Chapter 181: Teach the Fool Pillar.

“You! How do you talk about you! ”

Yi Zhonghai’s eyes widened like copper bells.

“You are disrespectful to the commissioner! How come you don’t have any revolutionary consciousness! ”

Zhang Shengli didn’t say anything yet.

Instead, the committee member waved his hand and said impatiently: “Don’t talk nonsense!” I see that this comrade does not mean such a thing at all, the daughter-in-law of the people wants to bake, hurt the daughter-in-law, not bad! ”

Yi Zhonghai was taken aback.

I was speechless.

What’s going on with this committee member, is it that he was born to look at Zhang Shengli well?


Yi Zhonghai could only laugh.

However, someone gave him face and drew a stove from home. Inside the compound, there was a faint flame.

Although it wasn’t too hot, it was a bit chilly. Everyone waited, and it was not so uncomfortable.

After a toss, more than half an hour passed. Those who went to find the stupid pillars also returned. The matter is actually very simple.

As soon as Silly Zhu and He Daqing heard the wind, they knew that something was wrong.

Nothing has happened in the compound recently, except that the deaf old lady has been frozen to death, and the street office has come to look for trouble, and there are other things.

So Silly Zhu quickly packed up some money at home and prepared to run away with He Daqing. However, the two of them just went out.

Think about it.

There have been so many days of work on the steel tie, and there is no wage.

So the two went back to the house and went to the steel mill to ask for overtime wages for these days. Unexpectedly, this time I went back, I was entangled.

I don’t have so many full attendance, how to pay salaries? Do you still want the rules of this steel mill?

Just like that, time came and went, and time was delayed.

They were directly arrested at the scene by the people who came to arrest them in the compound.

Silly Zhu and He Daqing saw that someone came to arrest them, and the soul was almost not frightened. The money could not be taken care of, and a peek-a-boo was staged directly in the steel blow-up factory.

However, there were four or five people who came to them.

But they were all daughters-in-law who were accustomed to farm work, and their hands were surprisingly strong, so they grabbed these two people and took them back. At this moment, in the steel mill, the stupid pillar has become a myth.

Everyone was talking about what the stupid pillar had done. Compound.

After the silly pillar was escorted back by everyone. Everyone revolves around him.

Yi Zhonghai scolded righteously: “Silly Zhu, how can you do this!” What have you committed, don’t hurry up to confess lenient~”

“Are you worthy of the cultivation of you by the state? Are you worthy of our compound, are you worthy of the factory? ”

The stupid pillar was screaming, he dared to resist just now, but now he can’t say a word.

At this time, the committee member spoke: “This old lady, is it from your family?” ”

The silly pillar was stunned.

Old lady? He looked in the direction of the commissioner’s finger.

The deaf old woman’s face was so gloomy that it seemed to drip ink. Because it’s winter, the sunlight is not so noticeably zero.

The deaf old lady stood on the ground, unable to even see her shadow.

Frightened, the stupid pillar jumped three feet high: “Mom! Ghost! ”

Zhang Shengli sneered: “What the hell is the ghost, are you afraid that the deaf old lady will become a ghost to find you?” ”


The deaf old lady looked hideous, pointed at the nose of the stupid pillar and scolded: “Old woman, I will not become a ghost, but you, silly pillar, you will go to hell when you die!” ”

“You actually threw me an old woman in the snow in the winter, if it weren’t for the good heart of the committee member and helping me up, I’m afraid I would have encountered something wrong now!”

The corner of the member’s mouth twitched.

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