Chapter 231: Outcome of the Trial.

When Yi Zhonghai heard this, his eyes became nervous in an instant, because he knew that this was his only chance to turn over.

If he is willing to explain here who is behind him and who is going to trade with him, maybe he will be able to reduce his sentence!

Although he is already destined to go to prison, he does not want to go to prison for a lifetime, and if the sentence is reduced to only a few years in prison, Yi Zhonghai is not unacceptable!

Yi Zhonghai’s heart was racing, thinking about how to make his words more appropriate, and not let the judge feel disgusted and be able to reduce his sentence.

Then Yi Zhonghai quickly thought for a moment and said loudly: “I don’t want to say, I am willing to explain the mastermind behind the scenes and things clearly!” ”

The judge knocked on the hammer, and then said: “Please explain the cause and effect of this theft incident clearly!” ”

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth and quickly said: “It’s the deaf old lady, it’s the deaf old lady who pits me!” ”

Everyone heard this, including some people in the jury were surprised.

“How can it be a deaf old lady? How could a deaf old lady do such a thing.? ”

“The deaf old lady and we don’t have any conflict of interest on the spot, right? This deaf old lady should not be deceiving people, right? ”

“I feel that what Yi Zhonghai said is not very true!”

“I also don’t believe much what Yi Zhonghai said, I don’t think he is reliable!”

“Let’s think about it carefully and find that this thing is simply impossible! The deaf old lady is just a poor old woman, how could she come up with such a thing as letting Yi Zhonghai steal the project book? This is simply incomparable! ”

“That’s right, that’s right, who can believe such an outrageous thing.”

“Yi Zhonghai is just looking for a reason, well, push the pot on someone else’s body, I feel like this!”

“That’s right, this smelly guy!”

The judge sat on the stage, and in fact, he was also puzzled. How else does this one push the pot onto the deaf old lady?

The judge asked coldly again: “Every word you say is our evidence!” If there is something wrong with what you say, we can even hold you accountable, and by that time your punishment will not only not be reduced, but even increased! ”

“Suspect Yi Zhonghai, I advise you to explain truthfully!”

Yi Zhonghai’s scalp was about to numb, what he said was true, he didn’t lie to people a word!

Zhang Shengli thought next to him for a while, and pondered it repeatedly.

He felt that Yi Zhonghai should have said correctly! Maybe the truth of the matter was really as he said, and the deaf old lady encouraged him to do this!

Yi Zhonghai was about to cry over there, why didn’t everyone believe him!

He shouted over there that he was wronged: “Wronged, judge! I didn’t say anything wrong at all, every word I said was true, I really didn’t dare to lie! ”

“It’s all in this situation, how dare I deceive people?”

“It was indeed that deaf old lady who encouraged me!”

The judge was also a little hesitant, and after thinking for a while, he said: “You said that the deaf old lady encouraged you to do it, so do you have any evidence?” ”

After Yi Zhonghai heard this, he was stupid at that time, where did he get evidence!

Anyway, he has no evidence at all, otherwise he wouldn’t be like this!

After thinking for a while, Yi Zhonghai said in a loud voice: “Then I will report the people who cooperate with me!” It’s a foreigner from France! ”

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