Chapter 182: Five Hundred Dollars.

This old lady’s ability to reverse black and white, he can be regarded as insightful.

The committee member looked at everyone: “How can you get an old lady into the ice and snow?” Don’t you know that such a cold day is going to kill people? ”

When Silly Zhu heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It turns out that the deaf old lady is not dead. Isn’t it okay if you don’t die?

He glanced at He Daqing complainingly, if it weren’t for his father’s instigation, he wouldn’t have thought of running away. There is no such embarrassing thing.

After returning to the steel mill, what do others think of him! Live like a prisoner.

903 He quickly spoke: “Commissioner, this is really not my fault!” ”

Silly Zhu pointed at the deaf old woman: “This old woman eats and drinks for nothing in my house.” ”

“This year, everyone is having a hard time, I am not related to her, why should I raise her, I can’t afford to eat myself!”

The committee members were stunned.

However, before coming, he had already heard Zhang Shengli talk about the cause and effect. I could only sink my face and decided to shock the silly pillar first: “No matter what you say!” Didn’t you yourself say that you want to raise this old lady? Do good, how can you do it without doing half of it! ”

Stupid pillars don’t care so much.

This rabbit is in a hurry, and it is also about to jump off the wall.

If he doesn’t drive the deaf old lady away, how can he marry his daughter-in-law?

Therefore, now, he is extremely determined to drive away the deaf old lady.

“Of course I can raise it! The point is that I can’t afford it now! ”

“Commissioner, you have a good heart, or you will bring this old lady back to raise it!”

“Now, no one’s family is happy, who can raise an old lady for nothing!”

The committee members were stunned by his words.

A hint of embarrassment also appeared on his face.

Isn’t the reason why he came here because he doesn’t want to raise this old woman! Moreover, people say that there is no problem.

If you have money, you can be kind.

There is no money, how to raise an old lady who is not related by blood?

At this moment, Zhang Shengli sneered and spoke, “Silly Zhu, don’t talk nonsense here.” ”

“When you were raising a deaf old lady, you took the deaf old lady’s jewelry.”

“Isn’t that money? And usually the deaf old lady lives here, she should also give money! ”

“Even if the deaf old lady eats you and lives in you, people will give you money!” You shouldn’t just leave the deaf old lady at the door! You are completely trying to kill the deaf old lady! ”

The deaf old lady’s eyes lit up.

Or Zhang Shengli will scare people, to put it bluntly. Even the stupid pillar was speechless by him.

The deaf old lady hurriedly chased after the victory: “That is, Zhang Shengli can say that it is not bad at all!” You took my jewelry, my jewelry, but the deaf old lady handed down from the ancestors wanted to say that it was a royal thing, but fortunately suppressed it in time and did not say it. ”

After all, the people’s street office is here, and now it is the feudal superstitious people who are being attacked. The deaf old lady took a breath and continued: “It is worth a lot, let alone this number!” ”

The deaf old lady stretched out her hand and compared a five.

“At least, five hundred dollars!”

Silly Zhu’s eyes widened, if it weren’t for the fact that everyone was here, he would have wanted to spit at the deaf old lady. Five hundred bucks? Scammers go!

With such a valuable thing, how could a deaf old lady give it to a non-relative. He Daqing did not hide his contempt for the deaf old lady.

“Stinky old woman! Don’t talk nonsense! ”

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