Chapter 195: Medical Expenses.

“Auntie, the hospital is not a charity. If you really don’t have money, you can make up enough medical expenses and pay for it yourself. ”

The financial officer said coldly.

“Sister Qin, I want to take medicine. It hurts. ”

Silly Pillar cried and shouted.

Now he is in the pain of drilling his heart.

Not just physically, but also mentally.

“Qin Huairu, give money.”

The hospital aunt happened to know Qin Huairu. I couldn’t help but mock and said, “Yo, I found another man like this.” ”

There was no way, Qin Huairu could only take out ten yuan from the money he had worked hard to paste the matchbox at 06 and pay for the medical expenses of the stupid pillar

“Hmph, say there is no money.”

Seeing that Qin Huairu had paid the medical bills, He Daqing snorted coldly.

Qin Huairu smiled bitterly.

After paying the medical bill, I quickly got the medicine.

Silly Zhu took the medicine, and the effect was not so fast. He Daqing and Qin Huairu went home with the silly pillar.

See, because there is a panic and pain, the silly pillar walking posture is not normal. His legs stretch out to the sides, a bit like the ghost soldier played by Uncle Pan in the movie “The Devil is Coming”. It’s not funny at all to mention that he was limping.

“No, it must be compensated by Zhang Shengli.”

On the way home, the more He Daqing thought about the ten yuan medical bill, the more his heart ached. Because the stupid pillar was closed when he went home to get the meat, the He family spent so much money.

And the stupid pillar fell into the dung pit and washed cold water, but he suffered a lot. Therefore, He Daqing naturally wanted Zhang Shengli to compensate.

In addition, He Daqing did not think that the behavior of the stupid pillar was stealing, but taking.

When a fool takes something, it is the contribution of the He family to the person who took the thing.

“Dad, if only Zhang Shengli didn’t know about this.”

Qin Huairu said with a wry smile. After all, the He family and Zhang Shengli have a feud, and Zhang Shengli is not so easy to talk to.

Last time, it was not because the stupid pillar went to Zhang Shengli’s house to steal something and was cut off in the face. Then He Daqing went to make trouble, but instead compensated Zhang Shengli for ten yuan.

Do you have a bad memory?

“I don’t care, Zhang Shengli must pay compensation for everything that the pillar suffered.”

He Daqing said without hesitation. Qin Huairu was even more speechless.

Does Dad have a pit in his heart?

“Dad, Zhang Shengli is not so easy to deal with!”

In order to kill Zhang Shengli, and for the sake of the He family, Qin Huairu admonished.


He Daqing hesitated.

“It’s good not to be known by Zhang Shengli, if he knows, he may not know how much money he has to pay.” I don’t have much money to lose. ”

Qin Huairu said again.

“Well, I’ll listen to you. This time, it was cheaper for Zhang Shengli that little bastard. ”

He Daqing thought about it and said

“Magnanimous, Qin Huairu also smiled.”

Back in the courtyard, the aunt asked about the silly pillar.

Qin Huairu said that it was because he ate something bad and caused constipation, but the doctor had prescribed some medicine and would be fine soon.

“That’s good.”

The aunt nodded, and said in her heart that this was indeed a gluttonous child. Then, Qin Huairu followed the silly pillar home.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, not long after taking the medicine for the second time, the silly pillar was finally well.

Because there was a shadow on the toilet, the silly pillar did not go to the toilet to pull, but took a bucket and pulled it at home. As soon as the silly pillar was released, the He family’s room suddenly stinked.

Qin Huairu and He Daqing covered their noses and walked out of the room.

He Daqing and Qin Huairu rushed out and threw him into the house. Even the stench wafted into the yard.

In an instant, everyone stinked, and the dishes and clothes were not washed, hiding far away.

“How long has the silly pillar been holding back, so smelly?”

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