Chapter 196: Those Things in the Steel Mill.

“I don’t know.”

However, He Daqing was still in the house. Do you think this will make He Da vomit? ”

“Well, it’s possible.”

Everyone hid and started talking.

After a while, the smell in the yard dissipated, and He Daqing and Qin Huairu had just opened the window to ventilate, when they heard the stupid pillar shouting in the house: “Dad, Qin Huairu, you take me out, it’s too smelly.” ”

“It’s snowing!”

Outside the door.

In the yard, many people couldn’t help but laugh.

When the bell rang for the end of the rolling mill, the workers walked out of the rolling mill’s door one by one. Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong also got off work.

At this time, Zhang Shengli quickly passed by them on his bicycle.

Seeing Zhang Shengli riding a bicycle, Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong also had envy in their eyes.

Although Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong had higher salaries than Zhang Shengli, Zhang Shengli was the first to buy a bicycle in the courtyard. In addition, now Zhang Shengli has announced the matter of his son’s full moon.

He has not yet decided on the time.

According to Yi Zhonghai’s estimates, he felt that Zhang Shengli would be held in the middle of the year.

“Lao Yi, do you think Zhang Shengli will hold a banquet in the courtyard? Watching Zhang Shengli’s figure disappear from sight, Liu Haizhong asked Yi Zhonghai. ”

“It’s hard to say”]. ”

Yi Zhonghai shook his head. After all, before the He family denigrated Zhang Shengli, many people in the courtyard followed the flag-waving and shouting, not only excluding Zhang Shengli, but also not gossiping about Zhang Shengli.

At that time, everyone thought that Zhang Shengli was the only one left in the family, and felt that Zhang Shengli was so easy to bully. It’s nothing to gossip about him. However, no one expected that after only 8 years, Zhang Shengli would be promoted from an ordinary fitter apprentice in a rolling mill to a worker. I didn’t expect Zhang Shengli to be so smart.

All the intrigues and tricks were returned by him one by one.

When Zhang Shengli was promoted to first-class fitter, many in the compound thought it was luck. When Zhang Shengli was promoted to second-level fitter, everyone felt that it was bad luck. When Zhang Shengli was promoted to third-level fitter, everyone paid more attention.

When it came to the eighth-level fitter, no one dared to mess with him.

Now that Zhang Shengli has been promoted to the eighth level fitter, many people in the compound have begun to think about how to get along with Zhang Shengli. After all, Zhang Shengli was a young eighth-level fitter.

Even if the director sees them, be polite.

And Yi Zhonghai is calculating, I am afraid that he also thinks so.

“yes, it’s hard to say.”

Liu Haizhong thought.

When Liu Haizhong was thinking about how to get along with Zhang Shengli, Zhang Shengli had already returned to the courtyard.

Back in the courtyard, Zhang Shengli learned from the three aunts chatting with others that the silly pillar not only closed the door today, but also fell into the dung pit while squatting. He Daqing was smoked and vomited by the rake pulled by the handle of the stick.

“He Daqing didn’t spray feces before, and now it’s the retribution of the He family.”

Zhang Shengli pushed the bicycle back to the backyard and thought. At this time, the He family.

When Zhang Shengli passed by the Intermediate People’s Court, Qin Huairu felt uneasy??????.

As Zhang Shengli returns home from work, the theft of his family by his own family will definitely be exposed.

“God forbid, don’t doubt the silly pillar.”

Qin Huairu prayed in his heart.

And He Daqing, stupid pillars feel nothing. Even if Zhang Shengli finds out that the contents of the house have been stolen, no one will know who stole the boat.

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