Chapter 229: Public Trial.

Zhang Shengli smiled and said: “Don’t worry, in the future, I will definitely work hard and earn money so that you can eat sea bass every day!” ”

Zhang Shengli’s words are not the so-called painting cakes, he sincerely wants to do it, because Yang Weiwei is the person he likes and his favorite wife.

Yang Weiwei’s face turned red, and she said softly: “Okay, don’t say it!” I’ll go cook this sea bass and steam it later! ”

“By the way, just now the director of the factory sent us five pounds of bacon, do you still have some garlic moss at home?” You just stir-fry the bacon with garlic moss, and add a meat dish! ”

After thinking for a while, Zhang Shengli said with a smile.

Yang Weiwei pondered, and said: “What day is today, I actually ate so well, it’s enough to eat a fish, and a few vegetarian dishes!” ”

Zhang Shengli lightly knocked Yang Weiwei’s forehead, and said: “Today, our matter is almost over, Yi Zhonghai’s old boy has also been pulled to parade the street, it can be regarded as the dust has settled, let’s eat something delicious, can’t we commemorate it?” ”

“What is there to remember! I think you’re gluttonous! ”

Yang Weiwei said with a smile.

Zhang Shengli rubbed his hair, and then said: “Either I will help you with the handle, and I will cook with you!” This sea bass is not very good to cook, I went to clean it up and steam it again! ”

“Okay, this sea bass will be cooked for you!”

Yang Weiwei said with a smile.

Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei were busy in the kitchen, but what they didn’t know was that things on Yi Zhonghai’s side could be regarded as troublesome.

The case of Yi Zhonghai’s theft of the project book is a vicious incident, because this matter is indeed more complicated and there are not too many precedents, so the court does not know how to deal with it.

After pondering for a while, they decided to hold a public trial, and also invite some people from the factory to come and watch the jury! This so-called public trial was directly scheduled for the afternoon of the day after Yi Zhonghai was arrested.

That afternoon, Zhang Shengli was still in the factory, and as a result, he got news from the director of the factory.

The person who delivered the news was a girl with a ponytail, Zhang Shengli looked familiar to her, but she couldn’t remember what the girl’s name was.0 The ponytailed girl said: “Zhang Shengli!” The director of the factory asked you to participate in Yi Zhonghai’s public trial! ”

Zhang Shengli casually asked: “Public trial, what?” ”

The ponytailed girl began to explain again: “It’s the trial that wants to sentence Yi Zhonghai!” Because the impact of this incident is very bad, it is directly changed to a public trial! Not only should people in the factory be invited to participate in this trial, but even some powerful figures in society will come to participate! ”

“What awesome character?”

Zhang Shengli asked casually.

“Just what kind of cadre! And some intellectuals! ”

The ponytailed girl can also be regarded as knowing everything, saying everything, and she added: “There should be -5.7 some reporters will come over, will interview Yi Zhonghai, maybe you will have the opportunity to be on TV at that time!” ”

“Although we are serious, it is actually not a big deal for the whole country, and it will not be Fengshengshi either!”

Zhang Shengli said with a smile.

“Well, I thought we could go to TV!”

The ponytailed girl muttered, and her tone was slightly depressed.

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