel, suspected of resisting law enforcement, punished for three crimes, according to the law, should be sentenced to life imprisonment!” ”

Yi Zhonghai’s head was bleeding when he heard this.

But at this time, the judge followed the trend and said: “If you are willing to confess to the person behind you.” The sentence can be reduced at the discretion! ”

Yi Zhonghai heard what the judge said, as if he had found the backbone of the main heart in an instant, and he shouted at that time: “I am willing to say that I am willing to say, as long as you are willing to let me go, I will say anything!” ”

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