Chapter 197: Pay the Price.

Even if he doubted, as long as he insisted that he had never been to Zhang Shengli’s home.

At this time, Zhang Shengli also returned to his home.

When he unlocked the door and pushed it open, he pushed his bike into the house.

At this time, Zhang Shengli found that the situation was not right. This winter, he has closed the windows. Why is it open now? Moreover, not only the windows are open, but there are also footprints on the windowsills.

Someone came to my house to steal something.

Zhang Shengli’s intelligence is not covered, and he was promoted to the eighth level fitter in just two years. He immediately thought of this. Then, he looked around the house.

In fact, there are not many things in his room 930, except for daily clothes, bedding, and some daily necessities. Most of them are technical books for the summer, as well as the work notes he usually makes.

These things were not lost, but in the cabinet, the leftover pork legs, chicken, and myrtle fruit on the dinner table were gone.

“It was possible to enter the house from the window, there were only children in the courtyard. No matter who likes petty theft the most, who else is the silly pillar family. ”

Zhang Shengli sneered.

“Moreover, the myrtle on the dinner table is gone, and the silly pillar is also constipated, which is not just a coincidence.”

Yesterday in the system lottery, in addition to radio and other items, there were two pounds of myrtle.

Myrtle is a wild fruit that grows in the south, blooms every spring and bears fruit in August and September. Although the fruit is edible, it is also a bit delicate.

If the peels are all purple, you can eat it with confidence.

If the peel is red and blue at the same time, it means that the fruit is not ripe and eating it can easily cause constipation. In his previous life, Zhang Shengli tried it once when he was a child, ate a few unripe myrtles, and ended up constipated. He still remembers the sour smell that was urgent, but couldn’t pull out.

Yesterday, Ran’s family came to visit and the food was well done. Ran’s mother also brought some home. There were about twenty uncooked ones left on the table. Now, it is no coincidence that the myrtle on the dinner table is gone, and the silly pillar is also constipated.

“Hmph, I didn’t steal anything from Zhang Shengli, if someone wanted to steal it, so this is to pay.”

Zhang Shengli sneered.

Last time, people from the He family went to his house to steal something to eat. As a result, not only did he smash his plate, He Daqing also came to make trouble, asking him to pay 10 yuan for medical expenses. As a result, he was turned into an army, and the He family lost him 10 yuan instead.

I thought that if I paid ten dollars, the sticky stupid pillar would learn his lesson and stop stealing. At least, he won’t steal from his house anymore.

However, did not expect. How long did it take before the fool came to his house again to steal something.

However, it is also right to think about it. In the past life, on the Internet, everyone named the courtyard as a thief, not for nothing.

Stealing is a heavenly punishment.

This time, Zhang Shengli will not let the He family go. Now that he had made up his mind not to let go this time, Zhang Shengli had an idea in his heart.

In the original work, Silly Zhu made petty theft many times, and in the end did not bear much consequences, mainly because the people in the courtyard tolerated and connived. Whenever a silly pillar of petty theft is discovered, take solidarity and fraternity.

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