Chapter 180: The Committee Members Find Trouble.

In this doubt, there is more of a lack of heart.

Outside the door.

The horn sounded again and reached the courtyard: “If the people from the compound at No. 95 South Causeway Lane don’t come out again, we can report it to you!” ”

Until this sentence is spoken.

Everyone raised their spirits and quickly opened the door for the people in the street office.

And Bi respectfully invited people to the spacious courtyard, and Yi Zhonghai quickly asked Xu Damao to move the stool over. Xu Damao scolded and went away.

“What’s going on like this recently, a meeting in a while, a meeting in a while, not 06 is annoying.”

The committee member glanced at everyone.

It doesn’t seem like there are too many people.

After all, the entire yard, old and young, let alone dozens of people.

But he didn’t know that in this courtyard, crazy and crazy, Guan Guan, there was a lack of people who could see it.

“Are you sure, are you all here?”

Don’t look at Yi Zhonghai’s usual majesty.

As soon as he faced the outside gate, he was intimidated. Talk, all speak unfavorably.

“Here, I’ll help you see.”

Yi Zhonghai also glanced at it, and quickly said, “I didn’t come to Qi.” ”

“Oh? This is not allowing us to do things properly. ”

“Nothing, I’ll ask you to call the people who didn’t come.”

Zhang Shengli smiled slightly.

Who else is there who is the fool who is a thief and He Daqing? However, they can also run the monk, not the temple.

“It’s He Daqing and He Yuzhu who are not there!”

Yi Zhonghai’s face was gloomy.

“Could it be that they did something bad and ran away.”

“We must not have such people in our compound! Come, a few of you, go and find these two people, see if there is in the room. Yi Zhonghai is now just a toilet worker. ”

But after so many years of being a blessing in the compound, his words were still listened to by a few people. As soon as he gave his order, several people dispersed to find Silly Zhu and He Daqing.

Soon, the men returned.

“Uncle Yi! None of them are at home, Xiaodang is at home! ”

“The two of them should just go out.”

The commissioner’s face was gloomy.

His colleagues are around. Now, he doesn’t care who messes around.

Anyway, that official is hard.

“I don’t care what you say, anyway, if the people in your compound haven’t gathered within an hour, then you don’t take the people from our street office seriously!”

“Okay, okay, we’ll go find someone now.”

Yi Zhonghai hurriedly followed and shouted: “Hurry up and go to the steel mill, in case it’s a stupid pillar to go to work!” ”

“Good, good, good.”

The compound was chaotic. People are terrified.

Everyone is eager to hurry out, find a stupid column, and let go of the wind and breathe a sigh of relief. After about half an hour.

Everyone shivered with cold.

In order to curry favor with the 703 members, Yi Zhonghai proposed to take a stove out and put it in the yard to bake.

Of course, the committee member can’t say that it is going to be baked, but Yi Zhonghai, this guy is fine, fart is upside down, so he forced everyone to take out the stove at home.

“The committee member specializes in handling the affairs of our compound, and you guys don’t hurry up and actively take out the stove.”

“But you must not let the committee members freeze!”

Everyone was disdainful.

This Yi Zhonghai said in his mouth that he didn’t take out his stove. Zhang Shengli even refused: “No, my daughter-in-law still needs to bake the stove.” ”

“You have to shoot the, shoot it yourself.”

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